Twelve years of the restitution of the Royal Castle in W a rsaw gave birth to ample documentation on build in g and conservation wotk, compiled into 95 volumes of 1,000 pages and nearly 2,500 photographs th a t represent a chronological record of all activities associated with the reconstruction of this structure. Because of an unorderly arrangement of the content of the work resulting from a s traight reg istration of successive operations it is really d iffic u lt to get from it any information. In order to eliminate this shortcoming it has been found necessary to add post-execution conservation d ocumentation which w ill present in a well-arranged form a course of research, scientific, design and executional work carried out fo r 25 rooms and the elevation of the Castle. The firs t volume of this documentation, covering the Canaletto Room, has already been prepared and a fter its approval it will become a standard example fo r future works.
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