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The article presents the entanglement of the Catholic Church and the media by focusing on the case of the Second Vatican Council and the television broadcast of its events. The mass media attention of the council stimulated, according to the author, a double level: the media conveyed more information about the church event than it had ever done before, but at the same time, the mass media influenced the discussion of the council fathers. The article also analyzes, through the lens of the Council, the recent relationship between the Catholic Church and the Italian television.
The article presents the entanglement of the Catholic Church and the media by focusing on the case of the Second Vatican Council and the television broadcast of its events. The mass media attention of the council stimulated, according to the author, a double level: the media conveyed more information about the church event than it had ever done before, but at the same time, the mass media influenced the discussion of the council fathers. The article also analyzes, through the lens of the Council, the recent relationship between the Catholic Church and the Italian television.    
Content available remote Sobory powszechne w epoce późnego cesarstwa (IV–VI w.)
The purpose of the paper is the presentation of the mutual political-religious relations between civil and religious authority in the time of the late Roman Empire. The main problem are the universal councils in this context. The paper concentrates on the presentation of course, role, meaning and circumstances of the collecting of this councils. The article doesn’t talk over the peculiar canons of the church law. The deeper analysis concerns to this council which took place from IV. to VI. Century: Nice (325), Constantinople I (381), Ephesus (431), Chalcedon (451) and Constantinople II (553). In IV–VI centuries, when the emperors gave the acts protecting the state before the different dangers, the church did the same. The analysis of the documents presents some similarities between state and church. We can assert, that this assemblies doesn’t have the legislative and judicial power beyond the border of the dioceses of the participating bishops. They were the expression of the church consciousness. Thanks to the intrinsic value and the high level of the features of their participants, the councils have the great recognition. The consequence of this recognition was the lesser or more universal power of the law.
The journalists make the selection of information every day; presenting only the content, which, in their opinion, is essential to the reader. J. Galtung i M. Holmboe-Ruge have described the criteria which have impact on the spread of the specific information in the media. In this paper it is suggested that the conclave meets all the requirements of a media event. The analysis is based on sample issues of "Rzeczpospolita" and "Gazeta Wyborcza", important Polish daily newspapers. The most important questions asked are what role these newspapers have played during the conclave in 2013,what image of the Church and of the new pope they have popularizedin the examined period?
Dziennikarze każdego dnia dokonują selekcji informacji, przedstawiając odbiorcy tylko te treści, które w ich opinii są istotne i mogą wzbudzić zainteresowanie. Kryteria wpływające na medialne rozpowszechnienie konkretnej wiadomości sklasyfikowali J. Galtung i M. Holmboe-Ruge. Odnosząc się do tej koncepcji, wykazano, iż konklawe spełnia wszystkie kryteria, uprawniające do uzyskania miana wydarzenia medialnego. Najważniejsza część artykułu to wyniki analizy zawartości wybranych wydań „Rzeczpospolitej” i „Gazety Wyborczej”. Jaką rolę odegrały badane mass media podczas konklawe w 2013 roku? Jaki obraz Kościoła wykreowano w analizowanych tytułach w badanym okresie? Przeprowadzone analizy prasoznawcze miały dać odpowiedź na powyższe pytania oraz pokazać, jaki obraz ostatniego konklawe i wizerunek papieża Franciszka zaprezentowano w dziennikach.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The paper aims to determine in what manner official papal titles are an expression of supreme power in the Church. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The principal problem refers to the ecclesiological correlation between papal titles and primatial power, as well as the ongoing changes in the understanding of power within the Church, manifested by the departure from iurisdictio in favour of communio. Methods involve source text analysis (of the Holy Scripture and ecclesiastical documents), interpretation, and comparison. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: All names of the highest office in the Catholic Church are derived from the so-called primatial texts which de­scribe St Peter the Apostle and his mission. Together with the practice of the first centuries of Christianity, they have provided a basis for establishing the dogmatic truth about the primacy of St Peter and his successors. The primacy involves supreme jurisdictional power in the Universal Church. In this context, the author proceeds to analyse current papal titles which expose the scope and the multi­faceted nature of the power exercised by the Bishop of Rome. Furthermore, the author presents modifications in the official papal titles, which are simultane­ously a reflection of ecclesiastical changes in the area. RESEARCH RESULTS: It has been established that some titles are an expres­sion of real jurisdictional power (e.g. Bishop of Rome, Sovereign of the Vatican City State), while others carry historical and honorary importance (e.g. Primate of Italy) or manifest contemporary tendencies to highlight the religious character of the office (Servant of the Servants of God). CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: A departure from the secular understanding of power in favour of a religious and ministerial direction encourages further, praxeological research, as the pri­matial practice of individual pontificates (gestures and symbols) precedes the official primatial doctrine.
