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Badanie termiki wód Narwi w rejonie Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego obejmowało pomiary wykonywane metoda. patrolowa. w odstępach czterotygodniowych w roku hydrologicznym 1996. W obliczeniach reżimu termicznego wykorzystano wzór Warda opisują cykliczny przebieg temperatury. Obliczone wartości parametrów T, a oraz c charakteryzujących reżim termiczny na badanym obszarze wskazują. na typ chłodny. Narew na tym obszarze została wcześniej zakwalifikowana jako zimna, uwzględniając jednak te założenia modelu i uogólnienia (przyjęcie średnich temperatur poszczególnych serii pomiarowych jako wartości średnich miesięcznych} mieści się, w granicach błędu i jest do zaakceptowania.
Investigation into thermal regime of the Narev waters in the region of the Narev National Park comprised field measurements carried out at four week intervals in the hydrologic year 1996. In calculations of the thermal regime the Ward formula describing the cyclic course of temperature has been used. The calculated values of parameters f, a and c characterizing the thermal regime of waters in the investigated area point out it to be of the cool type. The Narev in that area had been classified as "cold" but considering the assumptions of the modell and generalizations (mean temperatures of particular measurements series have been taken as mean monthly values) the result of calculations is situated within limits of error .
The study aimed at the attempt to identify and to evaluate the interaction intensity, and to classify the sources of river waters nutrients in the catchment of upper river Narew within Narew National Park (north-eastern Poland). The studies were carried out on Narew river within borders of Narew National Park, where 5 measurement-control points were localized as well as one near estuaries of its 5 tributaries (Awissa, Czaplinianka, Horodnianka, Turośnianka and Supraśl). Factor analysis (FA) from multi-dimensional group was applied for statistical processing of study results, because it is commonly used to describe and explore a large number of data. concentrations of analyzed chemicals depended on a water sampling point that was under anthropopression and geogenic conditions. Studies and results from analyses (FA and CA) allowed for identifying the main sources of river Narew nutrients within Narew National Park. These are: tributaries of river Narew, point and distributed runoffs, as well as shallow ground waters that transport components having anthropogenic and partially geogenic-lithologic origin. River Turośnianka supplies the largest loads of studied parameters to river Narew within Narew National Park boundaries. River Supraśl is the most contaminated tributary of river Narew.
Artykuł dotyczy przekształceń drewnianego zasobu mieszkaniowego peryferyjnie zlokalizowanej, bogatej w zabytki gminy Narew, leżącej w wielokulturowym regionie Podlasia. Do badania wybrano 321 zabytkowych domów, które poddano inwentaryzacji. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na ich walory architektoniczne w kontekście zakresu i skali ich przekształceń. Choć kompleksowe zmiany negatywnie wpłynęły na integralność badanego zasobu w niewielkim stopniu, powszechnym zjawiskiem jest wymiana wybranych elementów konstrukcyjnych i detali zdobniczych (wymiana stolarki okiennej, podwyższanie kondygnacji, zmiana deskowania, krycie elewacji sidingiem i papą oraz tynkowanie). Autorki zwróciły uwagę zarówno na pozytywne, jak i negatywne praktyki we wskazanym zakresie. Tego rodzaju informacje mogą posłużyć jako podstawa do kształtowania skutecznej polityki ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego.
In this paper, issues related to wooden housing resources are tackled. The case study is the peripherally located Narew commune in the Podlasie multicultural region, which abounds in cultural heritage objects. The authors chose 321 historic houses for analysis regarding the results of a field inventory. Particular attention was devoted to their architectural values in the context of the scale and scope of modifications that have affected them. Despite the fact that there were not many complex modifications that negatively affected the integrity of the wooden houses, there were common cases of exchanging particular construction and decorative elements (installation of new windows, increasing the storey’s height, change in wooden panelling pattern and façade cladding − siding panels, roofing felt, plasterwork). The authors paid attention to both positive and negative examples of such alterations. This information could be used as a foundation for establishing effective policy for cultural heritage conservation.
