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Przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania CaO2 jako alternatywnego źródła H2O2 w reakcji Fentona do oczyszczania ścieków pochodzących z produkcji obwodów drukowanych, które charakteryzowały się zwiększoną wartością ChZT(Cr) oraz zwiększonymi stężeniami jonów Cu2+, Ni2+ i Sn2+. Planowanie eksperymentu i analizę uzyskanych danych eksperymentalnych przeprowadzono przy użyciu oprogramowania Statistica 10, wykorzystując metodę powierzchni odpowiedzi. Przedstawiono uzyskane wyniki obniżenia stężenia ChZT(Cr) badanych ścieków o ok. 80%, przy równoczesnym zmniejszeniu stężenia miedzi o 99,2%, niklu o 98,6% i praktycznie całkowitym wytrąceniu cyny (<0.05mg/L.) Wskazano na możliwość skutecznego strącenia jonów Cu(II) oraz Ni(II), dzięki degradacji związków kompleksowych Cu(II) i Ni(II) przez rodniki hydroksylowe powstające w reakcji Fentona.
Wastewater from prodn. of printed circuit boards was treated with CaO2, FeSO4 and H2SO4 at 18°C and pH 2–4 for 60 min (Fe2+ concn. 400–600 mg/L, CaO2 concn. 7500–9500 mg/L). The COD value in the system decreased from 1690 mg/L down to even 339 mg/L. The results were presented as polynomial regression equations. The concn. of Cu2+, Ni2+and Sn2+ ions in the system also decreased from 25.9 mg/L down to 0.2 mg/L, from 6.9 mg/L down to 0.1 mg/L and from 10.2 mg/L down to <0.05mg/L., resp., with the inscreasing pH (up to 12).
A UV laser drilling machine like LPKF's MicroLine Drill 600 with the ability to work on vector data provides the shortest and easiest way possible to reliable microvias aspecially in reinforced PCB materials and opens up a whole range od additional new opportunities for ultra fine structuring, skiving and cutting in the PCB production.
Wiertarka laserowa UV taka jak urządzenie MicroLine Drill 600 firmy LPKF ze zdolnością do pracy na bazie danych wektorowych zapewnia możliwość szybszego i łatwiejszego sposobu wytworzenia niezawodnych mikrootworów szczególnie w materiałach wzmacnianych stosowanych w produkcji płytek drukowanych. Ponadto urządzenie to otwiera nowe możliwości w produkcji płytek drukowanych , wytwarzania ultra cienkich mozaik, usuwania fragmentów warstw zewnętrznych oraz cięcia.
Purpose: This paper presents the experimental work carried out to evaluate the leaching efficiency of zinc, nickel and lead from printed circuit boards (PCBs) using biological leaching with different quantities of acidophilic bacteria as inoculum. Design/methodology/approach: Bioleaching was conducted using periodic method in Erlenmneyer flasks, with pure cultures of At. ferrooxidans. Some conditional parameters: oxidation-reduction potential, pH were taken into account. Findings: The results demonstrate that a greater quantity of inoculum conduces the extraction of metals from the solid into solution only in the initial stage of the bioleaching. 57% and 51% of the available Zn and Ni were leached from PCBs in the presence of At. ferrooxidans bacteria. No Pb was detected in the leachate during bioleaching. Research limitations/implications: Further research is needed to determine the influence of various conditions and parameters on activity of microorganisms and efficiency of metals bioleaching from waste materials. Practical implications: Presented study is a continuation of research conducted on the possibility of metals recovery from waste by biological methods. Originality/value: The paper could be an interesting source of information for researchers who apply bioleaching methods.
Content available remote PCBs in phytoplankton in the Odra Estuary [commun.]
Eleven PCB congeners were determined in phytoplankton samples collected from the Odra Estuary at 9 stations in 2001-2002. The PCB concentrations were related to the temperature, turbidity, salinity, oxygen and redox potential of the water as well as to the pigment content in the samples. The results indicate that phytoplankton and the detritus derived from it play a crucial role in the distribution of PCBs, their transfer from the water column to sediments and from the Estuary to the sea. The species composition of the phytoplankton occurring in this area could also be very important as regards the sorption of PCBs.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of static, stirring and shaking conditions on copper, zinc, nickel and aluminium dissolution from printed circuit boards (PCBs) using the mixed acidophilic bacterial culture of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. The results revealed that static conditions were the most effective in zinc and aluminium dissolution. Zinc was removed almost completely under static conditions, whereas maximum of nickel dissolution was reached under the stirring conditions. The highest copper recovery (36%) was reached under stirring conditions. The shaking conditions appeared to be the least suitable. The relative importance of these systems for the bioleaching of copper and nickel decreased in the order: stirring, static conditions, shaking.
