Autor przedstawia problemy transportu w IV zmianie Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego w Iraku. Wnioski dotyczące organizacji i realizacji transportu wynikają z osobistych doświadczeń autora. Są cenne, gdyż obejmują podstawowe gałęzie transportu, które wykorzystywane są w misjach, a mianowicie: transport lotniczy, morski i kołowy (drogowy). Istotnym spostrzeżeniem jest porównanie procedur amerykańskich i polskich w zakresie organizacji i realizacji transportu.
The Author presents transport problems in IV change of Polish Military Contingent in Iraq. Conclusions concerning the organization and realization of transport processes result from Author's personal experiences. These conclusions are valuable, because they embrace transport modes used in military missions, namely: air transport, maritime transport and road transport. An essential remark is the comparison between American and Polish procedures in the field of the organization and realization of transport processes.
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W niniejszej publikacji Autor przedstawia poszczególne zadania logistyczne w wojsku oraz jednostki odpowiedzialne za ich realizację w kontekście V zmiany Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego w Iraku. Autor podaje również cenne wskazówki pod kątem udoskonalenia obsługi logistycznej przyszłych zmian PKW.
In this publication the Author presents particular logistics tasks in army and units responsible for it's realization in the context of the Fifth change of the Polish Military Contingent in Iraq. The Author gives also valuable guidelines useful for improving the logistic services of future Polish Military Contingents.
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The issues of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) during international stabilization activities are presented in the article on the example of the 10th Rotation of Polish Military Contingent's experiences in Iraq. The problem of CIMIC is shown with reference to the national composition of the above-mentioned divisions, the environment of the local population with the regard of their influence on the cooperation within the framework of coalition forces and their relation with authorities and the local population in the area of the operating-responsibility. In the article there are also discussed tasks, conducted procedures in projects and humanitarian aid and their aspects. The effects of CIMIC and conclusions are drawn in the paper. The article includes information based on unique results of research conducted by the author in the Republic of Iraq.
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The article features the Polish Military Contingent's (PMC) materiel support during the first three rotations. In the introduction, the Multi-National Division’s -Central South (MND-CS) structure and short characteristics of conditions in which PMC supply was carried out. The next part focuses on International accords signed between Poland and the United States which were the basis to develop the concept of PMC logistic support assigned for operations within the framework of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The final part of the article concerns accomplishing tasks of national materiel support subsystem for the PMC Iraq. Moreover, the use of assets in the first three rotations is presented in a chart. It is worth stressing that during the Operation Iraqi Freedom, two nomenclatures of supply class were used: five classes of supply in the national system and ten supply classes -within the coalition (these are American supply class systems). Furthermore, an essential role in materiel supply and storage played the functioning of two systems: ACSC supply system in relation to all MND troops and national system carried out within the Polish National Support Element. Applying two procurement systems in relation to contingents carrying out tasks outside the country seems a good solution due to the fact that it eliminates costly transfer of some goods which may be acquired in the area of the mission through contractors or purchases. Consequently, it contributes to the decrease of costs that materiel supply insurance bears.
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