We propose an efficient numerical algorithm for relative error model reduction based on balanced stochastic truncation. The method uses full-rank factors of the Gramians to be balanced versus each other and exploits the fact that for large-scale systems these Gramians are often of low numerical rank. We use the easy-to-parallelize sign function method as the major computational tool in determining these full-rank factors and demonstrate the numerical performance of the suggested implementation of balanced stochastic truncation model reduction.
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A new variant of Newton's method based on contra harmonic mean has been developed and its convergence properties have been discussed. The order of convergence of the proposed method is six. Starting with a suitably chosen x0, the method generates a sequence of iterates converging to the root. The convergence analysis is provided to establish its sixth order of convergence. In terms of computational cost, it requires evaluations of only two functions and two first order derivatives per iteration. This implies that efficiency index of our method is 1.5651. The proposed method is comparable with the methods of Parhi, and Gupta [15] and that of Kou and Li [8]. It does not require the evaluation of the second order derivative of the given function as required in the family of Chebyshev-Halley type methods. The efficiency of the method is tested on a number of numerical examples. It is observed that our method takes lesser number of iterations than Newton’s method and the other third order variants of Newton´s method. In comparison with the sixth order methods, it behaves either similarly or better for the examples considered.
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Newton's iteration is studied for the numerical solution of an elliptic PDE with nonlinear boundary conditions. At each iteration of Newton's method, a conjugate gradient based decomposition method is applied to the matrix of the linearized system. The decomposition is such that all the remaining linear systems have the same constant matrix. Numerical results confirm the savings with respect to the computational cost, compared with the classical Newton method with factorization at each step.
A new method to transform from Cartesian to geodetic coordinates is presented. It is based on the solution of a system of nonlinear equations with respect to the coordinates of the point projected onto the ellipsoid along the normal. Newton's method and a modification of Newton's method were applied to give third-order convergence. The method developed was compared to some well known iterative techniques. All methods were tested on three ellipsoidal height ranges: namely, (-10 - 10 km) (terrestrial), (20 - 1000 km), and (1000 - 36000 km) (satellite). One iteration of the presented method, implemented with the third-order convergence modified Newton's method, is necessary to obtain a satisfactory level of accuracy for the geodetic latitude […] and height […] km, i.e. less than a millimetre) for all the heights tested. The method is slightly slower than the method of Fukushima (2006) and Fukushima's (1999) fast implementation of Bowring's (1976) method.
Artykuł przedstawia nowa metodę transformacji miedzy współrzędnymi kartezjanskimi a współrzędnymi geodezyjnymi na elipsoidzie obrotowej. Metoda polega na rozwiązaniu nieliniowego układu równań, w którym niewiadomymi są współrzędne punktu leżącego na powierzchni elipsoidy a będącego rzutem punktu znajdującego się poza elipsoida wzdłuż normalnej. Tak wyznaczone współrzędne punktu na elipsoidzie są podstawa do obliczenia szerokości i wysokości geodezyjnej. Do rozwiązania układu równań zastosowano metodę Newtona oraz zmodyfikowaną metodę Newtona charakteryzującą się zbieżnością trzeciego rzędu. Nowa metoda została porównana z kilkoma dobrze znanymi rozwiązaniami iteracyjnymi. Wszystkie metody były testowane na trzech zakresach wysokości elipsoidalnych: -10 - 10 km (ziemski), 20 - 1000 km, 1000 - 36000 km (satelitarny). Zastosowanie zmodyfikowanej metody Newtona powoduje, iż jedna iteracja nowej metody wystarczy aby osiągnąć zadowalający poziom dokładności zarówno dla szerokości geodezyjnej, jak i wysokości. Prezentowana metoda jest nieco wolniejsza niż metoda Fukushimy (2006) oraz od szybkiej implementacji metody Bowringa (Fukushima, 1999).
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