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Obchody 30-lecia kinematografii PRL, odpowiadające partyjno-rządowym rytuałom Polski Ludowej, miały wieloraki sens. Poza samą ideą upamiętnienia aktu upaństwowienia kinematografii polskiej dekretem Rady Ministrów „O utworzeniu przedsiębiorstwa państwowego Film Polski” z 13 listopada 1945 r. oczywiste było ich znaczenie polityczne. Dla władz PRL jubileusz stanowił jedną z okazji, aby podkreślić wkład PZPR w osiągnięcia polskiej kultury i nakłonić do współpracy jak największą liczbę twórców. W związku z tym kluczowe miejsce w programie obchodów zajmowały spotkania władz z filmowcami. W dniu 4 listopada 1975 r. I Sekretarz KC PZPR Edward Gierek wysokimi odznaczeniami państwowymi uhonorował 60 twórców. Uroczystości rocznicowe służyły wspólnocie socjalistycznej za bodźce rozwijające filmowe związki. Z tej okazji do Polski przybył przewodniczący Państwowego Komitetu Kinematografii Rady Ministrów ZSRR Filip Jermasz, dyrektor generalny kinematografii czechosłowackiej Jiří Purš oraz wiceminister kultury NRD Hans Starke. Obchodom towarzyszyła kampania propagandowa w mediach.
Celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the cinematography of the Polish People’s Republic, that were part of the party-state rituals of the Socialist Poland, had multiple meanings. In addition to the very idea of commemorating the act of nationalizing Polish cinematography by a decree of the Council of Ministers, “On the establishment of the state-owned Polish Film [Film Polski] enterprise” from November 13, 1945 it had obvious political dimension. For the authorities of the Polish People’s Republic, the jubilee was one of the occasions to emphasize the PZPR’s contribution to the achievements of Polish culture and to induce as many artists as possible to cooperate. Therefore, a key place in the celebration were the meetings authorities held with the filmmakers. On November 4, 1975, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the PZPR Edward Gierek honoured 60 artists with high state decorations. Anniversary celebrations served the socialist community as stimuli developing film relationships. On this occasion, the chairman of the State Committee of Cinematography of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Filip Jermasz, general director of Czechoslovak cinematography Jiří Purš and the deputy minister of culture of the GDR Hans Starke visited Poland. The celebrations were accompanied by a propaganda campaign in the media.
Content available remote Przemiany pozycji kobiety w PRL-u – wybrane konteksty
The position of women in the Polish People’s Republic changed with respect to earlier historical periods. In this article the author analyzes four aspects of women’s lives: education, professional work, family and public sphere. The position of women is compared to the situation of men in each aspect. The analysis shows that there was no legal equality of men and women.
In this text, the author presents the functioning of the Commune Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party in Brudzń Duży, a commune lying near Płock, in the years 1972–1986. It is mainly the minutes of meetings of the commune party authorities, which were analyzed, paying special attention to their reaction towards the challenge of daily life in the period before – during – and after the political breakthrough in 1981. On the basis of the analysis of the source materials, heavy ideologization of thinking of the management staff of the Municipal Committee was found and in consequence – incapacity to respond to social expectations. Hence, it led to a collapse of the influence of the Polish United Workers’ Party all over the country and then – to the liquidation of the entire political formation.
In this article devoted to the independent culture in Polish People’s Republic, I put into dichotomic doubt the concept based on the clear division between the official and independent culture. The forms of creative activity that escaped the state censorship between 1976 and 1989 radically disrespected the directives of the state’s cultural policy, yet many years before the emergence of ‘the second circulation’, there were already numerous initiatives that sparked a rich spectrum of independent activity. The authors’ strategies to remain independent changed over time, to varying extent distanced the authors from the official artistic life and differed depending on the character of the authors’ intellectual activity. In the article, I attempt to prove the relatively weak influence of the ‘official dependent culture’ that fully respected the authorities’ instructions, and I propose a classification of creative strategies that also emerged in the official culture and allowed for a relatively free development of art and science. Using multiple examples from literature, cinema, visual arts, music and science, I discuss ‘controlled culture escaping the ideological instructions’, ‘official niche culture’, ‘culture confronting the limitations’, ‘licensed Catholic culture’, ‘second circulation culture’ and ‘third circulation culture.’ The practice of searching for a way out of the official one-dimensionality allowed Polish cultural identity to continue and save its most valuable intellectual and artistic values.
