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tom Tom 1 Nr XIV
In the article the author presents rossica (Russicisms and Sovieticisms) in the function of political invective in the three periods of the history of Polish political communication (1919-1939, 1945-1989, 1989-today).
nr 19
In his article, the author considers complaining as the typical feature of Polish cultural life. He compares the recent situation in Polish culture (i.e. complains about displacement of the classic, paper books by the e-books, Internet and other “new media”) with historical data, concerning i.e. the fear of the displacement of the manuscript by spreading all around invention of printing. According to the author, this fears were false because the manuscript played important role in Polish “underground” of the cultural and political life even in the tweentieth century. Then he refers to the current scientific publications, stating that (despite all recent fears) monographs, dissertations and other humane papers are progressively more and more vast. Unfortunately this vast size does not mix with the accurateness of the data which they contain and with the editorial strictness of these publications. For instance, formal requirements of the publication of the thesis before achieving scientific degree precludes candidates from incorporating critical remarks of the fellow scientists in the final publication. This yields a large number of editorial mistakes and inconsistencies in humane publications. The author prefers coherent, substantive publications, which are free from any factual or editorial mistakes – and that`s his advice for Polish humanists.
tom Tom 1 Nr XIII
This article aims to describe the function played by Polish language In the life of Poles residing in independent Ukraine. The hypothesis on the lack of necessity to use a native language in everyday life in order to preserve cultural distinctness has been verified during the field-research conducted by the author. Polish language is only one of the elements of widely-understood Polish culture. The group subject to field-research study has also preserved other elements, such as: hierarchy of values of norms and patterns, feeling of distinctiveness, typical Polish traditions and customs. This observation contrasts with stereotypical opinion according to which preservation of culture is impossible without preservation of language.
Content available remote Sąsiedzi: stereotyp Cyganów w kulturze polskiej
nr 2(21)
[The text analyzes the stereotype of gypsies in Polish culture.]
nr 2(25)
In the Polish society we oft en observe representatives of diff erent cultures. Th ey live, study, work in Poland. Foreigners learning the culture and Polish language, simultaneously use forms of the formal education as part of courses and language schools, as well as, in frames of colleges. Th e off er of this institutions is diverse, starting from such basic teaching materials, as textbooks, and fi nishing on studio, direct exits meetings with the culture of the Polish society, with people, music, book. Th e paper is a presentation of analysis results of the contents of chosen current textbooks of Polish for foreigners, as well as with attempt of the answer to questions, what elements of the Polish culture in them are being handed over as well as what manner of their exposition is. Th ese are certainly material questions in processes determining intercultural competence.
Cudzoziemcy, poznając polską kulturę i język polski, często korzystają z edukacji formalnej – w ramach kursów, szkół językowych, uczelni wyższych. Oferta niniejszych placówek jest różnorodna, jednak wszystkie korzystają z tak podstawowych materiałów dydaktycznych jak podręczniki. Artykuł jest prezentacją wyników analizy zawartości wybranych aktualnych podręczników języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców, a także próbą odpowiedzi na pytania, jakie elementy kultury polskiej są w nich przekazywane, oraz jaki jest sposób ich ekspozycji. To z pewnością pytania istotne w kontekście kompetencji międzykulturowej, czyli płaszczyzny efektywnego komunikowania się przedstawicieli z odmiennych kultur. Podstawowy zakres tego pojęcia orientuje się obecnie nie tyle na kategorii znawstwa kultury polskiej, lecz zrozumienia sensu poszczególnych elementów kulturowych oraz nadawanych im przez Polaków znaczeń.
nr 77-78
Abschiedswalzer, the biography of Frederic Chopin made in the Third Reich, is usually seen as a surprisingly friendly towards Poland and Polish people. The film is regarded by contemporary film historians opposed to the typical argument that film entertainment during the Nazi era was extremely politicised, as well crafted, and free of ideological elements typical of cinematic entertainment of the time. However an analysis of how Chopin’s music is used, the construction of the main characters, omissions and distortions of historical facts, gender strategies applied and the role of the language leads to a different conclusion. The film shows a deep ambivalence towards Chopin. An affirmation of his music is accompanied by discrediting him as a man and as a patriot, which results in visible “germanization” of Chopin presented in the film, which germanization however remains incomplete. From the film it might be inferred what were the official priorities of the German foreign policy of the time (correct relations with the neighbouring states, and also an anti-soviet direction) but also the expansionist ambitions of the Third Reich. Before the Germans began to realize the idea of colonising the East by military means, the expansion was a cultural one, and was served by films such as Chopin, the Bard of Freedom.
