The article is concerned with the definition of the “hieroglyphic” which was used in the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the 17th to the 18th century. It takes into consideration the definition found in linguistic dictionaries and studies the area of rhetoric and poetics (printed and handwritten texts, mainly Jesuitical and Piarist ones). Apart from terminological allusions in literary texts they constitute the basic sources of information for understanding emblems and symbols (Polish writing lacks a separate treatise on issues related to symbolical genres). Polish definitions were far from egyptological issues or the hermetic tradition. During the review of material, attention has been afforded to the blurring of the differences between symbolical genres (for example considering the hieroglyphic as equivalent to an emblem or symbol due to their “symbolic” character, and using hieroglyphics as an emblematic pictorial element) was to a great extent caused by the rhetorical character of their reception. The use of scripts and dictionaries of symbols lead to the loosening of the definition of the hieroglyphic after the first half of the 17th century, and to the use of the hieroglyphic to name motifs or comparisons regarded as abstract, mysterious and allegorical. The key issues related to the definition of the hieroglyphic in Poland invovlved defining the relationship between the genre and image or writing. Among other things, the relationship between hieroglyphics and Egyptian letters was emphasized, the lack of the lemma, the use of sign images or sentences. Due to the influence of studies on the art of memory, hieroglyphics were perceived as compositions consisting of letters of rebus-like character and pictorial alphabet. In the last years of the 17th century the genre has gained interest due to cryptography and universal language. In Poland hieroglyphics were mainly understood as animal and object symbols of simplified, abstract and established, traditional meaning. They were also seen in the context of Egyptian keepsakes from the past and the mysterious sacrum. Attention was also given to this genre in the context of heraldry (coats of arms were perceived as hieroglyphics of representatives of noble families). It was believed that hieroglyphics stemmed from the principle of similarity (similitudo, sometimes identified with allegory), as well as metonymy and synecdoche. In the rhetoric of the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, hieroglyphics were combined with the moral doctrine which is typical of emblematics. In the first half of the 18th century it was common to simplify information about hieroglyphics and to reduce the historical content and sacral aspect of the genre in favor of symbolism and iconology. The enigmatic nature of meaning has gained a pejorative sense. The material which has been subject to analysis (a list of handwritten rhetoric and poetics has been included in the annex) has proved that the reception of hieroglyphics has exerted a decisive influence on the distinctness of Polish emblematics. What may be clearly seen in the context of the definition of the hierogliphicum is the specificity of symbolical writing on the territory of the Polish Republic – the borderline between the emblem and stemma
O wątkach ukraińskich w biografii i twórczości Josepha Conrada wzmiankowało wielu badaczy. Były to raczej przyczynki do tematu niż systematyczne studia. Lukę tę wypełnia omawiana tu monografia Ołeny Tkaczuk, sytuująca ukraińskość pisarza na tle jego wielokulturowości, na którą składały się tradycje Rzeczypospolitej, model wychowania w domach ziemiańskich, gdzie istotną role odgrywały język i kultura francuska, oraz późniejsze doświadczenia brytyjskie związane ze sposobem rozumienia figury gentelmana. Praca, swobodnie posługująca się językami współczesnej humanistyki, jest przykładem symbiozy badań kulturowych z biografistyką i ujęciami komparatystycznymi.
Many researchers have risen the Ukrainian issues in Joseph Conrad’s biography and creativity, though they have offered rather contributions to the problem than ordered studies. This gap is filled with Olena Tkachuk’s monograph discussed here which places Conrad’s Ukraininty against the background of his multiculturality composed of the Polish Republic’s traditions, of the landowners’ model of upbringing, where crucial role was played by the French language and culture, and later of the British experience connected, inter alia, with the mode the figure of a gentleman was understood. The paper, freely exploiting the languages of modern humanities, is an example of a symbiosis between cultural studies and biography with comparative approaches.
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In 1951 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics asked the Poland to forward 480 km2 of land owned by the counties Tomaszów, Hrubieszów. In return, we were to receive the Petroleum and Gas rich areas of the Bieszczady Mountains. Indeed, the lands were transferred to land covering the huge deposits of coal, which was already known to contain deposits in the 30’s. Twentieth century Poland was again „enriched” by depleted oil and gas fields in the Eastern Carpathians, belonging to the Drohobycz circuit. A significant part of the work was devoted to the presentation of works and procedures related to the preparation of the Polish areas to transfer to the Soviet Union. I also discuss the work of delimitation commission to appoint a new Polish-Soviet border. In the last part of the article I present unpublished material on the new Soviet demands for new land transfer among other things, the county Hrubieszów ranging in size from 1250-1300 km2. In return, Poland was proposed the railway line Chyrowa–Dobromil and… rich in oil and gas areas in the Carpathians.
Artykuł prezentuje sylwetkę i twórczość Arthura Edwarda Gurneya (1875-1947), brytyjskiego architekta i budowniczego czynnego w Warszawie na początku XX w., którego dokonania nie doczekały się do tej pory pogłębionych badań. Przedstawiono pochodzenie i wykształcenie architekta, jego działalność społeczną i publicystyczną, a przede wszystkim zawodową. Gurney miał udział w powstaniu ważnych obiektów w Warszawie i na dawnych ziemiach Rzeczypospolitej pod zaborem rosyjskim. Wśród najważniejszych inwestycji można wymienić wieżowiec firmy „Cedergren” w Warszawie, Bibliotekę Publiczną w Warszawie czy kolonię domków dla służby folwarcznej w Fabiankach. Gurney był zaprzyjaźniony i związany zawodowo z Bronisławem Brochwicz-Rogóyskim; charakterystyczne dla jego twórczości było wykorzystanie motywów zaczerpniętych ze średniowiecznej architektury warowno-obronnej, znajdował się też pod wpływem ruchu Arts and Crafts. Działalność publicystyczna Gurneya przyczyniła się do popularyzacji wiedzy o polskiej historii i kulturze za granicą.
The article presents the profile and work of Arthur Edward Gurney (1875-1947), a British architect and constructor active in Warsaw in the beginning of the 20th century whose achievements have not been subject to any deepened research so far. The article presents the origin and educational background of this architect, his social and journalistic activity, and most of all, the professional one. Gurney contributed to creation of many important buildings in Warsaw and on the former territory of the Polish Republic under Russian rule. Among the most im¬portant investments, we can name the skyscraper of “Cedergren” company in Warsaw, the Public Library in Warsaw or the colony of houses for farm servants in Fabianki. Gurney was befriended with and professionally associated with Bronisław Brochwicz-Rogóyski; a distinctive feature of his work was the use of motifs inspired by medieval stronghold and defence architecture, he was also under influence of Arts and Crafts movement. The journalistic activity of Gurney contributed to popularisation of knowledge on Polish history and culture abroad.
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