In this study, we developed a highly sensitive, robust method for determining 12 congeners of two to ten chlorinated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in serum samples using gas chromatography (GC)–mass spectrometry (MS) operating in selected ion monitoring mode (SIM: m/z 35) with negative ion chemical ionization (NICI), and the results were compared with those from GC coupled with high-resolution MS (HRMS) with electron impact (EI). The recovery rates of the surrogate PCB congeners were 97.2%–112% (coefficient of variation: 5.3%–8.5%), and the method detection limits for PCBs in each matrix obtained by GC–NICI–quadrupole mass spectrometry (qMS) were 1.9–20 pg g−1 wet wt. The analytical values of the target compounds in the samples analyzed by GC–NICI–qMS and GC–EI–HRMS were comparable (Passing–Bablok regression: R = 0.888–0.967), and the analytical values obtained via GC–NICI–qMS were almost comparable with those of the certified serum samples from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST: SRM1957), indicating that GC–NICI–qMS is suitable for the analysis of tetra- to hepta-chlorinated PCBs in serum samples.
Emisja metali ciężkich (Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Ni), dioksyn i PCB ma poważny wpływ na zdrowie ludzkie. W ramach unijnego projektu DROPS zostały przygotowane dwa scenariusze emisji dla tych zanieczyszczeń do roku 2020: scenariusz BAU+Climate (Business as Usual with Climate Policies), zakładający wdrożenie bieżącego prawodawstwa, i scenariusz METR (Maximum Feasible Technical Reduction), zakładający wdrożenie wszystkich rozwiązań technicznych do redukcji rozpatrywanych zanieczyszczeń. Osobno były rozpatrywane dwie grupy krajów: UE-27 wraz z Chorwacją i członkami Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego oraz reszta Europy. Dla wszystkich zanieczyszczeń scenariusze zostały przygotowane dla tzw. dużych źródeł spalania (energetyki) oraz produkcji żelaza i stali. Dodatkowo zostały przygotowane scenariusze dla emisji rtęci z przemysłu chlorowego, emisji ołowiu ze spalania benzyny, emisji metali ciężkich z produkcji cementu, emisji dioksyn ze spalania odpadów oraz scenariusze dla użycia sprzętu elektrycznego zawierającego PCB. Prognozy emisji dla scenariusza BAU+Climate pokazują 42-66%r redukcję emisji metali ciężkich, 38% redukcję dla dioksyn i 70% redukcję dla PCB w latach 2000-2020 dla całej Europy. Rezultaty dla scenariusza MFTR pokazują możliwości 56-79% redukcji metali ciężkich, 65% redukcji dla dioksyn i 95% redukcji dla PCB w tym okresie.
Emissions of heavy metals (Ha, Cd, Pb, As, Ni), dioxins and PCBs have significant impact on human health. For EU project DROPS two emission scenarios for these pollutants to year 2020 have been prepared: BAU+Climate scenario (Business as Usunl widi Climate Policies) assuming implementation of current legislation and MFTR scenario (Marimum Feasible Technical Reduction) assuming implementation of all technical solution to reduce emission of pollutants. Two groups of countries were considered separately: EU-27 with Croatia plus European Economic Area members and the rest of Europe. For all pollutants scenarios have been prepared for large combustion plants and iron & steel production. Additionally scenarios for mercury emission front chlor-alkali industry, lead emission from petrol combustion, heavy metals emission from cement industry, dioxins emission from waste incineration and scenarios for use of electrical equipment with PCBs have been created. Emission projections for BAU+Climate scenario show 42-66% reduction of HM emissions, 38% reduction for dioxins and 70% reduction for PCBs in years 2000-2020 in whole Europe. Results for METR scenario shows possibilities of 56-79% reduction of HM emissions, 65% reduction for dioxins and 95% reduction for PCBs in this period.
