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Content available remote Zabudowania jezuickie w Połocku
The Jesuit College in Połock (Polotsk) survived the longest among all the Jesuit institutions in the Kingdom of Poland and the grand Duchy of Lithuania - from 1580 to 1820, i.e. for 240 years. The College was founded by King Stefan Batory, who chose a site between the castle and the town. For 150 years the Jesuits erected wooden buildings, which frequently were destroyed by fire. A wooden church was built nine times on the same spot. The tenth was finally constructed out of brick, but it was located further away from the castle and its main facade was facing the market square, i.e. to the east (with the towers facing the west). The construction was initiated in 1733, and the church was consecrated in 1745. In 1750 a fire ravaged the roofs and towers reconstruction entailed considerable changes, and in 1751 the dome got a new shape, probably in order to divide it into parts (a similar elbow-shaped devise was applied two years later in the church of St. Kazimierz in Wilno). In 1753 the wooden roof rafters were replaced by brick arches, identical to the ones built in Wilno in 1750. In 1754 the towers were supplemented with two added brick floors instead of wooden helmets. The main altar was erected in 1762, to be followed by brick side altars covered with white stucco. Windows in hight the presbytery and the main nave were "doubled" to provide better illumination of the altars. In order to carry out this innovation it was necessary to break the main cornice in the church interior. Organs and a pulpit (nonextant) were added in 1765. In 1830 the building was adapted for the purposes of a Russian Orthodox church. Consequently, part of the outfitting was removed: the organs were transferred to Wilno (1837 or 1838) and installed in the university church of St. John. Paintings, vestments and silver were sent to Warsaw (1848), and divided between assorted churches in the Kingdom of Poland. A comparison of iconographic and written sources makes it possible to perceive certain changes in architecture, unrecorded in history. The originally Baroque church was redesigned in the classical style. Distinctly classical features are displayed on the pulpit seen in a photograph of the interior, and concurring with a description in the inventory from 1820. The roofs were lowered and the facade niches were bricked up probably after 1815, since their history has not been recorded. The length of the church totals 57 m, and the width - 27. The main nave is 10,2 m wide (as in Nieśwież) and 24,2 m high (similarly as in Wilno). The brick College was built in 1748-1760 on a plan of the letter E; it is about 100 m long and 65 m wide, and equals the size of the Poznań College. In 1787 the school, built in 1747-1749, was linked with a new building known as the "Museum", which housed chemistry, experimental physics, natural science, mechanic, astronomy, and architecture rooms as well as a painting gallery. After the Jesuits were expelled from Russian Empire (1820) the college was handed over to the Piarists, who already in 1839 made way for a cadet corps. The church, was seriously damaged during the second world war and finally pulled down in 1964. Housing estate was built in its place in 1978. Only preserved part of the College is presently being in use as a military hospital.
Artykuł zawiera omówienie zbioru poezji Jana Onoszki (Połock, 1828–1829–1830?; 47 wierszy w języku polskim i przedmowa) z perspektywy kompa-ratystycznej (polsko-białoruskie związki literackie, polsko-rosyjskie związki literackie, europejska tradycja literacka od starożytności do Oświecenia). Słowo "wieszczek" ("nasz", "prowincjonalny") pochodzi z przedmowy do zbioru i arty-kułów naukowych o J. Onoszce (T. Wróblewska; D. Samborska-Kukuć). Związki z poezją rosyjskiego sentymentalisty Nikołaja Karamzina (1766–1826) są omó-wione w oparciu o wiersz Z Karamzyna (problem z ustaleniem źródła w poezji N. Karamzina) oraz wiersze o wymowie pesymistycznej i melancholijnej.
У артыкуле разглядаецца зборнік паэзіі Яна Аношкі (Полацк, 1828–1829–1830?; 47 вершаў на польскай мове і прадмова) у параўнальным ракурсе (польска-беларускія літаратурныя ўзаемасувязі, польска-расійскія літара-турныя дачыненні, еўрапейская літаратурная традыцыя ад старажытнасці да эпохі Асветніцтва). Слова “вяшчун” (“наш”, “правінцыяльны”) паходзіць з прадмовы да зборніка і навуковых артыкулаў пра Я. Аношку (Т. Урублеў-ская; Д. Самборска-Кукуць). Сувязь з паэзіяй рускага сентыменталіста Міка-лая Карамзіна (1766–1826) разгледжаны на падставе верша Z Karamzyna (праблема ўстанаўлення крыніцы ў паэзіі М. Карамзіна) і вершаў з песі-містычна-меланхалічным выказваннем.
The present paper presents a book of poetry by Jan Onoszko (Połock, 1828–1829–1830?; 47 poems in Polish and a preface) in view of the comparative studies (Polish-Belarusian literary relations, Polish-Russian literary relations, European literary tradition from Antiquity to the Enlightenment). The expression “the little prophet” (“our”, “provincial”) comes from the preface to the collection and several research papers about Onoszko (T. Wróblewska; D. Samborska-Kukuć). Its links with the poetry of the Russian sentimentalist Nikolay Karamzin (1766–1826) are discussed on the basis of the poem From Karamzin (the problem with determining the source in Karamzin’s poetry) and the pessimistic and melancholic poems.