The water conditions in the River Narew valley began to change in the 1970s and 1980s owing to anthropogenic and natural factors. The former included the regulation of a part of the river valley below the village of Rzędziany. As a result of these measures, the river course was shortened and its gradient increased, leading to lower water levels, shortened surface flooding periods and a gradual lowering of the groundwater level in the whole of the valley. In consequence, many active river channels are disappearing due to their overgrowing and silting. The impact of the natural factors is slower and can be observed in the whole of the valley. From 1981 onwards, precipitation levels gradually fell. Mild winters and shorter snow cover periods resulted in reduced spring floodings. The water flow can also be significantly affected by the vegetation. Due to the overgrown banks plants can obstruct the water flow, leading to the damming of the river and consequently to the overgrowing of the river channel or avulsion. The existing vegetation also gradually leads to the narrowing of the river channels. The paper analyses the changes in the river channel network which took place in the River Narew valley between the villages of Łapy and Zółtki in the second half of the 20th century. It also describes how the natural and anthropogenic factors have influenced the channel network and characteristics of the River Narew. The research period covers the years 1966- 1997; the analysis was made using maps of the river channel network. The first map, developed on the basis of a series of panchromatic aerial photographs, shows the situation in 1966, while the second map, prepared on the basis of a spectrozonal orthophotomap, shows the location of the river channels in 1997. These maps were compared to illustrate the extent and directions of the changes that took place in the river channel network in the researched area over the past 31 years. To this end, two differential maps were prepared using ESRI’s ArcGIS 10.0 Two river channel types were distinguished: active and cut off. The first map shows all potential river channel transformations and those channels which did not undergo any changes in the researched area. This helped identify the overall maximum area occupied by the river channels in the period in question and the extent of the unchanged river channels. The second map shows six directions of changes, excluding the channels where no changes could be detected. In 1966 the natural River Narew network was very well developed, with the channels occupying the larger part of the river valley. In 1997 the river channels had changed considerably in comparison to 1966. A part of the researched area lying within the boundaries of the River Narew National Park had a relatively well-developed river channel network, although with a visible increase of cut-off channels. At the same time, in the section below Kurowo, it was found that the number of active channels had decreased, resulting in the dominance of the single-channel system, particularly well visible in the artificially created channel in the vicinity of the village of Rzędziany, reaching as far as the village of Żółtki. Changes in the river channel network could be observed in about 50 per cent of the area of the researched River Narew 16 valley floor. The dominant direction of change (50 per cent) has been the disappearance of active channels, mainly found in the southern part of the area in question. The year 1966 saw many floodings here. In the northern part of the researched area, strong vegetation growth could be observed, which led to the overgrowing of the river channels. The other significant direction of change (observable in 25 per cent of the researched area) has been the transformation of active channels into cutoff ones. Such changes were found mostly in the northern part of the area in question, between the villages of Radule and Żółtki. The third change type, covering about 17 per cent of the researched area, has been the formation of active channels, also found in the northern part of the area in question, in the so-called buffer zone of the Narew National Park. Similar changes were also observed in the vicinity of Waniewo and Radule, with few changes found in the remaining river channel categories. To sum up, it should be concluded that the changes which took place in the area in question were both varied and significant. Most notably, they included the disappearance of active channels in the southern part of the area in question and the transformation of active channels into cut-off ones in the northern part. The extent of the changes was the smallest in the latitudinal section of the valley, between Topilec and Waniewo; this is an area with a well-developed water network, characterised by stable river channels. Since 1996, work has been under way to restore the River Narew valley and recreate the water conditions existing here before the land drain age.
W pracy omówiono podstawowe zagadnienia związane z oznaczaniem chlorofilu a w wodach rzecznych oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości tego wskaźnika w rzece Narew na terenie Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego. W badanych próbach wody z rzeki Narew zaobserwowano sezonowość zmian zawartości chlorofilu a. Przeprowadzone porównanie średnich rocznych i sezonowych zawartości chlorofilu a z granicznymi wartościami poszczególnych kategorii trofii wód stojących zakwalifikowało wody Narwi do wód eutroficznych. Zwrócono uwagę na różnorodność metod stosowanych do oceny stanu troficznego wód rzecznych. Należy podkreślić, iż w Polsce dotychczas nie ma obowiązującej jednolitej metodyki oceny jakości wód płynących, co w wielu przypadkach powoduje brak właściwej interpretacji uzyskanych wyników. Obecnie prowadzone są prace nad określeniem nowych zasad jednolitego systemu oceny jakości wód płynących.
In this paper the content the main problems connected with the measurement content of chlorophyll a were showed. The level of the chlorophyll a in Narew river changed and it depends on the period of the year. The Narew river was classified to the group of euthrophic waters. The differences of methods of water quality assessment were showed. It is worth to mention that there are a lot of discrepancies between methods of assessing of water quality in Poland. Currently, some works are conducted on estimation of the new methods in evaluation of water quality in Poland.
