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Significant lateral variations of surface heat flow occur in the Polish Lowland area, ranging up to 30+/–10 mW/m2 across the transition from the East European Craton (EEC) and the northeastern part of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ) to the accreted terranes in the south-west (Palaeozoic Platform) and up to 25 mW/m2 of change within the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). Modelling of the crustal temperatures for the deep seismic profiles parallel to TESZ (P1, P5 and TTZ) and perpendicular to it (LT-7, P2, LT-2, P4, LT-4 and LT-5) shows evidence of extensive crustal-mantle warming (elevated mantle heat flow in the area between the Sudetes and the EEC). The EEC and the northern part of the TTZ have a much lower mantle heat contribution. Mantle heat flow variations are significant (approximately 20–40 mW/m2). Significant are also variations in thermal lithosphere thickness ranging from ca. 150–200 km in the craton and the northern part of the TTZ to 100–150 km (locally less than 100 km) in the accreted terranes to the south-west of the TTZ and in the central part of the TTZ. The TTZ is a thermally inhomogeneous zone.The thermal transition between the Palaeozoic Platform and the EEC is not a sharp one. Significant variations in the thickness of the thermal lithosphere do not follow major tectonic units of the crust.
In the area of the Polish Basin five deep seismic sounding profiles, recorded during 1991–1997, were used to compare the structure of the crystalline and consolidated crusts with that of the sedimentary cover. Repeated reactivation of deep crustal fractures controlled the thickness distribution and development of faults in Palaeozoic andMesozoic sequences.NW–SE toWNW–ESE basin-parallel and transverse N–S to NE–SW striking fracture systems are evident. The former includes the isseyre–Tornquist Zone that marks the profound crustal boundary between the East European Craton and the typical Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) crust that is characterized by a variably thick consolidated upper crustal layer, composed of Caledonian-deformed Early Palaeozoic and possibly Vendian sediments, and defines the NE boundary of the Permian and Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough (MPT). Its northwestern TTZ segment was intermittently active throughout the whole geological history of the area. The SW boundary of the TESZ, marked by the Dolsk Fault across which the consolidated crustal layer is replaced by a crystalline Variscan upper crust, is only evident on profiles LT-7 and P4. The deformation front of the Variscan Externides is located some 100 km to the NE of the Dolsk Fault within the confines of the TESZ crust. On profiles TTZ-PL and P2, significant lateral changes in the thickness of the consolidated and crystalline crust of the Pomeranian, Kuiavian and Holy Cross Mts. segments of the MPT are noted that coincide with the transverse Bydgoszcz-Poznań-Toruń and Grójec fault zones. These crustal changes are associated with substantial changes in the composition and thickness of supracrustal sedimentary sequences and the degree of inversion of the MPT.
The Polish Basin is located between the Precambrian East-European Platform and the Cadomian Bohemian and Małopolska massifs. The basement of this Permian-Mesozoic basin comprises mainly Variscides and epi-Caledonian Paleozoic rocks. In the proximal (NE) part of the basin, the Mid-Polish Trough is distinguished. In the distal (SW) part, the thickness of the Permian-Mesozoic succession is much smaller than in the Polish Trough. Palaeorift zones were active from the Permian to the end of the Jurassic in the distal part of this basin. The Kupferschiefer mineral system indicates a palaeorift zone and smaller hot spots as sources of supply of metalliferous brines. The relatively small thickness of the Rotliegend sandstones and their good permeability and porosity properties created very favourable routes for the migration of metal-bearing brines. The entire Kupferschiefer polymetallic reservoir is regionally sealed by anhydrites and salts of the Werra cyclothem. This was inclined constantly from Permian times onwards to the north, favouring the migration of polymetallic brines from rift zones to geochemical reservoir traps. Mineral system analysis of the polymetallic Kupferschiefer deposits shows that the geotectonic setting of this zone relates only to the distal part of the Polish asymmetric rift basin.