The aim of the article is to present Pope Francis’s official messages on non-negotiable values which were delivered on the yearly World Day of Migrants and Refugees and how they were presented in a portal The analysis covers Pope’s messages in 2014–2018 and the texts which were published in a popular internet portal The author assessed consistency of the Pope’s message with a media discourse in the context of the following non-negotiable values: a right to live, respect for a family based on the foundation of man and woman, right for parents to bring up their children.
Content available remote Otázky náboženské svobody ve vyjádřeních dvou posledních papežů
The article analyzes the expressions of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis on the topic of religious freedom. It summarizes their main emphases and evaluates their attitudes. The pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI strongly supported human rights issues and religious freedom is therefore characteristic of this theme. This Pope focused on humanity and its dignity, emphasizing the transcendental foundation of human rights. Pope Francis places different emphases in this area, especially social and charity, in the context of current international relations and new forms of abuse and protection of religious freedom. The way he addresses contemporary secular society may also be a new impetus for discussion about freedom of conscience and religious freedom in search of a balance between fundamental human rights (e.g. freedom of speech vs. freedom of religion).
Content available Pozew w procesie skróconym
Every marriage annulment process, regardless of its form, starts from summons. A judge cannot examine any case until the petition is put forward by the one who can challenge the validity of marriage. Spouses and a promotor of justice have an unchangeable right to challenge the validity of marriage in some circumstances. This article is an attempt to define and determine the circumstances in which the parties can file for a shortened process, or the so called bishop process.
The article presents the 4th pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Poland as a visit of a head of state – the Holy See – to Poland, with respect to the pope’s Eastern-European policy: towards the collapsing USSR, Ukraine and the Ukrainians and Polish-Ukrainian relations. The analysis takes accout of Ukrainian threads of the pope’s visit in the context of his earlier Ukraine and the Ukrainians policy. The subject of reborn Polish state’s eastern policy was, in the pope’s point of view, a part of comprehensive Polish vision of policy in the European context. Sermons from Przemyśl, Lubaczów, Łomża and Białystok, as well as from Kraków inAugust, during two parts of the pope’s 1991 visit, were a chain of statements regarding relationships of Poland and the Poles with their eastern neighbours and the role of Poland in the international arena in the context of the unification of Europe – this is how one should perceive the issue of Ukraine in John Paul II’s visit schedule. The strongest political accent was the conflict concerning the Carmel of Przemyśl. It was not only a demonstrative refusal of obedience to the pope, shown by a group of catholics, but also an attack on his policy towards the USSR and the region of former Soviet domination.
Polityka Jana Pawła II wobec Ukrainy wciąż nie doczekała się całościowego opracowania, mimo że kwestia ta w oczywisty sposób stanowiła jeden z istotnych elementów strategii politycznej papieża wobec Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Sowieckich (ZSRS). Był to z pewnością potencjalnie ważny sygnał polityki Stolicy Apostolskiej wobec Polski w okresie transformacji z punktu widzenia badań nad procesem współdziałania Stolicy Apostolskiej i Stanów Zjednoczonych w walce z ZSRS w latach osiemdziesiątych, a także wcześniej. Podobnie zresztą nie doczekała się opracowania polityka Jana Pawła II wobec Polski w okresie transformacji, już po przełomie lat 1989–1991, a przecież IV pielgrzymka bez wątpienia stanowiła jej kluczowe ogniwo.
The article deals with the Papal Primacy and the collegiality of Bishops in the light of Lumen Gentium constitution and how this issue was reflected in Czech exile theology and international theology. The Second Vatican Council does not clearly state whether the supreme power in the Church belongs to one or two holders. It also does not precisely defines the relationship between the Pope and the College of Bishops. The present text reflects on attitudes to this open question adopted by three Czech exiles: V. Boublík, A. Heidler and K. Skalický. The article consequently presents possible answers to the question of whether there are one or two holders of supreme servant power, both having found their supporters among prominent foreign theologians. The author points to facts that perhaps were not taken sufficiently into account in the search for the answer. Finally, he provides his own opinion. The supreme servant power belongs fully both to the Pope and the College of Bishops and there are therefore two holders. The theses outlined above and resulting in this conclusion are viewed as dynamic, complementary instances. The author does not come to this solution through law power logic, but through a personalist theological logic of love.
