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Q fever is a worldwide zoonosis that is manifested as a reproductive failure in animals and by polymorphic, nonspecific symptoms in humans. The infection may be acquired through the respiratory or alimentary route or an arthropod bite. The diagnosis of Q fever relies mainly upon serology: indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA), complement fixation (CF) tests or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are used to detect antibodies against Coxiella burnetii in sera of infected animals. The aim of our study was to evaluate the agreement of the commercially available ELISA kit and CF test using statistical methods (Kappa value). We used serum samples that were collected from 122 dairy cows from one herd in central Poland. The general health status of the herd was good, and the animals were clinically normal. Our results showed a low agreement (Kappa value = 0.376) between the commercially available ELISA and CF test.
An epidemiological study was carried out to determine the herd prevalence of Chlamydophila abortus and Coxiella burnetii antibodies in goats covered by a milk recording program in Poland. The survey took place in 2007 and 48 herds located in different parts of the country were involved. A representative sample from each herd was taken by a simple random sampling allowing to detect seropositivity of a herd on a 95% level of confidence. In total 918 goats were tested for specific antibodies against both germs with the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. In addition, history of reproductive failures was recorded in these herds. The survey revealed that the herd prevalence of C. abortus was 4.2% (2 herds) while no C. burnetii antibodies were found. Abortions were reported to be a problem in 80% of herds while repeating estrus was encountered in 46% of herds. Reproductive failure concerned two seropositive herds as well. Since the germ is present in the population, it has to be taken into consideration in diagnostic process. Nevertheless, the results of the present study indicate that C. abortus infection occurs infrequently in Polish goats. As no antibodies against C. burnetii were detected in the screened sample the risk of goat-to-human transmission of both bacteria in Poland seems to be very low.
Coxiella burnetii is the etiologie agent of Q fever, a worldwide distributed zoonosis, accountable for serious health problem both for humans and animals. The exposure to C. burnetii infected animals and their products is the main risk factor for Q fever in humans. Several outbreaks of Q fever have been described in Poland which sources were recognized to be related to imported animals and their products or to wildlife using serological methods. Moreover, some of them have been confinned by isolation of C. burnetii strains. In this study, multispacer sequence typing (MST) and multiple loci variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) have been used to characterize C. burnetii strains isolated in Poland. A total of two sequence types (MST) and four MLVA types were identified among 6 C. burnetii isolates examined. This study highlighted the usefulness of these methods in the improvement of epidemiological investigations of Q fever loci on the Polish territory.
Q fever is an infectious zoonotic disease characterized by sudden fever, headache, and atypical pneumonia, caused by Coxiella burnetii – an obligatory intracellular parasite. Based on phylogenetic analysis of the genes sequences, the classification was changed and C. burnetii species was included to the gamma subgroup of the proteobacteria, Legionellales order and Coxiellaceae family. This analysis showed more than 99% sequence similarity of 16SrRNA gene among the strains isolated in different regions of the world. Q fever is a widespread in the world zoonosis. Its main reservoir in the rural environment are farm animals: cows, sheep, goats, and urban pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits. In acute infection these bacteria are detected in various internal organs such as lungs, liver, spleen, and in excretion in urine, faeces and milk. During childbirth, they occur in large number in the amniotic fluid and placenta. Recently, it has been found that free-living amoeba Acanthamoeba castellani may also be a reservoir of the pathogen. The intra-amoebal location of C. burnetii cells was observed.
