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The article presents the motif of the Białowieża Forest in the literature for children at the turn of the 21st century. The writers use the literary topos of the foresthome in their description of this place, they idealize the presented world and point out not only the values of nature but also the axiological and existential ones. Writers build the literary myth of the forest as mother-nature, in which the main place belongs to the bison. The Białowieża Forest has got its own storytellers, who create fabulous stories, full of universal as well as regional and borderland elements. Contemporary works with the motif of the Białowieża Forest in literature for children also helps readers shape a positive and responsible attitude towards nature.
Content available Zagrożenie pożarowe Puszczy Białowieskiej
Cel: Celem publikacji jest ocena zagrożenia pożarowego Puszczy Białowieskiej w kontekście rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych w wyniku gradacji kornika drukarza. Artykuł powstał w dużej mierze na podstawie pracy pt. „Wpływ ilości martwego drewna w Puszczy Białowieskiej na zagrożenie pożarowe oraz zagrożenie dla ludzi” [1] zleconej przez Ministerstwo Środowiska, sfinansowanej ze środków Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Wprowadzenie: Puszcza Białowieska jest szczególnie cennym pod względem przyrodniczym obszarem, na którym wskutek niespotykanej gradacji kornika drukarza (Ips typographus) w ostatnich latach doszło do rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych na powierzchni kilku tysięcy hektarów. To zjawisko o charakterze klęskowym spowodowało wzrost obciążenia ogniowego oraz zwiększenie łatwopalnej martwej biomasy, która stwarza duże zagrożenie pożarowe. W tle toczących się sporów i dyskusji pomiędzy różnymi grupami interesariuszy na temat ochrony Puszczy, kluczowe staje się pytanie, czy człowiek powinien czynnie przeciwdziałać i ograniczać degradację cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych, czy nie ingerować w siłę natury i pozostawić je samym sobie. Jednym z istotnych elementów czynnej ochrony Puszczy Białowieskiej jest jej ochrona przeciwpożarowa, dlatego w artykule przedstawiono ocenę istniejącego zagrożenia pożarowego, analizę obecnego systemu zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowego wraz z propozycją jego poprawy. Metodologia: Oceny zagrożenia pożarowego Puszczy Białowieskiej dokonano w oparciu o analizy: kategoryzacji zagrożenia pożarowego lasu sporządzonych w planach urządzenia lasu nadleśnictw puszczańskich i planie ochrony Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego; występowania pożarów lasu w latach 2000-2015; obecnie funkcjonującego systemu ochrony przeciwpożarowej i jego oceny w świetle obowiązującego prawa oraz wpływu ilości i rodzaju wydzielonej biomasy na zagrożenie pożarowe. Wnioski: Zagrożenie pożarowe Puszczy Białowieskiej wzrosło w wyniku rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych i związanych z nim zwiększeniem obciążenia ogniowego oraz pojawieniem się pokrywy trawiastej, która uschnięta sprzyja powstawaniu i rozprzestrzenianiu się ognia. W związku z zaniechaniem działań prewencyjnych i odstąpieniem od zasad gospodarki leśnej, które spowodowały wzrost ryzyka pożarowego, konieczne jest dostosowanie istniejącego systemu ochrony przeciwpożarowej Puszczy Białowieskiej do występującego ryzyka.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to reveal evaluation findings in respect of forest fire risk at Białowieża Primeval Forest, in the context of spruce trees degradation caused by a bark beetle invasion. The article is based on the report “Level of forest fire risk and threat to humans in relation to the volume of dead wood in Białowieża Forest” [1], which was commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Introduction: Białowieża Primeval Forest is of particular importance in relation to environmental values. However, in recent years, spruce tree stock has been exposed to progressive degradation across an area exceeding thousands of hectares, caused by an unusually large infestation of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.). Such developments, accompanied by symptoms associated with natural disasters, have increased the presence of combustible materials creating a potential fire hazard. Current debate and controversy amongst diverse interest groups revolves around the question of whether active human intervention should constrain the degree of degradation in the precious environment or avoid interference and allow nature to pursue its own course. One essential element of proactive defence at Białowieża Forest is an endeavour to protect it from the risk of fire. For this reason the article contains an evaluation of existing fire hazards, an analysis of current protection systems in place and proposals for the improvement of such systems. Methodology: An evaluation of fire risk in Białowieża Primeval Forest was made by reference to the following: Forest fire risk categorization for Białowieża forest area management plan and conservation plan of Białowieża National Park; frequency of forest fires during the years 2000-2015; current forest fire protection system in force and evaluation of the system in context of current legal requirements, taking account of influences on the risk of fire caused by a volumetric increase and type of biomass generated through degradation. Conclusions: The risk associated with Forest fires has increased as a result of spruce trees degradation in Białowieża Primeval Forest. In addition to this increase of combustible material other factors, which contribute, include the emergence of grass overlays across dead wood areas. Such grass, when dry, leads to outbreaks and propagation of fires in forest areas. Abandonment of prevention activities and departure from forest management principles compel the adaptation and adjustment of existing fire protection systems in accordance with emerging threats.
