Metodą laboratoryjną, która pozwala na ocenę kruszywa w relacji właściwości przeciwpoślizgowych nawierzchni drogowych, jest odporność na polerowanie PSV (Polished Stone Value). Zgodnie z procedurą normową wskaźnik PSV odnosi się jedynie do kruszywa frakcji 8/10. W praktyce w skład mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych i cementowych wchodzą różne frakcje kruszywa. W związku z tym podjęto próbę przeprowadzenia oceny odporności na polerowanie kruszywa o uziarnieniu 4/6,3; 8/10; 10/12,8 i 12,8/16. Dodatkowo dokonano oceny stopnia polerowania się w poszczególnych fazach tego procesu. Badania przeprowadzono na kruszywach ze skał o różnej charakterystyce petrograficznej.
Aggregate polishing resistance - Polished Stone Value test can be used to road pavements' skid resistance. Valid standard procedure considers PSV index only for aggregate of one fraction 8/10. In practice a composition of cement concrete and mineral-asphalt mix include different mineral aggregate fractions hence in this paper the aggregates of the following fractions were subjected to tests in order to estimate their polished resistance: 4/6,3; 8/10; 10/12,8 and 12,8/16. Additionally a polishing rate of this process in successive phases was conducted. Tests were carried out on aggregates obtained from rocks of different petrographical characterization.
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Artykuł prezentuje ocenę odporności na polerowanie mieszanek z kruszywa granodiorytowego, gabrowego, amfibolitowego, gnejsowego oraz granulatu gumowego przeznaczonych do warstw ścierlanych z poroelastycznych mieszanek. Kruszywo gabrowe, granodiorytowe i amfibolitowe zostało zaklasyfikowane do kategorii PSV50, natomiast gnejsowe do kategorii PSV44. Ustalono, że dodatek granulatu gumowego w ilości ok. 20% nie wpłynął istotnie na wartość PSV mieszanki. Dowodzi to, że zmiany w mikroteksturze są związane ze zmianami zachodzącymi na powierzchni kruszywa grubego. W przypadku mieszanek z kruszywa gabrowego i granulatu gumowego w ilości 30 i 40%. również nie zarejestrowano istotnego wpływu granulatu na wartość PSV mieszanki. Stwierdzono jednak, że próbki z większą zawartością granulatu gumowego wykazały niedostateczną trwałość. W efekcie przyczyniało się to do problemów technicznych podczas wykonywania oznaczenia.
The paper presents the evaluation of the polishing resistance of mixtures from granodiorite, gabbro, amphibolite, gneiss aggregates and rubber granlues intented for poroelastic road surface. Gabbro, granodiorite and amphibolite aggregates were classified in the PSV50 category, whereas gneiss aggregate in the PSV44 category. It was found that the addition of rubber particles in an amount of about 20% had no significant effect on PSV mixtures. This proves that the changes in microtexture are associated with changes occurring on the aggregate surface. Attempts have been made to carry out tests for mixtures from gabbro aggregate and rubber granules in an amount of 30 and 40%. However, no significant effect of the granulate on the PSV value of the mixtures was recorded. It was found that samples with higher amounts of rubber particles had low durability. As a consequence, it contributed to numerous technical problems during the test.
The paper deals with aggregates produced from igneous and metamorphic rocks to indicate their specificity related to the possibility of using as high-value aggregates for road construction, taking into account the skid resistance. The skid resistance of the road surface is a result of its microtexture and macrotexture. Among the aggregate characteristics that can be measured in the laboratory is the polishing resistance of PSV, which can be related to the microtexture. The current regulations on skid resistance define the required PSV values of aggregates and aggregate mixtures for asphalt and cement pavements. Aggregates made of igneous and metamorphic rocks are characterized by high compressive strength and are the basic aggregates for road surfaces. Attention was paid to the influence of petrographic features related to the type and structure of the rock, as well as the degree of crystallization of components, size and proportion of rock-forming components. This is illustrated by exemplary igneous and metamorphic rocks. Research on the PSV polishing resistance of aggregates from igneous and metamorphic rocks was carried out at the Road and Bridge Research Institute - Branch Wrocław (IBDiM).
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Zmiany mikrotekstury, które zachodzą na powierzchni ziaren w rzeczywistych warunkach ruchu, są związane z odpornością na czynniki polerujące kruszywa stosowanego do warstwy ścieralnej. Mają one wpływ na właściwości przeciwpoślizgowe nawierzchni drogowych, a tym samym na bezpieczeństwo ruchu samochodowego. Metodą pośrednią oceny mikrotekstury nawierzchni jest wskaźnik polerowalności kruszywa PSV (Polished Stone Value), określany zgodnie z normą PN-EN 1097-8:2009. W artykule przedstawiono analizę zmian mikroteksturalnych na podstawie oceny ilościowej i jakościowej obrazów cyfrowych powierzchni kruszywa, wykonanych pod mikroskopem optycznym i skaningowym w poszczególnych etapach polerowania.
Changes of microtexture that occur on the surface of the grains in the actual traffic conditions are associated with the resistance of polishing aggregates used for wearing course. These changes affect the skid resistance of road pavement, and hence safety of road traffic. An indirect method of assessing pavement microtexture is PSV (Polished Stone Value), which have been used in compliance with PN-EN 1097-8: 2009. The article provides an analysis of microtexture changes on the basis of assessment of quantitative and qualitative digital images of surface of aggregates, taken under the optical and scanning microscope in polishing stages.
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In the article three different methods of lung ventilation have been analyzed: Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP), Proportional Assist Ventilation (PAV) and Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV). The aim of these analyses was to predict clinical situations when the considered modes of ventilation would play their role in the best, optimal way. The study on effective ventilatory support by CPAP, PAV and PSY was conducted using virtual respiratory system - a new, but yet verified model of the system, recently developed by our group. Computer simulation, done on a healthy lung model and on a pathologically changed lung model, has clearly shown the conditions under which CPAP, PAV or PSY could be really effective. CPAP is worth using in patients with a high airways resistance, in which case this mode of ventilatory support ensures breathing with normal frequency and less energy-consuming inspiration. PAV usually results in a smaller peak and the mean alveolar pressure than PSY which decreases a potentially harmful effect of the positive pressure ventilation on the cardiovascular system. On the other hand, PAV may be used safely when estimation of the parameters such as the lung/thorax compliance and the airway resistance is reliable, since the setting of the supporting pressure is based on this estimation.
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