W artykule znajdują się omówienia książek i sprawozdania z wydarzeń naukowych. Omówienia: 1) Księga o świętach Mistrza Jana z Kwidzyna. Objawienia Błogosławionej Doroty z Mątów, przeł. J. Wojtkowski, Olsztyn 2013, ss. 247. 2) Kopiec Maksym Adam, Il logos della fede: tra ragione, rivelazione e linguaggio (Spicilegium, 41), Edizioni Antonianum, Roma 2014, pp. 333. Sprawozdania: 1) Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa na Wydziale Humanistycznym Uniwersytetu Warminsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, pt. Drugi język – druga kultura, historia, świadomość. Nowe możliwości, czy zagrożenia? Olsztyn, 28-29 września 2015 r. 2) Ogólnopolska Studencko-Doktorancka Konferencja Naukowa pt. Religia w kontekście kulturowym, Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, 21 października 2015 r.
The article includes book discussions and reports on scientific events. discuss: 1) Księga o świętach Mistrza Jana z Kwidzyna. Objawienia Błogosławionej Doroty z Mątów, trans. J. Wojtkowski, Olsztyn 2013, pp. 247. 2) Kopiec Maksym Adam, Il logos della fede: tra ragione, rivelazione e linguaggio (Spicilegium, 41), Edizioni Antonianum, Roma 2014, pp. 333. reports: 1) International scientific conference at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, entitled Second language - second culture, history, awareness. New opportunities or threats? Olsztyn, 28-29 September 2015 2) Polish Student-Doctoral Scientific Conference entitled Religion in a cultural context, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, October 21, 2015.
Fundamental Theology is scientific discipline which ex professo treats about justifying the credibility of Christianity. This discipline is about the foundations of faith and justifies credibility of Divine Revelation which has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ and lasts in the Church. Fundamental Theology would like to make Christian faith reasonable as it shoud be because a man is reasonable and free person full of dignity. Contemporary Fundamental Theology not only makes the traditional argumentation reacher but also tries to find new arguments for the credibility of Christianity. This article contents following issues: 1. justifying the credibility of Christianity as the aim of Fundamental Theology; 2. some projects rejecting the necessity of justifying the credibility of Christianity; 3. traditional arguments for the credibility of the Revelation fulfilled in Jesus Christ; 4. justifying in modern Fundamental Theology. The process of justifying in Fundamental Theology means searching or making arguments, reasons, for supernatural character of Christianity. Because every argument shows the Revelation and faith only partially, so each of them cannot fulfill the whole task. Fundamental Theology needs many arguments. Presenting lots of them Fundamental Theology is able to justify Christian faith more fully.
Diverse areas of studies are concerned with the answer to the inquiry on the meaning of human existence. Also theology, referring to the Divine Revelation, points out to the meaning of existence, revealed by God. Also Benedict XVI refers to this issue in his apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini – On the Word of God in the life and mission of the Church. Indicating the Eternal Word, that entered the time and was pronounced in human way, at the same time the Holy Father convinces us, that for the person receiving this Word in faith, it can be the source of the meaning of existence. The Divine Revelation becomes the source of the meaning of human life thanks to its rationality, through responses it provides for the deepest human inquiries and desires, and thanks to the perspective of fullness of life transcending the limits of temporality. The meaning of human existence revealed in the Word of God, is properly understood and most fully accessible in the Church. The community of God's people is called to reveal the Eternal Word faithfully as reality, which can be lived, and thanks to which one can live.
An important help in finding the right place for the liturgy in theology and the manner of doing theology is the new document of the Congregation for the Clergy The Gift of Priestly Vocation. Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis issued on 16 December 2016. This document provides a new order of subjects taught in the seminaries. Sacred Scripture is put first being the soul of theology (Dei Verbum 24). It is followed immediately by the study of the sacred liturgy, which “must be considered a fundamental discipline”. This is because Scripture and the liturgy constitute a living theology, they are the first and primary locus for entire theology. The fact that liturgy immediately followed Sacred Scripture is also influenced by a new, in-depth understanding of the liturgy found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and in contemporary theologians (J. Corbon, A.M. Triacca, A. Schmemann, J. Ratzinger and a deeper connection of the liturgy with Divine Revelation and its transmission. The author of the article recognizes the particular significance of liturgical theology, focused on the joint presentation of the three components of the liturgy, that is, the salvific mystery of God, the liturgical celebration and Christian life. Liturgical theology can be done from the perspective of each of the elements of the liturgy (Mysterium-Actio-Vita). Liturgical theology is the most perfect fulfilment of the liturgical perspective of theology.
Ważną pomocą w znalezieniu właściwego miejsca liturgii w teologii i sposobu uprawiania teologii jest nowy dokument Kongregacji ds. Duchowieństwa Stolicy Apostolskiej z 16 grudnia 2016 r., zatytułowany Dar powołania do kapłaństwa. Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis. Dokument ten podaje nową kolejność przedmiotów wykładanych w seminariach duchownych. Na pierwszym miejscu znajduje się Pismo Święte, będące duszą teologii (por. DV 24), a zaraz po nim studium świętej liturgii, która „winna być uznana za dyscyplinę podstawową”. Stało się tak dlatego, że Biblia wraz z liturgią są teologią żywą, teologią pierwszą i podstawowym locus dla całej teologii. Wpływ na to ma też nowe, pogłębione rozumienie liturgii w Katechizmie Kościoła Katolickiego i u współczesnych teologów (J. Corbon, A.M. Triacca, A. Schmemann, J. Ratzinger) oraz głębsze powiązanie liturgii z Objawieniem Bożym i jego przekazem. Autor dostrzega szczególne znaczenie teologii liturgicznej, skoncentrowanej na łącznym ukazywaniu trzech składowych elementów liturgii, czyli zbawczego misterium Boga, celebracji liturgicznej i życia chrześcijańskiego. Może być ona sprawowana z perspektywy każdego z elementów liturgii. Teologia liturgiczna jest najdoskonalszym spełnieniem liturgicznej perspektywy teologii.
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