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Research Objective: The aim of this paper is to analyse the case of entrepreneurial pedagogy in Germany at the level of primary and secondary education and to identify good practices in the development of entrepreneurship skills of pupils. The Research Problem And Methods: The paper uses a systematic review of literature with relation to entrepreneurial education, as well as the German literature of the topic, in order to descend to the analysis of secondary data related to the German education system and its usage of entrepreneurial pedagogy. The Process Of Argumentation: In the first part, the paper clarifies the notion of entrepreneurial pedagogy and introduces modern didactic approaches, particularly process-oriented teaching. Subsequently, the German case is used to analyse how entrepreneurial pedagogy can be implemented at different interrelated levels. In the recommendation section, the success factors of the implementation of such an approach are discussed. The paper ends with some concluding remarks. Research Results: The analysis of entrepreneurial pedagogy in German literature and practice highlights the relevance of an interplay of solutions at different levels: the level of the state (or, in the case of decentralised educational systems like the German one, at the regional level), the level of school initiative, as well as the individual level of educators who are in charge of implementing entrepreneurial teaching methods. Conclusions, Innovations And Recommendations: According to the concept of process-oriented didactics presented in this paper, the aspect of making mistakes is an important engine of learning, as well as teaching itself. (original abstract)
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article attempts to explain the benefits that may result from the use of case studies developed by students as a teaching method applied in entrepreneurial pedagogy. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research problem concerns the effectiveness of using case studies created by students as a teaching method in entrepreneurial pedagogy. The article provides an overview of selected literature and presents the authors' experience in applying student-developed case studies. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: In the first part of the article, the most important entrepreneurial skills and competences are discussed. Subsequently, the importance of using activating methods is presented, with particular emphasis on the case study. In the second part, the use of the case study developed by students was analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are presented. RESEARCH RESULTS: The literature analysis indicates the importance of methods that foster students' active involvement, including case studies, in entrepreneurial pedagogy. The analysis of case studies developed by students showed their strong commitment to the assignment. Students had to gain knowledge of the operation of enterprises and the processes that take place in them. In addition, the task required students to be familiar with methods and tools that support creative thinking and problem-solving skills. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the analysis of literature and student-developed case studies, it seems that the discussed method is an effective teaching method that increases students' commitment to the assignment and supports the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and skills. Furthermore, this method provides a range of benefits that give the teacher great freedom in choosing the issues and scope of case studies created by students.(original abstract)
This paper presents application of Data science models to the quality assurance processes at the university. In 2015 Narxoz University in Almaty, Kazakhstan introduced a major change to its academic policy. Final year bachelor students were required to complete team-based diploma projects, focused on solving real business problems, instead of writing standard, often purely descriptive and theoretical diploma theses. This article uses data science models (linear regression, logit and CART) to analyze the effects of this policy change on recent graduates' employability and wage levels using results of telephone survey conducted among 1956 graduates in 2015 and 2016. Estimated models show that students who have firm plans to find jobs, acquire valuable competences when preparing bachelor diploma and actively participate in student life, have higher probability of employment and earn higher wages. It means that the process of writing bachelor diploma should be carefully designed and monitored and that student learning outcomes also depend on their extra-curricular activity. Such analysis provides deep and interesting insights into the learning and assessment processes and should be a part of annual quality assurance review in every university. For example, results indicate that grading practices at Narxoz require a major review, as graduates with higher GPA did not exhibit higher employability nor higher wages. Similarly, curricula of some specializations (majors) should be reviewed due to low employment rate of graduates. Appropriate changes have already been implemented at Narxoz in 2017. Finally, we found that economic shocks have much stronger short-term impact on recent graduates' employability and wages than reforms of academic curricula.(original abstract)
H. Mintzberg twierdzi, że zarządzanie jest naturalną praktyką, której nie da się odtworzyć w sali wykładowej, a doświadczenie, będące kluczem w tej nauce, nie może być odtwarzane przy pomocy symulacji czy studiów przypadków. W środowisku krajowym rolę doświadczenia w uczeniu się zarządzania podkreślają A. Koźmiński i D. Jemielniak, twierdząc także, że zarządzanie jest umiejętnością praktyczną, na którą składa się rozległa i zróżnicowana wiedza, praktyka oraz talenty i zdolności. Rola praktycznych doświadczeń studenta akcentowana jest w tzw. pedagogice przedsiębiorczej (entrepreneurial pedagogy), w której zaleca się stosowanie aktywnych metod kształcenia oraz uczenia się poprzez działanie i doświadczenia (action-learning approach, action & experience-based learning). Wśród aktywnych metod kształcenia w naukach o zarządzaniu znajduje się konsulting studencki. Ta nowoczesna metoda dydaktyczna polega na twórczym rozwiązywaniu przez studentów problemów zgłaszanych przez klientów, którymi są podmioty otoczenia uczelni (najczęściej przedsiębiorstwa). W trakcie projektu konsultingowego, trwającego zwykle kilka tygodni, studenci pod opieką pracownika naukowego wypracowują rozwiązania, których poprawność i użyteczność ocenia klient. Konsulting studencki pozwala więc studentom uczestniczyć w praktyce funkcjonowania organizacji i uczyć się poprzez doświadczenia.(fragment tekstu)
