As discussed in the literature, more and more transnational corporations (TNCs) were attaching importance to research and development (R&D) activity from the 1970s through the 2000s. This growing involvement of TNCs in R&D resulted in their dominant role in global R&D expenditure. Indeed, a comparative analysis of financial data collected for the group of the 102 largest corporate R&D spenders worldwide in 2007 showed that this group of TNCs accounted for a significant share of the world’s R&D expenditure not only in 2007 alone but also in the period of 2000–2011. Moreover, a similarity between their home countries and the countries being top R&D spenders was found; however, most of these corporations were conducting their R&D at international level. Furthermore, the analysed TNCs operated mostly in technology-intensive industries, for which the foundations were provided by a multidisciplinary science and technology basis. JEL Codes: F23, O32
In transition countries the firms’ size and equity property affect economic processes, including innovation activity in industry. Researche has shown that the key to accelerate economy development is technology transfer from foreign countries. Implementation of new solutions depends on medium and large organizations, rather than on the micro and small ones. Traditional micro and small regional enterprises feature a low level of capacity to take risk. An innovation activity in industry systems grows up over time, but only in small domestic enterprises, and it is similar to their foreign and larger competitors. This paper discusses the problems of size of enterprises and its impact on innovation activity in regional industry systems in West Pomeranian province in the period 2004–2006 and 2009–2011.
Information sources are considered a catalyst for innovation improvement, and because of this it is particularly important to learn more regarding their impact on innovation performance. Therefore, the goal of this research is to investigate to what extent the usage of different information sources influences internal and external R&D activities in three countries, Croatia, France and the Netherlands, by employing CIS data, which covers the period from 2006 to 2008. These countries were chosen because of the different levels of their country competitiveness (measured by the Global Competitiveness Index), which permits us to investigate if the usage of information sources has varying impact on their innovation performance. Our results reveal that internal sources, customers, suppliers and universities are important information sources for both internal and external R&D activities in all three countries. However, significant differences are also found. Firms from the Netherlands (which has the highest country competitiveness) use information sources differently, relying on competitors as one of their most important sources of innovation. On the other hand, the government did not have any impact on firms in Croatia (which has the lowest country competitiveness), indicating that this may be the reason for similar countries lagging behind.
In this paper we analyze determinants which affect the selection of mobile carriers in a post-conflict environment - Bosnia and Herzegovina. We apply relevant probability modelling to test perceptions of individual respondents on different network effects obtained through a targeted representative survey. Furthermore, we explore whether some non-traditional influences might affect costumers, focusing on the role of demographic characteristics. Our results confirm that conventional network effects have a role in carrier selection, although they are different across carriers. However, we identify that the ethnicity of respondents overwhelms the traditional network effects by having the highest magnitude in the model. Our findings show that the “ethnic affiliation” of mobile carriers, attributed by the users, remains a persistent factor in attracting and keeping telecommunication costumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In this research, the selection and implementation of ERP Systems will be discussed. The ERP concept, the selection process, and the importance of selecting a certain ERP solution for the companies will also be dealt with. However, implementation of ERP software brings not only benefits, but also incurs costs. After the literature review of ERP implementation strategies, a survey is reviewed that was conducted among several large and mid-size companies that adopted SAP, one of the major ERP solutions, in their businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey. The focus of the survey will be on different aspects of SAP implementation, such as struggles that have been faced during its implementation and its benefits following implementation. In the final section, a comparison is made between Turkish and Bosnian companies. While the study indicates some differences in implementation strategies and major benefits, similarities between the two countries are more pronounced.
Benchmarking is a management method, which involves, among other things, improving the efficiency of an organization by identifying, analyzing, adapting and implementing solutions used by most effective organizations. Benchmarking has been successfully implemented in Polish enterprises. For several years there has been an increase in the importance of bench-marking, especially among companies possessing knowledge regarding implementing lean management. This article presents benchmarking as a management method, which allows eliminating waste and making better solutions in Polish enterprises. The article consists of two parts. The first part presents the theoretical concept of the nature, types, advantages and disadvantages of benchmarking, as well as the main waste which appear in the enter-prise. The second part presents case studies of benchmarking, such as Xerox, but also four examples of companies in the Polish market in various industries (transportation logistics, manufacturing company, distribution company and company from the market of Transport Forwarding Logistics), that have implemented solutions perfecting logistic processes.
Benchmarking to metoda zarządzania, która polega na doskonaleniu efektywności wła-snej organizacji poprzez identyfikowanie, analizowanie, adaptowanie i wdrażanie rozwiązań stosowanych przez organizacje najbardziej efektywne. Benchmarking wprowadzany jest z powodzeniem w polskich przedsiębiorstwach. Od kilku lat obserwuje się wzrost znaczenia benchmarkingu, szczególnie wśród firm znających, czy wdrażających lean management. Ce-lem artykułu jest przedstawienie benchmarkingu, jako metody zarządzania, która pozwala wyeliminować marnotrawstwa i wprowadzić lepsze rozwiązania w polskich przedsiębior-stwach. Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza część teoretyczna przedstawia pojęcie, istotę, rodzaje, zalety, wady benchmarkingu, a także główne marnotrawstwa pojawiąjące się w przedsiębiorstwie. Druga cześć empiryczna przedstawia benchmarking, przykład firmy Xe-rox, ale także cztery przykłady przedsiębiorstw na rynku polskim z różnych branż (logistyka miejska, przedsiębiorstwo produkcyjne, przedsiębiorstwo dystrybucyjne i firma z rynku TSL), które wdrożyły rozwiązania doskonalące procesy logistyczne.
The paper analyses public subsidies aimed to enhance development and innovation in the Slovakian private sector. The paper reviews theoretical approaches of the necessity of public support to research and development activities in order to increase private investment in research and development. An overview of research and development support tools in Slovakia is presented. The analytical part of the work is oriented on a comparative analysis of two granting agencies in Slovakia [Agency for Research and Development (ARD) and Agency of Operational Program Research and Development (OPRD)]. Special attention is given to direct public financial support. Logit analysis showed a relationship between success of grant applicants and their characteristics. We find that the following have impact on success of the application: Age of the company, amount of the grant required, legal form of the company, and the agency to which the application for grant was submitted. Applicants with legal form Ltd. (limited liability company) have a higher chance of receiving grant than other legal forms. The highest chance of success has a request for a grant of up to 500.000 €. According to the results of our analysis, the chance to obtain a grant decreases with each passing year.
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