In lower Toarcian clay deposits (Ciechocinek Fm., VIII depositional sequence of the Lower Jurassic) from three boreholes from the Polish Basin, illite-dominated sedimentation representing the lower part of studied interval was interrupted by enhanced kaolinite input. Levels of high kaolinite/illite ratio at the VIIIb/VIIIc parasequence boundary suggest strong continental weathering in a humid-subtropical to tropical climate related to the phase of the early Toarcian global warming recorded at the top of the tenuicostatum Zone and correlated with isotope curves from a number of European sections. Kaolinite enrichment may be locally enhanced by reworking ofpre-Jurassic kaolinitic rocks and differential settling. Diagenetic processes were not sufficient enough to transform the initial kaolinite,but may have altered smectite and mixed-layers into illite and/or chlorite.
Nineteen samples of uppermost Triassic and Lower Jurassic claystones and mudstones, which were formed in the epicontinental Polish Basin, were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for rare earth elements (REE) and other selected trace elements (Sc, Y, Th, Zr and U). The results indicate that the source of most of the claystones and mudstones studied were sedimentary rocks of the upper continental crust of old cratonic areas, where the protolith had a mainly felsic character. However, in the latest Triassic a characteristic layer formed, implying significant input from mafic volcanic protolith. It was also found that moderately intense chemical weathering usually favoured increased concentration of the rare earths. Extremely strong hydrolysis, related to episodes of very hot and humid climate (greenhouse events), caused conspicuous impoverishment in REE in residual clays. Weathering and recycling processes modified the composition of REE to some extent, but generally did not obliterate the original characteristics of the protolith. In some samples, enrichment in rare earth elements was observed, caused by admixtures of accessory minerals (being a main carrier of REE) and/or increased sorting during recycling.
Hydrocarbon generation in the Zechstein Main Dolomite and Upper Triassic potential source rocks of the Polish Basin was investigated by 1-D thermal maturity modelling in 90 boreholes across the basin. This identified major zones potentially worthy of further exploration efforts. The maximum burial depth of the Zechstein Main Dolomite and Upper Triassic reached >5 km during the Late Cretaceous leading to maximum thermal maturity of organic matter. Hydrocarbon generation development reveals considerable differences between particular zones of the Zechstein Main Dolomite and Upper Triassic. The kerogen transformation ratio (TR) in the Zechstein Main Dolomite reached values approaching 100% along the basin axis. The TR in the Upper Triassic source rocks is generally lower than in the Zechstein Main Dolomite due to lesser burial. The Upper Triassic source rocks have the highest TR values (>50%) along the basin axis, in the area between boreholes Piła IG 1 and Piotrków Trybunalski IG 1, with the most pronounced zone in the Krośniewice Trough (i.e., between the Krośniewice IG 1 and Budziszewice IG 1 boreholes), where the TR reached >90%. The Zechstein Main Dolomite and Upper Triassic entered the oil window in the Late Triassic to Early–Middle Jurassic, respectively. Hydrocarbon generation continued until the Late Cretaceous, and was completed during tectonic inversion of the basin.
The metavolcanic rocks in the Gorzów Wielkopolski area (NW Poland) are andesite-basalts and andesites derived from contaminated within-plate subalkaline basalt melts. K-Ar dating of primary K-feldspar yields an extrusion age of 285±5 Ma. This new date suggests that these rocks may be the youngest dated Permo-Carboniferous volcanic rocks within the eastern margin of the North German Basin. Petrological and micro-thermometric data indicate that the volcanic rocks were altered by a sub-greenschist facies, metamorphic process that proceeded within temperatures and pressures ranging from 195-290°C and 63-96 MPa, respectively. The major metamorphic phases, corrensite, pumpellyite, laumontite and prehnite, formed due to interaction between the original volcanic rock and low-saline Na2SO4-rich hydrothermal fluids. Numerical modelling indicates fluid flow in fractures as the most probable explanation for the low-grade hydrothermal metamorphism. Model calculations suggest that the process was of short duration, ca 140-250 years. K-Ar dating reveals three Mesozoic episodes at 121±2 Ma, 188-190 Ma and 149±4 Ma that can be ascribed to the metamorphism. These ages are similar to previously determined Mesozoic ages from altered volcanic- and clastic rocks in the North German Basin and in the Polish Basin.