Content available Puszcza Białowieska (1979, 1992, 2014)
Białowieża Forest is a large forest complex located on the border between Poland and Belarus. Thanks to several centuries of protection the Forest has survived in its natural state to the present day. This property includes a complex of lowland forests that are characteristic of the Central European mixed forest terrestrial ecoregion. The area has exceptional conservation significance due to the scale of its old growth forests, which include extensive undisturbed areas where natural processes are on-going. The result is a richness in dead wood, both standing and on the ground, and consequently a high diversity of fungi and saproxylic invertebrates. The property protects a diverse and rich wildlife including 59 mammal species, over 250 bird, 13 amphibian, 7 reptile and over 12,000 invertebrate species. The iconic symbol of the property is the European bison. Criteria: (ix), (x) transboundary property (Balarus / Poland) European bison – a species saved from extinction Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world visit the Białowieża forest in order to discover its natural wealth, including the European bison, the largest land mammal in Europe, which still lives there. Amongst the visitors are scientists, lovers of nature, artists, as well as those who want to see with their own eyes the animal, which was rescued from the extinction at the last moment. A thousand years ago, European bison lived throughout the continent. Over the centuries, its habitat shrank so much that in the 15th century the animal lived in just a handful of forests. Ultimately, in the early 20th century, bison could only be encountered in Białowieża Forest. A different, mountain type of the species still lived in the Caucasus Mountains. Before the outbreak of World War I, the Białowieża Forest was home to about 700 of these majestic animals, which were under human care. They were fed in winter and guarded by the relevant services so as not to be killed by poachers. However, the effort of many generations was spoiled during World War I when the bison, which were no longer protected, fell prey to poachers one by one. The last bison living in the wild was killed in 1919. Luckily, there were still specimens that used to live in primeval forests and had been caught and kept in display enclosures and private zoos in Poland, Germany, Sweden and other European countries. Thanks to the initiative of Polish naturalists, the International Society for the Protection of the European Bison was established in 1923 with the aim of saving the species. Only 12 specimens with documented origin and no traces of American bison blood were selected from several dozen animals still living in zoos. However, all the pure-bred lowland bison (without traces of the Caucasian bison’s blood) living today are the descendants of just seven specimens. In 1929, after a 10-year break, the first two specimens were brought to the Białowieża Forest. A breeding reserve was created in Białowieża. It still functions at the Białowieża National Park and has played a tremendous role in preserving the species. After many years of arduous breeding and fighting for every specimen, the population slowly began to grow. The entire process was extremely slow – the first two individuals were only set free in the forest in 1952, and two years later a group of 16 bison was released into the wild. Since that time, the population of bison living on the Polish side of the Forest has increased to about 306 specimens in 2000, 402 in 2006, 473 at the end of 2010 and 596 in 2016. It is the world’s largest population of bison living in the wild. In the eastern part of the Białowieża Forest, on the Belarusian side, their number is nearly as high. In Poland – in breeding enclosures and in the wild – there are slightly more than 1,500 European bison, and 6,083 all over the world. The number of animals making up the species is impressive compared to 1919 and it could seem that the restoration of the European bison is a success story. However, despite the continuous growth of its global population, the animal’s future remains unclear. Animals which are descendants of just a few specimens demonstrate small genetic variability, which makes them, among other things, less resistant to disease. Additionally, the dispersion of the specimens and the almost total isolation of individual herds block a free gene flow that is seen as a prerequisite for the development of a stable and healthy population. Bison are not territorial animals; nevertheless, they require vast spaces and these are less and less available on our continent. Poland has been making every effort to prevent a repetition of the dramatic episodes from the history of the species and to ensure it has a secure future.
