As a result of the Third Partition of Poland (1795), extensive Polish territories were incorporated into the borders of Prussia, and renamed New East Prussia. They differed from the rest of the Prussian state in economic, legal and cultural sense. In order to improve the economic exploitation of the seized territories, the Prussian authorities issued numerous legal acts. This list includes the prints found in the Central Archive of Historical Records, in the fonds “General Directory. Department of New East Prussia”.
W wyniku III rozbioru Polski (1795) w granicach Prus znalazły się rozległe tereny polskie nazwane Prusami Nowowschodnimi. Od reszty państwa pruskiego różniły się one pod względem gospodarczym, prawnym i kulturowym. Dla usprawnienia eksploatacji ekonomicznej zdobytych terytoriów władze pruskie wydawały liczne akty prawne. Niniejsze zestawienie obejmuje druki znajdujące się w Archiwum Głównym Akt Dawnych, w aktach zespołu Generalne Dyrektorium. Departament Prus Nowowschodnich.
New East Prussia was a poor and neglected province, both in economic and cultural sense. Village schools offered poor quality of education, due to lack of appropriately qualified teachers. Filling teaching positions in New East Prussia rural schools was not an easy task; people employed there usually did not meet the requirements of the profession. Position of a village teacher was often a sort of retirement for old soldiers in poor health. The published document is a complaint of one of such teachers, Mikołaj Białkowski, against the local Schultheiß. The complaint is addressed to the King of Prussia and includes a request for guaranteed exclusive right to teach children in Węgra village in Przasnysz county
Artykuł prezentuje okoliczności powstania i historię wsi Paproć Duża założonej w końcu XVIII w. pod nazwą Königshuld w ramach akcji osadniczej obejmującej nieskolonizowane obszary Prus Nowowschodnich. Spośród innych, lokowanych wówczas miejscowości, wyróżnia ją oryginalny układ przestrzenny, oparty o schemat koncentryczno-promienisty. Dokonana została analiza centralnego założenia przestrzennego w kontekście nielicznych, analogicznie rozplanowanych wsi osadniczych założonych na ziemiach polskich w 2. połowie XVIII wieku w ramach kolonizacji fryderycjańskiej.
The article presents the circumstances of the creation and history of the village of Paproć Duża founded at the end of the 18th century under the name Königshuld as part of a settlement action covering the non-colonized areas of East Prussia. Among other places that were located at the time, it is distinguished by its original spatial development, based on a concentric-radial scheme. An analysis of the central spatial assumption was made in the context of the few analogical villages, founded in Poland in the second half of the 18th century as part of the Frederician colonization.
The units of the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw include fonds 170, Directorate General. Department of New East Prussia. It contains documents relating to the department, which existed at the turn of the 19th century. Among the numerous archive documents kept there we will find those concerning monasteries dissolved by the Prussian authorities in the New East Prussia period: the Dominicans in Liškiava, Płock, Sejny and Virbalis; the Franciscans in Wyszogród; and the Carmelites in Władysławowo, also known as Nowe Miasto (New Town). The documents make it possible to examine various aspects of the functioning of the monasteries under Prussian rule, which lasted just over ten years. Important papers include documents concerning the monks, also those who decided to leave their orders.
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