A great landed estate is defined as a farmstead of a minimum area of 100 hectares, operating either as an independent enterprise or owned by the gentry or wealthy middle class. The functioning of such landed estates (in Germany and under the Prussian partition known as Rittergüter) was closely linked to the ownership structure of past times, when private ownership of land entailed a number of privileges and a high social prestige. The Poznań Province was an exporter of crops and agricultural produce and on account of its geographical and geopolitical location was perceived as part of the East Elbian economy (Ostelbien). At the same time it was an outlet for manufacturers of farming tools and machines from the neighboring provinces (mainly Brandenburg). At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the Greater Poland village was dominated by German great landed estates which within the span of a century managed to allegedly permanently link Greater Poland to Prussia and the German state. The participation of German landed estate owners in the economic and social life of Greater Poland in the years 1815-1914 must be assessed as a dynamic process of transformation of the entire Greater Poland within just one century. Those changes were still noticeable in the interwar period when a majority of the landed estate owners assumed Polish citizenship and actively contributed to the economic and political life of the Second Republic of Poland.
The article deals with the problem of demographic changes that take place in thefamilies living in towns of the Prussian partition in the 19th century and at the beginningof the 20th. The most important populational parameters have been presented; on the basisof these parameters it is possible to observe trends and the directions of changes, whichare part of a much wider, pan-European process of demographic transformation. Theresearch has been carried out on the basis of the information concerning a few towns ofthe Prussian partition (Toruń, Poznań, Gdańsk, Elbląg, Starogard, Chojnice, Chełmża).A special attention has been paid to a decreasing age of newlyweds, disappearing barriersfor mixed (interfaith) marriages, loosening of social and professional requirements, andweakening of the territorial barrier while choosing the spouse. The fact worth noticing isthat the interval between the day of birth and the day of baptism was longer than before.Other facts that are of interest are: a decrease of the rate of birth/mortality, as well asof the coefficient of births and deaths at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Anothersphere that has been researched is the value of infant mortality, quite high in the 19thcentury and slowly diminishing afterwards. A combination of civilisational processes,mental changes of human beings and changes in their customs had a decisive impact onthe shape and size of the family. It was the beginning of essential transformations, whichare still taking place now and keep influencing the demographic situation of the population.The article also contains a proposal of further demographic research on the Jewishfamily in the towns of the Prussian partition, because that subject is often omitted. In theend, some new directions of research have been suggested and an introductory literaturehas been given, too.
Przemiany cywilizacyjne przełomu XIX i XX w. wpłynęły na zmianę pojmowania roli macierzyństwa i matek w społeczeństwie. Zagadnienia te stały się przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu badaczy, również w Polsce. W odniesieniu do zaboru pruskiego brakuje jednak prac, które omawiają tę tematykę. Ponadto powstałe na ten temat prace nie uwzględniają spojrzenia (lub uwzględniają je tylko w niewielkim stopniu) samych kobiet, w tym wypadku Wielkopolanek, na role i zadania, jakie są im społecznie przypisywane. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie aktualnego stanu badań oraz formułuje listę problemów i zadań badawczych, które należałoby podjąć, aby uzupełnić stan wiedzy na temat pojmowania kobiecości i macierzyństwa przez mieszkanki Poznańskiego.
Civilization changes from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries had major impact on roles and duties of motherhood and mothers in society. Many scientists, including Polish researchers, were interested on this subject. In the scope of Prussian Partition there is a lack of elaboration covering this topic. In addition, the resulting papers do not include (or only include to a small extent) the view of women themselves, in this case the Wielkopolska’s women, on the roles and tasks that are socially assigned to them. The article aims to present the current state of research and formulates a list of research problems and tasks that should be undertaken to cover the state of knowledge about the concept of femininity and motherhood by the residents in Posen.
In this article will be analyzed school files, which are archived in the diocesan archives on the territory of the former Prussian partition: Archives of the Archdiocese of Poznan, Gniezno Archdiocesan Archives and Archives of the Diocese in Pelplin. The choice of research materials dependends on understanding the concept of „territory of the Prussian partition.” In my view, it is the area that was on the board of the Prussian authorities as a result of partitions of Poland, and not, as in the case of the diocese of Warmia and the diocese of Wrocław as a result of the wars of succession and international agreements. The issue of an acts of church schools in the diocesan archives on the territory of the former Prussian partition is a section of research on the education of the Catholic Church in Poland. It also determine the direction of further analysis of archival materials in this field. It introduces a researcher at the issue of scientific and educational programs, private institutions, including the Church, and to compare them with common state programs.
W niniejszej pozycji analizie poddane zostaną akta szkół zarchiwizowane w zasobach archiwów diecezjalnych na byłym terytorium zaboru pruskiego: Archiwum Archidiecezjalnego w Poznaniu, Archiwum Archidiecezjalnego w Gnieźnie i Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Pelplinie. Wybór materiału badawczego zależny jest od rozumienia pojęcia „terytorium zaboru pruskiego”. W moim przekonaniu oznacza ono obszar, który znalazł się w zarządzie władz pruskich w wyniku zaborów, a nie jak w przypadku diecezji warmińskiej i diecezji wrocławskiej w wyniku wojen, sukcesji i umów międzypaństwowych. Problematyka akt szkół kościelnych w zasobach archiwów diecezjalnych na byłym terytorium zaboru pruskiego stanowi wycinek badań nad oświatą Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce. Pozwala także wyznaczyć kierunek analizy kolejnych materiałów archiwalnych z tego zakresu. Wprowadza badacza w zagadnienie programów naukowo-wychowawczych placówek prywatnych, w tym kościelnych oraz ich porównanie z powszechnymi programami państwowymi.
The subject of the article concerns the processes of organizing Polish education in Bydgoszcz at the end of the Prussian rule in the city. The initiatives of the emerging Polish educational institutions and national activists aimed at taking over education from the Prussian administration were shown. Individual schools were presented, with particular emphasis on secondary schools, which were incorporated into the Polish educational system after Bydgoszcz returned to Poland in January 1920.