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w słowach kluczowych:  Polesie National Park
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Introduction. The conducted study regarding the environmental and cultural tourism values, level of management and transport accessibility, as well as selected elements of the tourism policy of the local authorities involved the determination of the tourist potential of the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland. Areas of the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland most attractive in terms of landscape are under protection in the form of the Polesie National Park. The article discusses the issue of the tourist exploration of the PNP. It presents information on the tourism management and tourist traffic rate and variability in the years 1993-2013. Material and methods. The article was prepared based on direct observations and research by the authors in the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland. The research procedure performed in 15 communes involved the analysis of factors influencing the features of the tourist space of the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland. The tourist potential of the communes was assessed based on 18 features classified into three groups (tourist values, tourist management, and transport accessibility). The assessment was expressed in numerical values of synthetic measures of tourist attractiveness specified for each of the communes. The tourist attractiveness of the area and degree of development of the tourist and holiday function were assessed in the context of the description of its tourist potential. Results. The synthetic measures of tourist attractiveness calculated by means of the method of multidimensional comparative analysis varied from 0.142 (Hańsk) to 0.368 (Włodawa). Out of 15 communes located in the Lakeland, 5 communes were classified as very attractive, 7 as attractive, and 3 as moderately attractive. The very attractive communes include: Włodawa, Urszulin, Sosnowica, Uścimów, and Ludwin. Very attractive communes are distinguished by the highest degree of development of the holiday function. They show a varied degree of activity of the authorities - Włodawa (high activity), Sosnowica, Uścimów, Ludwin (moderate activity), and Urszulin (no activity). Very attractive communes show a varied degree of development of the tourist function. It is the basic function for Włodawa, supplementary function for Uścimów, and additional function for Sosnowica, Ludwin, and Urszulin. Conclusion. The organisation of tourism space in the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland in the area of the Polesie National Park offers extensive possibilities of practicing various forms of tourism while maintaining the good condition of the environment.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the operation of a novel installation for treating the outflow from a hybrid constructed wetland system and the possibility of domestic wastewater reuse. The study was carried out in 2022-2023 at a facility located in the Polesie National Park (PNP) in Poland. The analyzed installation for the treatment of wastewater discharged from the constructed wetland system is located in the basement of a single-family building and consists of a filtration system including: yarn, spun and carbon filters, and a UV lamp. In turn, the hybrid constructed wetland system from which the treated wastewater is recycled to the building consists of a 2-chamber primary settling tank and a system of two VF-HF type beds with common reed and willow. During the study period (October 2022 to December 2023), 14 series of analyses were performed, during which the values of selected physico-chemical and microbiological indicators were determined in the collected samples of treated wastewater. On the basis of the performed tests, it was found that the analyzed system provided an average efficiency of reduction of total suspended solids and BOD5 at 46.8 and 45.8%, respectively. Smaller effects were obtained for the reduction of COD (22.7%), total nitrogen (4.9%) and total phosphorus (16.3%). In contrast, the average reduction effects of microbiological indicators were very high, amounting to 92.7 and 97.1% for Escherichia coli and enteroccocus bacteria, respectively. The study showed that the effluent flowing out of the hybrid constructed wetland system after treatment in the analyzed installation could be reused for toilet flushing or green watering, as it usually did not contain microbiological contaminants. It was determined that the recycled treated wastewater could replace, on average, 18.7% of the good-quality water supplied by the mains water supply in the studied household.
This paper presents the results of floristic studies conducted in the years 2003 – 2005 within the area of the Polesie National Park. The aim of the research was to compare the flora of initial succession stages in drainage ditches with the flora of neighbouring forest areas undergoing transformation as a result of drainage. Floristic lists were made in four designated study areas as well as in forest phytocoenoses. The results of field investigations were subjected to analysis with regard to the systematic affinity of the flora and proportions of plant life-forms as well as of historical-geographical groups and range groups. In the species composition of the studied drainage ditches hemicryptophytes were the dominant group of plant higher life-forms, whereas in the neighbouring communities the flora was represented by both hemicryptophytes and megaphanerophytes. In historical and geographical terms, the flora of drainage ditches and neighbouring communities represents definitely the group of spontaneophytes. Anthropogenic habitats, which developed within the drainage ditches, were colonised by native flora species characteristic for the Polesie National Park area.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań florystycznych prowadzonych w latach 2003–2005 na terenie Poleskiego Parku Narodowego. Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie flory inicjalnych stadiów sukcesyjnych w rowach melioracyjnych, z florą przekształcających się wskutek odwodnienia, sąsiadujących terenów leśnymi. Na czterech wyznaczonych powierzchniach badań, a także w fitocenozach leśnych sporządzono spisy florystyczne. Wyniki badań terenowych poddano analizie kameralnej pod kątem przynależności systematycznej flory, udziału form życiowych roślin, a także grup historyczno-geograficznych i grup zasięgowych. W składzie gatunkowym, badanych rowów melioracyjnych dominującą grupą form życiowych roślin wyższych są hemikryptofity, podczas gdy w zbiorowiskach sąsiadujących z nimi florę reprezentują zarówno hemikryptofity jak i megafanerofity. Pod względem historyczno-geograficznym flora rowów melioracyjnych, jak i zbiorowisk sąsiadujących, reprezentuje zdecydowanie grupę spontaneofitów. Antropogeniczne siedliska, jakie wykształciły się w obrębie rowów melioracyjnych zasiedlone zostały przez gatunki flory rodzimej charakterystyczne dla terenu Poleskiego Parku Narodowego.
