Aim: The paper is concerned with two issues. The first one involves the identification of waste types existing in Polish production companies - to this end, one large company was examined. The second aspect of the research attempts to answer the question whether there exists a relationship between the company's departments and waste categories. Design / Research methods: A large company (with over 250 workforce) producing railway rolling stock was analyzed based on a survey. It was substantiated in what context the findings obtained on the basis of the company are reflected in the market evaluation. Statistical tests were used in the evaluation whether relationships were present between the company's individual departments and the type of waste identified. Findings: In the context of waste identification it was found that the crucial faults include waiting (present in 38,1% of all processes), next defects, 22.5% and unnecessary motion 19%. Statistical tests showed that there was no relationship between the types of waste and individual departments - various aspects of work are associated with the same problems. Originality: Although there are numerous studies in literature which indicate the main barriers affecting continuous improvement in foreign companies, the number of studies concerned with the situation in the Polish transport industries is very small - the paper seeks to fill in this gap. The information on the types of waste and their characteristics in diverse departments has a critical impact on choosing the suitable method for company management. (original abstract)
Do końca lat 80-tych w całym RWPG pozycję niemal monopolistyczną w produkcji wózków widłowych miało bułgarskie przedsiębiorstwo Balkancar. Obecnie w polskim taborze wózków widłowych nie brakuje również urządzeń polskiej produkcji. Niestety po roku 1994 nastąpiło załamanie koniunktury w tej branży, chociaż wzrósł udział wózków o napędzie elektrycznym.
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