nr 33
nr 9
Negative sexuality as a passive social attitude Negative sexuality is a sexuality that isn’t a part of feeling of identity and self-acceptance. It is burdened with feelings of shame, guilt and threat. In Polish society there is an atmosphere of negative sexuality. There is a lack of tolerance towards diversity and sexual freedom, understood as free expression of the self. It is a situation which threatens the psychological well-being. The deprecation and normativization of human sexuality is ensnarled in relations of power which petrify the social status quo. That leads to totalitarian management of our sexuality and maintenance of that status due to psychological mechanisms of submitting to totalitarian powers. To show these processes I refer to such thinkers as Michel Foucault, Erich Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Wilhelm Reich and Karen Horney.Such reality is also a result of social processes which shaped it. Influential here were the processes related to power and culture. Negative templates have been present in our culture for long time, a fact which I exemplify by analyzing Polish culture through the Polish cinema of the People’s Republic period. Today, passive social attitudes have resulted in continued cultivating of these negative social norms.I show alternatives to the atmosphere of negative sexuality, describing the movement for positive sexuality and its benefits for psychological health of individuals and society. While I throw doubt on the possibility of a popularization of queer theory in Poland, I also show some universal strategies of resistance against those exercising power over human sexuality. I describe the phenomenon of bioresistance and freeing physicality drawing on the example of works by Krzysztof Pacewicz about the theories of Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben. In more practical terms, I analyze the present condition of sexual education anti-discrimination movements in Poland.In my work I want to show that a sexually positive life attitude, which means a life of acceptance of oneself and others and creation of a nonviolent space, enables universal self-acceptance and self-development. It is also a proactive social attitude because it requires intellectual and political involvement in regard to emerging reality. I believe that positive sexuality supported by positive sex-ed and social involvement is a very important element of resistance against power relations.  Negatywna seksualność jako bierna postawa społecznaNegatywna seksualność to seksualność, która nie składa się na poczucie tożsamości i samoakceptacji. Jest obarczona wstydem, poczuciem winy i zagrożenia. W polskim społeczeństwie panuje atmosfera negatywnej seksualności. Brak jest tolerancji dla różnorodności i wolności seksualnej rozumianej jako swobodna ekspresja siebie. Jest to sytuacja, która zagraża dobrostanowi psychicznemu. Deprecjonowanie i normatywizowanie ludzkiej seksualności jest uwikłane w relacje władzy, które petryfikują dany stan społeczny. Prowadzi to do totalitarnego zagospodarowania naszej seksualności i utrzymywania tego stanu dzięki psychicznym mechanizmom ulegania władzy totalitarnej. By pokazać te procesy, przywołuję myślicieli i myślicielki takie jak Michel Foucault, Erich Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Wilhelm Reich i Karen Horney.Taka rzeczywistość jest też rezultatem procesów społecznych, które ją ukształtowały. Miały na to wpływ procesy związane z władzą i kulturą. Negatywne wzorce są obecne w naszej kulturze od dawna. Polską kulturę analizuję przez pryzmat kina polskiego epoki PRL-u. Kultywowanie tych negatywnych norm społecznych to bierna postawa społeczna.Pokazuję alternatywy dla atmosfery negatywnej seksualności. Opisuję ruch pozytywnej seksualności i jego zalety dla zdrowia psychicznego jednostki i społeczeństwa.Poddaję w wątpliwość możliwość popularyzowania teorii queer w Polsce. Pokazuję pewne uniwersalne strategie oporu wobec władzy nad ludzką seksualnością. Opisuję zjawisko biooporu i uwalniania cielesności na przykładzie pracy Krzysztofa Pacewicza o teoriach Michela Foucaulta i Giorgio Agambena. Analizuję kondycję edukacji seksualnej i ruchów antydyskryminacyjnych w Polsce w czasie teraźniejszym.Moja praca ma pokazać, że sekspozytywna postawa życiowa, czyli akceptacja siebie i innych oraz tworzenie bezprzemocowej przestrzeni umożliwia powszechną samoakceptację i samorozwój. Jest jednocześnie aktywną postawą społeczną, ponieważ wymaga zaangażowania intelektualnego i politycznego we wpływaniu na zastaną rzeczywistość. Uważam, że pozytywna seksualność, wspierana pozytywną edukacją seksualną i zaangażowaniem społecznym, to bardzo istotny element oporu wobec relacji władzy.
