As long as corruption is related to persons that head public administration and politicians who take the most important decisions, it may become yet a bigger social and economic threat. Significant impact of these people on corruption spreading has become the centre of attention of numerous international organisations which, since mid-2000, have been using a common term to denote them, namely 'politically exposed persons', or PEP. The article presents the scope of the definition of PEP and increased financial security measures used in relation to them in the Polish law, as well as the main aspects of corruption activities of such persons and ways of money laundering that they use.
Inhalations, whose aim is the liquefaction of dense viscous secretions and preparing them for evacuation from the bronchial tree by means of drainage techniques, are standard treatment procedures in cystic fibrosis. Numerous studies showed that during inhalation only a small percentage of the drug was deposited in the bronchi. The use of the so-called elevated positive expiratory pressure, or PEP system, can improve the drug deposition in the lungs and consequently have the effect of increasing the effects of physiotherapy and delay the progression of the disease. The aim of the study was a retrospective evaluation of the applicability of the PEP system in mucolytic drug inhalations in CF patients. Material and Methods: Analysis of the variation of selected spirometry indicators over time: FEV1, FVC, MEF75%, 50%, 25%, performed in two groups of patients with cystic fibrosis: group I using PEP (n 29), group II without PEP (n 38). The analysis of parameter variance in time, as well as of the course taken by the changes and the difference in this respect regarding the PEP and no PEP group of patients was made by means of the analysis of linear regression for correlated data (generalized estimating equation). Results: The use of the PEP system for inhalation in patients with cystic fibrosis had the greatest impact on improving the values of MEF75%, 50%, 25%. After 18 months, observations indicated the improvement of the values by 8.1%, 10.4% and 13% respectively in the group of PEP and reduction by 6%, 4.6% and 4.5% in the group without PEP. The differences in the level of change observed between the two groups proved to be statistically significant (p=0.033, p = 0.019, p=0.006). After 18 months compared to the initial visit, the analysis of variation over time in the PEP group showed significant improvement only in the case of MEF 25% (p=0.024). Conclusions: 1) The PEP system may be applied in inhalations of mucolytic drugs in cystic fibrosis patients. 2) the application of the PEP system for inhalations in cystic fibrosis patients showed the greatest improvement in the values of MEF75%50%25% 3) the use of PEP for inhalation of mucolytic drugs in patients with cystic fibrosis may be one of the factors affecting the delay of progression of functional changes in the lungs. 4) Long-term randomized observation should be carried out in order to confirm the retrospective study results.
Wstęp: Zabiegi inhalacyjne, których celem jest upłynnienie gęstej, lepkiej wydzieliny i przygotowanie jej do ewakuacji z drzewa oskrzelowego przy pomocy technik drenażowych stanowią standardowe leczenie mukowiscydozy. Liczne badania pokazują, że w czasie inhalacji tylko niewielki procent leku deponuje się w oskrzelach. Zastosowanie podwyższonego ciśnienia wydechowego tzw. systemu PEP może zwiększyć depozycję leku w płucach i w konsekwencji mieć wpływ na zwiększenie efektów leczenia fizjoterapeutycznego i opóźnienie progresji choroby. Celem pracy była retrospektywna ocena przydatności systemu PEP w inhalacjach z leków mukolitycznych u chorych na mukowiscydozę. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono analizę zmienności w czasie wybranych wskaźników spirome trycznych: FEV1, FVC, MEF75%,50%,25%, w dwóch grupach chorych na mukowiscydozę: grupa I (n 29) – chorzy, którzy stosowali system PEP, grupa II (n 38) − kontrolna. Analizę zmienności badanych parametrów w czasie oraz różnic w przebiegu zmienności pomiędzy grupami pacjentów stosujących PEP i bez PEP zbadano przy pomocy analizy regresji liniowej dla danych powiązanych (uogólnione równanie estymujące, ang. generalized estimating equation). Wyniki: Zastosowanie systemu PEP w inhalacji u chorych na mukowiscydozę miało największy wpływ na poprawę wartości MEF75%,50%,25%. Po 18 miesiącach stwierdzono poprawę wartości wskaźników MEF75%,50%,25% odpowiednio o8,1%, 10,4% i13% wgrupie zPEP iobniżenie o6%, 4,6% i4,5% wgrupie dzieci inhalowanych bez PEP. Różnice w poziomie zmian zaobserwowane między grupami okazały się istotne statystycznie (p=0,033, p=0,019, p=0,006). Analiza zmienności w czasie w grupie stosującej PEP wykazała istotną statystycznie poprawę tylko w przypadku MEF25% po 18 miesiącach w stosunku do badania wyjściowego, (p=0,024). Wnioski: 1) System PEP może mieć zastosowanie w inhalacjach z leków mukolitycznych u chorych na mukowiscydozę. 2) Zastosowanie systemu PEP do inhalacji u chorych na mukowiscydozę miało największy wpływ na poprawę wartości MEF75%,50%,25%. 3) Zastosowanie PEP w inhalacji z leków mukolitycznych u chorych na mukowiscydozę może być jednym z czynników mających wpływ na opóźnienie progresji zmian czynnościowych w płucach. 4) Wymagane jest przeprowadzenie badania randominizowanego, długofalowego, które potwierdziłoby wyniki uzyskane w badaniu retrospektywnym
Physiotherapy plays a very important role in cystic fibrosis. Its basic aim is to regularly clear bronchial passages of mucus which is responsible for exacerbation of bronchoalveolar symptoms. Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) and Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) are among the most commonly used bronchi clearance methods. It is not entirely clear which technique should be applied in what situations and whether these techniques are similar to other drainage techniques in terms of effectiveness. The aim of this study is to review the literature and analyse the effectiveness of both techniques, to summarise the existing evidence and to point to gaps in the knowledge about this issue.
In this paper, we examine the end-to-end average pairwise error probability (PEP) and output probability (OP) performance of the maximum ratio combining (MRC) based selective decode and forward (S-DF) system over an η–µ scattering environment considering additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The probability distribution function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) expressions have been derived for the received signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio and the moment generating function (MGF) technique is used to derive the novel closed-form (CF) average PEP and OP expressions. The analytical results have been further simplified and are presented in terms of the Lauricella function for coherent complex modulation schemes. The asymptotic PEP expressions are also derived in terms of the Lauricella function, and a convex optimization (CO) framework has been developed for obtaining optimal power allocation (OPA) factors. Through simulations, it is also proven that, depending on the number of multi-path clusters and the modulation scheme used, the optimized power allocation system was essentially independent of the power relation scattered waves from the source node (SN) to the destination node (DN). The graphs show that asymptotic and accurate formulations are closely matched for moderate and high SNR regimes. PEP performance significantly improves with an increase in the value of η for a fixed value of µ. The analytical and simulation curves are in close agreement for medium-to-high SNR values.
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