Zmienione skały wulkaniczne występujące w okolicach Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego są andezytami i andezytobazaltami, które powstały ze stopu właściwego dla subalkalicznych bazaltów wewnątrzpłytowych zanieczyszczonego materiałem skorupowym. Datowanie izotopowe pierwotnych skaleni potasowych metodą K-Ar określiło wiek erupcji na 285±5 Ma. Otrzymany wiek sugeruje, że skały te mogą być najmłodszymi permokarbońskimi skałami wulkanicznymi z dotychczas badanych na wschodnim brzegu Basenu Północnoniemieckiego. Petrologia skał z okolic Gorzowa Wlkp. oraz wyniki badań inkluzji fluidalnych w minerałach wskazują na proces metamorficzny odpowiadający warunkom facji subzieleńcowej (f. prehnitowo-pumpellyitowej). Proces ten przebiegał w temperaturach od 195 do 290°C i przy ciśnieniach od 63 do 96 MPa. Główne minerały metamorficzne, tj. corrensyt, pumpellyit, laumontyt i prehnit, krystalizowały w wymienionym zakresie warunków p-T, w wyniku reakcji zachodzącej pomiędzy skałą macierzystą i słabo zasolonymi roztworami hydrotermalnymi zawierającymi Na2SO4. Na podstawie wyników modelowania numerycznego wskazano na szczelinowy przepływ roztworów hydrotermalnych jako najbardziej prawdopodobną przyczynę obserwowanego procesu metamorficznego. Obliczenia sugerują też krótki czas trwania tego procesu: od 140 do 250 lat. Datowania izotopowe metodą K-Ar ujawniły istnienie trzech mezozoicznych epizodów metamorficznych związanych z badanym procesem, które miały miejsce 188–190 Ma, 149±4 Ma i 121±2 Ma. Wieki te są podobne do innych mezozoicznych dat izotopowych otrzymanych ze zmienionych skał wulkanicznych i klastycznych, występujących w Basenie Polskim i Północnoniemieckim.
The Triassic-Jurassic boundary interval (ca. 201 Ma) was a time of sudden global environmental changes triggered by Pangea breakup and Central Atlantic Magmatic Province development. The bulk-rock mineralogy, clay mineralogy and major element geochemistry of 87 continental mudrock samples collected from four borehole cores yield information on Rhaetian-earliest Hettangian palaeoclimatic changes in the Polish Basin. During the Rhaetian, smectite preponderance was replaced by kaolinite and illite domination. This fundamental shift in clay mineral assemblages (supported by major element data) indicates very significant change in climate humidity. Moreover, some beds in the Zagaje Formation (Upper Rhaetian-Lower Hettangian) are particularly rich in kaolinite indicating extreme chemical weathering in humid-subtropical to tropical climate episodes in the aftermath of powerful warming and abundant rainfall. Importantly, the first distinct kaolinite enrichment appears already in the Lower Rhaetian Wielichowo Beds. In addition, abrupt and episodic shifts in the kaolinite-illite ratio and in values of weathering indices point to profound climate destabilisation and a sequence of frequent, catastrophic climatic reversals in the Late Rhaetian and at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. These results are generally consistent with carbon isotope records in sections worldwide.
Termochronologiczną analizę traków w apatytach zastosowano z zamiarem odtworzenia historii termicznej i historii denudacji pomorskiego i kujawskiego segmentu wału śródpolskiego oraz monokliny przedsudeckiej. Przeprowadzono analizy wieku trakowego ziaren apatytu, analizy długości traków, a także inwersyjne modelowania kinetyczne historii termicznej. Niewielka liczba próbek (9), względnie wysokie współczesne temperatury opróbowanych interwałów (od ~30°C do ~110°C), a także w przewadze detrytyczne pochodzenie badanych apatytów i wiążąca się z tym zmienność składu chemicznego ziaren apatytu w obrębie poszczególnych próbek stwarzają istotne ograniczenia interpretacyjne dla prezentowanego materiału analitycznego. Wykazano, że w czasie późnokredowego pogrążania w basenie panował względnie „chłodny” reżim termiczny, wyrażający się niskim paleogradientem termicznym. Ponadto stwierdzono, że studzenie, które można utożsamiać z późnokredowym i/lub wczesnokenozoicznym wypiętrzaniem i erozją, rozpoczęło się najprawdopodobniej jeszcze przed mastrychtem. W strefie monokliny przedsudeckiej dwie zbadane próbki dają podstawę do wysunięcia przypuszczenia o wczesnokredowym, być może barremsko-albskim studzeniu, prawdopodobnie związanym ze zmianami reżimu termicznego w czasie ówczesnej fazy wypiętrzania i erozji. Dla próbek pochodzących ze współczesnej strefy częściowego zaniku traków stwierdzono możliwy wpływ eoceńsko-neogeńskich, wywołanych klimatycznie zmian powierzchniowej temperatury na profil termiczny pokrywy osadowej oraz zapis trakowy w apatytach.
