Opakowanie produktu, nie tylko chroni ten produkt w czasie transportu czy magazynowania, ale jest ważnym elementem, który często wpływa na decyzję zakupu klienta. Dlatego przedsiębiorstwo powinno dbać również o jego jakość. W tym celu należy dokładnie przeanalizować proces produkcyjny tego opakowania, aby wskazać słabe miejsca, które wpływają na pogorszenie poziomu jego jakości. W artykule przedstawiono proces produkcyjny przykładowego opakowania (butelki PET) oraz wyznaczono jego słabe miejsca. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The packaging of the product not only protects the product during shipment or storage, but it is an important element that often affects the decision of the customer about the purchase. Therefore, the company should also take care of its quality. To do this, it is important to carefully examine the packaging production process in order to identify weak points that affect the deterioration of its quality. In the article it was presented an exemplary production process of packaging (PET bottles) and indicated its weak points. (original abstract)
Ogromne ilości wytwarzanych na całym świecie odpadów z opakowań PET pociąga za sobą problemy z jego składowaniem. Jedną z metod zarządzania gospodarką odpadami jest ich przetwarzanie w celu uzyskania dobrej jakości mikroporowatych materiałów węglowych. Są one stosowane do usuwania zanieczyszczeń organicznych, takich jak trichlorometan lub fenolu z wody. Ta metoda zarządzania odpadami PET pozwala rozwiązać wiele problemów ekologicznych - zmniejszyć ilość odpadów deponowanych na składowiskach odpadów, oczyszczać wodę lub ścieki. Również ze względu na łatwość pozyskania prekursorów tych adsorbentów, po procesie adsorpcji można łatwo poddać je odzyskowi energetycznemu. W pracy przedstawiono przegląd literatury nt. stosowanych obecnie na całym świecie metod zarządzania odpadami PET, w tym chemicznych i termicznych metod recyklingu oraz metod pozyskiwania materiałów węglowych z odpadów opakowaniowych wykonanych z politereftalanu etylenu.
Huge amounts of waste PET packaging that are generated all over the world entail problems with its landfilling. One of the methods for managing such waste is its processing to obtain good quality microporous carbon materials. They are used to remove organic impurities, such as trichloromethane or phenol, from water. This method of PET waste management makes it possible to resolve many ecological problems - to decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills, to purify water or sewage. And as the precursors of these adsorbents can easily be obtained, after completing the adsorption process they may be subjected to the energy recovery process. The paper presents the methods of PET waste management, currently used around the world, including material, chemical and thermal recycling methods and the energy recovery process. The methods for obtaining carbon materials from waste packaging made from polyethylene terephthalate are discussed. (original abstract)
This paper presents the possibility of managing plastic post-production waste, i.e. ordinary and heat-shrinkable film, in the construction sector. For this purpose, two types of lightweight 16 mm aggregate were produced from plastics, using proprietary technology (i.e. polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and PET/PVC/OPS (MIX) mixtures). The raw material was sourced from post-production waste, generated during the production of film labels. The results of the experimental testing of aggregate properties (bulk density, grain density, absorbability, compressive strength) are presented, the aggregate being sourced from recycled plastics. This paper presents the physical and mechanical properties of the plastic, as well as other popular lightweight aggregates (Certyd and Kermazyt) used in construction. In addition, the financial efficiency of the production of lightweight aggregate from the by-products of plastic label production was analysed. The economic analysis has shown that the use of plastic waste for the production of lightweight aggregate is rational, not only in terms of environmental protection, but also the financial benefits to companies that generate significant amounts of plastic waste.(original abstract)
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The company Poliplasts, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter Poliplasts) requires the design and implementation of a new supply chain for the manual recycling of PET in the State of Tabasco, Mexico. The research presents the diagnosis of the current supply chain of the recycler company, based on the in situ observation of the actors involved in the recovery of urban solid waste. Poliplasts's main problem is the collection of highly contaminated waste. The objective of the research was to identify strategies for the design and implementation of a new supply chain that allows the collection of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) from the time of its disposal. The methodology was based on action-research method, direct interview and direct observation were used [Balcazar 2003]. Poliplasts was founded by Mr. Waldo Carrasco Hurtado in 1997. It is a family business belonging to the industrial sector, dedicated mainly to the manufacture and sale of polyethylene products. Approximately 65% of the total raw materials used in its production processes, come from recycling. The challenge for Poliplasts is to collect less contaminated PET and implement a new supply chain. (original abstract)
The transition to circular economy requires diversifying material sources, improving secondary raw materials management, including recycling, and finally finding sustainable alternative materials. Both recycled and bio-based plastics are often regarded as promising alternatives to conventional fossil-based plastics. Their broad application instead of fossilbased plastics is, however, frequently the subject of criticism because of offering limited environmental benefits. The study presents a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of fossil-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) versus its recycled and bio-based counterparts. The system boundary covers the plastics manufacturing and end-of-life plastic management stages (cradle-to-cradle/grave variant). Based on the data and assumptions set out in the research, recycled PET (rPET) demonstrates the best environmental profile out of the evaluated plastics in all impact categories. The study contributes to circular economy in plastics by providing transparent and consistent knowledge on their environmental portfolio. (original abstract)
W pracy badano zmiany jakości markowych piw w opakowaniach PET produkowanych i dostępnych w Bułgarii. Badano parametry sensoryczne i fizykochemiczne. Jakość piwa oceniano w 3 etapach: natychmiast po otwarciu opakowania, 1 dzień po otwarciu i przechowywaniu w temp. 4-5°C oraz 2 dni po otwarciu opakowania i przechowywaniu w temp. 4-5°C. Zaobserwowano pewne zmiany jakościowe po przechowywaniu piwa w opakowaniach PET: aromat osłabł, nieznacznie zmieniły się smak i barwa, wysokość piany i czas jej opadania zmniejszyły się, spadła zawartość etanolu, dwutlenku węgla i moszczu piwnego.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The scope of our work was to study the changes in the quality of some trade marks beer in a PET packages (Zagorka, Ariana, Kamenitza, Astika) produced and offered in Bulgaria. The sensor and the physico-chemical indices were investigated. The quality of beer was studied on three stages: immediately after opening the PET package; one day after opening the package, stored at 4-5°C; two days after opening the package, stored at 4-5°C. The results show some quality changes after storage the beer in PET packages: the scent reduced; the taste and the color slightly changed; the height of the foam and the time for which it hold back reduced; the content of carbon dioxide, of ethanol content and the extract of the brewing must went down.(original abstract)
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