Content available remote Z LiDAR-em w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Content available remote Napoleon, Białowieża Forest and the Last Bison from Transylvania
Sentinel-2 mission, as a part of European Space Agency Earth Observation Program Copernicus, designed specifically for Earth surface observations provides images in 13 bands. That imaging is used to analyse many subject areas as Land monitoring, Emergency management, Security and Climate change. In the presented paper the application of Sentinel-2 data for automatic forest cover changes detection has been analysed. As input data, B02, B03, B04 and B08 bands have been used to compute Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (ENDVI). To track changes in the forest cover over the years, for each pixel the difference in the value of vegetation indices between consecutive years have been calculated. Then the threshold was set at the level of 0.15. The values of differences above the threshold mean a significant decrease in the quality of vegetation and may be considered areas of deforestation.
Celem podjętych badań było określenie najczęściej spotykanych i osobliwych gatunków porostów w Rezerwacie „Lipiny”, położonym na obszarze Puszczy Białowieskiej i ustalenie, czy na badanym obszarze jest możliwość przygotowania ścieżek przyrodniczych dla turystyki pieszej, uwzględniającej obszary bogate w plechy porostowe. Znacznie wzbogaci to ofertę turystyczną terenów. Może być również wykorzystane w edukacji na poziomie podstawowym i średnim.
The aim of this study is to find the most common species of lichens in the Reserve “Lipiny” in the Białowieża Forest. Occurrence of 33 species of lichens, especially epiphytic has been confirmed. Air pollution can be determined by bio-indicators species of lichens. The main feature of lichens as bio-indicators is the ability to absorb water and minerals from rain water and water vapor directly from surface of the thallus. These organisms are extremely sensitive to pollution of the atmosphere, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
Zaprezentowano główne problemy systemów melioracyjnych i ochrony środowiska w białoruskiej części Puszczy Białowieskiej. Przedstawiono zmiany poziomów wody w zależności od stanu systemów odwadniających.
The article concentrates on main problems of land drainage systems and the environment protection in the Belarusian part of the Białowieska Forest. It presents changes in water levels depending on the state of drainage systems.
The archaeological sites Leśnictwo Podcerkiew 1, 2 and 3 are located in NE Poland, in the southern part of the Białowieża Forest. They are situated within the Białowieża Forest District (departments 544D, 545C, 577B and 578A), in the area of the so-called Berezowo Clearing and its neighborhood (Fig. 1, 2). Archaeological excavations were conducted in 2004–2005 by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw in cooperation with the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Białowieża. In total, an area of 68 m2 was explored. Sites 1 and 2 were explored in five designated areas (nos. 1–5) covering the central and northern parts of the clearing and a modern charcoal kiln at its periphery (Fig. 3). Remnants of a large settlement with traces of iron production were discovered there. Most of the surface was covered by a layer of arable soil up to 0.3 m thick, and an underlaying brown and fuscous cultural layer measuring 0.1 to 0.35 m in thickness (Fig. 4:b.c, 5:b–d, 6:c). The excavations unearthed several pits and putative postholes (Fig. 4, 5), as well as remains of three shaft furnaces used for iron smelting (Fig. 6:a.b, 12–14). One of the most interesting features is the large pit 12. In the examined part it measured about 1.75×1.35 m and was about 1.55 m deep. It was probably used as a storage pit (Fig. 5:a–c, 10). Several small potsherds, single flints and a few fragments of daub, slags and bones were found in its fill. The remains of iron smelters found in the northern part of the settlement were shaped as circular or slightly oval pits with cylindrical cross-sections, measured about 0.4–0.5 m in diameter, and were 0.2–0.3 m deep (Fig. 6:a.b, 12–14). The remains of clay lining on the walls of the slag-pits were preserved in two of them (features 65 and 67). Based on the size of their slag-pits (approx. 