During the Late Cretaceous burial, thermal regime was relatively cold in the Mid-Polish Trough and was characterized by low palaeothermal gradient within the basin fill. Cooling related to inversion and uplift of the Polish Basin started before the Maastrichtian. Some data available from the Fore-Sudetic Monocline allow to suggest that the Barremian-Albian uplift and erosion affected thermal regime of the basin-fill in that zone, resulting with a phase of cooling. Possible impact of climatically controlled changes of surface temperature, during the Eocene to recent time, on the apatite fission track record is tentatively suggested for the analyzed samples.
From the beginning of geological investigations of the Polish Lowlands both the geological and the regional tectonic units were used simultaneously. The Szczecin-Gorzów Synclinorium should be distinguished in terms of tectono-structural rules. The Gorzów Block - as a geological unit - is defined on the basis of extent and differentiation of the Upper Cretaceous thickness or by distribution of local structures (mainly halotectonic and halokinetic ones) developed in the Zechstein-Mesozoic complex. Basement in the Gorzów Block area is uplifted in its consolidated part and also the top of Moho is elevated. Both uplifts are well correlated with the Permian-Mesozoic palaeogeothermal anomaly. The Gorzów Block incorporates also the north-western part of Wolsztyn Ridge which was active during the Permian-Mesozoic time. In the early Rotliegend time this area was characterized by volcanic activity. In the late Rotliegend it was a source for clastics deposited around the Wolsztyn Ridge. Also the carbonate platform facies of the Main Dolomite (Ca2) is associated with this uplifted area. The mentioned region is situated in the distal part of asymmetric, Polish rift basin. Development of basin analysis - as an interdisciplinary domain of the Earth Sciences - indicates the need of applying various geological units, adequate to the considering problem. Modern research methods in geology (computerization, GIS) enable the data bases creation for individual geological units necessary for study of their origin and evolution up to their present geological pattern.
Seismostratigraphic interpretation of the Cretaceous succession of northern Poland was based on regional geo-seismic transects, consisting, mostly, of unique, high-resolution, regional seismic profiles of the Poland SPANTMseismic survey, calibrated by geophysical, stratigraphic and lithological data from several deep boreholes. The upper Albian - Upper Cretaceous succession was divided into 5 seismostratigraphic units. The seismic facies have also been characterized. So far, the interpretation ofthe regional architecture ofthe Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover of the East European Craton was commonly based on the classic, layer-cake model, assuming simple correlations of stratigraphic units between boreholes. The regional geophysical profiles from the Poland SPANTMsurvey revealed, however, a more complex picture. Within the upper Albian - Upper Cretaceous succession, two major units have been identified that are divided by regional mid-Upper Cretaceous unconformity. Within this succession, numerous clinoforms and erosional incisions have been recognized that are incompatible with the formerly applied layer-cake model. Two systems of contour currents (N-S and NW-SE) were identified as active during the deposition of mostly syn-inversion Upper Cretaceous succession. A new tectono-sedimentary model of the Late Cretaceous evolution of the shelf basin of northern Poland has been proposed that, which tentatively, linked depositional processes with the progressive lithospheric buckling during mid-Late Cretaceous sub-Hercynian tectonic movements.