Opracowana została metoda, która w ramach jednej ekstrakcji umożliwia określenie 9 wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (PAHs) - benzo[a]antracenu, chryzenu, benzo[b]fluorantenu, benzo[k]fluorantenu, benzo[a]pirenu, dibenzo(a,h)antracenu, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pirenu, dibenzo[a,i]pirenu, dibenzo[a,h]pirenu - oraz 7 związków wskaźnikowych polichlorowanych bifenyli (PCBs) - kongenerów nr 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 i 180 - w matrycach roślinnych, przede wszystkim w jęczmieniu i słodzie. Sposób określania obejmuje opis ekstrakcji i oczyszczenia uzyskanego ekstraktu za pomocą metody żelowej chromatografii przepływowej z wykorzystaniem żelu na bazie polimeru styrenodiwinylobenzenu (Bio-Beads SX-3). W ten sposób uzyskuje się ekstrakt o dostatecznej czystości, umożliwiający określenie zarówno PAHs, jak i PCBs. Definitywne określenie PAHs zostało przeprowadzone metodą wysokoefektywnej chromatografii cieczowej, określenie PCBs metodą chromatografii gazowej z wykorzystaniem detektora wychwytu elektronowego. Wszystkie analizowane związki można określić w mikrogramowych ilościach ze względnym odchyleniem standardowym < 25%. Praca zawiera charakterystyki metody dla wszystkich określanych substancji oraz przykładowe chromatogramy.
The multiresidue method for the determination of 9 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) - benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo(k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene. dibenzo[a,h] anthracene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, dibenzo(a,i]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]pyrene - and 7 indicating congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - no. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180 - in vegetable matrixes, mainly in barley and malt was developed. The assay process includes the description of extraction and purification of the extract by the gel permeation chromatob aphy using gel based on the polymer of styrenediviirylbenzene (Bio-Beads SX-3). The final determination of PAHs was carried out by the high-performance liquid chromatography and the determination of PCBs by gas chromatography using the electron capture detector. All analytes can be determinated in micrograms with a relative standard deviation < 25%. The study contains characteristics of the method for all determinated compounds.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) ale lipophilic chemical substances that persist long in the environment and in living organisms, bioaccumulate and biomagnify through the food webs, and pose a risk of causing adverse effects to human health and the environment. Examples are: DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and perfluorooctanesulfonates (PFOS) - all chemicals which commercial usage has lasted only about 50 years. This overview discuss the physical-chemical properties and criteria of POP s, examples and trends of both well-known and of newly discovered POPs and discuss case studies such as dioxin in the Baltic Sea area and POPs in human milk and tissues. With the evidence of long-range transport of these substances to regions, where they have never been used or produced, and the threats they pose to the environment of the whole globe, the international community has called for urgent glob al actions to reduce and eliminate releases of these chemicals. On May 23 2001 92 countries and the European Union signed the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. It has entered into force officially on May 17 2004, because now 50 states have ratified it. Website:
Długotrwałe zanieczyszczenia organiczne (POPs) to lipofilowe substancje chemiczne utrzymujące się długo w środowisku i żywych organizmach, bioakumulujące się w łańcuchach pokarmowych i stanowiące ryzyko niekorzystnych oddziaływań na ludzkie zdrowie i środowisko. Przykładami są tu: DOI, polichlorowane bifenyle (PCBs), polichlorodibenzo-p-dioksyny (PCDOs), polibromowane bifenyloetery (PBDE) oraz perfluorooktanosulfoniany (PFOS) - wszystkie chemikalia, których w obrocie handlowym były tylko około 50 lat. Tu przedstawiono krótki przegląd właściwości fizykochemicznych pars, podając przykłady ich występowania w środowisku zarówno tych dobrze znanych, jak i ostatnio poznanych pars, a także omówiono przykłady ich badań, np. dioksyny w akwenie Morza Bałtyckiego oraz pars w mleku kobiecym i tkankach ludzkich. Stwierdzono transportu tych substancji do odległych regionów, gdzie nie były one nigdy stosowane czy też produkowane, a więc stanowią one zagrożenie dla środowiska na całym świecie. Dlatego społeczność międzynarodowa wezwała do pilnych globalnych działań mających na celu wyeliminowanie uwalniania tych substancji do środowiska. Dnia 23 maja 2003 r. 92 kraje oraz Unia Europejska podpisały Sztokholmską Konwencję o Długotrwałych Zanieczyszczeniach Organicznych. Konwencja nabrała mocy prawnej 17 maja 2004 r., ponieważ ratyfikowało ją już 50 państw. Internet:
The progress of civilization brings with it the development of advanced technologies and increased demand for electric and electronic equipment. That directly influences the increase of produced e-waste, called Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Due to the fact that deficit and critical metals are running out throughout the World, and due to increased demand for those metals, their alternative source and recovery methods have to be found. As an alternative biotechnological methods can be used. The advantage of biological methods over chemical processes is its selectivity in regard to different metal groups, simplicity of technological process, economic effectivity (lower energy expenditure) and lack of negative impact on environment. The aim of this work was to compare the effectiveness of biological and chemical leaching of copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) from circuit boards (PCBs).The experiment was conducted in variants which included factors such as temperature (24°C and 37°C) and speed of mixing. In case of all metals higher effectiveness was achieved in variants conducted in the temperature of 24°C and faster mixing than in temperature of 37°C and slower mixing. In case of cooper and zinc better results of metal removal were achieved in bioleaching variant. In case of nickel faster result of metal removal were achieved in chemical leaching, but at the end of the experiment the effectivity of chemical leaching and biological leaching was similar. The maximum efficiency of cooper, nickel and zinc release was adequately 100%, 90%, 65%.