0.25 and 0.30 m in diameter), these features belong to the category of small furnaces, similar to the type Kunów from the Center of Metallurgy in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (K. Bielenin 1973, table 9 and p. 73; 1992, p. 75–77). During the excavations, 308 fragments of prehistoric pottery, obtained mainly from the arable and cultural layers, were found at the settlement (Table 1, Fig. 7, 11). Most of the assemblage consists of small and eroded body sherds, usually no more than 5 cm long. Vessels were made of ferruginous clay tempered with crushed stone and usually fired in oxidizing atmosphere. Various types of finish have been observed on the surface of the walls (Table 1): smoothing (44.5% of the sherds), hatching (25.6%), roughening (15.9%) and burnishing (14.0%). In addition to pot fragments, the assemblage also contains fragments of tableware with burnished surfaces. Most of the vessels were not decorated, and ornamentation was found on a few sherds only (Fig, 11:8.11). The remaining artefacts include a fragment of an iron knife from the cultural layer with a preserved length of approx. 8 cm and a partial tang (Fig. 9:1), and an object made of a bovine bone (Fig. 9:3). A fragment of a cylindrical spindle whorl with a diameter of approx. 3 cm was found on the surface of the site (Fig. 9:2). In addition, 19 flint artefacts dating from the end of the Late Paleolithic or Mesolithic period to the Early Iron Age (Fig. 8) were found during the excavations. During the excavations, several hundred fragments of reducing slags, a by-product of iron smelting, as well as slagged parts of furnace shafts were collected. Most of them were found in the fills of the slag-pits of furnaces 65 and 67. Chemical composition was analyzed for 38 samples (Table 2). Based on the contents of iron trioxide and silica, fayalite slags with icicle structure, so called “gromps” (splinters, flakes), and slagged fragments of furnace walls were identified. A botanical analysis was conducted on 46 charcoal samples (Table 3). Taxonomic identification showed the presence of charcoal from seven tree species, with a clear dominance of pine, both among samples taken from furnaces (67%) as well as from other features and the cultural layer (56%). A radiocarbon dating of three charcoal samples taken from the remains of bloomeries 62 (Poz-13154) and 67 (Poz-13156), and the sterile soil near feature 67 (Poz-13157) was conducted (Fig. 15). The dating of the pine charcoal from furnace 67 yielded a result of 1970±30 BP. The actual age of the sample is in the range of 50 BC–90 AD (with a probability of 95.4%) and 1–70 AD (with a probability of 68.2%). The charcoal of an unspecified species from feature 62 provided the date of 2280±35 BP, with bimodal probability distribution, which allows, which allows to include the real age of the sample in the years 410–340 BC or 310–200 BC (with a probability of 95.4%), and 400–350 BC or 290–230 BC (with a probability of 68.2%). The characteristic features of the archaeological material, mainly the different types of finish on the surface of the ceramic vessels, allow for associating the discovered artefacts with a local group of the Hatched Pottery Culture. The occupation of the settlements at the sites Leśnictwo Podcerkiew 1 and 2 can be limited to the 4th/3rd century BC –1st century AD. The few bone fragments found in the cultural layer show that in addition to iron production and hunting (deer bones), the inhabitants of the settlement also engaged in animal husbandry (bones of cattle and sheep/goat). Combining the results of archaeological and paleoecological research shows that the settlement of the local group of the Hatched Pottery Culture in the Białowieża Forest was dispersed. The population employed fire for deforestation of areas used for settlement and farming. Other occupations included hunting and animal husbandry, while bog ore deposits were used to produce iron in small slag-pit bloomeries. In 2005, a preliminary investigation took place in the area located about 200 m west of the Berezowo Clearing (site Leśnictwo Podcerkiew 3), where two designated areas were excavated (nos. 6 and 7, see Fig. 3). A brown cultural layer about 0.2 m thick as well as two putative postholes (Fig. 16) were found under the humus. 27 fragments of vessels dating to the Early Iron Age – Roman Period (Table 1, Fig. 17) and a stone tool (Fig. 18) were collected. The small scope of research does not allow to determine the cultural association of the remnants of the settlement discovered at this site, but it is very likely that it is contemporaneous with the settlement at the Berezowo Clearing.
