The aim of the experiment was to determine suitable substrate type and optimal plant size for transfer of plantlets from in vitro to ex vitro under experimental outdoor conditions. Tests focused on the effect of substrate type (muddy and sandy) and starting size of plantlets gained through in vitro seed germination (0-3, 3.1-5,5.1-6, 6.1-10 cm) on plant growth. Three parameters (fresh weight, length, and the number of leaves) were compared to evaluate growth. Basic water parameters in experimental water tanks were regularly measured (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, shadow intensity) and controlled to reach similar conditions to those in the natural habitat of this species. Overwintering was studied in a cellar with newly defined size categories (<6, 6.1-8, 8.1-10, 10.1-12, 12.1-15 cm). Both substrate type and starting size of plantlets significantly impacted growth. Plantlets grew better in the muddy substrate while a 100% success rate of rooting was gained with a starting size of 6.1-10 cm in both substrates. The biggest increase in fresh weight was observed with a starting size of 3.1-5 cm and 5.1-6 cm in both substrates. The greatest increase in fresh weight was observed in plants with a starting size of 3.1-5 cm in the muddy substrate (more than 95% increase). The best overwintering results were gained in the 6.1-8 cm size category.