The Pułtusk H chondritic breccia records a complex impact history and contains various products of impact metamorphism. Here, impact melt lithology is described, which is embedded into the Pułtusk breccia. The impact melt clast is formed by microcrystalline quenched silicates and metal-troilite globules and chondritic relicts are retained in the melt. The relicts record strong shock deformation, S4–S5 and they have well developed foliated fabric of metal grains. The melt formed by severe collision and impact melting on the parent body. The chondritic material was superheated and molten. Silicate melt unmixed from the metal-sulphide melt and both were rapidly quenched. Most likely the event occurred during Late Heavy Bombardment, ~3.6 Ga.
One of the largest observed stone meteorite shower in the history of mankind on Earth took place on Thursday evening on January 30, 1868, about seven o’clock near Pułtusk in Poland. Despite the 150th anniversary of the fall of chondrite officially classified as Pułtusk H5 with a shock stage S3 there is still little published data on the chemical composition of minerals of this chondrite as well as its petrological characteristics in the literature. The authors carried out mineralogical and petrological research that will help a little to fill this gap in knowledge about the Pułtusk chondrite. Meteorite specimens found by Piotr Kuś in 2015 and investigated by the authors are undoubtedly part of the Pułtusk fall of January 30, 1868. They can be classified as ordinary chondrite H5, S2,W2. The authors stated that the studied rock is characterized by a varied shock level -from S1 to S2/3, as well as it contains chondrules of the chromite-plagioclase unequilibrated rock. In the composition of the examined fragment of Pułtusk chondrite, the authors identified silicates: olivine, diopside, bronzite and clinohyperstene, and oligoclase, oxides: chromite (and spinel), sulfides: troilite, FeNi alloy mineral phases: kamacite and taenite, as well as phosphates: merrilite and apatite. The chemical composition of olivine crystals as well as low- and high-Ca pyroxenes crystals and plagioclase crystals (about the composition of oligoclase) confirms that the examined specimen comes from the Pułtusk fall and it is a rock that should be classified as a petrographic type H5.
The Social and Cultural Society in Pułtusk has been operating since 1961. Its aim is to promote and popularize culture and historical knowledge and promote patriotic attitudes. It achieves these goals by activating the local community, organizing conferences, conducting academic research, and publishing activities, cooperating with cultural, educational and academic organizations and institutions and local government units, and protecting cultural assets and national heritage. This study was presented in the form of a paper at a conference devoted to the role of institutions and academic and cultural associations and societies in researching and documenting the heritage of small homelands on the example of northern Mazovia, organized in November 2023 by the National Academy of Applied Sciences named after Ignacy Mościcki in Ciechanów.
Pułtuskie Towarzystwo Społeczno-Kulturalne działa od 1961 r. Jego celem jest krzewienie i popularyzacja kultury, wiedzy historycznej, promocja postaw patriotycznych. Cele te realizuje przez aktywizowanie lokalnej społeczności, organizowanie konferencji, prowadzenie badań naukowych oraz działalność wydawniczą, współpracę z organizacjami i placówkami kulturalnymi, oświatowymi, naukowymi oraz z jednostkami samorządu terytorialnego, ochronę dóbr kultury i dziedzictwa narodowego. Niniejsze opracowanie zostało zaprezentowane w formie komunikatu na konferencji poświęconej roli instytucji oraz stowarzyszeń naukowych i kulturalnych w badaniu i dokumentowaniu dziedzictwa małych ojczyzn na przykładzie północnego Mazowsza, zorganizowanej w listopadzie 2023 r. przez Państwową Akademię Nauk Stosowanych im. Ignacego Mościckiego w Ciechanowie.
The article is a source publication devoted to the still insuffi ciently recognized effects of the events of October 1956 in the Mazovia Province. After the introduction, in which the content of the published source materials and the rules of their publication are briefly discussed, the following five documents are edited, produced by the County Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party in Pułtusk in the period between October 1956 and January 1957. Records of intra-party discussions are an excellent historical source of learning about the views of the provincial activists on the functioning of the Polish United Workers’ Party and state administration, their opinions about the “mistakes and distortions” committed during the Stalinist period, and about the paths of development in the future. They also provide a lot of interesting information about the economic condition of the poviat.