Content available remote Niche Dynamics and Biodiversity : Many Rodent Species on One Marshy Meadow
The ecological niche of a species is determined by its tolerance to environmental factors and by interactions with other species, particularly those using the same resource. We assessed spatial niches of four rodent species coexisting in one meadow habitat within the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Niche characteristics were based on the valorisation of the habitat around live-trapping sites visited by rodents during seven years of the study. The population size of each species was monitored and expressed as an average annual density. The root vole Microtus oeconomus was the most numerous and dominant species, with its density widely fluctuating due to the temporal increases of predation pressure exerted by the weasel Mustela nivalis. During the study period, the spatial niche of the root vole was nearly constant, with only significantly increased tolerance towards shrub covered sites at times of its high population density. However, even a slight niche expansion of the highly abundant root voles displaced accompanying species: the bank vole Myodes (Clethrionomys) glareolus, the yellow necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis and the striped field mouse A. agrarius, from their preferred sites and efficiently decreased rodent species diversity in the studied habitat. This study illustrates a possible mechanism of the direct effect of predation on the dominant prey species population and indirect one on the species diversity changes over ecological time.
tom Nr 38
Celem pracy było określenie zmian w występowaniu pierwiastków biogennych w wodzie rzeki Łutownia, przepływającej przez tereny chronione Puszczy Białowieskiej. Zakres analiz obejmował określenie temperatury i odczynu wody (pH), przewodnictwa elektrolitycznego, zawartość pierwiastków biogennych (azotu amonowego, azotanów III i V, fosforanów) oraz tlenu rozpuszczonego. Na obszarze, na którym badana woda odpowiadała II klasie czystości; zawartość tlenu rozpuszczonego była niska, zaś zawartość pierwiastków biogennych odpowiadała średniemu zanieczyszczeniu. Rzeka niesie szereg zanieczyszczeń z pobliskiej wsi Teremiski, co wpływa na stan czystości oraz eutrofizację okolicznych obszarów leśnych. Woda rzeki przepływającej przez tereny chronione Puszczy Białowieskiej nie spełnia kryteriów czystości. Problemem w ostatnich latach staje się gwałtowne obniżenie poziomu wód, aż do całkowitego ich braku w niektórych miesiącach letnich, które przyczynia się do negatywnych zmian siedlisk.
The main purpose of this work was defining seasonal changes of biogenic elements in Lutownia river flowing through the protected areas of Bialowieza Forest. The range of analyses included measurements of temperature, water reaction, electrolytic conductivity, biogenic elements level (ammonium nitrogen, nitrates III i V, phosphates) and dissolved oxygen. On study area analyzed water corresponded to II class of water purity; level of dissolved oxygen was low and content of biogenic elements indicates an average pollution. The Lutownia river brings many urban pollution form near Teremiski village. This fact influences on water purity level and eutrophication of surrounding forest areas. The water of Lutownia river flowing through protected areas Bialowieza Forest does not meet the requirements of water purity. The main problem of last years is sudden reduction water level until the complete disappearance in several summer months, what cause the negative changes in habitats.
Content available The attractiveness of Białowieża Forest
The forest complex area of the Bialowieza Forest is a great monument of history and culture, and also a place of many important historical events. The motive of arrival to the Bialowieza Forest is mainly the attractiveness of the area, geographic location, international events and historical conditions. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate tourist traffic in the area of Białowieża Forest on the basis of surveys conducted in the month of June 2016. Frequently opinions are expressed that tourists come to Białowieża for a longer holiday or they are engaged exclusively in a kind of scientific research. Therefore the author decided to investigate such a supposition, trying to find out, by survey research, from which places and towns and for how long tourists come, as well as what is their main purpose of arrival. The author of the study has conducted a study using the questionnaire technique among the owners of accommodation facilities and eating places, as well as visitors to the municipality Białowieża and the Forest. Studies have shown that there is currently no unified vision of creating attractions for the Bialowieza Forest, and above all systemic solutions at the level of commune and the region.