Content available remote Reforma prawa karno-administracyjnego Polski Ludowej z 1958 r.
The Law of 15th December, 1951 on Penal and Administrative Case Law introduced a socialist model for settling misdemeanour cases. Police courts, functioning on the basis of the social factor, were established at local administrative bodies—National Councils presidiums. The courts were banned from placing people in custody, introducing the socialist punishment of corrective work instead. After the breakthrough of 1956, the legislative started to work on amending the Law on Penal and Administrative Case Law due to the fact that Władysław Gomułka, the head of the government, was a vocal proponent of harsh penalisation as a means of combating the widespread social problem of hooliganism and alcoholism. The amendment, implemented in December 1958, was designed to introduce better conditions for the police courts, which would allow them to function more efficiently within the boundaries delineated by the government. The amendment substituted corrective work with custody, to be used in the cases of the socalled hooligan misdemeanours, and those in which the perpetrator had been found in a state of intoxication. The increase in repressiveness of the penal and administrative case law also found its manifestation in the authorisation for the police courts to substitute fines with replacement custody and a significant increase in the amount of the fines. In the cases where the perpetrator was sentenced to jail imprisonment, the police courts were assigned court oversight; however, in the cases where the perpetrator was fined or placed in replacement custody, the appeals were filed to police courts of higher instances. Due to the slow codification in the matter of misdemeanour law, the amended Law on Penal and Administrative Case Law served as the basis for penal and administrative case law of the Polish People’s Republic up until 1972.
Polish science quite rarely identifies the postwar period as well as the time of the Polish People’s Republic with modernity or modernization. More often the questions on succumbing and enslavement appear, in particular in recent years we can notice the discourses which compare the period of the Polish People’s Republic to the times of the German occupation, thus the state socialism to the Nazism. Although it may seem that currently it is even more difficult to perceive the times of the Polish People’s Republic as the time of modernization, this is the approach I would like to propose.
Persons repressed in the Polish People’s Republic may base their claims for damages only on the provisions of the Act on the Recognition as Invalid of Judgments Issued Against Persons Repressed for their Activities for the Independent Existence of the Polish State. It is excluded to pursue claims in this respect on the basis of civil law or the Constitution. The basic condition for pursuing a claim is the declaration of invalidity of the decision issued by the authorities of the Polish People’s Republic. These rules apply both to those repressed because of the armed struggle and because of the resistance to collectivisation. These claims are not part of the inheritance, but are based on the principle of singular succession.
The article is devoted to metaphorical sense of the school image in the Edmund Niziurski’s novel “Awantury kosmiczne”.
Basic novelties in the civil proceeding in the Polish People’s Republic of a socialist nature appeared in the act from 20 July 1950 changing the code of the civil proceeding from 1932. Changes of the pre-war code of the civil proceeding (1932) concerned four areas of issues: the system of appeal means, the rule of the material truth and the rule of prosecutor’s availability and participation in the civil proceeding. In justification to the amendment of the regulations on the civil proceeding (1950) the Russian models were directly referred to. The works on a new code of the civil proceeding started at the end of 1951. Regulations of the future code of the civil proceeding were to be based on socialist rules while a direct model was to be a Czech-Slovak code of the civil proceeding from 1950. It was until September 1952, namely the time allotted to the submission of a new socialist code of the civil proceeding to the Presidium of the Government that just its general part was designed. The first project of a new code of the civil proceeding was finally prepared in 1955. In fact, it thwarted the achievements of the Polish science within the scope of the civil proceeding. The project solutions underwent criticism and codification of the civil procedure, above all, its assumptions, revived again after a political turn in 1956.
In post-war Poland, rationing was introduced on three occasions: right after the war in 1945, then in 1951, and at the turn of the 1980s. In 1976, rationing cards for sugar were introduced, in 1981 - for meat, fats, cereal products, cleaning products and many other goods. Fuels were the last product added to this list. This article describes the process of introducing a rationing system for petrol in the Polish People’s Republic. Though the supply system crashed as early as 1981, it took several years to organize a rationing system for petrol. Its evolution did not end until 1984. This delay was caused by the long discussions on how the system should be built. This forced the authorities to introduce a whole range of temporary solutions which limited the demand in the short run, but had no soothing effect whatsoever on the society. To the contrary - the chaos they created intensified negative tendencies (such as speculation), led to market insecurity, and increased mistrust of state regulations.
