The main objective for writing this article is to present the barriers to accessing EU funds at the stage of preparing an application for funding, as well as the barriers to executing project activities. The research objective, question, and problem as well as the statistical description of the research group and the measurement instruments have been highlighted in the article. The author attempts to answer the following questions: what are the main barriers/hurdles encountered by Polish beneficiaries of EU funds allocated under national and regional operational programmes; which of the identified barriers to accessing EU funds is perceived as the most hindering in the process of executing EU projects; and how is the impact of EU funds on regional development assessed from the perspective of those people executing projects and taking part in projects financed with EU funds? The following barriers can be enumerated as the most significant: the withholding of subsequent funding tranches while maintaining the obligation to pursue project execution, the highly bureaucratic application process for a subsidy, the bureaucratic system of post-project accounting, and the long deadlines for transferring subsequent tranches of funding. An analysis of the findings confirms that the beneficiaries of EU funds primarily fear losing financial liquidity. Receiving a subsidy in the form of a refinancing of the incurred costs requires, on the one hand, efficient project management, and, on the other, a well-functioning institutional system that should support project recipients in their investment endeavours.
The main goal of this article is to present an analysis of the implemented actions supporting the increase of competitiveness of the SME sector within the framework of regional development policy in 2007–2013, with particular emphasis on barriers in access to EU funds by this sector of the economy. The described barriers have been identifi ed on the basis of the interviews carriedout. The obtained results confirm the most frequent opinions about problems with access to EU funds that entrepreneurs have, such as: poor information about application rules and procedures, too extensive bureaucracy and unclear guidelines regarding, among others, eligibility of expenditure.
The paper summarizes the topic of Czechoslovak participation on international projects within the CMEA. International projects within the CMEA should be considered as specific areas where widely declared socialist economic integration was to certain extent successful, not only in the context of the times. These projects symbolized one of few fields in which particular economic integration of the CMEA countries was based on really multilateral level (not only in the way of bilateral cooperation). Cooperation in case of these projects was realised on multilateral base (considering not only investments, but also the exchange of labor forces from participating countries). From the point of view of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the most important projects in the given period is the participation on the construction of gas pipelines Soyuz (Orenburg), Progress (Jamburg) and integrated mining and metallurgy plant in Dolinskaya near Krivoy Rog. The CMEA was proud of these projects as they represented notable outcomes of its functioning. Such positive image was also widely publicized in media and the participants on the projects gained great experience. Besides publicity function, some projects were important because of their economic function, also after the disintegration of the CMEA. On the other hand, some were not successful. Czech participation on the construction of mining complex in Dolinskaya symbolizes the end to an attempt at socialist economic integration.
Rozwój zarządzania wiedzą w ujęciu praktycznym i teoretycznym spowodował powstanie przeznaczonych dla tego obszaru rozwiązań oraz narzędzi. Badacze podejmują dyskusję na temat efektywności pomiarów tych instrumentów oraz oceny poziomu dojrzałości systemów zarządzania wiedzą. Na bazie studiów literaturowych scharakteryzowano struktury wybranych modeli dojrzałości oraz ich założenia metodyczne. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły wskazać wspólne dla nich cechy oraz różnice w ocenie dojrzałości zarządzania wiedzą. Celem artykułu jest przegląd modeli oraz przedstawienie aktualnego piśmiennictwa dotyczącego modeli dojrzałości zarządzania wiedzą i ich korelacji, wpływu na modele dojrzałości zarządzania projektem oraz środowisko projektowe.
Practical and theoretical development of the knowledge management generated set of tools and solutions devoted strictly to this area. The ongoing research focuses on the effectiveness of these instruments as well as on the assessment of the level of maturity models. Based on literature research, selected maturity models were described. This enabled determination of their structure and basic requirements. The aim of this article is to provide, through literature review, information about current status of the knowledge management maturity models and its impact on the project management maturity models as well as project’s environment.
The aim of the article is to present the neglected issue of creativity in organi-zations in Poland in the context of the knowledge workers’ environment. For instance, software development processes demonstrated the possibilities of expanding functional flow with creative problem solving (CPS) operations. Also, there were presented empiri-cal works and creative techniques used, which contributed to finding new and unique problem solutions. The text can be a theoretical background for undertaking empirical research in the field of creativity in the organization and contribute to filling knowledge gaps in Polish literature on creativity in knowledge-based organizations.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie pomijanego w literaturze zagadnienia kreatywności w organizacjach w Polsce w kontekście otoczenia pracowników wiedzy. Na przykładzie procesów tworzenia oprogramowania zademonstrowano możliwości rozszerzenia przepływu funkcjonalnego o kreatywne rozwiązywanie problemów CPS (Creative Problem Solving). Przedstawiono również prace empiryczne oraz wykorzystane w nich techniki kreatywne, które przyczyniły się do znalezienia nowych i unikalnych rozwiązań problemu. Tekst może stanowić teoretyczne zaplecze dla podjęcia badań empirycznych w dziedzinie kreatywności w organizacji oraz przyczynić się do wypełnienia niedoborów wiedzy w polskiej literaturze o kreatywności w organizacji opartej na wiedzy.
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