A diversidade cultural é um componente comum em todos os níveis de integração da vida social, desde perspectivas de micro até de macroescalas, e a etnicidade tem se mostrado um elemento importante para a dinamização de diferentes dimensões das sociedades. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é realizar um levantamento de elementos da cultura polonesa na confi-guração de seis cidades brasileiras, com foco em instrumentos de gestão urbana e de políticas públicas de incentivo e apoio às manifestações étnicas e à manutenção e/ou preservação de patrimônio histórico material e imaterial. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, pautado na análise de conteúdo para identificar elementos identitários da cultura polonesa expressos em portais da internet de instituições públicas municipais brasileiras. Como resultados, (i) foi possível delinear aspectos importantes da trajetória histórica do povo polonês para construção de realidades sociais locais, expressas por meio das artes, da arquitetura, de costumes etc.; (ii) avaliar políticas públicas destinadas à preservação cultural da etnia polonesa no âmbito dos municí-pios analisados; (iii) e aprofundar a compreensão da capacidade que uma cultura pode ter para influenciar na configuração de espaços urbanos e na gestão municipal brasileira. A conclusão é que, não obstante a falta de incentivo de instituições governamentais brasileiras e polonesas, ainda há a permanência de importantes traços da cultura polonesa manifestos no patrimônio material e imaterial de cidades brasileiras, que abrem possibilidades de aproximações entre esses dois países com base nas ideias de indústrias e da economia criativa.
Cultural diversity is a common component at all levels of social life’s integration, from micro perspectives to macro scales, and ethnicity has been shown to be an important element for the societies’ promotion in different dimensions. In this context, the objective of this article is to carry out a survey of Polish culture’s elements to contribute in the configuration of six Brazi-lian cities, focusing on urban management tools and public policies to encourage and support ethnic manifestations and for the maintenance and / or material and immaterial historical patri-mony preservation. This is a qualitative study based on content analysis to identify elements of Polish culture expressed in Brazilian municipal public institutions internet portals. As a re-sult, (I) it was possible to delineate important aspects of the Polish people’s historical trajec-tory at local social realities of construction expressed through the arts, architecture, customs etc.; (II) to evaluate public policies aimed at the cultural preservation of the Polish ethnic group within the cities analyzed; (III) and to intensify the understanding of a culture capability to influence the configuration of the urban spaces and Brazilian’s municipal management. The conclusion is that, despite the lack of incentive of Brazilian and Polish governmental institutions, there are still important features of Polish culture manifested in the material and immateri-al patrimony of Brazilian cities, which open possibilities of approximation between these two countries based on the ideas of industries and the creative economy.
nr 2
Artykuł stanowi przegląd treści pieśni safickiej Rudolfa Agrykoli Młodszego adresowanej do biskupa poznańskiego Jana Lubrańskiego, którą włączył do swej dysertacji kosmologicznej „Introductio in Ptolemaei Cosmographiam cum longitudinibus et latitudinibus regionum et civitatum celebriorum” (Kraków 1512, 1517) Jan ze Stobnicy (1470–1530). Jako poemat panegiryczny wiersz Rudolfa stanowi opowieść o działalności i osiągnięciach biskupa. Wsławił się on zarówno licznymi inwestycjami budowlanymi, zakładaniem miast, patronatem roztaczanym nad artystami, jak i przymiotami swojej osobowości. W artykule podjęto próbę charakterystyki pochwały hierarchy, która całkowicie odpowiadała oczekiwaniom ówczesnych czytelników.