Content available Origin and evolution of the polish rotliegend basin
The Polish Rotliegend Basin is a part of the great Southern Permian Basin in Western and Central Europe. Its basin history started in the latest Carboniferous but its origin was rooted as early as Cambrian time. Pre-Permian history of the area of Poland explains the origin of main later frames of the Polish Rotliegend Basin (PRB). It is clearly visible that boundaries of the PRB were determined by eastern margins of the Rheno-Hercynian Basin. Development of the PRB was controlled mainly by climatic and tectonic factors in an intensive rifting regime but it was manifested within individual sedimentary sequences as thicker conglomerate formations or members or increased thickness in most subsiding zones. Detailed sedimentological studies enabled distinguishing in the Rotliegend succession, independently of lithostratigraphic units also allostratigraphic (sequences) ones. The evolution of the Polish Rotliegend Basin-fill had continued within the Permo-Mesozoic Basin (Polish Basin) until the Late Cretaceous when, due to inversion of the central part of the basin, the Mid-Polish Anticlinorium was uplifted. The burial history of the Polish Basin reveals that the Late Permian and Early Triassic periods represent the main rifting phase and its later development resulted from thermal relaxation. A Late Jurassic rifting episode manifested itself only in the central part of the Polish Basin. In the Late Cretaceous basin any external tectonic factors initiating subsidence were unnecessary and the mechanism responsible for subsidence was a simple loading subsidence caused by a great sea transgression. Analysing thermal history of the Polish Basin-fill it was surely evidenced that at the beginning of the Rotliegend volcanic period the high geothermal anomalies occurred in the western part of the developing basin. Initially these anomalies were characterized by higher values (100-150 mWrrf ) during the Late Permian-Early Triassic interval. Such high values were related to syn-rift stages of sedimentary basin development. During Late Triassic and Jurassic time some cooling of rift heat field took place, but the turning point in thermal evolution of the Polish Basin was at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary when the southwestern part of the Polish Basin was uplifted and intensively eroded. Then a heat inflow into the southern part of the Polish Basin decreased and distinct features of the prevoius epoch were obliterated in the heat flow field image. Results of burial and thermal analysis of the Polish Basin as well as configuration of Moho surface in Poland seem to suggest the asymmetrical style of the basin model. The uppermost position of Moho is additionally accompanied by a very high helium concentration and corresponds to the area of the highest heat flow during the Late Permian, Triassic and Jurassic in the whole Polish Basin. It may be settled that the described palaeothermal-geochemical-tectonic anomaly, located about 60 km northeast of Wroclaw and continued to the northwest, represented the Late Permian-Early Mesozoic rifting process. It is unambiguously indicative of the asymmetric rift character of the Polish Basin, in which volcanism and deposition of Rotliegend series marked the first phase of its development.
Polski basen czerwonego spągowca (PBCS) jest częścią wielkiego basenu sedymentacyjnego zwanego południowym basenem permskim, leżącym w zachodniej i centralnej Europie. Historia rozwoju polskiego basenu czerwonego spągowca rozpoczęła się na przełomie karbonu i permu. Jednak w jego rozwoju można odnaleźć pewne elementy zakorzenione w już przedpermskim paleozoiku. Rozwój sedymentacji w polskim basenie czerwonego spągowca był kontrolowany głównie przez tektonikę i klimat. Wyraźna zmiana klimatyczna, z warunków wilgotnych na suche, nastąpiła dopiero w górnym czerwonym spągowcu (i to nie w jego najniższej części). Ruchy tektoniczne zaznaczały się natomiast poprzez tworzenie miąższych kompleksów zlepieńców. Takie spojrzenie na opracowywaną sukcesję osadów czerwonego spągowca umożliwiło wyróżnienie kilku sekwencji. Ewolucja polskiego basenu