Poziom zaangażowania pracowników stanowi miernik skuteczności zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim. Jego przeciętna wysokość w polskiej praktyce jest dowodem wysokiej jakości praktyk HR. Jednak zróżnicowanie świadczy o polaryzacji standardów w tym obszarze. Jest także dowodem istotnych rezerw w dziedzinie zaangażowania organizacyjnego pracowników. Wyniki analizy czynników, które determinują jego poziom, wskazują obszary wymagające wzmocnienia działań ze strony menedżerów i specjalistów zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim.
Employee engagement level is the measure of the effectiveness of human capital management. Its average value in Polish practice is evidence of the high quality of HR practices. However, its differentiation provides evidence of a polarization of standards in this area. It is also proof of significant reserves in the area of employee organizational engagement. The results of an analysis of factors that determine its level show areas that require intensification of activities on the part of managers and human capital management specialists.
The goal of the paper is to present the findings of empirical issues concerning personality determinants of engagement. Engagement may be treated as a measure of employee's attitude towards the company. It constitutes an expression of individual's identification with the workplace and a measure of employee's loyalty, it determines satisfaction level and the level of 'emotional attachment' to a company. It also reflects the degree of 'organizational participation' of an employee, being reflected in positive evaluation and undertaking of activities aimed at business goals of a company. From the point of view of business activities it seems particularly significant to be able to identify those aspects which are related to building employee's engagement.
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