Stimulatory properties of Propionibacterium avidum were estimated on the basis of humoral immunity firmation in pigs and protective value of combined vaccination with Suivac A and PA KP-40 (experiment a). In this experiment 22 piglets were treated with Suivac A and/or PA KP-40. 8 weeks after vaccination pigletswere chalenged with virulent NIA 3 strain of pseudorabies virus. The analysis of body weight gains and persistence of increased internal temperature revealed, that nonspecific immune stimulation together with specific vaccine gives better protection of animals than vaccination with Suivac A only, influence of immunostimulation with PA KP-40 preparation on piglets challenged with hog cholera (HC) virus was investigated in experiment (b). 30 piglets were inoculated with lapinized vaccine Lapest and/or PA KP-40 and then challenged with virulent HC strain. Treatment of piglets with PA KP-40 resulted in twofold prolonged period of surviral, comparing to untreated, infected controls.
The immunoprophylactic properties of Propionibacterium avidum KP-40, a potent stymulator of the macrophage-monocyte system and inducer of endogenous interferon, were tested in newborn calves. A single subcutaneous injection of the immunomodulator was administered either immediately after delivery or to 4-week-old animals. During physiological maturation of the immune system and the disappearance of passive resistance transmitted by colostrum, a gradual reduction of serum γ-globulins and increase in conglutinin occurred in the 2nd month of life in untreated calves. Administration of Propionibacterium avidum caused a significant rise of both γ-globulins and conglutinin. This was accompanied by increased lymphocytosis and a higher number of E-rosetting (T) lymphocytes. It is concluded that administration of Propionibacterium avidum increases the natural resistance of newborn calves and offers an effective prophylaxis against development of spontaneous infections.
Analiza szczepów Propionibacterium acnes izolowanych z treści ropnej zmian trądzikowych w latach 2000 - 2002 wykazała zróżnicowanie w obrębie typów, biotypów, właściwości lipolitycznych i obrazu lekowrażliwości.
Propionibacterium acnes is a component of physiological flora of human skin. It colonizes the outlets of sebaceous glands and participates in the pathogenesis of inflammatory acne. Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease. It is found in more or less exacerbated form in approximately 85% of adolescent population. The main purpose of the research was to confirm the hypothesis of Propionibacterium bacteria participation in the aetiopathogenesis of acne vulgaris. The researches have proved the presence of Propionibacterium acnes on the surface of the skin both of people with acne- related changes and these with whom such changes were not found. Statistically significant differences were found in the number of P. acnes bacteria per 1 square centimeter of healthy and disease-affected skin as well as in the diversity of biochemical types. The highest number of P. acnes bacteria have been found in fresh changes with visible symptoms of inflammation. In order to confirm the hypothesis of the participation of Propionibacterium bacteria in the aetiopathogenesis of acne, a detailed phenotypical analysis of isolated P. acnes strains have been conducted. Type, biotype, resistance pattern, proteolytic and lipolytic properties have been determined.
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