Holy pope John Paul II in 1985 initiated the World Youth Days, celebrated every year in the local Church (parishes and communities) or in different big cities e.g. Rome, Buenos Aires, Czestochowa, Denver, Paris etc. His successor – pope Benedict XVI wrote about these meetings, that they were “prophetic initiative which brought rich fruits” and allow young people to deepen their faith. Among main topics – although not expressis verbis – is sacrament of baptism as a base of Christian faith and the source of their apostleship. On that teaching of the popes we can build the entire spirituality of baptism.
W 1985 r. Ojciec święty Jan Paweł II zainicjował Światowe Dni Młodzieży, świętowane następnie co roku w Kościele lokalnym (parafie i wspólnoty) lub w różnych wielkich miastach (Rzym, Buenos Aires, Częstochowa, Denver, Paryż itd.) Jego następca, papież Benedykt XVI napisał o tych spotkaniach, że były one „proroczą inicjatywą, która przyniosła obfite owoce” i pozwoliły młodym ludziom pogłębić wiarę. Wśród wielu tematów podjętych podczas owych Dni jest – choć nie expressis verbis – obecny temat sakramentu chrztu jako podstawy wiary chrześcijańskiej i źródło posłannictwa apostolskiego. Na tym nauczaniu można budować całą duchowość chrztu.
Apostolic Letter motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus by Holy Father Francis which reforms the canons of the Canon Law concerning nullity of marriage process was issued on 8 September 2015. Its aim is to provide proper justice in the Church and it meets the need of simplifying the marriage nullity process, while giving protection of the unity of faith and of marriage discipline. This article is an attempt to present basic presumptions and novelties of the process reform which was introduced by Francis.
Mutual relations between the universal Church and local Churches belong to topics whose meaning increases and which return systematically in theological discussions. Hence also the short pontifi- cate of Pope Francis is not deprived of certain elements that allow a different view of the issue of the liaison between the two ecclesial communities. The article presents Francis’ view on the relation- ship between the universal Church and local Churches, showing the dependence of papal views on the theological thinking of Cardinal Walter Kasper. At the same time, two additional issues (Peter’s primacy and the formulation of the particular Church) are indicated, which are important for the papal ecclesiology.
Content available List papieża Hormizdasa do cesarza Anastazego I
Vox Patrum
tom 52
nr 1
Hac in brevi dissertatiuncula post introductionem cum annexa bibliographia proponitur prima in linguam Polonorum translatio Epistolae Hormisdae papae ad Anastasium I imperatorem.
Content available Święty Ambroży o biskupie Rzymu
HI. Ambrosius ais Bischof der kaiseriichen Stadt, war seiner auBerordentiichen Roiie, weiche er im ganzen Kaiserreich spieite, wohi bewuBt. Trotzdem erkannte er die Autoritat des Bischofs von Rom und setne iibergeordnete Roiie in der Kirche an. Das Zeugnis dessen ist u.a. „ubi Petrus ibi ergo Ecciesia". Ais erfahrener Beamter der kaiseriichen Verwaitung und Kenner des rómischen Rechts meinte er, daB die iokaien Kirchen die bestimmte Seibstandigkeit u.a. in iiturgischer Zeremonie genieBen soiien. Dies soiite auch das Verwaiten dieser iokaien Kirchen betreffen. Er schaffte Prazedenzfaiie und wirkte bestimmend auf die Anderungen sowohi im kirchiichen ais auch im staatiichen Recht
Content available Papież Poncjan a sprawa Orygenesa
Vox Patrum
tom 46
Sur la base de sources patristiąues, l'auteur essaie de trouver une reponse a la question de savoir quelle put etre la participation de l’eveque de Rome, Pontien (230-235), au conflit provoque par l'ordination sacerdotale d'Origene. Son analyse concerne une phrase-cle de la Lettre 33 de Jeróme: „Damnatur a Demetrio episcopo; exceptis Palaestinae et Arabiae et Phoenices atque Achaiae sacerdotibus, in damnationem eius consentit orbis; Roma ipsa contra hunc cogit senatum non propter dogmatum nouitatem, non propter heresim, ut nunc aduersum eum rabidi canes simulant, sed quia gloriam eloquentiae eius et scientiae ferre non poterant et illo dicente omnes muti putabantur". L'auteur de Farticle discute certaines opinions du tivre de Pierre Nautin, Origene. Il etablit une liste des points problematiques nés du texte de Jeróme: Fobscurite de la constatation; la question de savoir pourquoi l'eveque de Romę fut informe de la decision du synode Alexandrin contre Origene; la signification du terme senatus, et le genre de decision pris par cette assemblée.