czerwonego spągowca nie skończyła się wraz z transgresją cechsztyńską. Wypełnienie PBCS podlegało dalszej ewolucji związanej z rozwojem polskiego basenu permsko-mezozoicznego. Aby móc śledzić ewolucję wypełnienia PBCS wykonano dla tego obszaru analizę historii pogrążania i analizę historii termicznej. Historia subsydencji basenu polskiego na omawianym obszarze pokazuje, że okres późnego permu i triasu były główna fazę ryftowania, a późniejszy rozwój basenu wynika głównie z relaksacji termicznej. Analizując historię termiczną basenu polskiego widać, że w czerwonym spągowcu występowały tam wielkie anomalie geotermiczne. Anomalie te charakteryzowały się wysoką wartością strumienia cieplnego (100-150 mWm-2) w czasie późnego permu i triasu. Tak wysokie wartości odpowiadają przeważnie synryftowemu etapowi rozwoju basenu. W czasie późnego triasu i jury wystąpiło pewne schłodzenie pola cieplnego, ale punktem zwrotnym w historii termicznej basenu polskiego było pogranicze jury i kredy, kiedy południowo-zachodnia część omawianego basenu została znacznie wyniesiona i zerodowana. Wtedy to wartość powierzchniowego strumienia cieplnego w południowo-zachodniej Polsce istotnie zmalała, a wyraźne cechy termiczne poprzedniej epoki zostały zatarte. Występowanie złóż gazu w osadach czerwonego spągowca ograniczone jest do najwyższej części sekwencji osadowej. Skład gazu ziemnego wykazuje niekiedy znaczne zaazotowanie oraz istotne wzbogacenie w hel. Najwyższe koncentracje helu w gazie ziemnym, tak pod względem objętościowym jak i ilościowym, są zlokalizowane w tym samym miejscu, co permsko-jurajska wysoka anomalia geotermiczna i jednocześnie tutaj najpłycej występuje powierzchnia Moho w Polsce. Wyniki analizy historii pogrążenia i historii termicznej analizowanej części basenu polskiego, jak również konfiguracja powierzchni Moho i związane z nią anomalie paleogeotermiczne oraz wysokie koncentracje helu wskazują na asymetryczny model budowy basenu. Strefa wysokich anomalii paleogeotermicznych, rozciągająca się od obszaru między Wrocławiem i Poznaniem i dalej na zachód, była zapewne głównym obszarem ryftowania. Pierwszym etapem rozwoju polskiego basenu ryftowego był wulkanizm, a następnie sedymentacja w czasie czerwonego spągowca.
Content available Regionalizacja tektoniczna Polski-Niż Polski
Presented paper is a contribution to discussion about the tectonic regionalization in Poland. The Polish Lowlands, located between the Baltic shore and the highlands of the southern and central Poland, is the area discussed here. In this region mainly the Quaternary and the Neogene deposits with thickness rarely over 300 m are exposed. On the sub-Cenozoic surface occur mainly Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic rocks. Structural forms of the Polish Lowlands are directly associated with the Permian-Mesozoic Polish Basin inverted at the beginning of Cenozoic time. It is worthwhile indicating here that not only the Polish Trough was inverted but also the distal part of this basin, distinguished now as the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. Subdivision of the Polish Lowlands into tectonic units on the sub-Cenozoic surface was shown on Fig. 1. In the mid-Polish area antyclinorium belts of north-west to south-east orientation are located. The basement of the Polish Basin is built of the pre-Permian deposits, tectonized during pre-Alpine phases. To analyze the geology of Poland in the sub-Permian architecture the proper tectonic map (Fig. 2) is required with only the units of first order marked. Debate on tectonics of Poland requires also a map of basement consolidation units (Fig. 3). Indispensable completion of the presented maps is a geological cross-section of the Polish Lowlands (Fig. 4). It is clear that tectonic regionalization of Poland (with special attention to the Polish Lowlands) should be demonstrated on the three basic maps here presented. Spatial (both horizontal and vertical) relations between tectonic units should be considered in the light of sedimentary basin analysis, i.e., searching processes and stages of the structural evolution which essentially contributed to the recent tectonic diversification in regional geology.