The aim of this study was to make an evaluation of the current stands of a relict species, Salix lapponum, within the area of the Polesie National Park, to determine the population size and condition of downy willow as well as to analyse biocenotic conditions in its stands. The study, conducted in the years 2001–2003, allowed to establish that the number of S. lapponum stands had decreased significantly and that its population size in the confirmed stands in the Polesie National Park was substantially lower than 50 years ago. Salix lapponum was a component of different phytocoenoses, but its highest population size and a high degree of development were noted at the sites with the Betulo-Salicetum repentis and Thelypteridi-Phragmitetum communities. The character of the phytocoenoses in which Salix lapponum occurred in greatest numbers may evidence the wide range of tolerance of downy willow with respect to habitat conditions. There is a probability that not only the changes in its habitat conditions, which were noted over the last half-century, had a significant effect on the reduction in the number of stands and in the population size of this species. An essential problem appears to be the fact of the absence of flowering in individuals in many of the studied populations, which may result in an insufficient degree of adaptation of S. lapponum to changing habitat conditions.
Celem pracy była waloryzacja aktualnych stanowisk gatunku reliktowego Salix lapponum na terenie Poleskiego Parku Narodowego, określenie liczebności i kondycji populacji wierzby lapońskiej oraz analiza warunków biocenotycznych w jej stanowiskach. Badania przeprowadzone w latach 2001–2003 pozwoliły stwierdzić, że znacznie zmalała liczba stanowisk S. lapponum, a liczebność jej populacji w potwierdzonych stanowiskach w Poleskim Parku Narodowym jest znacznie mniejsza niż przed 50. laty. Salix lapponum była składnikiem różnych fitocenoz, ale największą jej liczebność i wysoki stopień dorodności zanotowano w stanowiskach ze zbiorowiskami Betulo-Salicetum repentis i Thelypteridi-Phragmitetum. Charakter fitocenoz, w których najliczniej występowała Salix lapponum może świadczyć o szerokim zakresie tolerancji wierzby lapońskiej w stosunku do warunków siedliskowych. Istnieje prawdopodobieństwo, że nie tylko zmiana warunków siedliskowych, jakie odnotowano w ostatnim półwieczu miała istotny wpływ na zmniejszanie się liczby stanowisk i liczebności populacji gatunku. Istotnym problemem jawi się fakt braku kwitnienia osobników w wielu badanych populacjach, czego wynikiem może być niedostateczny stopień dostosowania S. lapponum do zmieniających się warunków środowiska.
One of the most interesting though little-known water ecosystems of Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland is its small water bodies – ponds and wetland reservoirs. Three ponds and three wetland reservoirs were studied in 2008 and then again in 2012 and 2013 to examine their rotifer assemblages. While watching the changes occurring in the plankton during periods of 4 and 5 years, we were trying to find out which of the reservoirs were inhabited by more sustainable rotifer assemblages and which ecological qualities were more closely related to such sustainability. The results of the studies revealed different, though insignificant, variability in the ecological properties of planktonic rotifer assemblages, particularly in the ponds, as well as they suggested some relationship between the sustainability of planktonic assemblages and their species diversity.