Gorączka Q stanowi ważny problem epizootiologiczno-epidemiologiczny u ludzi i bydła w regionie Żuław. Badania przeprowadzone w 9 Zakładach Rolnych wy­kazały obecność przeciwciał anty C. burnetii u bydła w 6 fermach hodowlanych: w ZR „Janów" — 92% badanych zwierząt, ZR „Stegna Gdańska" — 42%, ZR „Marynów" — 15%, ZR „Nowinki" — 10%, ZR „Tuja" — 6% i ZR „Orłowo" — 4%. W fermie „Janów" wykryto u 11 pracowników (14%) przeciwciała anty C. bur­netii. Hospitalizowano 3 osoby. Szczególnie wysoki odsetek przeciwciał wykazano odczynem ELISA u ludzi w 5 fermach. W diagnostyce różnicowej chorób odzwierzęcych u ludzi i zwierząt zamieszkujących ten region lekarze winni uwzględnić gorączkę Q. W ZR „Janów" stwierdzono wysoki odsetek przeciwciał anty C. burnetii u gry­zoni (myszy domowe) żyjących w magazynach paszowych (80%), które stanowią niebezpieczny rezerwuar i źródło zakażenia gorączką Q. Najmniej przydatny w diagnostyce okazał się odczyn wiązania dopełniacza, naj­czulszy — test ELISA, a następnie odczyn immunofluorescencyjny i odczyn mikroaglutynacji.
ЭПИЗООТИОЛОГИЧЕСКО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ СИТУАЦИЯ КУ-ЛИХОРАДКИ У КРУПНОГО РОГАТОГО СКОТА И ЛЮДЕЙ В ЖУЛАВСКОМ РЕГИОНЕ Краткое содержание Ку-лихорадка является важной эпизоотиологическо-эпидемиологической проблемой для людей и крупного рогатого скота в регионе Жулав. Исследования, проведенные в 9 хозяйствах, выявили присутствие антител против С. burnetii на 6 животновод­ческих фермах: в хозяйстве „Янув" — 92% исследованных животных, хозяйстве „Стегна Гданьска" — 42%, хозяйстве „Марынув" — 15%, хозяйстве „Новинки" — — 10%, хозяйстве „Туя" — 6% и в хозяйстве „Орлово" — 4%. На ферме „Янув" у 11 работников (14%i) обнаружили антитела против С. burnetii. В больницу поместили 3 человек. Особенно высокий процент антител обнаружили с помощью реакции ELISA у людей на 5 фермах. При дифференциальной диагнос­тике зоонозов у людей и животных, обитающих в этом регионе, врачи должны при­нимать во внимание Ку-лихорадку. В хозяйстве „Янув" отметили высокий процент антител против С. burnetii у жи­вущих в кормовых складах грызунов (домашних мышей) (80%|) которые являются опасным резервуаром и источником заражения Ку-лихорадкой. Наименее пригодной в диагностике оказалась реакция связывания комплемента, наиболее чувствительным — тест ELISA, а потом реакция иммунофлуоресценции и реакция микроагглютинации.
the Janów farm — 92% of the total number of examined the animals, the Stegna Gdańska farm — 42%, the Marуnów farm — 15%, the Nowinki farm — 10%, the Tuja farm — 0%„ and the Orłowo farm — 4%. 11 workers (14%) from the Janów farm had the anti — C. burnetii antibodies. 3 persons were hospitalized. Significantly high percentage of antibodies in men from 5 farms was found using ELISA kit. It is recommended that practitioners working in this district should take into consideration Q fever in the differential diagnostics of zoonoses in man and animals. On the Janów farm, a high percentage of anti — C. burnetii antibodies was found in rodents (domestic mice) living in feeds storerooms (80%). Rodents are the dangerous reservoir and source of Q fever infections. The complement fixation test was found to be the least useful in the diagnostics. The most sensitive was ELISA kit and next the immunofluorescence test and micro agglutination test.
