The paper dealt with the evaluation of concentration and spatial distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus forms in dug wells in selected farms in the upper Narew River valley. The study was also aimed at assessing the influence of selected elements of a farm on quality of well water. Examinations were carried out in 8 villages in Podlasie region. Three farm dug wells were selected for examination in each village. All wells take water from the first water-carrying level. The study included well waters within the section of the Narew River from the villages Sobótka to Złotoria. The checkpoints were set in: Sobótka, Narew, Ciełuszki, Kaniuki, Zawyki, Uhowo, Topilec, and Złotoria localized along the Narew and its adjacent lands. Water samples were collected in spring, summer and autumn 2006. Ammonia, nitrates (III), nitrates (V), and phosphates were determined in water samples filtered through micropore filters (d = 0.45 μm) by means of colorimetry applying a spectrometer HACH (DR-2000). Parameters of the analytical procedures were adjusted in accordance to the Decree of Minister for Environment (2004). In total, 288 determinations in three series were made. For each of the three wells from every village, the arithmetic means of the analyzed parameters were calculated on the basis of samples collected on three dates. The assessment of underground water quality was made according to the Decree of Minister for Environment of 11 February 2004 on on surface and underground water status, screening performance, interpretation and presentation of the status of such waters. In addition, the Decree of the Minister for Health of 29 March 2007 (Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia, 2007) was referred to. The results were compared to concentrations of forms of particular components (N-NH4, N-NO2, N-NO3) included in the Decree of the Minister for Environment (2004) and the Decree of the Minister for Health (2007) in order to designate water quality classes and principal chemical requirements to the well waters examined. The study revealed that the analyzed waters did not meet standards set for potable water due to exceeding permissible values for ammonia and nitrates (V) concentrations. The distance of a well from the nearest farm buildings affected ammonia concentration in well water.
Celem pracy było określenie stężenia oraz rozkładu przestrzennego form azotu i fosforanów w studniach gospodarskich (kopanych) z wybranych gospodarstw wiejskich doliny górnej Narwi. Dodatkowym celem pracy było określenie wpływu wybranych elementów zagrody wiejskiej na jakość wód studziennych. Badania prowadzono w 8 wsiach położonych w województwie podlaskim. W każdej wsi do badań wybrano po 3 studnie. Wszystkie studnie czerpią wodę z pierwszego poziomu wodonośnego. Badaniami objęto wody studzienne na odcinku rzeki Narew od wsi Sobótka do wsi Złotoria. Miejsca poboru próbek wody wyznaczono w miejscowościach: Sobótka, Narew, Ciełuszki, Kaniuki, Zawyki, Uhowo, Topilec, Złotoria zlokalizowanych wzdłuż rzeki Narew w jej bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie. Próbki wody pobierano 3-krotnie: wiosną, latem, jesienią 2006 r. W próbkach wody przefiltrowanych przez filtry mikroporowate o średnicy porów 0,45 µm oznaczono metodą koloryme tryczną, na spektrofotometrze HACH typu DR-2000, azot amonowy, azotynowy, azotanowy i fosforany. Parametry metod analitycznych dostosowano do zaleceń Rozporządzenia Ministra Środowiska (2004). Ogółem wykonano 288 oznaczeń w trzech seriach badawczych. Obliczono średnią arytmetyczną zawartość badanych parametrów w próbkach pobranych z 3 studni każdej wsi w trzech terminach. Ocenę jakości wód podziemnych oparto na Rozporządzeniu Ministra Środowiska z dnia 11 lutego 2004 r. w sprawie klasyfikacji dla prezentowania stanu wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych, sposobu prowadzenia monitoringu oraz sposobu interpretacji i prezentacji stanu tych wód, z uwzględnieniem Rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 29 marca 2007 r. Wyniki porównywano ze stężeniem form poszczególnych składników (N-NH4, N-NO2, N-NO3) ujętych w Rozporządzeniach MŚ (2004) i MZ (2007) w celu przypisania badanym wodom klas jakości oraz podstawowych wymagań chemicznych. Wykazano, że: wody nie odpowiadały standardom wody przeznaczonej do spożycia ze względu na przekroczenia wartości dopuszczalnych stężeń azotu amonowego i azotanowego, wody o najniższej jakości stwierdzono w studniach ze wsi Złotoria i Zawyki. W pracy określono również wpływ odległości studni od zabudowań inwentarskich na stężenie azotu amonowego w ich wodach.