After the cooling episode of the Late Pliensbachian, a major oceanic anoxic event occurred during the prominent warming event of the Early Toarcian (183 Myr; Early Jurassic). In this paper, new mineralogical and geochemical data (XRD, XRF, SEM, and TOC) measured on four cores from the Polish Basin are presented in order to document the regional impacts of these disturbances at a high sampling resolution. The results show that the clay mineral assemblages (<2 μm fraction) and vertical variations in kaolinite content are generally similar basin-wide and were controlled by the intensity of chemical weathering and climate changes. However, sea-level changes and variations in terrigenous supply are reflected in the bulk rock data. The spatial variability in clay mineral proportions may also be influenced by the distance from shoreline and the lithology of source areas. Generally, the clay minerals from the Polish Basin confirm the stepped nature of the Early Toarcian warming event. After a predominance of illite in the lower part of the Ciechocinek Fm., which suggests a temperate climate in the early tenuicostatum Zone, rises in kaolinite in the middle part of the Ciechocinek Fm. indicate a stronger weathering rate and high rainfall due to the onset of the warming event in the late tenuicostatum Zone. Importantly, the initial phase of climate change recorded by clay minerals seems to slightly precede the first step of the negative carbon isotope excursion ascribed to massive greenhouse gas releases.
The Szamotuły Graben covers the southernmost part of the Permo-Mesozoic Poznań–Szamotuły Fault Zone. Along this regional discontinuity there are several salt structures, including the Szamotuły diapir, over which an extensional graben formed in the Paleogene and Neogene. The graben is located north of Poznań in central-western Poland, and is NW–SE-trending, ~20 km long, 3–5.5 km wide, and up to 160 m deep. It is filled with Lower Oligocene and Neogene sediments, including relatively thick lignite seams. Data from boreholes allow the assignment of the graben-fill sediments to appropriate lithostratigraphic units. Furthermore, analysis of changes in the thickness of these units provides evidence for periods of accelerated graben subsidence or uplift relative to its flanks. As a result, two distinct stages of tectonic subsidence and one inversion in the Paleogene–Neogene evolution of the Szamotuły Graben have been distinguished. Thus, relatively significant subsidence occurred in the Early Oligocene and the middle Early–earliest Mid-Miocene, while slight inversion took place in the middle part of the Mid-Miocene.
W artykule podsumowano wyniki ponad 220 badań dyfraktometrycznych, wykonanych we frakcji o śr mniejszej 0,002 mm triasowych i jurajskich kompleksów ilastych w basenie polskim. W przypadku niektórych próbek przeprowadzono także obserwacje w mikroskopie elektronowym. Skład detrytycznych minerałów ilastych warstw zbąszyneckich (noryk), warstw wielichowskich (retyk dolny–środkowy), formacji zagajskiej (retyk górny i hetang dolny), przysuskiej formacji rudonośnej (hetang górny), formacji ciechocińskiej (toark dolny) i częstochowskiej formacji iłów rudonośnych (bajos górny–baton) był przeważnie kontrolowany przez reżim wietrzenia i pośrednio warunki klimatyczne. Przerabianie i resedymentacja osadów starszych (spowodowana przez procesy tektoniczne i/lub wahania poziomu morza), jak również sortowanie hydrauliczne, mogły modyfikować skład mineralny i nieco zacierać sygnał paleoklimatyczny. Zmiany składu minerałów ilastych we frakcji <0,002 mm potwierdziły długookresową ewolucję od klimatu suchego lub półsuchego do wilgotnego. Główna zmiana paleoklimatyczna zachodziła w retyku. Chlorytowo-illitowa asocjacja noryku została zastąpiona we wczesnym–środkowym retyku przez zespół illitowo-smektytowy (lub kaolinitowo-smektytowy). W późnym retyku dominowała już asocjacja illitowo-kaolinitowa. W trakcie jury ustaliła się asocjacja chlorytowo-illitowo-kaolinitowa, odpowiadająca warunkom klimatu umiarkowanego, ciepłego. Wahania temperatury, a zwłaszcza wielkości opadów, zapisywały się tylko w zmianach proporcji kaolinitu i illitu. Odcinki profilu zubożone w kaolinit występowały w późnym pliensbachu, najwcześniejszym toarku oraz w bajosie i batonie, odpowiadając fazom klimatu chłodniejszego i mniej wilgotnego. Mniejsze, cykliczne zmiany składu minerałów ilastych były najprawdopodobniej kontrolowane astronomicznie, głównie przez cykle ekscentryczności orbity ziemskiej. Niektóre warstwy z retyku górnego, początku hetangu i toarku dolnego, wykazujące bardzo wysoki stosunek kaolinit/illit, sugerują ekstremalne wietrzenie chemiczne w klimacie tropikalnym lub subtropikalnym wilgotnym, w następstwie silnego efektu cieplarnianego.