Artykuł jest próbą wykorzystania kategorii musicalu jako narzędzia opisu dla społeczeństwa Polski Ludowej. Peerelowski musical filmowy zostaje tu ukazany jako zjawisko rzadkie, lecz symptomatyczne. Autor reinterpretuje teorię Ricka Altmana w odniesieniu do socjalistycznej kultury masowej, przepisując dualizm wartości kulturowych i kontrkulturowych na konflikt między interesami niechcianej władzy a niespełnionymi oczekiwaniami obywateli. Pokazuje, jak analizowane filmy odbiegają od modelu hollywoodzkiego w nastawieniu do pracy i rozrywki, a także w jaki sposób wypełniają zadania propagandowe i kompensacyjne. W rezultacie peerelowski musical okazuje się czymś więcej niż nieudolnym naśladownictwem – staje się „muzykolem”, kulturową metaforą PRL.
The article is an attempt to use the category of the musical as a tool for describing the society of the Polish People’s Republic (PPR) era. PPR film musical is shown here to be a rare phenomenon, but a symptomatic one. The author reinterprets the theory of Rick Altman in relation to socialist mass culture, ascribing the duality of cultural and counter-cultural on to the conflict between the interests of disliked powers and the unfulfilled expectations of the citizens. He shows how the analysed films differ from the Hollywood model in the attitude towards work and entertainment, and how they fulfil propaganda and compensatory functions. As a result, the communist musical turns out to be something more than an inept imitation – it becomes a “muzykol” [locally made musical like film, that is not up to Western standards], a cultural metaphor for the communist era in Poland.
Content available Report From Beyond the Event Horizon
This is a review essay discussing Magdalena Grabowska’s book: Zerwana genealogia: Działalność społeczna i polityczna kobiet po 1945 roku a współczesny polski ruch kobiecy (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, 2018).
The aim of this article is to arrive at the origin of the implementation of special provisions on the inheritance of agricultural holdings in the 1964 civil code, as well as the role the Ministry of Agriculture played in that process. The analysis focuses first and foremost on the economic motivations which prompted specific decisions regarding the particular solutions concerning inheritance law. Special attention is devoted to the consecutive stages in which legislation gradually limited the right to inherit, in order to prevent excessive division of land and loss of financial resources allocated for investments in a particular sector. In addition to that, the article demonstrates the ways in which judges and notaries were influenced to interpret the law in accordance with the state agricultural policy. Moreover, the author points to real consequences of the implemented rules for the economic sector.
“Party przy świecach” (1980) Antoniego Krauzego, zrealizowane na podstawie opowiadania Jana Himilsbacha, jest opowieścią o wynikających z aspiracji naśladownictwie i chęci wyróżnienia się, stanowiąc zarazem krytyczne nawiązanie do socjalistycznego konsumeryzmu epoki Gierkowskiej. Bohaterowie chcą zaakcentować swój status przez zorganizowanie przyjęcia, w znacznej mierze odwołując się do imitacji obyczajów i postaw. Niezależnie od tego tytułowe party nie przestaje przecież być czymś wyjątkowym, pozwalającym wykroczyć poza codzienność. Tworzenie identyfikacji społecznej przez przygotowanie przyjęcia, sposób zachowania, dobór potraw i alkoholi jest czymś uniwersalnym, a zarówno aspiracje bohaterów, jak i obyczaje biesiadne nie są związane jedynie z kulturą PRL. Właśnie ten kontekst ma w filmie fundamentalne znaczenie. „Party przy świecach”, jak również inne przywoływane przez autorów filmy z lat 70., stanowią zatem także fascynujący opis obyczajów, zarówno ówczesnej codzienności, jak i świętowania.