Artykuł jest publikacją źródłową poświęconą – wciąż niedostatecznie rozpoznanym – skutkom wydarzeń października 1956 r. na mazowieckiej prowincji. Po części wstępnej, w której w skrócie omówiono treść publikowanych materiałów źródłowych oraz zasady ich wydania, następuje edycja pięciu dokumentów wytworzonych przez Komitet Powiatowy Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej w Pułtusku w okresie październik 1956 r. – styczeń 1957 r. Zapisy wewnątrzpartyjnych dyskusji są doskonałym źródłem historycznym do poznania poglądów prowincjonalnego aktywu na funkcjonowanie PZPR i administracji państwowej, ich opinii o popełnionych „błędach i wypaczeniach” w okresie stalinizmu, jak i o drogach rozwoju w przyszłości. Dostarczają też wielu ciekawych informacji na temat stanu gospodarczego powiatu.
A comparison of internal textures of the NWA-5929, Ghubara and Pułtusk chondrites has been carried out using high resolution X-ray tomography. This is a powerful, non-destructive technique that allows on to determine textural and compositional dierences that occur between ordinary chondrites of various groups by means of grey-levels calehistograms, first-order statistics, and 3D imaging. Deformational structures in the Pułtusk meteorite such as cataclastic zones, impact melt clasts, melt veins, and melt pockets are observed and studied. Measurements of metal particle size are achieved, giving even deeper insight into textural features of meteorite. My approach shows that as shock deformation occurred, numerous small metal grains became progressively dispersed within the volume of the deformed Pułtusk meteorite rock. Simultaneously, metal was mobilized via frictional or direct impact melting to form scarce large metal nodules or grains arranged along the margins of relict chondritic clasts or as components of irregular injection veining. The possibility of tracing of these impact related processes by using tomography micrograms (without breaking the sample) is very useful for distinguishing which parts of each meteorite were deformed in diferent ways in order to make first order observations regarding the deformational history of these meteorites.
An attempt to defi ne and prosopographically analyze the group of 26 identified and earliest recorded students from Pułtusk at the Krakow Academy in the years 1423–1526. The size of the group was established. The duration of studies was defi ned as short, on average no longer than a full semester. The effectiveness of the studies (two baccalaureates) did not differ from the norm, but only partial studies shortened due to high costs were not an obstacle in their careers. The author, on the basis of fi ve records from 1423–1438, makes the hypothesis that there had been a parish school in Pułtusk before the collegiate school was established. He points to a slight infl uence of the collegiate school, especially in its initial period, on the number of enrollments in the Academy. He considers the economic and social condition of the townspeople of Pułtusk to be important reasons for the increase in the number of registrations.
Artykuł jest próbą zdefi niowania i prozopografi cznej analizy grupy 26 zidentyfikowanych, a najwcześniej odnotowanych studentów z Pułtuska w Akademii Krakowskiej w latach 1423–1526. Ustalono liczebność grupy. Czas studiów określono jako krótki, przeciętnie nie dłużej niż pełny semestr. Efektywność studiów (dwa bakalaureaty) nie odbiegała od normy, ale cząstkowe tylko studia, skracane ze względu na wysokie koszty, nie były przeszkodą w karierach. Autor na podstawie pięciu zapisów z lat 1423–1438 uprawdopodabniahipotezę o wcześniejszym istnieniu w Pułtusku szkoły parafialnej, jeszcze przed powstaniem kolegiackiej. Wskazuje na niewielki wpływ szkoły kolegiackiej, zwłaszcza w początkowym jej okresie, na liczbę zapisów do Akademii. Za istotniejszą przyczynę wzrostu liczby zapisów uważa stan ekonomiczny i kondycję społeczną pułtuskich mieszczan.
