To assess the validity of different clinical criteria in malaria patients, a small study including 92 children presented with fever or history of fever were examined in a highly endemic area of Papua New Gwinea. In 21 children parasitaemia was confirmed by microscopy examination of thick and thin smear stained with Giemsa method (9 cases of Plasmodium falciparum, 8 cases of Plasmodium vivax and 4 cases of mixed invasion Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax). Only 4 from different 39 criteria analyzed in children with bistory of fever or hot skin showed significant association with parasitaemia (conscious disturbances, severe wasting enlarged spleen and diarrhoea), however none of the criteria presented high sensitivity and could serve as good predictors for parasitaemia accept two (first and second one). These findings help to realize the importance of laboratory examination in diagnosis of malaria and explain difficulties in confirming or exclusion of malaria where microscopy is not available.
The purpose of the article is to show the dynamics of evangelization in the context of the culture of the peoples living in the mountainous areas of Papua New Guinea. The starting point is the history of Christianization of these areas and the rooting of Churches of various denominations there. The analysis reveals the tools of evangelization used by Catholic missionaries to penetrate the culture and traditions of the locals, which resulted in the formation of new Christian communities.
W artykule analizie poddano listy duszpasterskie biskupów nowogwinejskich na temat małżeństwa i rodziny. Omówienie tych dokumentów pozwala na wyodrębnienie rozwiązań pastoralnych proponowanych przez biskupów w konkretnym kontekście duszpasterskim. Ewangelia jest głoszona w PNG od ponad 100 lat, ale zwyczaje i praktyki kulturowe z przeszłości są ciągle żywe. Autor omówił najpierw wyzwania małżeńsko-rodzinne w dzisiejszym Kościele w PNG, a następnie przedstawił naukę Kościoła na temat czterech obszarów pastoralnych wyzwań: kontroli urodzin, poligamii, przemocy seksualnej, przemocy domowej. Są to wyzwania, wobec których należy podjąć zdecydowane działania, wynikające z przesłania Ewangelii oraz nauczania Kościoła. Zaprezentowana analiza działań duszpasterskich Kościoła w PNG wskazuje na wzrost wiary w tym regionie świata oraz konieczność dalszej działalności misyjnej w Melanezji.
The article analyzes pastoral letters of the New Guinean bishops on the subject of marriage and family. Discussion on these documents allows to distinguish pastoral solutions proposed by the bishops in a specific pastoral context. The Gospel has been preached in PNG for over 100 years, but cultural customs and practices from the past are still alive. The author first discussed the marital-family challenges in today’s Church in PNG and then presented the Church’s teaching with regard to four areas of pastoral challenges: birth control, polygamy, sexual and domestic violence. These challenges call for decisive action arising from the Gospel message and the Church’s teaching. The presented analysis of pastoral activities of the Church in PNG indicates an increase in faith in this region of the world as well as the need for further missionary activity in Melanesia.
Artykuł przedstawia wybrane aspekty religijności małżonków w Papui-Nowej Gwinei w świetle przeprowadzonych badań własnych. Najpierw omawia pojęcie religijności w aspekcie psychologicznym. Następnie przedstawia narzędzie badawcze, opisuje próbę badawczą złożoną z małżonków oraz ukazuje organizację i przebieg badań pośród Papuasów w diecezji Goroka (Papua Nowa Gwinea). W dalszej kolejności prezentuje wyniki badań nad religijnością papuaskich małżonków, w poszczególnych jej obszarach jak zainteresowania, przekonania, modlitwa, doświadczenie oraz kult. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o często występującym wysokim nasileniu religijności respondentów oraz częstych praktykach religijnych, ale jednocześnie wskazują na wyzwania duszpasterskie. Badania mogą przyczynić się do opracowania modeli i programów działania duszpasterskiego wobec chrześcijańskich małżonków w Kościołach lokalnych w Papui Nowej Gwinei.
The article presents selected aspects of the spouses’ religious beliefs in Papua New Guinea in the light of own research. First, it discusses the concept of religiousness in psychological terms. Next, it presents a research tool, describes the research sample of the spouses and shows the organization and course of research among the Papuans in the diocese of Goroka (Papua New Guinea). Next, it presents the results of the research on the religiousness of Papua’s spouses, in its various areas such as interests, beliefs, prayer, witness and worship. The obtained results testify to the frequently occurring high intensity of the respondents’ religiousness and frequent religious practices, but also indicate pastoral challenges. The research can contribute to the development of models and programmes of pastoral action for Christian spouses in the local churches in Papua New Guinea.
The article presents the work of Polish missionaries in Papua New Guinea. The author pays special attention to the first Polish Fidei donum missionaries, who originally came from the archdiocese of Gniezno - fathers: Zbigniew Hanelt, Andrzej Grzela and Kazimierz Muszyński. After them came the second "wave" of Polish Fidei donum priests: Henryk Micek, Paweł Czerwiński and Marian Zalewski. Later, the others fallowed. Papua New Guinea is one of the special places where we can see the missionary work of Polish Fidei donum priests from different dioceses.
The author describes several social and peace-making initiatives which were undertaken in the last decades by the Catholic organizations active within the diocese of Mendi in Papua New Guinea. The country gained independence in 1975, but remained culturally diversified. The basic identity for most of the citizens is still related to the tribal level. Political conflicts, corruption, abuse of alcohol and narcotics resulted in the past decades in several outbursts of violence among tribes of the Southern Highlands Province. Since the central government was unable to answer this challenge, the Catholic organizations of the Mendi diocese became very much involved in the peace-making process and other social initiatives. Activities of two Catholic organizations are described in more detail, namely the Diocesan Development Secretariat and the Justice and Peace Group, which have succeeded in mediations among several tribes.
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