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Content available remote Przykład przemysłowych zastosowań wypełnień pierścieniowo-strukturalnych
The applications of PSL packing to wastewater aeration, styrene vapor absorption and nitric acid concentration in a rectifying column have been described in this paper. The applications of PSI packing to wastewater treatment and drinking water conditioning have been also presented. Some other examples of applications of these packings have been given as well. The schemes of apparatus or installations have been shown
VI międzynarodowe porównanie wiarygodności trzech najważniejszych metod analitycznych stosowanych do wykrywania napromieniowanej żywności zorganizowano w 2015 r. pod auspicjami Ministerstwa Zdrowia i Hiszpańskiej Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Żywności i Żywienia (AESAN) oraz Krajowego Centrum Żywności (CNA). W badaniu zatytułowanym „Międzynarodowe badanie porównawcze metodami Tl, PSL i EPR, 6 runda” brało udział dziewiętnaście specjalistycznych laboratoriów z kilku krajów europejskich. CNA jest doświadczonym laboratorium, posiadającym akredytację do wykrywania napromieniowanej żywności metodami thermoluminescencji (TL), fotostymulowanej luminescencji (PSL) i spektroskopii elektronowego rezonansu paramagnetycznego (EPR). Większość laboratoriów uczestniczących w porównaniu międzylaboratoryjnym posiada również taką akredytację. Asortyment produktów spożywczych dostępnych na rynku jest coraz szerszy, jednak nie wszystkie z nich są testowane pod kątem ich potencjalnego napromieniowania. Jest to istotny argument przemawiający za udziałem wszystkich laboratoriów w porównaniach międzylaboratoryjnych, takich jak obecnie przeprowadzane.
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) the National Food Centre (CNA) in 2015 has organised the 6th international exercise for testing the reliability of three most important analytical methods used for the detection of irradiated food. The study named ”Intercomparative exercise for quality assurance on Tl, PSL and EPR Irradiated food detection methods, 6 th Round” assembled nineteen specialized laboratories from several European countries. The organizing institution CNA possess accreditation for the detection of irradiated food and is experienced in thermoluminescence (TL), photostimulated luminescence (PSL) and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). It is also the case with most of participating laboratories. Presently the spectrum of food products found in the market is significantly extended and many of this products were not tested or validated whether their radiation treatment is detectable. This is a strong argument for the need of the organization of intercomparative studies as the present one.
In this paper, we present the results of inter-comparison studies on identification of irradiated food carried out by the leading European laboratories from 1991 to 2018. In 1990s, the Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine in Germany played the leading role in the organization of the inter-laboratory tests on this subject. At the beginning of the present century, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition and Food National Spanish Centre took over this role. In total, 47 international tests were carried out in which nearly 500 samples of alimentary products were analysed in 37 laboratories from 14 European countries. The tests were aimed at proving the reliability of analytical methods – thermoluminescence (TL), photostimulated luminescence (PSL), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy – for identification of specific irradiated food products and to control the analytical skills and experience of participating laboratories. The results made possible a discussion on why some irradiated food samples are more difficult for identification. In general, the tests showed that TL measurements of products such as herbs, nuts, peppers, and raisins, and EPR studies of fish and chicken bones, fresh strawberries, and dried fruits could be used as reliable control methods. The challenge that control laboratories are facing now, is related to the identifi cation of complex food products such as diet supplements or biopharmaceuticals, in which only some additives are irradiated.
Following the luminescence system lexsyg research, which was designed for research, the luminescence reader lexsyg smart for the application of luminescence detection was developed by Freiberg Instruments. It is suited for routine measurements of luminescence (thermoluminescence, photoluminescence, photon-stimulated, optically stimulated and infrared stimulated luminescence) for a wide range of materials because of the availability of several stimulation sources. The possibility for user definition and change of most parameters provides a great deal of flexibility and also allows research applications. While detection is limited to a single unit and sample storage to 40 positions, the lexsyg smart is much faster in aliquot transportation compared to the lexsyg research, and allows fast mass measurements in luminescence dating, retrospective and personal dosimetry, etc. Cross talk of optical stimulation is absent and cross-irradiation is negligible from the single radioactive source (α, β or x-ray) because of a disconnected sample storage wheel from the measurement chamber, which has a small volume and therefore gas consumption is small. Thermoluminescence measurements and pre-heatings are possible with a versatile heater, which can be programmed for linear/non-linear heating at varying rates and durations for an almost unlimited number of steps. Optical excitation for up to three wavelength bands (violet, blue, green, yellow, infrared) is provided from high power LEDs or laser diodes, with an optional filter wheel to vary detection wavelength bands according the material specific requirements. Either can be programmed to change at almost any time within measurement sequences.
Content available remote Drewno naturalnym surowcem współczesnego budownictwa
Drewno jako naturalny, ekologiczny surowiec budowlany nadal przechodzi przeobrażenia. Od drewna litego, poprzez różnorodne formy przetwarzania tego surowca dochodzimy dziś do rozwiązań zwiększających izolacyjność przegród i bezpieczeństwo przeciwpożarowe. Stare negatywne właściwości drewna w nowych rozwiązaniach materiałowych tego surowca są znacząco łagodzone i otwierają nowe możliwości w zakresie bezpiecznego i niskoenergetycznego budownictwa. W artykule proponuję przegląd współczesnych rozwiązań materiałowych (CLT, PSL, LVL) oraz pokazanie możliwości tego surowca dla współczesnego budownictwa kubaturowego, z naciskiem na rozwiązania niskoenergetyczne.