Content available remote Small scale spatial pattern of a soil seed bank in an old-growth deciduous forest
We studied an old growth deciduous forest seed bank to examine how its potential role in regeneration is shaped by natural forest environment. Our research questions were: is the spatial pattern of seed bank influenced by local variation in elevation, soil moisture and light intensity, and what is the impact of herb layer characteristics on seed bank pattern. We recorded species composition of the herb layer and seed bank on a 2 x 40 m study plot divided into 20 quadrates, situated in a natural oak-hornbeam forest, in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, (NE Poland). Soil cores were sampled from two soil layers (0-5 cm and 5-10 cm) yielding altogether 40 samples of a total 15.9 dm[^3] and 0.159 m[^2]. Seeds were extracted from soil samples under a microscope. Ellenberg indicator values were used to characterize light (L) and moisture (F) conditions. Relative quadrate elevation was averaged for nine points. There were 6.65 x 10[^3] seeds m[^-2] in upper soil layer and 3.00 x 10[^3] seeds m[^-2] in lower soil layer. Seed bank structure constituted of patches 6 m diameter in the upper soil layer and 4 m in the lower soil layer. Aggregated pattern of the seed bank was influenced by clumped distribution of plants in the herb layer. Seed bank species richness in the upper soil layer was correlated with moisture (r = 0.485, P =0.03) and light (r = 0.526, P = 0.0172) values. Seed densities were correlated with moisture (r = 0.848 P <0.0001 upper and r = 0.491 P = 0.0278 lower soil layer) and light (r = 0.803 P <0.0001 upper and r = 0.751 P = 0.0001 lower soil layer). Seed density in upper soil layer was negatively correlated with elevation (r =.0.485 P = 0.0422). Higher seed density and species richness of the seed bank associated with better light conditions and higher moisture is probably caused by higher seed production in favourable conditions, and factors promoting seed persistence in soil. Our results indicate, that even subtle changes in light, moisture and mean relative elevation can shape seed bank spatial pattern on a fine local scale, differentiating the response of this community to small scale disturbances present in natural forests.
Puszcza Białowieska stanowi miejsce bytowania wielu rzadkich gatunków roślin, zwierząt i grzybów. O jej unikalności świadczy zachowanie ciągłości procesów przyrodniczych na przestrzeni wieków. Urozmaiceniem krajobrazu Puszczy są oczka wodne, które wzbogacają bioróżnorodność terenów i są siedliskiem życia licznych organizmów, zależnych od środowiska wodnego. Bywają ostoją gatunków chronionych roślin i zwierząt. Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie składu gatunkowego i ilościowego organizmów planktonowych oczek wodnych zlokalizowanych w Puszczy. Zróżnicowanie gatunkowe planktonu dowiodło niewielkiego zanieczyszczenia substancjami organicznymi: dominacja producentów nad innymi organizmami, świadczy o wysokim stopniu zmineralizowania. Oczka wodne powinny podlegać stałemu monitoringowi; wzbogacają bioróżnorodność krajobrazu Puszczy Białowieskiej, są miejscem bytowania wielu gatunków organizmów charakterystycznych dla bagien i małych źródeł wody.
