W perspektywie zmian regulacyjnych zachodzących w komunalno-bytowym sektorze rynku węgla opałowego, koniecznym jest dostosowanie oferty produktowej do wymogów środowiskowych zawartych w aktach prawnych na szczeblu międzynarodowym, państwowym i lokalnym. Odpowiedzialnością PGG S.A., jako wiodącego producenta węgla opałowego jest dostosowanie portfolio produktowego do rosnącego zapotrzebowania na paliwo sprzyjające zapobieganiu powszechnie szkodliwego zjawiska smogu. W artykule zaprezentowano aktualny asortyment PGG S.A. wraz z najistotniejszymi parametrami określającymi jakość paliw.
In the perspective of regulatory changes taking place in the municipal and residential sector of the heating coal market, it is necessary to adapt the product offer to environmental requirements included in legal acts at the international, state and local level. The responsibility of PGG S.A. as the leading producer of heating coal is to adapt the product portfolio to the growing demand for fuel supporting the prevention of the widely harmful phenomenon of smog. The article presents the current PGG S.A. assortment, along with the most important parameters defining the quality of fuels.
Volatility is one of the most characteristic features in the all market types. In the raw material market, including the bituminous coal market, volatility is visible in the supply and demand variations, in consequence in the prices fluctuations. Market actors usually having opposite interests, for example buy low, sell high, are vitally interested in identifying the causes of these fluctuations. Some of the factors causing the market fluctuations are quite common, others are more complicated because of circumstances complexity. This article attempts to examine the relationships between bituminous coal fines prices and the economic situation. Given the complexity of the issue, the research area has been narrowed down – territorially to Poland and temporarily – to the present decade. The average prices of coal fines in Poland are presented by the Industrial Development Agency (Agencję Rozwoju Przemysłu SA) in the form of two indices: PSCMI 1 and PSCMI 2. Both indices are calculated based on the prices of pattern bituminous coal, produced by domestic manufacturers and sold on domestic markets, the energy and heat market respectively. Statistical methods, because of their quantitative nature, are important in identifying the correlations between the coal fines prices and economic conditions. Therefore, the article presents examples of relatively strong linear correlations between the PSCMI 1 and/or PSCMI 2 and some indicators of the economic situation.
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