Prison Warsaw–Mokotów located at Rakowiecka 37 enrolled shameful in the history of Polish years 1944-1956. During this period in Mokotowskie prison functioned 4 wheel PPR , which focused around 75 members (of which came at the meeting of 30 States – 40 %). At the end of 1948, just before the unification of the party in all circles operating in jail Mokotów was centered 126 members. The analysis of the protocols of meetings that a common theme that was raised, the discipline of work. The prison officers will join the competition after the elimination of sleeping at the time of service at the police station, being late to work, coming to work intoxicated, excessive consumption of paper, water and electricity. Secretaries encouraged to be active members of the PPR that through training, employees MBP can obtain knowledge of the political situation that prevails in Europe and Poland, and that will be more " immune to all the promptings of the enemies of democracy." Hence, calling for the submission of the people who are more politically pounded to take care of those employees who have problems with reading and writing to teach them to understand the problems of communist ideological thinking. In the spring of 1948, the party meetings proceeded in accordance with a planned party line, which is nice to prepare members of the party to the unification movement PPR and PPS. Another nagging problem that was raised at party meetings, the presentation of the August Plenum of the Central Committee of the PPR, which were discussed issues Władyslaw Gomułka accusations of right-wing deviation.
The Communist Party has played a pivotal role in Polish politics after World War II. Her branches were set up in every workplace, including the security apparatus. This text describes eleven silhouettes of people in charge of party structures in Voivodship Department of Public Security i Gdansk (in the period 1955–1956 as Voivodship Department for Public Security). They had different education, different biographies, but they had the most important feature – the confidence of the Party authorities. The first party secretaries were shown as a group. The author described the most important features of their biographies and juxtaposed them together. The article also explains the details of the selection of each of them, the most important events of every term and the circumstances of their dismissal from a position.
Artykuł przedstawia działania i przestępstwa popełnione przez funkcjonariuszy Powiatowego Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego w Płocku podczas wyborów do Sejmu Ustawodawczego z 1947 r. Represje dotyczyły głównie działaczy Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego, które miało wielu zwolenników w powiecie płockim.
The article presents the activities and offenses committed by officers of The District Office of Public Security in Plock during elections to the Legislative Parliament in 1947. The repression concerned mainly the activists of the Polish People`s Party, which had many supporters in the county of Plock.
The following paper is a critical edition of a document that established propaganda guidelines for the so-called unification congress of the workers’ movement in Poland, held on December 15–21, 1948. By means of a scholarly presentation of an archival record, the author shows that behind the veil of a grandiose and joyful atmosphere, accompanying the „unification” of the Polish Workers’ and Socialist Parties as well as the establishment of the Polish United Workers’ Party, the congress, as a matter of fact, was a skillfully directed event that intended to create a particular mood. The writer points out that the congress itself was an ideological mass undertaking – an utter theatre in honour of Bolesław Bierut and Józef Stalin, which formalized the totalitarian system of the dictatorial communist party. And like in a real theatre, a painstaking script was written and roles assigned. That scenario outlined all elements of the state’s life and almost all spheres of human life, which at that time were already under the reign of the totalitarian regime. Therefore this campaign, preparing for the Unification Congress is considered to be the largest and the most important in the communist Poland.
Artykuł zawiera edycję krytyczną dokumentu ustalającego propagandowe wytyczne związane z przygotowaniami do tzw. kongresu zjednoczeniowego ruchu robotniczego w Polsce, który odbył się w dniach 15–21 grudnia 1948 r. Autor, poprzez naukową prezentację dokumentu archiwalnego, pokazuje, że za podniosłą i radosną atmosferą towarzyszącą „zjednoczeniu” Polskiej Partii Robotniczej i Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej oraz utworzeniu Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej tak naprawdę kryła się umiejętna reżyseria budowania nastroju. Wskazuje, że sam kongres stanowił ideologiczną akcję masową – swoisty teatr ku czci Bolesława Bieruta i Józefa Stalina, który formalizował totalitarny system sprawującej dyktatorską władzę partii komunistycznej. Teatr, do którego napisano drobiazgowy scenariusz i rozpisano role. Scenariusz obejmujący wszystkie elementy życia państwa oraz niemal wszystkie sfery życia człowieka, które w tym czasie już znajdowały się w ręku totalitarnego reżimu. Akcję związaną z przygotowaniami do Kongresu Zjednoczeniowego uważa się za największą i najważniejszą w komunistycznej Polsce.
Stalinism in Poland were characterized by, among other things, taking place within the Polish United Workers' Party purification processes its ranks of "enemies". Especially with "reactionaries" type of ex-Home Army soldiers. One of them was Zygmunt Gnieciak (1925-1989). Born in Rozyn (Volyn), in 1943-1944 he served in the 27th Volyn Home Army Infantry Division. After its disarmed by the Soviets, was a soldier of WP / WOP (until 1946). Then he worked in power station in Słubice. At the news of settling his family repatriated for Hrubieszow came to the area and started his own family. Soon he took a job political instructor at the District Headquarters of the General Organization "Service to Poland" and then in the District Committee of the Communist Party in Hrubieszow (1949-1951). Factual material indicates that as his clerk, chief of human resources’ department and head of the propaganda department secretly led a double play. Was to use positions in the party to sabotage its various actions. After nearly two years, perhaps for fear of being discovered he revealed that he was once a member of the Home Army. At the same time concealing his role he played in KP Polish United Workers' Party in Hrubieszow. In an atmosphere of dismay that the party apparatus employed in the former “bandit”, district leadership the Communist Party removed him from his post. But he did not suffer serious consequences beyond throwing their jobs and driven out of Hrubieszow. Not escaped prison in 1953. Was sentenced to a year in prison for lack of managerial supervision of the company buying fruits and vegetables in Chelm, which was then the director. Since the mid 50s to mid 80s. of XXth century he worked in mills and factories fruit and vegetable industry in the counties of Chelm and Hrubieszow.
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