Białowieza Forest is the natural habitat of many rare species of green plants, animals and fungi. For centuries, it has been a unique place for developing environmental processes. The water ponds are the wildlife habitat for many organisms, whose lives depend on aquatic environments. Protected species of green plants and animals also live in the water ponds. The aim of this research was to determine the species and quantity of plankton which are present in Białowieza Forest’s water ponds. The presence of different species of plankton proved the presence of minimal organic pollution. It was noticed that the primary producers dominated over the other organisms, which confirmed high mineralisation. The water ponds should continue to be monitored, as they are responsible for biodiversity within the Białowieza Forest area and they are the best place to settle for many species which are characteristic for swamps and small sources of water.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę możliwości zastosowania zobrazowań hiperspektralnych HySpex do wykonania map rozmieszczenia poszczególnych gatunków drzewostanów leśnych, na przykładzie Puszczy Białowieskiej. W tym celu przeprowadzono kilka wariantów klasyfikacji przy użyciu metody Spectral Angle Mapper. Całą procedurę wykonano w oprogramowaniu ENVI 5.3 (Environmental for Visualizing Images), w module specjalnie dedykowanym danym hiperspektralnym. Metodyka badawcza obejmuje: wstępne przetwarzanie obrazów, tworzenie wzorców do klasyfikacji, procedurę klasyfikacji SAM i finalną ocenę dokładności uzyskanych wyników. Ostatecznie otrzymano mapy rozmieszczenia gatunków drzew w obrębie badanego szeregu hiperspektralnego. Dokładność map została oszacowana na podstawie danych pochodzących z opisów taksacyjnych. Ogólna dokładność klasyfikacji gatunków drzew na podstawie obrazów hiperspektralnych HySpex wyniosła ok. 77%. Najlepiej sklasyfikowane zostały olcha, sosna i dąb, w pozostałych przypadkach (brzoza i świerk) zaobserwowano zróżnicowane dokładności producenta i użytkownika, co może wynikać zarówno z charakteru drzewostanów leśnych, jak i pól testowych wykorzystanych do ceny dokładności wyników klasyfikacji. Na podstawie wygenerowanych map pokrycia terenu można wskazać obszary leśne o zróżnicowanym składzie gatunkowym fragmentu Puszczy Białowieskiej. Wykorzystanie danych teledetekcyjnych HySpex stanowi duży potencjał w zabiegach inwentaryzacyjnych lasu. Aktualizacja opisów taksacyjnych, modelowanie zjawisk czy symulacja scenariuszy dla obszarów leśnych technikami zdalnymi na potrzeby praktyki leśnej wydaje się technicznie i ekonomicznie uzasadnione.
This paper contains an analysis of use of hyperspectral images HySpex to create maps of tree species distribution within Bialowieza Forest. To this end, a couple of variants of image classification with the use of Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) method were carried out. Whole procedure was conducted in ENVI software environment (Environmental for Visualizing Images) intended for this kind of dataset. In the beginning, the classification process involves the hyperspectral images pre processing and training samples collection. Next, SAM algorithm as well as an estimation of precision of the classification were performed. Finally, land cover layouts for tree species distribution within the extent of hyperspectral array were generated. The accuracy of tree species detection was estimated on the basis of data derived from forest taxations. Overall accuracies of classification based on HySpex imagery were approximately 77%. The highest possible precisions were obtained for alder, pine and oak tree stands. In other cases (birch and spruce) diversified results for producer’s and user’s accuracy were achieved, which could be explained by various kinds of forest stands and characteristics of test samples used for an assessment of image classification results. On the grounds of the land cover layouts it is workable to indicate forest areas with diversified tree species distribution within Bialowieza Forest. Furthermore, remote sensing data obtained with the use of HySpex scanner has a lot of potential in forest inventory. An actualization of inventory database, woodland modelling and simulations of forest phenomena seem to be technically and economically reasoned.
Thermophilous oak wood is the most species-rich forest habitat in the zone of mixed deciduous forests. A very limited amount of it has been saved in good condition. We investigated the principal hypothesis that the vegetation and seed banks, especially of the ancient forest species, are good indicators of habitat naturalness and its aptitude for restoration. Vegetation and seed bank sampling were carried out in fragments of forest with a known management and disturbance history over the past 80 years. We predicted that natural and anthropogenic transformations of tree stands would be significant factors shaping species composition and similarity of vegetation and seed banks. The closest similarity was observed between the seed banks of plots which were never logged. The least related to others was the seed bank of the logged site, whose soil was ploughed prior to tree replantation. The highest number of ancient forest species was recorded in the vegetation (33 species) and in the soil seed bank (21 species) of the least transformed patch of thermophilous oak forest. It was decreasing gradually with increase of the tree canopy cover on the research plots. Our results indicate also that the higher the coefficient of similarity between seed bank and vegetation, especially of the ancient forest species, the higher the forest’s naturalness. We conclude that restoration of thermophilous oak wood has the highest chances for success in patches with well preserved seed banks and vegetation.
