The scope and intensity of international interventionism in the case of East Timor were unusual in every respect. The successive UN peacekeeping operations established in this country wielded unprecedentedly wide powers. The International Force for East Timor (Interfet) was authorized to „use any means necessary to restore peace and security in East Timor". The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) became in fact a regular government wielding absolute administrative and judiciary power over the country and enjoying the right to conclude legally binding international treaties with other states and international organiza¬tions (including the UN itself). This rather spectacular instance of international interventio-nism ended, however, in an outright failure. No lasting internal peace was instituted, the process of national reconciliation brought negligible results and the tribal animosities which were aroused in the newly created Timorese army brought the country to the verge of anarchy. It was only when Australia, being itself a major regional power and a key sponsor of the East Timor independence cause, decided to act independently of the UN institutions that the country's definite collapse could be successfully prevented. The reasons for the ineffectiveness of the international inte-rventionism in East Timor seem to stem from the East Timorese distinct political culture, whose tenets include preserving strict so¬cial hierarchy, uncompromising elitism and the paramount impor¬tance of kinship relationships. This kind of socio-cultural value set by no means could be reconciled with the Western standards of competitive liberal democracy and consensual decision-making that were to be promoted by the peacekeeping operations in East Timor.
The involvement of Poland in the activities of the international community for strengthening peace, security and stability in conflict-prone states and regions was one of significant elements of the foreign policy pursued afier 1989. It assumed various forms, from diplomatic initiatives and activities, to the direct participation in international peacekeeping operations and stabilisation missions. The involvement of Poland in the activities of the international community for strengthening peace, security and stability in conflict-prone states and regions was one of significant elements of the foreign policy pursued afier 1989. It assumed various forms, from diplomatic initiatives and activities, to the direct participation in international peacekeeping operations and stabilisation missions.
The article is an analysis of the twenty years of service of the vessel ORP Kontradmirał Xawery Czernicki, one of the most active and effectively used ships of the Polish Navy. Czernicki raised the Naval ensign on September 1, 2001 and in the next two years participated in the Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom operations, as part of the coalition naval forces in the Persian Gulf region. It first appeared under the NATO flag in 2010, when it became the command unit of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 – SNMCMG1. He performed this role again in 2013, and four years later, he became the first Polish vessel assigned to serve in the NATO SNMCMG2, operating in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The author analyzed the reasons for such intensive service and the activity in the social dimension of popularizing the achievements of the Polish Navy.
Artykuł stanowi analizę dwudziestoletniej służby ORP Kontradmirał Xawery Czernicki, jednego z najbardziej aktywnie i efektywnie wykorzystywanego okrętu Marynarki Wojennej RP. „Czernicki” podniósł banderę wojenną 1 września 2001 roku i przez kolejne dwa lata uczestniczył w operacjach Enduring Freedom oraz Iraqi Freedom, w składzie koalicyjnych sił morskich w rejonie Zatoki Perskiej. Pod flagą NATO po raz pierwszy wystąpił w 2010 roku, kiedy został jednostką dowodzenia Stałego Zespołu Sił Obrony Przeciwminowej Grupa 1 – SNMCMG1. W tej roli wystąpił po raz kolejny w 2013 roku, a cztery lata później, został pierwszą polską jednostką skierowaną do służby w Stałym Zespole Sił Obrony Przeciwminowej NATO Grupa 2 – SNMCMG2, operując na Morzu Śródziemnym i Morzu Czarnym. Autor poddał analizie przyczyny tak intensywnie pełnionej służby pod natowską flagą i biało-czerwoną banderą oraz aktywność w społecznym wymiarze popularyzowania dokonań polskiej Marynarki Wojennej.
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