„The Candlelight Party” (1980) by Antoni Krauze, based on a story by Jan Himilsbach, is a story about the imitation and the desire to stand out resulting from aspirations, constituting at the same time a critical reference to the socialist consumerism of the era of Edward Gierek. The protagonists want to accentuate their status by organizing the party, to a large extent referring to the imitation of customs and attitudes. Regardless, the title party does not cease to be something special, allowing you to go beyond everyday life. The creation of social identification through the preparation of the party, the manner of behaviour, the selection of dishes and alcohol is something universal, and both the aspirations of the heroes and feasting customs are not associated only with the culture of the Polish People’s Republic. This context has a fundamental meaning in the film. “The Candlelight Party”, as well as other films from the 70s cited by the authors, are also a fascinating description of customs of everyday life and celebration. Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego
The article discusses Piotr Kurpiewski’s book Historia na ekranie Polski Ludowej [History on the screenof Polish People’s Republic]. Kurpiewski uses the concept of the politics of history to show the relationship between Polish postwar films and their political context. He examines the production process of individual films from the moment of their making to the moment(s) of their reception. From this point of view the historical film becomes one of the main ideological instruments, serving to legitimize the then sociopolitical regime.
Kalendarz świąt społecznych, historycznych i religijnych był w Polsce Ludowej bardzo bogaty, a częstotliwość pojawiania się relacji o tych wydarzeniach w środkach masowego przekazu podlegała dużej dynamice w zależności od sytuacji politycznej. W całym dorobku ukazującej się co tydzień Polskiej Kroniki Filmowej są widoczne okresy wzmożonej aktywności kreowania celebry w pejzażu życia publicznego (stalinizm, propaganda sukcesu) oraz typowo filmowe środki warsztatowe i estetyczne (monotematyczność wydań, dobór taśmy, czas trwania) wykorzystywane przez operatorów do kreowania święta – z różnym skutkiem. Ekranowa obfitość rozmaitych świątecznych wydarzeń, nieraz o niewielkim rzeczywistym odzewie społecznym (Dzień Hutnika, Dzień Milicji Obywatelskiej), była narzędziem kształtowania postaw społecznych, a sama obecność kamer PKF była elementem tych ceremonii. Poetyka relacji świątecznych wielokrotnie się jednak zmieniała, występowała z rożną intensywnością, a czasami zanikała zupełnie.
The calendar of social, historical and religious holidays was very rich in Polish People’s Republic and the frequency of appearing of the material about these events in the mass media was subject to dynamic changes depending on the political situation. In the entire output of the weekly Polish Film Chronicle, there are visible periods of increased presence of celebrations in the public landscape (Stalinism, propaganda of success) and typical technical means and aesthetic measures (monothematic editions, film tape selection, duration) used by operators to create and show festivities – with different results. The abundance of various holiday events on film, sometimes with little real social response (the Steelworker’s Day, Civic Militia Day), was a tool for shaping social attitudes, and the very presence of Polish Film Chronicle cameras was part of these ceremonies. The poetics of reports on celebrations, however, changed many times, with varying intensity and sometimes it disappeared altogether.
This paper presents a discussion of selected issues related to the state and law in the thinking of Sylwester Zawadzki (1921–1999) a lawyer and state activist of the People’s Republic of Poland. The text includes reflections on the sources of his worldview and the course of his academic and professional career, and, most importantly, on the content of selected research and observations, of which this co-founder of the Supreme Administrative Court was the main contributor. The purposes of this paper include showing the sources of S. Zawadzki’s intellectual, scientific, and political inspirations that may have influenced and determined his commitment to the establishment of the administrative court system in the People’s Republic of Poland at the end of 1979 and beginning of 1980. There is no doubt that S. Zawadzki then played one of the key roles in the process of establishing this judicial institution in the political system of the People’s Republic of Poland. By virtue of his position and connections in the Polish United Workers’ Party (PUWP), he played perhaps the decisive role that helped break the resistance of some groups in the government, led by Prime Minister Piotr Jaroszewicz. In this regard, the paper also aims to recall the achievements of this lawyer and provide materials for further research on the biography of S. Zawadzki, as well as his teachers and colleagues. The paper is based on S. Zawadzki’s memoirs, his scholarly and journalistic publications, the publications of his teachers and colleagues, as well as selected archival materials (including those from the Archives of New Records and the Archives of the University of Warsaw).
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