This paper summarizes over 220 results of XRD research carried out on <0.002 mm fraction of Triassic and Jurassic clay successions from the Polish Basin. SEM observations of some samples were also performed. The composition of detrital clay minerals of the Zbąszynek Beds (Norian), Wielichowo Beds (Lower–Middle Rhaetian), Zagaje Fm. (Upper Rhaetian and Lower Hettangian), Przysucha Ore bearing Fm. (Upper Hettangian), Ciechocinek Fm. (Lower Toarcian) and Częstochowa Ore-bearing Clay Fm. (Upper Bajocian and Bathonian) was controlled mostly by a weathering regime and, indirectly, by climatic conditions. Reworking and redeposition of ancient sediments (caused by tectonic processes and /or sea-level changes) and differential settling might have modified the mineral composition and partly erased the palaeoclimatic signal. A long-term evolution from arid or semi-arid to humid climatic conditions was confirmed by changes in the clay mineral composition of the <0.002 mm fraction. The major change of palaeoclimate took place during the Rhaetian. The Norian chlorite-illite association was replaced by the Early–Middle Rhaetian illite-smectite (and kaolinite-smectite) assemblage. Next, in the Late Rhaetian the illite-kaolinite association predominated. In the Jurassic, the chlorite-illite-kaolinite association was established due to a warm-temperate climate. Only changes in the kaolinite/illite ratio recorded the fluctuations in temperature and especially rainfall. Kaolinite-depleted intervals occurred in the Late Pliensbachian, Earliest Toarcian and Bajocian–Bathonian, due to cooler and less humid climatic phases. Minor cyclic variations in the clay mineral composition were most probably astronomically controlled, mainly due to the orbital eccentricity cycles. Some levels of the very high kaolinite/illite ratio in the Upper Rhaetian, at the beginning of Hettangian and in the Lower Toarcian suggest extreme chemical weathering in a humid-subtropical to tropical climate in the aftermath of a powerful greenhouse effect.
Przy wykorzystaniu programu komputerowego PetroMod, wykonano wzdłuż kilkunastu profili geologicznych, przecinających basen polski modelowanie procesów generacji węglowodorów w utworach cechsztynu. Parametry kalibrujące (współczesny rozkład temperatur na określonych głębokościach oraz wyniki oznaczeń refleksyjności witrynitu w różnych formacjach geologicznych) umożliwiły skonstruowanie rozkładu wartości strumienia cieplnego w czasie od permu do dziś na obszarze basenu polskiego. Symulacje komputerowe z wykorzystaniem powyższego modelu rozkładu wartości strumienia cieplnego pozwoliły prześledzić kolejne fazy generacji węglowodorów w utworach cechsztyńskich w poszczególnych częściach basenu polskiego.
PetroMod software enabled the computer modelling of hydrocarbon generation in the Zechstein deposits along several geological cross-section in the Polish Basin. Calibrating parameters (a contemporary field of temperature pattern at the selected deppth and vitrinite reflectance values for various geological formations) enabled to construct an image of heat flow distribution from the Permian to the Recent time in the studied area. Computer simulation applying such a heat flow model determined the individual phases of hydrocarbon generation in the Zechstein deposits of the Polish Basin.
Prace geologiczno-poszukiwawcze rozpoznające osady cechsztynu w basenie polskim trwająjuż ponad 50 lat. W tym czasie odkryto w utworach cechsztyńskich ok. 80 złóż węglowodorów. Dotychczasowy stan rozpoznania zachęca do prowadzenia dalszych prac poszukiwawczych w utworach permskich Niżu Polskiego.
Exploration of the Zechstein deposits within the Polish Basin has been continued for more than 50 years and finalized with almost 80 discovered hydrocarbon deposits within the Zechstein succession. Actual effects of hydrocarbons exploration imply intensification of further geological prospection.
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