Ochotnicza LigaKobiet was the first regular military formation feminine on Polish soil, which was created in 1918. During the Polish-Ukrainian struggle for Lwów. A year later, during the Polish-Soviet War, he founded OLK 2 in Vilnius. The growing threat of the Soviet Union meant that in 1920. Formation was reorganized and in August this year took part in the Battle of Warsaw. Portrait collective members OLK both representatives of the officers, as usual serial – Sentinel, courier or administrative workers. For obvious reasons, the most famous were the first of these, which often continued its operations after the termination of formation – in the interwar period, and later during World War II. These include the, m.in.: the initiator and founder of OLK – Lt.-Col. Aleksandra Zagorska, see. Wanda Gertz – commander of the Legion of Vilnius, Sec. Irena Jędrychowska – Battalion commander OLK in Poznan, Sec. Maria Chojecka – battalion commander campaign administrative OLK in Warsaw, Lieutenant. Halina Kowalska – commander OLK branch in Grudziądz.A large part of the representatives of officers OLK was educated and came from landowning families or intellectual, where the cultivated tradition of independence. They were also often involved in the work of independence before the outbreak of World War I, and thus represented by patriotic attitudes they have been shaped before joining OLK. As a result, in the course of military service, they were characterized by a special commitment and often were successful. Their achievements were appreciated by giving them badges and managerial functions. It is worth noting that the decorations and received praise not only representatives of the officers, but also non-commissioned officers or serial, which were also exemplary soldiers.In conclusion, we can say that the period of operation of OLK was an important step in the military participation of women, and even though the formation was liquidated, gained by its members experience became a vehicle for the development of the movement of military training of women in the interwar period.
The paper presents the political situation in Central Europe after the First World War. In November 1918, Germany was in the flames of revolution. It was in the interest of the communists to link the Russian revolution with the beginning German revolution. But in the way of the Red Army’s march into Germany was Poland, rebuilding its sovereignty after 123 years of captivity. This meant that Poland had to disappear as an independent state - it could only exist as a Soviet Republic in a brotherly union with Russia. For the Bolshevik party, the question was not ‘whether’ but ‘when’ the liquidation of the independent Republic of Poland should take place. After the Bolsheviks defeat in the summer of 1920, Vladimir Lenin left no illusions that Poland had no right to exist and he would not rest until ‘we finished off these Poles for good!
W artykule autor przedstawił sytuację polityczną po pierwszej wojnie światowej, jaka panowała w środkowej Europie. W listopadzie 1918 roku Niemcy ogarnął płomień rewolucji. W interesie wszechświatowego przewrotu leżało połączenie rewolucji rosyjskiej z rozpoczynającą się niemiecką. Na drodze marszu Armii Czerwonej do Niemiec leżała odbudowująca swoją państwowość po 123 latach niewoli Polska. Musiała zatem zniknąć jako państwo niepodległe – mogła istnieć wyłącznie jako Republika Rad w braterskim związku z Rosją. Przed partią bolszewicką nie stało pytanie „czy”, ale „kiedy” ma nastąpić likwidacja niepodległej Rzeczypospolitej. Po przegranej bolszewików latem 1920 roku Włodzimierz Lenin nie pozostawiał złudzeń, że Polska nie ma prawa istnieć, że on nie spocznie aż wykończy tych Polaków na dobre!