This paper presents the results of a fl oristic study conducted in the years 2003 – 2005 within the area of the Polesie National Park and its protective zone. Floristic inventories were carried out in twelve 100-metre-long sections of the drainage ditches and adjacent phytocoenoses and based on them offi ce analyses of the fl ora were performed. The aim of the study was to determine the share of species with special natural values in the drainage ditches, taking into account the occurrence of legally protected, rare and endangered taxa at the regional level, in Poland and in Europe. The share of these species was also compared with the richness of special concern plants noted in the phytocoenoses adjacent to the investigated ditches. Based on the fl oristic composition, an analysis was made of the occurrence of taxa whose number of stands shows a declining trend compared to the Polish fl ora. The number of vascular plant species found in the ditches and in their vicinity was similar, but the low values of the similarity index suggest differences in the species composition of these habitats, which results in greater species diversity. The presence of special concern plants in the drainage ditches suggests that they are valuable habitats for the Polesie National Park. They create niches for rare, protected and endangered species.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań fl orystycznych prowadzonych w latach 2003–2005 na obszarze Poleskiego Parku Narodowego i jego otuliny. Na dwunastu 100-metrowych odcinkach rowów melioracyjnych oraz w fi tocenozach sąsiadujących wykonano spisy fl orystyczne, na podstawie których dokonano analiz kameralnych fl ory. Celem badań było określenie udziału gatunków o szczególnych wartościach przyrodniczych w rowach melioracyjnych, z uwzględnieniem występowania taksonów prawnie chronionych, rzadkich i zagrożonych w skali regionu, Polski i Europy. Porównano także udział tych gatunków z bogactwem roślin „szczególnej troski” notowanych w fi tocenozach sąsiadujących z badanymi rowami. Na podstawie składu fl orystycznego przeanalizowano występowanie taksonów, których liczba stanowisk na tle fl ory Polski wykazuje tendencje spadkowe. Liczba gatunków roślin naczyniowych stwierdzona w rowach i ich sąsiedztwie była zbliżona, jednak niskie wartości współczynnika podobieństwa sugerują rozbieżności w składzie gatunkowym tych siedlisk, co wpływa na ich większą różnorodność gatunkową. Obecność w rowach melioracyjnych gatunków „specjalnej troski” wskazuje, że są one siedliskami cennymi dla PPN. Stwarzają one nisze dla gatunków rzadkich, chronionych i zagrożonych.
The aim of the study was to conduct an environmental evaluation of 6 selected sections of the improved Mietiułka River, which included an inventory and analysis of the vascular flora associated directly with this watercourse. The results of the study have shown that the flora of the study area is diverse in taxonomic, syntaxonomic and ecological terms, and that it comprises both typical aquatic plants and species characteristic of the habitats surrounding the river. In the flora found in the study sectors, a total of 114 vascular plant species was identified, which come from 42 botanical families, 15 syntaxonomic classes and belong to different ecological groups. Hemicryptophytes, spontaneophytes, species neutral to continentality as well as species included in the phytochorion with boreal elements: Euro-Siberian subelement, were clearly predominant in the species composition of the flora of all the study sectors. The macrophytes commonly found in Poland had the largest proportion. One species with a small number of stands in the country – water dropwort (Oenanthe fistulosa) – as well as two species threatened with extinction, Sagittaria sagittifolia and Hypochoeris glabra, were recorded.
Properties of peat reflect the peat-forming environment, peat development processes and the types of peat-forming plant. They also enable peat classification and quality evalution. Investigation of the physicochemical properties of organic matter is the key to understanding the history, evolution and geology of bogs. The purpose of this study was to determine some physicochemical properties, such as pH, Eh, electrolytic conductivity, carbon forms in water extracts and dry peat samples (TOC, IC, TC), degree of decomposition, macrofossil plant analysis and ash content, in a whole stratigraphic profile of bog sediment located near Lake Moszne. The research comprised a 17.5 ha lake, which was described in the 1990s as a dystrophic one, and the adjacent mires. The open water surface of the lake is surrounded by a 30–150 m wide belt of floating mat, composed of peatmosses and sedges with the dominant Sphagno-Caricetum rostratae association, all representing vegetation typical for transitional mires. These communities are most often found in the Polesie Lubelskie Region, in old lakes, and usually on their floating mat. The research material was collected from such a site. The analysis demonstrated acidic pH (4.17 in profile I and 4.08 in profile II, respectively) in the layer of 0-0.65 m, whilst from the 1.50 m depth to the mineral bottom the pH increased to nearly neutral (pH = 6.62 ± 0.18 in profile I and pH = 6.45 ± 0.12 in profile II). Redox potential in the surface layer corresponds to good oxygenation of mineral soils: 577 mV and 490 mV for profile I and II, respectively. A nearly linear decrease of Eh was observed to about 118 mV at the depth of 2.50 m. Lower than that, down to the depth of 3.50 m, the Eh value was stabilized. The graphical presentation of the Eh-pH relationship shows that in both cases (profiles I and II) aerobiosis prevails to the depth of 0.45-0.65 m, confirming that oxygen continues to be the final electron acceptor.
The paper presents the results of a faunistic research on the family Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) carried out in the Polesie National Park. It concerns only the socalled big rove-beetles, so actually the staphylinids belonging to the tribe Staphylinini. In the years 1992-1996 and partly in 2002, 435 specimens belonging to 61 species were collected. Among them 16 species were recognized as new species for the Lublin Upland, 10 species new for the Podlasie region and 56 new for the Polesie National Park.
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