Na tle sytuacji epizootiologicznej gorączki Q w świecie omówiono mechanizmy szerzenia się oraz obraz i przebieg kliniczny gorączki Q u zwierząt i ludzi we wszystkich ogniskach tej choroby występujących w Polsce w latach 1956-1991. Wykazano, że występująca wśród owiec i bydła gorączka Q powoduje zawodowe zakażenie ludzi. Potwierdzono hipotezę o środowiskowym charakterze gorączki Q w jednym z ognisk gorączki Q w województwie olsztyńskim. Stwierdzono, że w diagnostyce różnicowej chorób odzwierzęcych ludzi, lekarze winni zawsze uwzględniać gorączkę Q, podobnie lekarze wet. w różnicowaniu ronień zwierząt. Chorzy po przebyciu ostrej fazy gorączki Q wymagają wieloletniej obserwacji ze względu na możliwość skąpoobjawowych powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych. Własne badania seroepizootiologiczne wykazały obecność przeciwciał anty C. burnetii u owiec i bydła w 11 województwach w kraju. Ogółem zanotowano w Polsce w omówionym okresie 11 ognisk epidemicznych, w tym 6 ognisk w woj. olsztyńskim. Niezbędne są dalsze badania w celu rozeznania sytuacji epizootiologicznej i epidemiologicznej gorączki Q w skali całego kraju.
The mechanism of Q fever spread, nature and clinical course in animals and humans in all Q fever focuses in Poland in the years 1956-1991 have been discus­sed in the light of the present epidemiological situation of Q fever in the world. Q fever in sheep and cattle was found to cause an occupational human infection. The hypothesis about an environmental nature of Q fever in one of the Q fever focuses in Olsztyn province was confirmed. It was stated that Q fever should always be taken in account in human zoonoses and animal abortions. The patients who have suffered from severe Q fever require observations for many years because of a possibility of very unclear symptoms of heart and vessel complication. Our own seroepizootiological studies have shown the presence of antibodies against C. burnetii in sheep and cattle in 11 provinces in Poland. In this period 11 epidemic focuses (6 in Olsztyn province) were noted. It is necessary to conduct further studies to diagnose epidemiological and epizootiological situation of Q fever in the whole contry.
Рассмотрено механизмы распространения, а также ход и клиническая картина Ку-лихорадки у животных и человека во всех очагах этой болезни, проявившихся в Польше в 1956-1992 гг., на фоне эпизоотологической ситуации Ку-лихорадки в мире. Установлено, что наблюдающаяся у овец и крупного рогатого скота Ку-лихо- радка вызывает профессиональное заражение людей. Подтверждено гипотезу относительно зависимости Ку-лихорадки от окружающей среды в одном из очагов этой болезни в Олынтынском воеводстве. Констатировано, что при дифференцированной диагностике антропозоонозов врачи всегда должны принимать во внимание Ку-лихорадку; подобным образом должны поступать ветеринарные врачи при установлении причин выкидышей у животных. Больные, прошедшие острую фазу Ку- -лихорадки, требуют многолетних наблюдений в связи с возможностью появления слабо выра­женных сердечно-сосудистых осложнений. Проведенные автором сероэпизоотологичес- кие исследования выявили присутствие антител против С. burnetii у овец и крупного рогатого скота в 14 воеводствах Польши. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования с целью изучения эпизоотологической ситуации Ку-лихорадки в масштабе всей страны.
Content available Q fever - selected issues
Q fever is an infectious disease of humans and animals caused by Gram-negative coccobacillus Coxiella burnetii, belonging to the Legionellales order, Coxiellaceae family. The presented study compares selected features of the bacteria genome, including chromosome and plasmids QpH1, QpRS, QpDG and QpDV. The pathomechanism of infection – starting from internalization of the bacteria to its release from infected cell are thoroughly described. The drugs of choice for the treatment of acute Q fever are tetracyclines, macrolides and quinolones. Some other antimicrobials are also active against C. burnetii, namely, telitromycines and tigecyclines (glicylcycline). Q-VAX vaccine induces strong and long-term immunity in humans. Coxevac vaccine for goat and sheep can reduce the number of infections and abortions, as well as decrease the environmental transmission of the pathogen. Using the microarrays technique, about 50 proteins has been identified which could be used in the future for the production of vaccine against Q fever. The routine method of C. burnetii culture is proliferation within cell lines; however, an artificial culture medium has recently been developed. The growth of bacteria in a reduced oxygen (2.5%) atmosphere was obtained after just 6 days. In serology, using the IF method as positive titers, the IgM antibody level >1:64 and IgG antibody level >1:256 (against II phase antigens) has been considered. In molecular diagnostics of C. burnetii infection, the most frequently used method is PCR and its modifications; namely, nested PCR and real time PCR which detect target sequences, such as htpAB and IS1111, chromosome genes (com1), genes specific for different types of plasmids and transposase genes. Although Q fever was diagnosed in Poland in 1956, the data about the occurrence of the disease are incomplete. Comprehensive studies on the current status of Q fever in Poland, with special focus on pathogen reservoirs and vectors, the sources of infection and molecular characteristics of bacteria should be conducted.