The article presents a comprehensive view of the origins, technical characteristics and functioning of the Siedlce-Bologoye railway line. This railway, with an impressive length of 1.100 km, was built in the years 1902–1907 as a connection between the lands of the Kingdom of Poland and the governorates of central Russia in order to ensure the efficient transport of troops and their supplies given the anticipated war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. The work aims to illustrate to what extent the assumptions of the construction promoters were confirmed and how it was used in particular periods.
The article presents a comprehensive view of the origins, technical characteristics and functioning of the Siedlce-Bologoye railway line. This railway, with an impressive length of 1.100 km, was built in the years 1902-1907 as a connection between the lands of the Kingdom of Poland and the governorates of central Russia in order to ensure the efficient transport of troops and their supplies given the anticipated war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. The work aims to illustrate to what extent the assumptions of the construction promoters were confirmed and how it was used in particular periods.
Under tsar Alexander I’s ukase of 13 March 1820, all members of the Jesuit order were forced to leave the territory of the Imperial Russia. Following this decision, the abandoned Jesuit church in Polotsk was taken over by the Piarists, and 20 years later it was transformed into an Orthodox temple. This conversion caused the equipment to be removed and transported to he former Royal Castle in Warsaw. The current source edition presents a list of objects from the Jesuit church in Polotsk drawn up in 1843, after they had been transported to Warsaw. The index comprises the information on the appearance, value, and number of the removed items which altogether constituted the entire decoration of the church. Among them one could find both altar paintings, as well as smaller objects, such as pieces of the so-called chalice linen. The document signed by the castle’s steward Leopold Gimbutt can be an important source for the research on the history of the Polotsk temple founded the Society of Jesus. Supplemented with the data from a 1855 inventory, included in the same card-board-bound unit, it may serve as an important contribution to the study of the subsequent fate of the pieces of the equipment from the Polotsk church. The list belongs to the collection of the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, fond Castle Steward, no. 57, Castle Steward’s Records Concerning Objects Left by the Polotsk Jesuits.
The article presents the daily life of soldiers during lasting three years war with the Grand Duchy of Moscow. For legal and military matters, during each war campaign, legal acts called military articles were issued. The main military command consisted of crown and Lithuanian hetmans. Each expedition was attended by a large number of army in the range of 40 – 50 thousands soldiers, and their combat value was at a satisfactory level. The morale of the army depended on many factors, among which we can mention: financial issues, weather, road quality, diseases or spiritual matters. High costs of the war resulted that in theneed to finance the expeditions, in addition to tax collection, funds from the loans were also needed. Mercenary soldiers were obtained mainly from German states and Hungary. Duringthe march, the army was divided into two groups in order to, among other things, reduce the problem of food. The main disadvantage of the route of the march was a thick forest, whichhas been deliberately planted on the orders of Ivan IV. Soldiers during all three campaigns were badly provisioned, which was particularly evident during the Pskov campaign.
W artykule przedstawione zostało życie codzienne żołnierzy podczas toczącej się przez trzy lata wojny z Wielkim Księstwem Moskiewskim. Dla uregulowania spraw karnych i wojskowych podczas każdej kampanii wojennej wydawano akty prawne nazywane artykułami wojskowymi. Główne dowództwo wojskowe składało się z hetmanów koronnych i litewskich. W każdej wyprawie brała udział duża ilość wojska mieszcząca się w granicach 40–50 tysięcy żołnierzy, a ich wartość bojowa znajdowała się na zadowalającym poziomie. Morale armii zależały od wielu czynników, wśród których możemy wymienić: kwestie finansowe, stan pogody, jakość dróg, choroby czy też sprawy duchowe. Duże koszty wojenne powodowały, że dla sfinansowania wypraw oprócz poboru podatku potrzebne były również środki pochodzące z pożyczek. Żołnierzy zaciężnych pozyskiwano głównie z krajów niemieckich oraz Węgier. Wojsko podczas przemarszu dzielono na dwie grupy, starano się przez to zmniejszyć między innymi problem wyżywienia. Główną niedogodnością na trasie przemarszu był gęsty las, który został celowo zasadzony na rozkaz Iwana IV. Żołnierze podczas wszystkich trzech kampanii byli źle zaprowiantowani co szczególnie uwidoczniło się podczas kampanii Pskowskiej.
In the Middle Ages and the Early Modern era, there was a number of recognisable sites of remembrance in Polotsk. The cult of princes and saints originated in the period of Old Rus’, while in times of the Great Duchy of Lithuania the sites were not only complemented with new analogues, but also with the municipal and land symbols, including the land’s name White Rus’, and others. From the turn of the sixteenth century, the Polotsk memorial places were increasingly influenced by the West European culture.
W epoce średniowiecza i wczesnej nowożytności w Połocku istniało wiele rozpoznawalnych miejsc pamięci. Kult książąt i świętych miał metrykę staroruską, a w czasach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego uzupełniony został nie tylko o nowsze odpowiedniki, ale także o symbolikę miejską i ziemską, o nazwę krainy Biała Ruś i inne. Od przełomu XV i XVI w. coraz bardziej zauważalny był wpływ kultury Zachodu na miejsca pamięci Połocka. В эпоху Средневековья и раннего Нового времени в Полоцке существовал ряд узнаваемых мест памяти. От древнерусской эпохи вели свое происхождение культы князей и святых, во времена Великого княжества Литовского этот ряд был дополнен не только их более новыми аналогами, но также городской и земельной символикой, названием края Белая Русь и прочим. С рубежа XV–XVI веков места памяти Полоцка испытывали на себе все более заметное влияние западной культуры.
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