W artykule poddano ocenie system osadniczy w woj. lubelskim na tle osadnictwa całego kraju oraz zweryfikowano tezy o korzystnym układzie osadniczym na Lubelszczyźnie. Do realizacji tego celu posłużyła m.in. analiza stopnia regularności rozkładu miast za pomocą reguły wielkości-kolejności.
The article presents the settlement system in Lubelskie voivodship. The rank-size rule has been applied to verify thesis that Lubelskie voivodship has an advantageous settlement system. The results of the study points that in the region, in terms of population, dominates city of Lublin. The capital of this region together with its functional area also has the greatest development potential. The absence of one or two strong regional centers is considered as the main obstacle in regional growth and competitiveness. The important condition of balanced and consistent growth is well-formed network of medium size cities. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane przykłady pozostałości osadnictwa na Svalbardzie w kontekście odkrywania tego archipelagu oraz jego następstw, które dały początek współczesnej sieci osadniczej na tych ziemiach. Ważnym aspektem pracy jest opisanie współczesnej sieci osadniczej w kontekście działalności wielorybników, traperów oraz kompani górniczych. W pracy przedstawiono również wpływ wprowadzenia przepisów Traktatu Spitsbergeńskiego na powstawanie jednostek osadniczych - tychże osiedli. Prezentowany materiał jest zbiorem informacji możliwych do wykorzystania przez nauczycieli realizujących obowiązującą podstawę programową, która wprowadza do szkół podstawowych zagadnienia dotyczące północnych i południowych obszarów okołobiegunowych.(abstrakt oryginalny)
In the paper there is presented a historical sketch of discovery of Svalbard and its consequences, which caused the beginning of settlement on this archipelago. The important aspect of the work is presentation of contemporary settlement web in the context of activity of whalers, trappers and mining companies. In the paper there are also shown consequences of introduction of Spitsbergen Treaty, influencing origination of settlement units. Presented material is a set of information possible to be used by the teachers implementing core curriculum, which enforce to the primary schools problems of northern and southern subpolar regions.(original abstract)
This research concerns the complex problem of morphological transformations of villages in the intra-urban area (i.e. settlements incorporated into acity), as well as the suburban area, using the example of the metropolitan area of Łódź, Poland. The main aim of the research was to analyse the diversity of selected rural settlements and their spatial changes after World War II.. The study was based on preserved historical maps and today's plans. An analysis of morphological changes of selected villages was conducted using graph theory methods. It was noticed that the graph development index should depend on the relative number of edges in relation to the number of nodes and the number of graph cycles, which express the degree of complexity of a settlement unit. Three main groups of villages, characterised by different scales of morphological transformations, were distinguished as a result of the study. Settlement units with orthomorphic transformations, where all spatial modifications were mainly additive and the initial layouts have been preserved almost completely, represent the first group of villages. The second group is composed of units with semi-metamorphic transformations, where the spatial reorganization was significant, but not total. The third group includes villages with metamorphic changes, where the initial layouts have been totallytransformed.(original abstract)
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