In the first part of the article the author examines the history of Jesuit and Benedictine buildings in Pułtusk from their construction till the present. The Church of SS. Apostles Peter and Paul was built by the Jesuits in 1688–1702, though work inside the church went on until 1718, when the church was consecrated. The furnishing of the church continued in 1720–1764. The Jesuit College was housed in buildings erected in the 1550s and 1560s. After the suppression of the Society in 1773 the church and the school were taken over by the Commission of National Education and then, in 1781, by the Benedictines, who had moved here from Płock. In 1803–1806 and 1816–1819 the Benedictines built a new monastery and school, and in 1827–1828 they carried out a thorough renovation of the church, which was considered at that time to be one of the most beautiful churches in the Diocese of Płock. After the dissolution of the Benedictine monastery in 1864, the church was given to the (collegiate) Parish of St. Matthew. In 1875 it was ravaged by a huge fire, in which most of the furnishings were burnt. The Second World War saw a destruction of the towers in the main facade. Since 2011 the Church of SS. Peter and Paul has been the parish church of St. John Paul II’s Parish. In the second part of the article the author presents the circumstances of the compilation of the inventories published in part three. The first inventory (no. 1) was compiled in 1781, when the former Jesuit church and monastery were being taken over by the Benedictines. A comparison between its entries and the inventory taken in 1775 during Bishop Krzysztof Szembek’s inspection reveals many missing items of movable property, especially those made of gold or silver, most of which must have enriched the treasuries of the Płock cathedral and the Pułtusk collegiate church. Another inventory taking came in late 1864 and early 1865 (nos 2–5) in connection with the dissolution of the Pułtusk monastery. The 1869 inventory (no. 6) was compiled when the monastery building was being taken over by a school. The last inventory (no. 7) was taken in 1882. It shows the Benedictines’ movable and immovable property during the dissolution and the scale of the damage wreaked by the 1875 fire. Only few items survived it.
The article contains memoirs of Wincenty Mossakowski, an inhabitant of the village of Gromin, near Pułtusk, from the first decades of the 20th century. Such memoirs are not often the subject of source publications. According to the author of the article, such reports significantly enrich knowledge about the history of small homelands, especially when they relate to difficult historical periods. It is worth adding that in this case they also enrich knowledge about the history of Mazovia.
Artykuł zawiera wspomnienia Wincentego Mossakowskiego, mieszkańca podpułtuskiej wsi Gromin, z okresu pierwszych dekad XX w. Takie wspomnienia nie często są przedmiotem wydawnictw źródłowych. Zdaniem autora artykułu takie relacje w sposób istotny wzbogacają wiedzę o dziejach małych ojczyzn, szczególnie wtedy, gdy dotyczą trudnych okresów historycznych. Warto dodać, że w tym przypadku wzbogacają również wiedzę o historii Mazowsza.
Aseries of meetings held as part of Conservation Fridays at the Royal Castle in Warsaw has taken place for the second time. The motto of the new edition was “Cultural heritage as an opportunity for the development of the region – the protection and promotion of the monuments of Mazovia”. The selection of problems took into consideration the presentation of successfully realised projects and a promotion of interesting initiatives, which for assorted reasons have not been implemented. The intention of the organisers was to initiate a discussion on the role of the self-government in the protection of historical monuments and associated local spatial policy as well as possibilities for the solution of local problems and trends of pertinent cooperation. Conservation Fridays at the Royal Castle in Warsaw demonstrate the significant role performed in the protection of historical monuments by a fully conscious and sensible policy of the communes; the same holds true for the creation of a positive social attitude. The titular events also prove the relevance of extensive and sincere debates that render their participants aware of heretofore neglected opportunities for the progress of the voivodeship of Mazovia.
Four stony pieces were delivered to our laboratory for checking if they are fragments of meteorites: first sample (sample No. 1) was a fragment of a rock that fell near Leoncin in Poland, second sample (sample No. 2) was a fragment of a rock found also in Poland in the vicinity of Pultusk, third sample (sample No. 3) was a meteorite specimen bought on the meteorite exchange and fourth sample (sample No. 4) was a stone object whose decline was observed in Europe. We obtained mössbauer spectra of the delivered samples. The mössbauer spectrum of sample No. 1 is very similar to the spectrum of ordinary chondrite of type LL. Comparison of the mössbauer spectrum of sample No. 2 with mössbauer spectrum of Pułtusk meteorite showed very large differences. In the spectrum of sample No. 3, a clear signal from iron-nickel alloy and troilite can be observed. These observations indicate that it is an object of extraterrestrial origin. Mössbauer spectrum of Sample No. 4 is similar to the spectrum of terrestrial magmatic rocks. Based on these spectrum we cannot clearly determine where the examined object comes from. This work demonstrates the usefulness of Mössbauer spectroscopy in recognizing samples that are fragments of meteorites.