Organochlorine pesticides such as DDT and its metabolites (p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (alpha, beta and gamma (-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and selected PCB congeners (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) were analysed in plankton, benthic organisms (Cerastoderma glaucum, Mytilus trossulus, Macoma balthica, Crangon crangon), muscle tissue of fish (Zoarces viviparus, Myoxocephalus scorpius, Clupea harengus, Salmo trutta) and birds (Phalacrocorax carbo, Larus ridibundus). We can observe clear differences in the bio-accumulation pattern of these toxic substances in pelagic organisms or benthos and bottom feeding fish.
The aim of this work was to examine the level of POPs (DDT and its metabolites, isomers of HCH, HCB and PCBs) in pelagic herring (Clupea harengus) caught in the southern Baltic Sea once a year during the period 1998-2003. Historical time trends of POPs from the 1970s to the year 1998 were calculated on the basis of the HELCOM Database. The measurements executed within Integrated Monitoring Programme of the Baltic Sea Environment HELCOM/COMBINE confirm that declines in the levels of PCBs and DDT have occurred in some fish from the Baltic Sea over the past 30 years. In herring muscle PCBs have decreased to about 15% of levels of the early 1970s and DDT to 5% of 1970s levels.
Content available remote Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in bottom sediments from the Baltic Sea
The aim of this work was to describe the level of pollution due to highly persistent polychlorinated contaminants in sediments from the Polish zone of the Baltic Sea and to identify trends of temporal change. Concentrations of PCBs (7 congeners), DDT and its metabolites, and isomers of HCH and HCB were determined in sediment cores from 0 to 31 cm deep. Sediments were sampled twice at eight stations during the 1996-2005 period. The measurements confirm a decline in levels of POPs pollution in sediments from the southern Baltic Sea.
ObjectivesThe etiology of exocrine pancreatic cancer (EPC) remains unknown except for family history and smoking. Despite recent medical advances, rates of pancreatic cancer incidence and mortality are increasing. Although existing evidence suggests a potentially causal relationship between environmental chemical exposures and pancreatic cancer, whether residential exposure impacts pancreatic cancer rates remains unknown.Material and MethodsThe authors identified 28 941 patients diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic cancer in New York State exclusive of New York City for the years 1996–2013. Descriptive statistics and negative binomial regression were used in this ecological study to compare pancreatic cancer hospitalization rates among patients who lived in zip codes with hazardous waste sites (HWSs) containing persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and volatile organic pollutants (VOCs) compared with clean zip codes with no identified hazardous waste sites. The authors assessed the effect of selected known and suspected human carcinogens on the EPC hospitalization rates by subgroup analyses.ResultsCompared with the clean sites, the pancreatic cancer hospital discharge rate in the “VOCs without POPs” and “VOCs and POPs” sites, after adjustment for potential confounders were 1.06 (95% CI: 1.03–1.09) and 1.05 (95% CI: 1.01–1.08), respectively. In the analysis by specific chemicals, rate ratios (RR) for the benzene (RR = 1.12) and ethylbenzene (RR = 1.34) in the non-chlorinated VOCs group, trichloroethylene (RR = 1.07) and tetrachloroethylene (RR = 1.11) in the chlorinated VOCs group, chlorinated pesticides (RR = 1.11) and PCBs (RR = 1.05) in the POPs groups were statistically significant (p-values <0.05) compared with clean sites.ConclusionsCompared with the clean sites, the pancreatic cancer hospital discharge rate in the “VOCs without POPs” and “VOCs and POPs” sites, after adjustment for potential confounders were 1.06 (95% CI: 1.03–1.09) and 1.05 (95% CI: 1.01–1.08), respectively. In the analysis by specific chemicals, rate ratios (RR) for the benzene (RR = 1.12) and ethylbenzene (RR = 1.34) in the non-chlorinated VOCs group, trichloroethylene (RR = 1.07) and tetrachloroethylene (RR = 1.11) in the chlorinated VOCs group, chlorinated pesticides (RR = 1.11) and PCBs (RR = 1.05) in the POPs groups were statistically significant (p-values <0.05) compared with clean sites.