The article offers an overview of the poetical material circulating in a Latin poem by Rudolph of Wasserburg which was inserted into an astronomical and geographical treatise “Introductio in Ptolemaei Cosmographiam cum longitudinibus et latitudinibus regionum et civitatum celebriorum” (Cracoviae 1512, 1517) of Jan of Stobnica (1470–1530). As a Sapphic verse, Rudolph’s poem offers tales of the achievements of Jan Lubrański, the Bishop of Poznań, which were praised and admired in order to meet the tastes and cultural expectations of contemporary readers, thus becoming a testimony to the bishop’s outstanding personality. Among others, the article examines his actions and deeds eulogised in the poem, such as building churches and patronage of the arts.
tom 2(9)
The end of war in Europe on 8 May 1945 allowed to seek restitution of cultural property lost by Poland between 1939-1945. This task was undertaken by the Provisional Government of National Unity, which was created on 28 June 1945. The demarcation of new eastern borders of Poland along the so-called eastern Curzon line resulted in leaving outside the country two cultural centers important to national interest of Poles – Vilnius and Lviv. In March 1945 The Committee of Experts for Restitution and Compensation in Culture and Arts was created within The Ministry of Culture and the Arts, and the Ministry of Education established the Commission for Reparations and Restitution for Science and Schools. Their main task was to prevent looting by the so called “cultural battalions of the NKVD,” who treated the encountered cultural goods as “spoils of war”. On the basis of the resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR of 18 October 1945, 577 exhibits and 50 thousand books and manuscripts were transferred to Poland (as a gift!). The Catholic clergy could carry their fortune from the eastern borderlands of Second Polish Republic to Poland on the basis of an additional protocol to the repatriation agreement of 20 September 1945. With the resolution of 5 July 1946, The Council of Ministers of The Provisional Government of National Unity appointed a committee for the recovery of Polish cultural property from the former eastern provinces of the Republic of Poland, which were included in the Ukrainian SSR after the change of borders. Despite the recovery of many Polonicas, the loss of the greater part of Lviv museum collections remained a fact. Changes in the USSR began on 11 March 1985. In May 1987, 2450 Polish books from the Ossolineum collections in Lviv were given to the Polish side. At the end of November 1989, although the Soviets agreed to return Poland the Ossolineum collections in Lviv, the promise was not fulfilled. The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and regaining the independence by the former republics made it necessary to conduct negotiations on the Polish cultural heritage with each of the successors of the USSR separately - including Ukraine.
Конец войны в Европе 8 мая 1945 года дал возможность искать реституции утраченных Польшей культурных ценностей в 1939-1945 гг. Этим занялось созданное 28 июня 1945 года Временное правительство национального единства. В результате создания новых границ Польши вдоль так называемой восточной Линии Керзона за пределами страны нашлись два важные для национального интереса поляков культурные центра – Вильнюс и Львов. В марте 1945 года Министерство культуры и искусств создало Комитет экспертов по реституции и компенсации в области культуры и искусств, а в Министерстве образования была создана Комиссия по репарациям и реституции для науки и школ. Их главной задачей было предотвратить мародерство так называемых «Культурных батальонов НКВД», которые встреченные культурные ценности считали как «военные трофеи». На основании решения Совета Народных Комиссаров УССР от 18 октября 1945 года было передано в Польшу (как подарок!) 577 экспонатов и 50 тыс. книг и рукописей. Католическое духовенство могло перевозить свое имущество из восточных окраин Второй республики в Польшу на основе дополнительного протокола к репатриации от 20 сентября 1945 года. Разрешение от 5 июля 1946 года Совета Министров Временного правительства национального единства назначило комитет для восстановления польского культурного имущества из бывших восточных провинций Республики Польша, которые после изменения границы попали в Украинскую ССР. Несмотря на восстановление в это время многих полоников, потерял большой части львовских музейных коллекций остается фактом. Изменения в СССР началась 11 марта 1985 года. В мае 1987 года польской стороне было передано 2450 польских книг из коллекций Оссолинеум во Львове. В конце ноября 1989 года советская сторона согласилась вернуть Польше коллекции Оссолинеум во Львове, но это никогда не произошло. Распад Советского Союза в 1991 году и восстановление независимости быв- шими республиками привело к необходимости вести переговоры по польскому культурному наследию с каждым наследником СССР отдельно в том числе с Украиной.