Budynek Obserwatorium Astronomicznego przy Al. Ujazdowskich 4 w centrum Warszawy powstawał w latach 1820–1824. W swojej dwustuletniej historii był on niemym świadkiem dwóch dzisiaj już historycznych zdarzeń – zarówno przelotu bolidu (meteorytu) Pułtusk w 1868 roku oraz towarzyszącym mu hałasom eksplozji, jak również efektów świetlnych związanych ze spadkiem meteorytu Łowicz w 1935 roku. W obydwu tych przypadkach pracownicy Obserwatorium wydelegowani zostali na miejsca spadku meteorytów, gdzie zebrali oni świeże okazy meteorytu Pułtusk (około 400 sztuk) oraz Łowicz (cztery lub pięć sztuk). Obecnie kolekcję Obserwatorium stanowi sześć meteorytów: 3,7 kg okaz meteorytu Łowicz (trzeci największy istniejący okaz z tego spadku), doskonale zachowany meteoryt Pułtusk o wadze 1,2 kg, a także Allende, Canyon Diablo, Gibeon i Millbillillie.
The building of the Astronomical Observatory at Al. Ujazdowskie 4 in the center of Warsaw was constructed between 1820 and 1824. During its bicentennial history, it has been a silent witness to two now-historical events – both the firball of the Pułtusk meteorite in 1868, accompanied by the sounds of the explosion, as well as the light effects associated with the fall of the Łowicz meteorite in 1935. In both cases, employees of the Observatory were delegated to the meteorite strewnfields, where they collected fresh specimens of the Pułtusk meteorite (around 400 specimens) and Łowicz (four or five fragments). Currently, the Observatory’s collection consists of six meteorites: a 3.7 kg specimen of the Łowicz meteorite (the third-largest existing specimen from this fall), a well-preserved 1.2 kg Pułtusk meteorite, as well as Allende, Canyon Diablo, Gibeon, and Millbillillie.
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W niniejszej pracy, całkowicie wykonanej w Pracowni Spektrometrii Mas Instytutu Fizyki UMCS, przedstawiamy wyniki datowania sześciu meteorytów kamiennych: Baszkówka, Pułtusk, Norton County, Chico Hills, Point of Rocks i Dimmitt. Koncentrację potasu wyznaczyliśmy precyzyjnie metodą rozcieńczenia izotopowego - maksymalny błąd względny wynosi 2% w przypadku Norton County przy zawartości potasu 0,0101%. Analiza argonu została przeprowadzona za pomocą spektrometru mas z próżnią statyczną. Cały wydzielony argon potraktowaliśmy jako radiogeniczny, ponieważ atmosferyczny argon został usunięty podczas kilkugodzinnego wygrzewania w temperaturze 150°C i pompowania. Otrzymane wieki meteorytów zawierają się pomiędzy 1,28 a 3,91 miliardów lat.
We have determined the K/Ar dates of the six stone meteorites: Baszkówka, Norton County, Dimmitt, Pułtusk, Chico Hills and Point of Rocks. We have obtained very precisely K content by isotope dilution mass spectrometry - max. relative error was 2% in the case of Norton County, in which the lowest %K was encountered. We have determined content of40Ar by static vacuum mass spectrometry. The total argon released was treated as radiogenic argon, because the atmospheric argon was released by heating samples in 150°C and pumping off over a few hours. The obtained dates of stone meteorites varied from 1.28 to 3.91 Ga. The oldest dates are younger than the age of the Solar System by about 0.5 Ga, likely because we did not release all the radiogenic argon.
W pracy przedstawiono problematykę konserwacji ruin zamków na Mazowszu, omawiając ich losy i stan współczesny oraz zaprezentowano zastosowane metody ochrony w XX wieku. Wśród mazowieckich zamków można wyróżnić kilka grup. Są to budowle będące w stanie ruiny (Iłża, Czersk, Brok) częściowo odbudowane (Liw, Ciechanowiec) oraz te, które odtworzono w zmodyfikowanej formie i adaptowano do nowych funkcji (Gostynin, Pułtusk i Szydłowiec). W omówionych zamkach stosowano różne metody ochrony i konserwacji. Większość wykonanych prac odbiega od zasad angielskiej szkoły konserwacji ruin. Zastosowanie czystych zasad angielskiej szkoły konserwacji ruin było stosowane sporadycznie (Iłża, częściowo Czersk, Brok). Było to efektem wypracowania własnych, lokalnych rozwiązań, a nie wzorowania się na angielskich przykładach. Częściej stosowano częściową odbudowę zniszczonych zamków (Liw), odbudowę z elementami współczesnymi (Ciechanów, Pułtusk) lub całkowicie swobodną odbudowę (Gostynin), co spowodowało utratę autentyzmu zamków lub ich ruin. Wyraźną tendencją spotykaną na Mazowszu były i są swobodne odbudowy zamków, co przyczynia się do utraty autentyzmu tych zabytków. Jednak największym mankamentem wykonanych prac są widoczne uzupełnienia murów zamków nową cegłą o odmiennym kolorze i fakturze (np. mury zamku w Czersku).