W ostatnich latach na terenie Puszczy Białowieskiej notuje się stałe obniżanie się zwierciadła wód gruntowych. Proces ten jest spowodowany pracami melioracyjnymi wykonanymi w latach 50. i 60. ubiegłego wieku. Regulacja cieków oraz budowa rowów melioracyjnych przyśpieszyły odpływ wody. Efektem zaburzenia warunków wodnych na tym obszarze jest przesuszenie mokradłowych siedlisk leśnych, a w rezultacie grądowienie olsów i łęgów. W celu poprawy warunków wodnych mokradłowych obszarów leśnych na terenie Puszczy Białowieskiej (poza obszarem parku narodowego), z inicjatywy PTOP (Północnopodlaskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków), wybudowano kilkadziesiąt małych zbiorników wodnych różnych typów. Zbiorniki w zlewniach zalesionych powstały poprzez przegrodzenie naturalnych cieków bądź rowów progiem-bystrotokiem, natomiast zbiorniki śródpolne wykopano. Oczekuje się, że powyższe działania wpłyną korzystnie na wydłużenie okresu stagnacji wód roztopowych, co zapobiegnie wysychaniu niektórych cieków w okresie lata. Umożliwią one również przywrócenie i powstanie nowych miejsc rozrodu płazów oraz utrzymanie bazy pokarmowej dla ptaków obszarów mokradłowych, bociana czarnego (Ciconia nigra L.). W pracy przedstawiono ocenę warunków ekologicznych i hydrologicznych zbiorników w zlewni Narewki. Przeprowadzono podstawowe pomiary jakości wody i stanu roślinności ekotopu oraz lustra wody wybranych zbiorników. W wielu przypadkach stwierdzono wkraczanie roślinności siedlisk mokradłowych oraz wypadanie gatunków grądowych i borowych. W okresie wiosennym zaobserwowano wykorzystanie stworzonych miejsc lęgowych przez płazy oraz obecność bociana czarnego (Ciconia nigra L.). W wyniku budowy małych zbiorników wodnych poprawiły się warunki do istnienia siedlisk olsowych i łęgowych.
Constant decline of groundwater levels has recently been observed in the Białowieża Forest . This process is due to drainage which took place in the 1950s and 1960s. Regulation of watercourses and construction of drainage canals and ditches caused the increase of water discharge from the area and drying of wetland forest habitats: riparian forests and alder carr. In order to improve water conditions for wetland forests in the area of the Białowieża Forest (outside the Białowieża National Park ) several dozen small water reservoirs were built by PTOP (North-Podlasie Association of Bird Protection). Some of them were made by damming watercourses and the midfield ponds were just dug out. These actions were expected to prolong the stagnation period of melting waters in the bed of watercourses, to create breeding places for amphibians and to provide food resources for waterfowl like e.g. black stork (Ciconia nigra L.). The study was focussed on ecological and hydrological conditions of small water reservoirs in the Narewka river catchment. The paper presents the description of plants, which have overgrown water reservoirs and their neighbourhood, the size of reservoirs and basic analyses of water quality. In most cases typical species for wetlands forest were observed, which was the evidence for the improvement of hydrologic conditions for riparian forests and alder carr. Moreover, water reservoirs were inhabited by waterfowl and used as breeding places by amphibians.
The aim of the article is a theoretical analysis of aspects regarding the essence and structure of the tourist product of an area, show the importance of forest resources in tourism on the example of the Bialowieza Forest, and to present the concept of the integrated (complex) tourist product of that area, based on unique forest resources. This study concentrates on showing the possibility to create new tourist products of the forest, which will be linked together by a common idea and will create a conceptually coherent whole.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę szeroko rozumianego produktu turystycznego obszaru. Głównym jego celem jest analiza teoretycznych aspektów dotyczących istoty i struktury produktu turystycznego obszaru, ukazanie znaczenia zasobów leśnych w turystyce na przykładzie Puszczy Białowieskiej i przedstawienie koncepcji zintegrowanego produktu turystycznego tego obszaru w oparciu o unikatowe zasoby leśne. Kreowanie nowych leśnych produktów turystycznych (jako produktów cząstkowych), które będą powiązane ze sobą wspólną ideą (pod nazwą Leśne Dziedzictwo Europy) pozwoli lepiej wykorzystać dotychczasowy unikatowy potencjał przyrodniczy regionu.
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