Vox Patrum
tom 46
Hac in dissertatione de vinculis inter episcopos occidentales et Basilium tractatur. Ille inter octo ministerii pastoralis annos multiplicer ad episcopos occidentales, quoque ad Romae episcopum, se advertebat. In Oriente praecipue Arii sectae vigebant et Ecclesiae locales in communione non erant, atque Ecclesia in Antiochia est divisa. Quamobrem Basilius adiutorium inveniendum petebat in Occidente. Damasus, Romae episcopus, et alii episcopi occidentales causas rationesque, quibus Ecclesiae in Oriente occupatae sunt, comprehendere non potuerunt. Basilius ad communionem inter divisas Ecclesias in Oriente faciendam magna vi intendebat, potissimum cum Damaso. Quem attamen caput totius Ecclesiae non putabat, sed primum inter pares, qui magnam possidebat auctoritatem.
Content available Kontakty św. Augustyna z papieskim Rzymem
Vox Patrum
tom 14
Saint Augustin a demeure a Rome deux fois, a savoir au debut et a la fin de a la fin de son sejour en Italie, dans les annees 383-388.
The article reflects on the phenomenon of migration as the basis of the current social­‑political conflict. Its aim is (above all) to point out the inspirational and critical importance of the social teaching of the Church on this current issue. It focuses on the two key moments contained in this teaching, which also appear to be pivotal within the socio-political discourse in relation to migration. It is a question of the relevance of the cosmopolitan principle, respectively the question of political decision­‑making on a transnational level. The article also provides a partial view of the role and the importance of the Church and individual Christians as the witnesses to the issue, i.e. the confrontation of the migration phenomenon in the context of growing urbanization.
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, a Polish writer who lived for decades in Naples, numerously turned to John Paul II in his diary entries as well as in the strictly literary texts. He argued his ideas, rebelled against many beliefs preached by the Pope, he was a strict judge of his many actions, but, most of all, he listened carefully to Pope’s words and he read his texts attentively. This paper talks about Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s attitude towards the Priest andpriesthood, but most of all it talks about the presence of John Paul II’s thoughts in the works of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński. This presence in therefore multidimensional, from mere allusions to extended utterances, from short passages to extended psychological portrait
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński – polski pisarz mieszkający przez dziesiątki lat w Neapolu – wielokrotnie wracał do osoby Jana Pawła II w zapisach dziennikowych i w tekstach sensu stricte literackich, wykłócał się o swoje prawdy, buntował się przeciwko wielu głoszonym przez papieża poglądom, surowo oceniał niektóre z jego czynów, ale – myślę, że to jest najważniejsze – niezwykle uważnie wsłuchiwał się w słowa papieża i niezwykle uważnie wczytywał się w jego pisma. Prezentowany szkic mówi o stosunku Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego do Kapłana i do kapłaństwa, ale przede wszystkim mówi o obecności postaci i myśli Jana Pawła II w twórczości Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego. A jest to obecność – wielowymiarowa – od napomknień do rozbudowanych wypowiedzi, od szkicowych ujęć po rozbudowane psychologicznie portrety.
The article presents Jan Hus, Czech reformer burnt at a stake during the Council of Constance in 1415. 600th anniversary of his death as a martyr and the context of the 500th anniversary of Reformation causes interest of this distinctive figure. In the views and postulates of Jan Hus many historians of Christianity as well as theologians are likely to see the prediction of Reformation initiated by Martin Luther in 1517. In three points first there was shown the context, which enabled Luther to state “We are the Hussites – all of us” (1), then there was shown the image of Jan Hus as depicted in various post-reformation writs (2), of such authors as Matthias Flacius Illyricus, Ludwig Rabus and John Fox. The article sums up some final evaluations and conclusions.
Artykuł prezentuje postać Jana Husa, czeskiego reformatora spalonego na Soborze w Konstancji w 1415 r., która ostatnio budzi zainteresowanie w związku z 600. rocznicą jego męczeńskiej śmierci, jak i w kontekście 500. rocznicy wybuchu reformacji. W poglądach i postulatach Jana Husa wielu historyków chrześcijaństwa i teologii dostrzega zapowiedź reformacji zainicjowanej przez Marcina Lutra w 1517 r. W trzech punktach najpierw ukazano kontekst, który Lutrowi pozwolił stwierdzić „my wszyscy jesteśmy husytami” (1), następnie pokazano obraz Jana Husa w wybranych pismach poreformacyjnych, których autorami byli Matthias Flacius Illyricus, Ludwig Rabus i John Fox (2). Artykuł kończy kilka końcowych ocen i wniosków (3).
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