The article presents the problem of preservation of the ruins of castles in Mazovia, discussing their fate and state of affairs and presenting the methods of protection used in the 20th century. Several groups can be distinguished among Mazovian castles. These are buildings in ruins (Ilza, Czersk, Brok), partially rebuilt (Liw, Ciechanowiec) and those that were reconstructed in a modified form and adapted to new functions (Gostynin, Pultusk and Szydlowiec). Various preservation and conservation methods were used in the castles discussed. Most of the work done deviates from the rules of the English school for the preservation of ruins. The application of the pure principles of the English school for the preservation of ruins was sporadical (Ilza, partly Czersk, Brok). It was the result of working out own, local solutions, not to follow English examples. More often, partial reconstruction of damaged castles was used (Liw), reconstruction with contemporary elements (Ciechanow, Pultusk) or completely unrestricted reconstruction (Gostynin), which resulted in the loss of the authenticity of castles or their ruins. A clear tendency observed in Mazovia was and are the unrestricted reconstruction of castles, which contributes to the loss of the authenticity of these monuments. However, the biggest drawback of the works are visible additions to the castle walls with new bricks of a different color and texture (eg the walls of the castle in Czersk).
The painted decoration embellishing the vault of the collegiate church in Pułtusk is one of the largest in Poland and totals about 700 sq. metres without the frieze (composed of architectural niches), which constitutes the lower part of the vault supported directly by northern and southern abutments. The polychrome was executed after 1551, the year of signing a contract with Master Wojciech of Warsaw. The vault polychrome assumed the form of stylised rosettes, fleurons and portrait-heads, inserted into the architectural-decorative configuration of the vault, which constitutes a net made of the alternate onion-shaped and circular forms, creating the so-called Pułtusk vault. After a fire in 1613, the interior of the church, including the vault, was painted over in a uniform colour, probably imitating the firmament. During the almost 300 years-long history of the church, the vault was frequently painted over in a single hue for aesthetic and hygienic reasons. The same purpose, which was to be realised in 1994, led to the discovery of the polychrome, first mentioned already in the seventeenth century. Routine research preceding the intended painting of the church interior confirmed the existence of polychrome decorations on the vault and, as could be assumed from initial work, also on the frieze. The discovery and ensuing conservation were accompanied by considerable interest on the part of the mass media, especially the press. Numerous widely read journals and popular scientific periodicals quoted characteristic comments and accounts from assorted communiques and newspaper notes. The value of those statements and their editorial form leave much to be desired, although they reflect concern for the historical monument and a readiness to stimulate interest in the fate of national culture. The disclosure and conservation of the painted decoration in Pułtusk constituted a serious effort of conservators of art. Suffice to emphasise that almost 3 cubic metres of six to nine assorted worthless layers of paint and lime whitening were removed in the course of uncovering the original polychrome. The conception and realisation of the best possible artistic-aesthetic solution posed a separate problem associated with work after routine technical operations. The state of the preservation of the polychrome and the character of the interior of the collegiate church, as well as its historical value and tourist assets imposed a solution (retouching and the reconstruction of the missing parts of the polychrome) which rendered the painted decoration legible, at the same time preserving its authentic ideological, stylistic and artistic character.