Wood as natural, ecological building material is still in a process of transformation. Starting from the solid wood, through a variety of forms of wood processing we come nowadays to solutions increasing the wall insulation and the fire safety. The old negative properties of wood in new material solutions are significantly reduced. As the result of these changes the new possibilities in safety and low-energy building are opened. A review of modern material solutions (CLT, PSL, LVL) as well as possibilities of wood employment for modern cubaturial, especially the low-energy, building are presented in this paper.
Considering the scope of changes for security of Poland since its political transition of 1989 and understanding of possible many dangers associated with this process, one must remember that the major concerns at the transitional period did not only refer to the military, political and institutional matters, but similar anxiety has been placed on economic and social safekeeping of Poland. It is in these plannistic spheres of doctrinal agenda a sanctuary for Poland was supposed to be worked out with a new model for its well-being, stability, and other forms of security. The authors in following article analyze some of the forgotten discussions, in reference to, not generally well remembered, political parties’ doctrinal programs and not always pragmatic outcome, but having at least an impact on thinking about a process of state security planning, as in case of the Polish Peasant’s Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - PSL) and Confederation of Independent Poland (Konfederacja Polski Niepodległej - KPN). At the given moment of such conceptualization its evaluation was not possible and would not be objective enough. Only with current analysis we can see that some programs were based on a wishful thinking. Nonetheless, they are important, since presenting an overview of mental evolution of thinking about the general state security.
Rozważając zakres przemian, jakie się dokonały w interpretacji zagrożeń dla Polski po przemianach systemowych w 1989 r., warto przypomnieć początki budowania poczucia bezpieczeństwa, co miało miejsce nie tylko w odniesieniu do spraw wojskowych, politycznych i instytucjonalnych, lecz także w równym stopniu wyrażało się w zaangażowaniu w sferze społeczno-ekonomicznej poszczególnych partii politycznych. To w tych przestrzeniach doktrynalnego planowania bezpieczeństwa dominowały polityczne dyskusje. Autorzy przez pryzmat dwóch partii politycznych - PSL i KPN - przypominają niektóre bardziej wyraziste programy polityczne lat 90. XX w., chociaż niekoniecznie dobrze znane w sensie ogólnym, ale mające wkład w proces myślenia o sferach bezpieczeństwa państwa. W chwili gdy były one koncypowane, nie można było praktycznie potwierdzić ich znaczenia, dopiero obecnie, po dokonaniu analizy, można zauważyć, że programy te były nierzadko życzeniowe, ale też pokazują proces ewolucji systemowej na poziomie szeroko ujętego myślenia o bezpieczeństwie państwa.
Przedstawione w artykule wzorce projektowe definiują konstrukcję modułów front-end'u taką aby mogły one być wykorzystane w większej liczbie zastosowali związanych z przetwarzaniem kodu źródłowego. Wzorce pomagają uzyskać modularną implementację, pozwalającą na wygodne składanie ścieżki przetwarzania ze skompilowanych bibliotek dynamicznych. Pozwalają oddzielić bloki przetwarzania wstępnego od bloku semantyki. Ich stosowanie daje też korzyści w procesie produkcyjnym samych narzędzi - poprawia architekturę ich konstrukcji, wymusza wyodrębnienie wewnętrznych interfejsów pomiędzy blokami funkcjonalnymi, które stanowią następnie ważne elementy dokumentacji technicznej narzędzia. Wzorce z powodzeniem zastosowano w kilku projektach - zarówno komercyjnych jak i badawczych.
Nowadays, the source code apart from behavioral description - which is essential to generate executable form. -contains also records of its construction assumptions, implementation details notes, testing process requirements, and other information as well. All those data are crucial to achieve good ratings in project supervision, risk minimizing, and product quality. In consequence, there are many purposes of source code processing: compilation, but also documentation generation, refactorizalion, integrity and.correctness verification etc. Design Patterns presented here define front-end modules construction, which gives a possibility of modules reuse. The Patterns enforce modular implementation style, which allows composing code processing path from dynamically linked units in a convenient way. They clearly separate source text processing front-end from semantics units. Also the tools development process can benefit from using these patterns: they improve internal architecture, introduce mid-interfaces between functional blocks that become important form of technical documentation of tool interiors. The design patterns described here have been successfully applied in a few projects - commercial and research ones.
Consolidation of the Communists’ position in Poland in the years 1945-1947 followed from the international situation at the final stage of World War II. The Communist authority, paradoxically called „people’s democracy”, was imposed on Poland against the people's will. In the present article two realities are compared. The first one is the systematic formation of new authority structures, and the second one are hopes for the possibility of complete sovereignty of the country liberated from the German occupation expressed by representatives of various social groups - farmers, craftsmen, teachers, the clergy. The security organs and the civil administration diligently noted all manifestations of independent thinking in order to eliminate them or to control them according to their own plans, by way of spreading propaganda or intimidating people. The chronological and territorial perspective of the article is narrow - the Wolsztyn District in the years 1945-1947. Still it allows the author to illustrate well enough the situation in Poland after the war - the situation of gradually destroying people’s freedom of conscience in the name of the „people’s democracy” that was being built. Although the article does not focus on the attitude and activities undertaken by the clergy, it should be remembered that independent attitude was usually inspired by the Catholic formation of the conscience.
The article outlines the history of the Museum of the Polish Peasant Movement and its periodicals - The Yearbook of the Historical Museum of the Polish Peasant Movement and In the Footsteps of Our Fathers. The Museum id closely connected with the political representation of Poland’s agrarian community. At first it was the United People’s Party (ZSL), and since 1991 the Polish People’s Party (PSL). As our analysis demonstrates the periodicals, both academic and popular, published under the Museum’s auspices invariably reflect the party line, or even party propaganda, in the spheres of tradition and history
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