Przedstawiono tryb uzyskiwania i wydawania certyfikatów radiowych dla osób, które przewidziane są do obsługi Światowego Systemu Łączności Alarmowej i Bezpieczeństwa - na statkach morskich - pasażerskich i towarowych oraz do pracy na stacjach nadbrzeżnych. Omówiono również zakres uprawnień dla poszczególnych rodzajów świadectw tj. świadectwa ogólnego operatora (GOC - General Operator Certificate), świadectwa ograniczonego operatora (ROC - Restricted Operator Certificate) oraz radioelektronika I i II klasy.
The methods of obtainment and issue of radio certificates for persons working in the system GMDSS - on sea going vessels - assanger and cargo ones and in coast stations have been presented in the article. The scope of competence for particular certificates that is GOC, ROC and 1st an 2nd class radioelectronics certificates have been also discussed.
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The Fisher-Shannon information (FS) plane, defined by the Fisher information measure (FIM), and the Shannon entropy power, N x , is a robust tool for investigating the complex dynamics of time series. In the FS plane, earthquakes and quarry blasts measured in Vértes Hills (Hungary) are significantly discriminated from each other. Furthermore, the results of the receiving-operating characteristics (ROC) analysis reveal that FIM is a classifier more efficient than N x in discriminating earthquakes from quarry blasts.
Unpredictable rainfall caused by climate change and pollution directly impacts groundwater demand, making the exploitation of groundwater reserves necessary. To achieve this, a study in the synclinal basin of Essaouira (Western High Atlas) used GIS, remote sensing, and the Multi-Influencing Factors (MIF) method, to identify areas ideal for the installation of productive wells. An overlay analysis created a groundwater potential zone (GWPZ) map, showing 30% of the basin with high potential, 51% with moderate potential, and 19% with low to very low potential. The groundwater potential zone map was validated using geophysical surveys, piezometric data, and well water levels, showing a 69.3% prediction accuracy with the ROC curve.
ObjectivesSilicosis is a chronic occupational lung disease. As was previously found by the authors, some proteins increased in the lung tissue of activated rats, and protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2 (PTPN2), factor B, and vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) showed highly differential expressions.Material and MethodsIn this study, serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples were collected from patients with silicosis and healthy people to verify the expression of PTPN2, factor B, and VRK1. The diagnostic value of differentially expressed proteins for silicosis was judged.ResultsThe expression levels of serum PTPN2, VRK1, and factor B in patients with silicosis were significantly higher than those in the control group (p < 0.01). Higher serum PTPN2 and factor B concentrations significantly and negatively correlated with the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 s to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC), maximum vital capacity (VCmax), FEV1, and FVC, suggesting that the high expression of PTPN2 and factor B is associated with decreased pulmonary ventilation function and restrictive ventilatory impairment in patients with silicosis. All area under curve (AUC) measurements generated from single detection events were >0.744, with PTPN2 reaching the highest value (0.858). The AUC, sensitivity, and specificity for the combined diagnosis using factor B and PTPN2 were 0.907, 86.91% and 85.07%, respectively, for factor B and PTPN2. The 3 differentially expressed proteins are potential classes of predictive biomarkers for silicosis.ConclusionsRegarding the economy and test practicality, the best diagnostic combination is factor B and PTPN2 for the analysis of AUC, sensitivity and specificity.
The use of Constant False Alarm Coded Anticollision Radar (CFACAR) is very interesting in automotive environment. Due to the orthogonality properties of used codes this system is most robust to multi-user interferences. The actual version of the receiver called in this paper Single Correlation Receiver (SCR), is not able to detect the targets in very low input Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). To resolve this problem, we present a new receiver called Averaging Correlation Receiver (ACR), that computes the average of the M later correlations. Then, we developed the expression of detection and false alarm probabilities for the new receiver in mono and multi-user scenarios. These probabilities are used to plot the new Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs). They are drawn for different values of input SNR and length M of ACR. There is a suitable value of M, according to some equation, that can be taken to have a good detection (ROCs more perfect). Also, we found that for a fixed SNR, we must increase sufficiently the length M but it is possible only for low relative velocity of the target. For a velocity of 5 K m/h with M = 1055, we can lessen the value of the SN R until we reach SN R = – 45 dB.
Further development of manufacturing technology, in particular machining requires the search for new innovative technological solutions. This applies in particular to the advanced processing of measurement data from diagnostic and monitoring systems. The increasing amount of data collected by the embedded measurement systems requires development of effective analytical tools to efficiently transform the data into knowledge and implement autonomous machine tools of the future. This issue is of particular importance to assess the condition of the tool and predict its durability, which are crucial for reliability and quality of the manufacturing process. Therefore, a mathematical model was developed to enable effective, real-time classification of the cutting blade status. The model was verified based on real measurement data from an industrial machine tool.