W tekście omówiono rolę Konserwatora Wojewódzkiego w ochronie i zarządzaniu Pomnikiem Historii na przykładzie działań w Warszawie i na Mazowszu. Najważniejszą rolą Wojewódzkiego Konserwatora Zabytków jest pełnienie nadzoru konserwatorskiego nad zabytkami znajdującymi się na terenie Pomnika Historii. W ten sposób WKZ może upowszechniać wysokie standardy w prowadzonych pracach konserwatorskich i tworzyć wzorce ochrony i konserwacji na tym obszarze, a także prowadzić działania promocyjne. Omówiono wszystkie obiekty będące Pomnikami Historii z terenu Mazowsza, a także złożone wnioski i wymieniono te zabytki, które zasługują na rangę Pomnika Historii. Mimo narzuconych prawnie ograniczeń Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków może być aktywnym uczestnikiem systemu ochrony zrównoważonego rozwoju Pomników Historii i wszystkich zabytków oraz wykonawcą polityki państwa dotyczącym narodowego dziedzictwa. Może też bardzo sprawnie łączyć zrównoważony rozwój obszarów Pomników Historii z ochroną konserwatorską i z rozwojem oraz z przystosowaniem ich do zmieniających się potrzeb życia.
The text discusses the role of the Voivodeship Conservator in the protection and management of a Historic Monument on the example of activities in Warsaw and Mazovia region. The most important role of a Voivodeship Conservator of Monuments is to carry out supervision over objects of heritage located within the area of a Historic Monument. By doing so, the VCM can promote high standards of conservation work and create examples of protection and conservation projects in an area, as well as conduct promotional activities. Presented here are all objects registered as Historic Monuments in the Mazovia region, as well as the submitted applications and the listed monuments that deserve to be bestowed the rank of the Historic Monument. Despite the restrictions imposed by law, the VCM may actively work for the protection of Historic Monuments and be the executor of the national heritage policy. It can also very efficiently combine sustainable development considerations of the areas of Historic Monuments with the requirements of conservation, development, as well as protection and adaptation to the changing needs of life.
The years 2007-2008 witnessed the determination of the degree of the preservation of historical roof rafter framing in sacral monuments in Mazovia. The pertinent studies encompassed the historical borders of Mazovia from the second half of the sixteenth century, and all sacral buildings – brick and wooden churches, together with eventual monasteries and chapels, erected to the mid-nineteenth century. Such a chronological limit made it possible to become familiar with monuments that could contain preserved roof constructions and those most interesting from the scientific viewpoint. The prime objective of the conducted studies was to establish the number of preserved historical roof trusses and to collect basic data concerning the sort of extant constructions as well as the time of their origin. Each construction was accompanied by a basic description as well as photographic and drawn documentation. The investigations led to the recognition of 312 monuments, in which 523 rafter framings constructions were examined. Among the total of the monuments as many as 210 preserved 330 historical roof constructions were raised to the middle of the nineteenth century. A total of 102 monuments no longer contained historical roof framings, while the general number of the non-historical constructions amounted to 1 3. The conducted examinations made it possible to assess the presumed time of the erection of particular rafter framings. The largest number of the constructions was built in the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Within 330 historical constructions as many as 280 may originate from that period (eighteenth century – 1 8, nineteenth century – 132). The domination of trusses from the eighteenth and nineteenth century stems from the specificity of Mazovian architecture, with a distinct prevalence of buildings erected in the eighteenth century, as well as the considerable construction movement that took place in sacral architecture in the nineteenth century and resulted in an exchange of a large number of the original trusses into new constructions. Due to those reasons none of the constructions has been dated as fifteenth-century, and only nine framings are described an sixteenthcentury. A mere 1 constructions presumably originate from the seventeenth century. The conducted verification simultaneously entitles to present an initial typology of the roof rafter framings. The authors applied all the fundamental types of constructions, from the simplest rafter (3) and collar beam (27) to the more complicated king- -post (6 ), queen-post (12 ) and truss rafter (26). The three latter types were frequently linked in mixed king-post-queen-post (36) and truss rafter- -queen-post constructions ( 7). The inventories also include three dome constructions, based on expanded queen-post configurations with radially arranged truss rafters. The presented outcome of the distinction of the degree of the preservation of historical trusses in sacral monuments of Mazovian architecture make it feasible to propose an initial analysis of the types and chronological transformations of roof constructions in a relatively large part of the country. The documentation and data gathered in the course of the performed investigations facilitate the definition of the research material resources, aiming at a complete and detailed systematic of the roof constriction in Mazovia and the popularisation of knowledge about those extremely interesting elements, as a rule ignored by researchers.
139 Roman coins from 84 new finds have been registered in east-of-the-Vistula Mazovia and Podlasie. All of the coins had been found by private persons in the past few years. Description of the major part of the objects have been based on photographs (7 plates).
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