This paper analyses the influence of face milling process parameters on the surface properties of carbon fibre reinforced polymer. The influence of milling speed and feed per tooth on the surface properties was determined. The influence of cutting speed and feed per tooth on surface energy properties was determined. The object of research was a carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) composites plate made of carbon fibre in epoxy matrix. The tool used in the study was a double-edged end mill. The machining parameters used were variable: cutting speeds of 100 m·min-1, 120 m·min-1, 140 m·min-1 and 160 m·min-1, and feeds per tooth of 0.015 mm/tooth, 0.020 mm/tooth, 0.025 mm/tooth and 0.03 mm/tooth. The axial depth of cut and radial depth of cut was a constant parameter. After milling, tests were carried out on the surface contact angle, which was used to determine the surface free energy. Based on the contact angle measurements carried out with the sitting-drop method and the calculation of the surface free energy with the Owens-Wendt model, it was observed, that the increase in the value of the surface free energy is significantly influenced by the increase in the cutting speed.
Dla prawidłowego zachowania się materiału, który ma bezpośredni kontakt z krwią wymaga się by wykazywał on jak najmniejszą wartość SEP. Celem pracy była porównawcza ocena zwilżalności oraz swobodnej energii powierzchniowej aorty świńskiej i wybranych materiałów inżynierskich (węgiel pirolityczny, stop tytanu, stal 316L, poliuretan i NiTi) wykorzystywanych na implanty kardiologiczne. Dla aorty otrzymano SEP na poziomie 40[mJ/m2] zbliżone wartości do tkanki wykazały węgiel pirolityczny oraz NiTi. Metoda badawcza polegała na ocenie kąta zwilżania w procedurze siedzącej kropli na podstawie analizy jej kształtu. Wykorzystano model analityczny Owensa-Wendta.
The lowest possible value of SEP for proper behavior of material that is in direct contact with blood is required. The aim of the study was a comparative assessment of wettability and surface free energy of porcine aorta and selected engineering materials (pyrolytic carbon, titanium, 316L steel, polyurethane and NiTi) used for cardiac implants. For the aorta, SEP was obtained at the level of 40 [mJ/m2]. Similar values to tissue were demonstrated by pyrolytic carbon and NiTi. The research method consisted of measuring the contact angle in the static sessile drop procedure which was based on the analysis of its shape. The analytical model of Owens-Wendt was used.
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