Kant’s attitude towards Newton is ambiguous though he owes much to him. Although Newton’s physics is a paradigm of science for Kant, he is fully aware that few appearances occur accurately according to the way described by mechanics. When he ties the principles of his philosophy with Newton’s mechanics, Kant makes a mistake, for due to the development of knowledge it began losing its absolute position in science in his day. In Opus postumum Kant recognizes the mistake and no longer refers to the rules of Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft as the ultimate ones. Till the beginning of his work on Opus postumum Newtonian mechanics was a paradigm of science for Kant. It ceases to be so in Opus postumum, where Newton is present mainly as the object of Kant’s polemics. The progress of science, new phenomena, new methods, the development of chemistry. In Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft chemistry was not referred to as science (since it was Newton’s mechanics that was the paradigm of science), whereas in Metaphysik der Sitten (1797) Kant defines Lavoisier’s chemistry as the only chemistry [AA VI 207]; in Anthropologie [AA VII 326] (1798) he ranks Lavoisier as high as Archimedes and Newton. New main problems appeared science which had to deal with: combustibility, origin of acids, the change of the state of matter, electricity, magnetism and – first of all – theory of heat. The main notion of the new theory of chemistry developed by Lavoisier (ether, the caloric) takes the central position also in Kant’s theory of transition (Übergang).
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This study challenges some interpretative strategies comparing Leibniz’s, or even Newton’s metaphysics of space to a Cartesian one. Not only did both Newton and Leibniz explicitly oppose Cartesian metaphysics as such, but neither of them had even the slightest intention of separating space from God, although they did not agree on the exact nature of such a space-God relationship. Moreover, it was just a conceptual disagreement, since the identification of space with an attribute of God is to be found not only by Leibniz but also by Newton, as well as by his defender Samuel Clarke. Neither diverge the reasons why Leibniz no more than Clarke eventually argued for the category of modification rather than an attribute.
The article is concerned with the generic specifics of the romaneto, a literary mode established by Czech writer Jakub Arbes, taking as its vantage point the way in which fantastic storylines operate within it. Arbes’s romanettos can be characterized by the interplay of gothic writing and science fiction. The study focuses on his most wellknown romanetto Newton’s Brain (Newtonův mozek). The analysis aims at a comparative investigation of the stolen brain motif related to the popular story of Einstein’s stolen brain and its literary repercussions.
Artykuł dotyczy wyznaczników romaneto – gatunku literackiego zapoczątkowanego przez czeskiego pisarza Jakuba Arbesa – przyjmując za punkt wyjścia sposób, w jaki rozwijają się w nim fantastyczne fabuły. Romaneta Arbesa charakteryzuje wzajemne oddziaływanie powieści gotyckiej i science fiction. Artykuł koncentruje się na najbardziej znanym romaneto Mózg Newtona (Newtonův mozek). Analiza skupia się na porównawczym rozpatrywaniu motywu ukradzionego mózgu w relacji do historii o ukradzionym mózgu Ensteina i jej literackich reperkusjach.
In the article the prediction of wind speed values by Newton interpolation polynomials is made. It is mentioned that effective operation of the wind power station is realized by predictive control on the basic interval according to the predictor–corrector method. Equations for Newton interpolation polynomials are given. The fluctuations of the wind speed deviations occur random so can be described with Wiener process. An ex ample of wind speed deviations, described with Wiener process, is shown. Equation to estimate the prediction error is given. The results of wind speed values prediction taking into ac-count the Wiener process that simulates its fluctuations are shown. The wind speed prediction for 1 hour in advance without taking into account the Wiener process is shown depending on the degree of the interpolation polynomial. The prediction errors at different degrees of the interpolation polynomials and the prediction for different number of hours in advance are given. It is noted that with the removal of a random component in the form of Wiener process, the average error of the prediction decreases.
W artykule dokonano symulacji wartości prędkości wiatru na podstawie wielomianów interpolacyjnych Newtona. Wspomniano, że efektywna praca elektrowni wiatrowej realizowana jest poprzez kontrolę predykcyjną w podstawowym przedziale zgodnie z metodą predykcyjno-korektorową. Podano równania dla wielomianów interpolacyjnych Newtona. Fluktuacje odchyleń prędkości wiatru występują losowo, dlatego można je opisać w procesie Wienera. Pokazano przykład odchyleń prędkości wiatru, opisany w procesie Wienera. Podano równanie do oszacowania błędu prognozowania. Pokazano wyniki symulacji prędkości wiatru z uwzględnieniem procesu Wienera, który symuluje jego fluktuacje. Prognozę prędkości wiatru z 1-godzinnym wyprzedzeniem bez uwzględnienia procesu Wienera pokazano w zależności od stopnia wielomianu interpolacji. Podano błędy prognozowania dla różnych stopni wielomianów interpolacyjnych i przewidywania dla różnej liczby godzin wcześniej. Należy zauważyć, że wraz z usunięciem elementu losowego w postaci procesu Wienera zmniejsza się średni błąd prognozy.
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