In many engineering problems, we face multi-objective optimization, with several objective functions f₁,...,fₙ. We want to provide the user with the Pareto set-a set of all possible solutions x which cannot be improved in all categories (i.e., for which $f_j(x') ≥ f_j(x)$ for all j and $f_j(x ) > f_j(x)$ for some j is impossible). The user should be able to select an appropriate trade-off between, say, cost and durability. We extend the general results about (verified) algorithmic computability of maxima locations to show that Pareto sets can also be computed.
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The multi-objective optimization procedure of geometry of TiAlN/TiN/Cr multilayer coatings was created. The procedure was applied to the multilayer coatings subjected to constant tangential and normal loads (Hertzian contact). In physical model Cr, TiN and TiAlN layers were treated as a continuous medium, thus in mathematical description of the stress and strain states in the coatings a classical theory of stiffness was used. Decisional variables used in procedure were thicknesses of Cr, TiN and TiAlN layers and decisional criteria were functions of the stress and strain fields in the coating and substrate. Using created optimization procedure, Pareto set of optimal values of layers' thicknesses were determined. Additionally, two methods of analysis of Pareto-optimal set were introduced and discussed.
This work presents solution of a bus interconnection network set designing task on the base of a hypergraph model. In order to do this the interconnection network is presented as a multipartite hypergraph. A system with virtual bus connections functioning in an environment of common physical channel was analyzed, which is characteristic of the networks based on the WDM technology. The mathematical reliability model was proposed for two modes of system functioning: with redundancy of communication subsystem and division of communication load. As solution estimation criteria the expected changes of processing efficiency changes were used as also a communication delay change criteria and system reliability criteria. The designing task solution is searched in a Pareto set composed of Pareto optima. The selection procedure of a specific solution in the case of its equivalency in relation to a vector goal function was presented.
We consider a multiple objective combinatorial optimization problem with an arbitrary vector-criterion. The necessary and sufficient conditions for stability and quasistability are obtained for large classes of problems with partial criteria possessing certain properties of regularity.
A multicriteria combinatorial problem with minimin partial criteria is considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the five known stability types of the problem are obtained. These stability types describe in different ways the behavior of the Pareto and lexicographic sets of the problem under initial data perturba- tions of the vector criteria.
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Deriving efficient variants in complex multiple criteria decision making problems requires optimization. This hampers greatly broad use of any multiple criteria decision making method. In multiple criteria decision making Pareto sets, i.e. sets of efficient vectors of criteria values corresponding to feasible decision alternatives, are of primal interest. Recently, methods have been proposed to calculate assessments for any implicit element of a Pareto set (i.e. element which has not been derived explicitly but has been designated in a form which allows its explicit derivation, if required) when a finite representation of the Pareto set is known. In that case calculating respective bounds involves only elementary operations on numbers and does not require optimization. In this paper the problem of approximating Pareto sets by finite representations which assure required tightness of bounds is considered for bicriteria decision making problems. Properties of a procedure to derive such representations and its numerical behavior are investigated.
Previous investigations of the authors surveyed the possibility of applying interval methods to seek the Paretofront of a multicriterial nonlinear problem. An efficient algorithm has been proposed and its implementation in a multicore environment has been done and tested. This paper has two goals. First one is to tune the developed algorithm to increase the speedup of the multi-threaded variant. The second one is to extend the algorithm to compute not only the Paretofront (in the criteria space), but also the Pareto-set (in the decision space). Numerical results for suitable test problems are presented.
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In many engineering problems, we face multi-objective optimization, with several objective functions f1, . . . , fn. We want to provide the user with the Pareto set-a set of all possible solutions x which cannot be improved in all categories (i.e., for which fj (x') fj (x) for all j and fj(x') > fj(x) for some j is impossible). The user should be able to select an appropriate trade-off between, say, cost and durability. We extend the general results about (verified) algorithmic computability of maxima locations to show that Pareto sets can also be computed.
W pracy przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania mechanizmów wnioskowania diagnostycznego wykorzystujących wzorce zdefiniowane w wielokryterialnej przestrzeni danych medycznych pacjenta. Mechanizmy takie mogą być zastosowane w procedurach wspomagania rozstrzygnięć medycznych w węzłach decyzyjnych ścieżek klinicznych na etapie wstępnego diagnozowania. Istotą przedstawionej koncepcji jest wyznaczenie zbioru diagnoz, które są najbardziej prawdopodobne przy stwierdzonych symptomach chorobowych i czynnikach ryzyka, oraz jego rankingu.