Przedsiębiorczość ekonomiczna, organizacyjna, społeczna, polityczna, czy jakakolwiek inna, wymaga od ludzi wcześniej przedsiębiorczości osobistej. Dlatego celem opracowania jest kolejno: - wyjaśnienie istoty oraz czynników decydujących o przedsiębiorczości osobistej, - określenie warunków oraz głównych czynników skłaniających pracowników do przedsiębiorczości, a w związku z tym do innowacyjności w biznesie, - krótkie przypomnienie, znanych i od wielu lat stosowanych w świecie bardzo praktycznych oraz skutecznych metod wyzwalania innowacyjności w biznesie. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Economical, organizational, social, political and any other entrepreneurship previously requires from people their personal entrepreneurship. Therefore the aims of this paper are: - to describe the essence of personal entrepreneurship and its factors, - to define conditions and main factors which develop employees' personal entrepreneurship and their innovative approaches in business, - to remind well-known practical and effective methods of launching innovations which are used for many years in business. (original abstract)
Objective: The objective of the article is to understand entrepreneurial intentions among female high school students in Ghana using the theory of planned behaviour. Moreover, it investigates differences based on parental entrepreneurship background and academic specialization. Research Design & Methods: We selected a sample of 1286 senior high school females across 20 schools in Ghana via convenience sampling. We gathered data through a structured questionnaire by Liñán and Chen (2009) and analysed it using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) post-screening. Findings: The results revealed strengthened entrepreneurial intentions for females with parent role models compared to those without. Although all programs significantly impacted intentions, the business track exhibited the largest effect. Hypothesis testing confirmed the theory of planned behaviour's core antecedents as significant drivers. Implications & Recommendations: The findings can guide education policies and interventions aimed at strengthening female entrepreneurial intentions. However, future studies may consider more senior high or secondary schools in Ghana and other countries. Contribution & Value Added: This research makes key contributions. For instance, it provides greater clarity on the motivational factors shaping Ghanaian female students' orientations toward future entrepreneurship. (original abstract)
Współcześnie od przedsiębiorstw chcących utrzymać konkurencyjność na rynku wymaga się, by ich działania były nie tylko zgodne z oczekiwaniami konsumentów. Coraz ważniejsza staje się troska o stale pogarszający się stan ekosystemu. Jedną z koncepcji mają- cych na względzie ten aspekt jest paradygmat zrównoważonego rozwoju. Niesie on za sobą konkretne zasady i przesłanki na drodze wdrażania go przez przedsiębiorstwo. Jedną z zalet prowadzenia tego typu praktyk przez przedsię- biorstwo jest zwiększenie zaufania i atrakcyjności dla potencjalnego odbiorcy. By jednak w sposób świadomy przyczyniać się do proekologicznych zachowań potrzebna jest wiedza na temat podstawowych pojęć z obszaru zrównoważonego rozwoju. Przedsiębiorstwo może skutecznie i w sposób kreatywny edukować swych konsumentów w zakresie podejmowanych w tym temacie działań. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Today, the companies wishing to remain competitive in the market are required to make their actions not only consistent with the expectations of consumers. What is becoming increasingly important is the concern for the steadily deteriorating ecosystem. One of the concepts regarding this aspect is the paradigm of sustainable development. It entails specific terms and conditions for its implementation by a company. One of the advantages of such a practice is the increase of confidence and attractiveness of a company to the potential recipient. However, in order to consciously contribute to pro-ecological behaviours it is necessary to possess knowledge about basic concepts in the field of sustainable development. The essence of the topic presented in this study is the importance of inclusion in the strategy of the sustainable development of education in this area. The aim of the presented content is to realize the significance of raising awareness about the importance of education, so that the company could effectively and creatively educate its consumers in the field undertaken in this topic. The effect will be to raise awareness and stimulate creative activities undertaken by a company. (original abstract)
Edukacja dla przedsiębiorczości postrzegana jest jako jedno z najważniejszych wyzwań współczesnych systemów edukacyjnych oraz rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Łączy ona w sobie dorobek nauk behawioralnych oraz nauk ekonomicznych. Jej nieodzowną częścią jest niewątpliwie szeroko rozumiana edukacja ekonomiczna (w tym edukacja biznesowa i edukacja finansowa), w swoim zakresie jest jednak dużo szersza, a wspomaga ją bardzo rozwinięta dydaktyka - przedsiębiorcza pedagogika. Głównym celem tego artykułu jest usystematyzowanie poglądów na edukację dla przedsiębiorczości w szerszym kontekście łączącym dorobek pedagogiki oraz nauk ekonomicznych. Krytyka piśmiennictwa została tu zastosowana jako podstawowa metoda badawcza.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Entrepreneurship education is perceived as one of the key challenges of modern education systems and socio-economic growth and development. Entrepreneurship education combines behavioral and economic sciences. Economic education (including business education and financial education) is undoubtedly an indispensable part of the broadly understood entrepreneurship education, which is much wider in scope and is supported by highly developed teaching methods - entrepreneurial pedagogy. The main objective of this paper is to systematize the views on entrepreneurship education in the broader context combining the achievements of pedagogy and business studies (economics and management). The literature review as well as its constructive criticism are the main research methods used in the paper.(original abstract)
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