nr 34
Celem artykułu jest omówienie wybranych zachowań werbalnych sprzedawców w kontekście polskiego modelu kulturowego, w tym polskiego stylu komunikacyjnego i zasad grzeczności językowej. Zaprezen towane zjawiska językowe wyjaśnia się również poprzez odwołanie się do ogólnych zachodnich tendencji kulturowych bądź też do wzorców kultury angloamerykańskiej. Analiza wykazuje, że zachowania języ kowe sprzedawców, takie jak skracanie dystansu poprzez używanie nieoficjalnych form zwracania się do adresata czy języka potocznego, a także nadmierne wyrażanie „dobrych uczuć”, zwłaszcza entuzjazmu, oraz chwalenie się, są niezgodne z polskim kodem kulturowym, w tym z zasadami grzeczności językowej i stylu komunikacyjnego. Jedynie naleganie mieści się w obyczajowym modelu zwyczajów werbalnych Polaków. Z kolei ocena aktu komplementowania nie jest jednoznaczna. Na materiał źródłowy składają się zarówno nagrania autentycznych rozmów handlowych, jak i fragmenty zasłyszanych rozmów sprzedawców z klientami oraz wybrane materiały szkoleniowe i poradniki skutecznej sprzedaży.
The aim of the paper is to discuss selected verbal behaviours of salesmen, in the context of the Polish cul tural model, including the Polish communication style and the politeness maxims. In addition, the author explains the relation between the presented linguistic phenomena and the cultural trends in the Western world or the Anglo-American cultural patterns. The analysis proves that the language behaviours of sales men, such as decreasing language distance (through addressing customers informally or using colloquial language), excessive expression of „good feelings” (particularly enthusiasm), as well speaking of oneself in superlatives, are not compatible with Polish cultural code, including the rules of language politeness and communication style. Only the strategy of pressurizing corresponds with traditional verbal customs of Poles while the assessment of giving compliments is not clear and certain. the material of the paper includes both the recordings of authentic talks between salesmen and customers, the heard snatches of conversations and the selected materials and books about effective business communication.
tom 61
nr 7: Słowianoznawstwo
This article deals with Professor Ryszard Łużny's interests and research in Ukrainian studies. This Polish Slavist contributed hugely to the development of the Ukrainian studies on Baroque, particularly on the Polish-language Baroque poetry composed in Ukraine; also on the links between the Ukrainian Baroque with Western culture, including the Polish one. Professor Łużny's research was not recognized in the Soviet Ukraine, since the researcher kept a keen interest in the religious aspects of the Baroque literature. At present, Łużny's research is winning wide recognition among Ukrainian researchers.
nr 79
The author calls on the concept of the mandala by C. G. Jung as ideogram expressing the content of the mental state in the current stage of the development of the inner man. The interpretation of Wedding as a mandala presents the location of the action as a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle. The analysis reveals the three sequences comprising the film, the fractal triadic structure of the whole work, the metamorphosis of the characters, and its close relationship with changing time and space and the importance of vision scenes. The author discusses the mythic-initiation structures and the rite of passage structure using the interpretative framework of Arnold van Gennep. He analyzes the unity of the visual and audio layers of the film, interpreted in the light of Paul Florensky’s ideas on golden highlighting in Russian orthodox icons. He discusses the colour scheme of the film, which is judged to be a remarkable achievement by Witold Sobociński cinematography. He shows the symbolic meaning of the colours that refer to color semantics in Polish folk culture and their relationship with the symbolism of the mandala form and the metamorphosis of the characters.
nr 77-78
This paper builds upon on insights of Artur Zmijewski on recent national blockbusters contained in a volume of The Polish Cinema (Kino polskie) from 1989 to 2009: A Critical history. The insights go beyond the generally accepted views on those films. The author then examines the films Katyn and General “Nil” as phenomena reflecting the kind of “posthumous life” of the romantic paradigm of Polish culture buried nearly two decades ago by Maria Janion, that for decades was seen as anachronistic, but that remains popular and is occasionally revived. He describes its fate in the culture of the Socialist People’s Republic of Poland (PRL), and also considers memoirs as historical sources. In the last part of the article Adamczak presents a new perspective of seeing Jerzy Skolimowski’s Essential Killing and Anna Jadowska’s General as attempts of breaking out of the magic circle of constantly renewing opposition between romanticism and anti-romanticism.
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