In this paper opportunities of usage diagnostics conclusion mechanisms based on patterns defined in multi criteria patient's medical data space were introduced. Such mechanisms might be used in medical resolve's supporting procedures in decision nodes of clinical pathways. The essence of the presented concept is to determine the set of diagnoses of which there are no higher probable ones when obseryed disease symptoms and risk factors.
The paper presents analyses of properties of multicriteria decision support mechanisms in the nodes of clinical paths concerning initial diagnosis. The main object of analysis is the two-criteria initial diagnosis model and the developed on its basis a computer algorithm implementation of determining the set of diagnoses from which there is none more probable, and its ranking. A properties analysis of acquired multicriteria diagnoses in terms of distance from the so-called virtual (utopian) diagnosis in the diagnostic area of similarity.
W pracy dokonano analizy własności wielokryterialnych mechanizmów wspomagania decyzyjnego w węzłach ścieżek klinicznych dotyczących diagnozowania wstępnego. Głównym obiektem analizy jest dwukryterialny model diagnozowania wstępnego oraz opracowana na jego podstawie komputerowa implementacja algorytmu wyznaczania zbioru diagnoz od których nie ma bardziej prawdopodobnych oraz jego ranking. Dokonano analizy własności uzyskanych diagnoz wielokryterialnych w aspekcie odległości od tzw. diagnozy wirtualnej (utopijnej) w diagnostycznej przestrzeni podobieństwa.
Głównym rezultatem pracy jest model informatycznego modułu wspomagania decyzji w zakresie ustalania wstępnej diagnozy medycznej. Moduł ten na podstawie danych medycznych, symptomów chorobowych oraz czynników ryzyka pozwala generować zbiór jednostek chorobowych, od których nie ma bardziej prawdopodobnych (zbiór Pareto). Dodatkowo umożliwia dokonanie rankingu jednostek chorobowych ze względu na odległość od tzw. punktu idealnego w przestrzeni chorób uwzględnionych w repozytorium.
The main result of the work is a model of an information module for decision support in determining the initial medical diagnosis. This module is based on medical data, symptoms of disease and risk factors that generale a set of diseases from which there is no morę probable (Pareto set). In addition, allows a ranking of diseases due to the distance from the so-called ideał point in the space of diseases included in the repository.
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Praca dotyczy praktycznych aspektów definiowania i wyznaczania stopnia podobieństwa konfliktów na podstawie badania podobieństwa ich modeli matematycznych. Analizie poddano klasę konfliktów, które w sensie matematycznym mogą być opisane tzw. funkcją charakterystyczną [8]. Klasę tę stanowią wieloosobowe gry kooperacyjne. W pracy przedstawiono trzy najczęściej stosowane modele podobieństwa: podobieństwo metryczne, podobieństwo graficzne oraz model podobieństwa Tversky’ego. Modele te zastosowano do praktycznego wyznaczenia podobieństwa konfliktów ze zbioru konfliktów zawierającego typowe przykłady konfliktów (gier trzyosobowych) reprezentujące najważniejsze ich klasy. Obiektem badań było dziesięć wybranych konfliktów opisanych funkcją charakterystyczną oraz ich wzorce [16]. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy porównawczej podobieństwa wybranych konfliktów, podobieństwa ich wzorców oraz podobieństwa w poszczególnych parach: konflikt - wzorzec konfliktu. Uzyskane wyniki w pełni potwierdziły założoną tezę o „przenoszeniu się” istoty podobieństwa zbioru rozważanych konfliktów na podobieństwo ich wzorców, co stanowi istotną przesłankę możliwości wykorzystania rozwiązań konfliktów wzorcowych do rozwiązywania konfliktów podobnych.
The practical aspects of defining and pinpointing a level of conflict similarities based on studies of their mathematical models similarities, is the main topic of this article. The class of conflict has been analyzed that can be described by so called characteristic function [8]. It is founded on multi personal cooperative games. In this respect the three most commonly used models of similarities: metrical similarity, graphic similarity and Tversky similarity model are described. Those models were used for practical pinpointing conflict similarities out of class of conflicts with typical conflicts examples (3-person games) representative of the most important ones. The objects of this study were ten chosen conflicts, being described by the characteristic function and their models [16]. In the article the sum of comparative analysis of similarity of the chosen conflicts, similarity of their models and pairs of similarities: conflict - model of conflict. The end results prove the article’s main thesis, that the essence of similarity is being reflected in their models, what is important in a sense that those can be used for resolution of model conflicts and solution of those that are similar.
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