Zapobieganie i zwalczanie gorączki Q zajmuje ważne miejsce w problematyce ochrony zdrowia ludzi i zwierząt. Znaczenie tej jednostki chorobowej docenia Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia patronująca działalności „Europejskiej Grupie Roboczej dla Gorączki Q". Przeprowadzone w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu pod kierownictwem Katedry Epizootiologii i Kliniki Chorób Zakaźnych Wydz. Wet. ART w Olsztynie zespołowe bada­nia nad gorączką Q wykazały, że stanowi ona w kraju istotny, choć wciąż niedoceniany, problem epizootiologiczno-epidemiologiczno-kliniczny. W pracy przedstawiono aktualne problemy z zakresu etiologii, patogenezy, immunologii, mechanizmów szerzenia się choroby, diagnostyki laboratoryjnej, obrazu klinicznego, chemioterapii oraz zapobieganie i zwalczanie gorączki Q. Stwier­dzono niewystarczającą znajomość omawianych zagadnień wśród lekarzy i lekarzy weterynaryjnych. Zainteresowanie problematyką gorączki Q naszych ośrodków służby weterynaryjnej i służby zdrowia jest niedostateczne.
Профилактика и борьба с Ку-лихорадкой занимает важное место в проблематик охраны здоровья людей и животных. Значение этой нозологической единицы оцени вает должным образом Всемирная организация здоровья, оказывающая помощь Евро пейской рабочей группе по Ку-лихорадке в ее деятельности. Комплексные исследования по Ку-лихорадке, проведенные в последнем десятилети под руководством кафедры эпизоотологии и клиники заразных болезней ветеринар ного факультета Сельскохозяйственно-технической академии в Ольштыне, показали что эта болезнь является в Польше существенной, хотя и недооцениваемой эпизоото логическо-клинической проблемой. В работе представлены актуальные проблемы из области этиологии, патогенеза иммунологии, механизмов распространения болезни, лабораторной диагностики, кли нической картины, химиотерапии, а также профилактика и борьба с Ку-лихорадкой Констатировано, что медики и ветеринарные врачи недостаточно ознакомлены с обсуж даемыми вопросами. Интерес центров медицинской и ветеринарной службы к пробле матике Ку-лихорадки также является недостаточным.
Q fever prevention and control is an important problem in the protection of human and animal health. The importance of this disease has been recognized by the World Health Organization which patronizes the activities of the „European Working Group for Q fever". The studies on Q fever carried out by researchers from the Department of Epizootiology and Clinic of Infectious Diseases of the Veterinary Faculty, the Academy of Agriculture and Technology in Olsztyn during the last 10 years have shown that Q fever is a significant disease in Poland, however it is still an unde­restimated epizootiological-epidemiological and clinical problem. The paper presents the current problems related to Q fever etiology, pathogenesis, immunology, mechanisms of spread, laboratory diagnostics, clinical aspects chemiotherapy, prevention and control. It was found that practitioners and veterinary surgeons had insufficient knowledge of this disease. Veterinary and health centers have shown very little interes in Q fever.
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