The present publishing tradition in principle does not use the qualification the Leiturgiarion in tytular of liturgical books. Only Orthodox Church in Romania is except here. Polish editions of this books however appear here very curiously. The Orthodox Church in Poland did not continating tradition editing the Leiturgiarion (according to Peter Mohyla’s Leiturgiarion) and also the Sluzhebnik (according to present of Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian contemporary editions). Fact this is interesting surely both for alone orthodox, as also the totality of Polish publishing market and the represented by him traditions. We have however to deal with separate editions of individual texts of services in concrete languages (church-slavonic, polish). Archieratikon is edition about summary character surely, edited in Warsaw in 1944 year. It was only edition compilation – parallel edition of texts of Liturgy (the Mass) by St. John the Chryzostom and St. Basil the Great, as one text with parallel proper columns every form of service, edited at Warsaw in 1924 year we can with regard recognise for linking to edition extradition vanetian – gorazdan – mohylian with regard on formula of given book. All edited text of orthodox Liturgy (the Mass) have the monothematic character. They are editions of only one, closely definite form of this service.
The name of Peter Mogila is connected with the present Kiev Theological Academy. In the 17th century he created the first orthodox educational institution, for that time in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. His Academy became a source of science which set the standard of academic theology on the territory of present Ukraine and Russia. Especially important are his merits in creation of catechism, in liturgical reform and state legalization of Orthodox Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Some theologians criticize his contribution to theology, protecting uniqueness of Eastern Christianity. This are George Florovsky (in Russian theology) and Christos Yannaras (in Greek theology). However some other thinkers (Meyendorff, Asmus, Lossky, Ware, Plested) are rather inclined to protect the position of Mogila in his aspiration to find synthesis of the Eastern and Western Christianity. It is especially clear in the “Byzantine Thomism“ popularizing “Latin logic” (medieval scholasticism) in Byzantium. Nowadays orthodox theology in Ukraine and Russia looks for the place among university humanitarian disciplines, and therefore needs systematization and codification. Therefore methodology of Peter Mogila is urgent again, and we can expect “Mogila revival”.
Założona w XVII w. przez Piotra Mohyłę Kijowska Akademia Duchowna dała początek akademickiej teologii w Rosji i dzisiejszej Ukrainie. Zasługą Mohyły jest napisanie Katechizmu, uporządkowanie liturgii, odrodzenie Cerkwi prawosławnej w Rzeczypospolitej. Artykuł interpretuje krytykę adresowaną pod adresem tradycji mohylańskiej przez rosyjskich, greckich i in. teologów XX wieku (Gieorgij Fłorowskij, Christos Jannaras) i jej obronę (John Meyendorf, Walentin Asmus, Władimir Łosskij, Kallistos Ware, Markus Plested) w świetle współczesnych poszukiwań rosyjskiej i ukraińskiej teologii uniwersyteckiej.
Ukraine was incorporated to the Crown (the Kingdom of Poland) under the Act of Union of Lublin, establishing the Commonwealth of Two Nations. The article presents the most important causes of the process of Ukraine’s gradual separation from the Commonwealth. It points out the role of Cossacks and also deals with the religious issues in the 17th century. It shows the causes of the Cossack Uprisings including the most significant one from 1648, as well as the politics of its leader, Bohdan Chmielnicki, who used to oscillate between Poland and Moscow.
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