Omówiono właściwości indeksów topologicznych polichlorowanych bifenyli jako potencjalnych parametrów strukturalnych w zależnościach struktura - aktywność. Stwierdzono zróżnicowaną zdolność dyskryminacyjną badanych indeksów topologicznych oraz malejący stopień ich degradacji przy przejściu od indeksów opartych na macierzy sąsiedztwa do indeksów wyznaczonych z wykorzystaniem macierzy odległości.
The properties of topological indeces for PCBs which could be used as potential structural parameters in structure - retention relationships were calculated and discussed. The examined topological indeces are characterized by varying discrimination ability and decreasing degeneracy on moving from indeces calculated from adjacency matrix to those calculated from distance matrix.
Omówiono technologię realizacji połączeń międzywarstwowych w płytkach dwustronnych i "metalizację" mikrootworów w płytkach wielowarstwowych za pomocą odpowiednio zmodyfikowanych elektrycznie przewodzących kompozycji polimerowych na bazie żywicy epoksydowej z wypełniaczem srebrowym i modyfikatorami. Zastosowanie tych kompozycji w połączeniach międzywarstwowych pozwoli na zastąpienie ekologicznie szkodliwych procesów metalizacji elektrochemicznej procesem nanoszenia i utwardzania kompozycji przewodzącej. Przeprowadzone testy narażeniowe połączeń: starzeniowy, wilgotne gorąco stałe, oraz cykliczne zmiany temperatury nie spowodowały krytycznych zmian rezystancji połączeń międzywarstwowych.
The main goal of the paper is to present the idea of applying electrically conductive polymers for creation the inner connections in double sided as well as multilayer PCBs (Printed Circuits Board). As polymer compositions, a mixture of epoxy resin with Ag flakes as well as Ag nanopowders was used. The following tests were performed: the storage test (125°C 1000 h), the dump heat test (85%RH/85°C), the thermal shock test (-40°÷ +125°C 1000 cycles) as well as mechanicai and soldering tests. The inner connection resisatance changes after tests are less than 10%. Such results are satisfactory for majority of consumer applications.
Content available Physical separation route for printed circuit boards
Recently, the consumption of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) has increased with the advanced technology. A wide range of components made of metals, plastics and other substances are contained in EEE. Electronic waste (e-waste) is easily demounted and separated by manually methods; however, printed circuit board (PCB) which is one the most common components of e-waste need to be recycled with economic and environmental technologies. In this paper, employing physical separation methods to ground waste PCB, an eco-friendly, simple and environmental process for separation of valuable metals was designed and proposed. A heavy fraction with 40.8% Cu, 350 ppm Au and 475 ppm Ag content at recovery of 95.4% Cu, 77.7% Au and 65.1% Ag was obtained from a feed assaying 12% Cu, 130 ppm Au and 200 ppm Ag using shaking table separator. Cu grade was increased from 52.4% to 73.9% with the recovery over 92% by dry magnetic separator and copper alloys were separated from the waste matrix with 98% Cu recovery using electrostatic separator.
Mussels from the Mytilus edulis complex were used as biomonitors for two groups of organic pollutants: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, congeners: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene) at 17 sampling sites to assess their relative bioavailabilities in coastal waters around Europe. Because of the temporal differences in PCBs and PAHs concentrations, data were adjusted using Seasonal Variation Coefficients (SVC) before making large-scale spatial comparisons. The highest concentrations of PCBs were found near estuaries of large rivers flowing through urban areas and industrial regions. Elevated bioavailabilities of PAHs occurred in the vicinity of large harbors, urban areas, and regions affected by petroleum pollution as well as in some remote locations, which indicated long-range atmospheric deposition.
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