Wetness monitoring is very important issue especially on wetlands ecosystems, because they are very vulnerable to changes, particularly those made by human. The upper Narew valley with eminence was analyzed. Described area is in north-eastern Poland and covers the valley from Tykocin to Łazy. This area is unique wetland habitat in Europe. In natural part is an anastomosing river system, whereas second part is covered by agricultural areas (wetlands which were drained in ‘70 of XX century). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate quantitative multitemporal analyses of changes in this environment by using various wetness indices and comparing them. To investigate the amount of changes the images from Landsat were used: from TM and ETM+ scanner (available from They were from two time series: the end of XX century (1989, 1992, 1993 and 1994) and the beginning of XXI century (2006 and 2007). All of the images were from the beginning or the middle of the vegetation season. In addition, meteorological data were used (from www., to detect the precipitation influence on analyzed indices. NDVI was calculated using image from the 2006, then the mask was created to remove all apart from the vegetation (everything under 0,4). After that the Tasseled Cap transformation was made to obtain Wetness band (TCW). Values under -37 on image from 1993 were masked to eliminate cloudy areas. In next step two wetness indices were calculated: Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) and Moisture Stress Index (MSI). TCW is based on visual, near-infrared and-middle infrared electromagnetic radiation, because of that it could depend on atmospheric conditions. NDII and MSI are calculated only from 4th and 5th Landsat bands. Scattering from aerosols in that part of wavelength is weaker and doesn’t have big impact on indices values. Three describing indices are used when atmospheric correction isn’t possible or needed. Values of the three parameters were mapped by dividing into four classes: higher, medium, lower and the lowest wetness. Maps were averaged in the two time series (end of XX and beginning of XXI century). They were reclassified into tree difference maps to show the differences in wetness conditions and between various indices. Three maps showing changes in wetness were classified into five categories: much more wet, more wet, no changes, drier and much drier. These set of data could be compared. The results show that about 55% of analyzing area is stable. Table 3 present that about 2% of all changes were big. About 30% of total amount of transformation are connected with drainage areas. Areas which were more wet cover about 10%. Drained areas are getting extremely wet based on TCW, but opposite tendency can be noted on MSI and NDII maps. Big discrepancy between the maps of changes was discovered. TCW showed that the natural valley is getting drier and eminences are getting wet, but the results are different for the other two analyzed indices. Apart from that, some of the results are different for the parameters. In further research this kind of analysis should be compared with land cover and field measurements.
The profile structure of soils developed on the inpeatland dunes in the Biebrza River Valley and Narew River Valley suggested that they are rusty soils. However, the chemical analyses indicated the distinct accumulation of analyzed elements, mainly iron and aluminium, in the enrichment horizon (B). The determination of studied soils systematic position on the base of podzolic soil diagnostic criteria used by Systematics of Polish Soils and WRB classification as well as on the base of indicators proposed by various authors was the aim of the study. The results revealed that soils developed on dunes in the Biebrza River Valley can be determined as rusty soils, while on dunes located in the Narew River Valley, the podzol soils have developed. The absence of eluvial horizon in these soils presumably resulted from its mixing with humus horizon during ploughing in the past.
Budowa profilowa gleb wykształconych na wydmach śród torfowych w Kotlinie Biebrzańskiej i Dolinie Narwi wskazuje na ich przynależność do gleb rdzawych. Przeprowadzone analizy chemiczne wskazują jednak na wyraźne nagromadzenie badanych składników, zwłaszcza związków żelaza i glinu w poziomach wzbogacania. Celem podjętych badań było ustalenie przynależności systematycznej badanych gleb na podstawie kryteriów diagnostycznych gleb bielicoziemnych stosowanych w systematyce gleb Polski, klasyfikacji WRB, jak również wskaźników proponowanych przez różnych autorów. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że gleby wykształcone na wydmach położonych w Kotlinie Biebrzańskiej można rzeczywiście zaliczyć do gleb rdzawych, natomiast na wydmach położonych w Dolinie Narwi wykształciły się gleby bielicowe, w których poziom eluwialny został prawdopodobnie wymieszany z poziomem próchnicznym podczas wcześniejszej uprawy tych gleb.