Dalszy rozwój inżynierii produkcji, w szczególności obróbki skrawaniem, wymaga poszukiwania nowych innowacyjnych rozwiązań technologicznych. Dotyczy to w szczególności zaawansowanego przetwarzania danych pomiarowych pochodzących z systemów diagnostycznych i monitorujących. Rosnąca ilość danych gromadzonych przez wbudowane systemy pomiarowe wymaga opracowania skutecznych narzędzi analitycznych, aby efektywnie przekształcać dane w wiedzę i wdrażać autonomiczne obrabiarki przyszłości. Kwestia ta ma szczególne znaczenie dla oceny stanu narzędzia i przewidywania jego trwałości, które są kluczowe dla niezawodności i jakości procesu produkcyjnego. Dlatego opracowano nowy model matematyczny, którego zadaniem jest skuteczna klasyfikacja stanu ostrza narzędzia skrawającego realizowana w czasie rzeczywistym. Opracowany model został zweryfikowany na podstawie rzeczywistych danych pomiarowych z przemysłowej obrabiarki.
Background: Countries that are efficient in terms of logistics infrastructure have easy access to different markets in terms of production and foreign trade and thus achieve economic prosperity. In order to compare the performance of countries in logistics processes, there are international logistics indexes published by various organizations for different country categories. Each of these indexes is used to follow the performance of the logistics infrastructures of the countries and the logistics operations accordingly. Methods: The aim of this study is calculation and comparison of the integrated logistics performance of 101 countries with the ROC-based WASPAS method and the presence of spatial autocorrelation between the obtained integrated logistics performance values by using four different international logistics indexes (Logistics Performance Index (LPI) (2018), Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (LSCI) (2021), Enabling Trade Index (ETI) (2016), and Availability and Quality of Transport Infrastructures (AQTI) (2016)) data. Results: It has been determined that the top five countries with the highest integrated logistics performance are Singapore, Germany, China, Japan, England, and USA, respectively. On the other hand, Sierra Leone, Congo, Mauritania, Gabon, Liberia, and Madagascar are the weakest countries. Integrated logistics performance of a country is generally significantly affected by the logistics performance of the neighboring country, albeit limited. This is especially prevailing for USA, Canada, and Western Europe. Conclusion: For the global integrated logistics performance analysis, countries with strong production capacity and logistics infrastructure are in first place, and there is a positive spatial autocorrelation in terms of integrated logistics performance among some countries in Western Europe and the Americas.
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Data analysis methods are widely used to solve many different problems. Intensive development in the field of knowledge discovery in database is a response to a sharp increase in the amount of information in electronic format. Classification is one of the main steps in data analysis. Taking into consideration medical data, it becomes extremely important to obtain knowledge containing valuable information about the patients with serious illness, e.g. cancer. In this paper we mainly focused on logistic regression model parameters. We built model, which shows the impact of predictors on the dependent variable. It will help to create the medical knowledge base as a next step.
Metody analizy danych są szeroko stosowane w rozwiązywaniu problemów z różnych dziedzin. Intensywny rozwój w zakresie odkrywania wiedzy w bazach danych jest odpowiedzią na gwałtowny wzrost ilości informacji w formie elektronicznej. Klasyfikacja jest jednym z kluczowych etapów analizy danych. Biorąc pod uwagę dane medyczne, niezwykle ważne staje się pozyskanie wiedzy zawierającej cenne informacje na temat pacjentów objętych np. chorobami nowotworowymi. W artykule przedstawiono metodykę budowy modelu regresji logistycznej pacjentów z chorobą nowotworową się głównie na parametrach modelu regresji logistycznej. Zbudowaliśmy model, który pokazuje wpływ czynników predykcyjnych na zmienną zależną. Pomoże to stworzyć medyczną bazę wiedzy jako kolejny krok.
Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia ograniczenia praktycznego wykorzystania klasycznych modeli sterowania zapasami, tj. modelu poziomu zamawiania i modelu cyklu zamawiania. Autorzy wyraźnie określają warunki, uzależnione od formy gromadzenia danych o zapotrzebowaniu, sposobu określenia poziomu obsługi klienta oraz stacjonarności szeregów czasowych zapotrzebowania, które umożliwiają praktyczne wykorzystanie tych modeli. Ponadto, zaprezentowane zostały sposoby wyznaczania poziomu obsługi klienta na gruncie danych historycznych o zapotrzebowaniu oraz funkcja obsługi.
In this paper limitations on practical utilization of classical models for inventory control problem – such as Re-Order Point and Re-Order Cycle – are presented. The authors emphasize importance of conditions of possible application of these classical models: the method of collecting data describing demand, the method of determining the level of customer service, stationary time series of demand. What is more, in this paper methods for determining the level of customer service which utilize historical data on demand and an objectivity function are presented.
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