The main message of the article was to present the message of Fatima to the moral and spiritual renewal of the Nation. As a specific purpose designated structure reflection. The appearance of the message required in the first place to present its content. It is a call to conversion, prayer and penance. And these are the constituent elements of the message identified the order of presentation of news in the current reality of human life in society. First of all, man must recognize his own sinfulness and confess it before God. Only then will grow spiritually. In this respect, Fatima's call to repentance in no way become outdated. Through prayer, one deepens his relationship with God. In this respect, it clearly reveals the validity of Mary Fatima calls for prayer and also revealed his date for the spiritual renewal of modern humans. Every man, if he wants to grow spiritually and affect the metabolism of the national community can not fail to pray, including, above all, praying the rosary. In addition to prayer, another part of the Fatima message, is repentance. In making it, he regains inner harmony, bringing the subordination of the senses to reason and his will, and thus increases in union with God. Thus, each individual must be a man of penance, to which Mary called in the message of Fatima. The more such people, the more people that you create will be nobler.
Autor stawia tezę, że w ewangelizacyjnej misji Kościoła nie ma sprzeczności pomiędzy misjami a dialogiem. Pismo Święte – najważniejsza księga misjonarza i vademecum misyjne – stanowi księgę dialogu. W soborowym aggiornamento dialog okazał się ważnym faktorem, „kluczem” do otwierania ludzkich umysłów i woli na wartości reprezentowane przez innych. W ujęciu autora misje i dialog to pojęcia „bliskoznaczne”, gdyż wyrażają jedną misję Kościoła: głoszenie ludziom zbawienia w Jezusie Chrystusie (zob. RM 1-2,4,11). W doktrynie ukazującej istotę, sens i przesłanie misji wyróżnia się aspekty: trynitarny, chrystologiczny, pneumatologiczny oraz eklezjologiczny. Każdy z nich wyraża i realizuje misję we właściwym sobie klimacie dialogu. Autor akcentuje rolę dialogu w procesie preewangelizacji – przygotowania do głoszenia Ewangelii. Misjonarze oraz promotorzy dialogu nie mogą ukrywać motywów swojego zaangażowania w przestrzeni pozachrześcijańskiej. Kamuflowanie argumentów generuje dualistyczną interpretację tych dwu sprzężonych ze sobą działań – misji i dialogu.
The author puts forward a premise that there is no contradiction between ”mission” and ”dialogue” in the evangelisation activities of the Church. The Holy Bible, the most important book of the missionary, his vademecum, is the book of dialogue. Dialogue was a key factor for the aggiornamento of the Second Vatican Council, opening up minds and hearts to see valuable things in various worldviews. Mission and dialogue are almost synonymous, since both terms express the one and same mission of the Church: the proclamation of salvation through Jesus Christ to all people (see RM 1-2,4,11). The essential meaning and purpose of the doctrine of mission communicates itself in four ways: trinitarian, Christological, pneumatological and ecclesiological. Each of these ways expresses and fulfils mission in its own, proper climate of dialogue. The author stresses the role of dialogue in ”pre-evangelisation”, that is, preparation for the proclamation of the Gospel. Missionaries and advocates of dialogue cannot conceal their motivations in their involvement in the non-Christian sphere. Camouflaged ”mission intentions” generate the dualistic interpretation of those two intertwined activities: mission and dialogue.
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