W pracy badano próbki wody pobierane przed zrzutem i za zrzutem ścieków z wybranych oczyszczalni na wytypowanych ciekach obszaru górnej Narwi. W wodzie badano zawartość azotu amonowego, azotanów III i V, fosforany, przewodność oraz odczyn metodami kolorymetrycznymi i potencjometrycznymi. Wykazano zmiany w chemizmie wód, jakie wywołują ścieki z oczyszczalni ścieków obszaru górnej Narwi. Podkreślono konieczność poprawienia pracy oczyszczalni ścieków oraz przeprowadzenie ewentualnych właściwych ich modernizacji.
In work one investigated samples of water received before drop and behind drop of sew ages from select sewage plant on chosen water-courses of area upper Narew. In water one investigated content of ammonium nitrogen, nitrates III and V, phosphates, conductiviti and reaction with methods colorimetric and potentiometric. One showed changes in water chemistry which one call out sew ages from sewage plant of sew ages of area górna Narew. One underlined necessity of improvement of work sewage plant and removal possible proper them of modernization.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów oraz wizji terenowej przeprowadzonej na rzece Pisie i Narwi we wrześniu 2018 r. Uzyskane wyniki odniesiono do danych archiwalnych oraz aktualnych wymagań prawnych. Scharakteryzowano główne problemy natury techniczno-infrastrukturalnej, które mają limitujący wpływ na rozwój ruchu turystycznego na omawianym szlaku. Omówiono wstępne koncepcje wariantowej zabudowy hydrotechnicznej, której powstanie mogłoby w znaczący sposób poprawić parametry eksploatacyjne szlaku żeglugowego Pisy i Narwi.
The article presents the results of measurements and field vision carried out on the Pisa and Narew river in September 2018. The obtained results were referenced to archived data and current legal requirements. The main problems of technical and infrastructural nature, which have a limiting effect on the development of tourist traffic on the discussed route, have been characterized. Preliminary concepts of a variant hydraulic engineering structure have been discussed, the creation of which could significantly improve the operational parameters of the Pisa and Narew shipping route.
Ogólnym celem pracy jest opracowanie modeli przestrzennych parametryzujących warunki wodne mokradeł w Narwiańskim Parku Narodowym, na podstawie których możliwe będzie prawidłowe kształtowanie zasobów wodnych na tym obszarze. Narew wybrano na obiekt badań, jako przykład naturalnej, bagiennej doliny rzecznej. Jest prawostronnym dopływem Wisły i odprowadza wody z Niziny Pónocnopodlaskiej. Fragment Doliny Górnej Narwi pomiędzy Surażem i Rzędzianami objęty jest ochroną jako Narwiański Park Narodowy (NPN). Cechą charakterystyczną Narwi były silne zalewy, które niegdyś występowały corocznie. Częstotliwość i wielkość tych wezbrań jest kluczowa dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania ekosystemów bagiennych. Od roku 1980 reżim wodny w dolinie uległ wyraźnemu zachwianiu w wyniku inwestycji hydrotechnicznych powyżej i poniżej NPN. Przekształcenia te wpływają na obniżenie wartości przyrodniczej tego unikatowego odcinka Doliny Górnej Narwi oraz ujemnie na kształtowanie bilansu zasobowego w zlewni Narwi i regionie. Do analizy dynamiki zwierciadła wody w dolinie wykorzystano dane o stanach wód w cyklu dekadowym z lat 1970 - 1989 oraz z lat 2000 - 2002 rejestrowane w cyklu tygodniowym w trzech przekrojach. W ramach pracy oceniono zmienności poziomu wód gruntowych i wystąpień pozabrzegowych w ostatnich 33. latach oraz aproksymowano trendy tych zmian. Ocena reżimu wodnego w dolinie, dokonana przez porównanie retrospekcyjne, umożliwiła ocenę i detekcję zmian stosunków wodnych tego obszaru. Aktualnie, wyraźnie widoczny jest zanik zalewów. W okresie ostatnich trzech lat miało miejsce tylko jedno, krótkie wystąpienie pozabrzegowe wód rzecznych. Stwierdzono także, że już w latach 80. XX wieku liczba wezbrań wyraźnie się zmniejszyła w odniesieniu do lat 70. Jednocześnie wykazano znaczące zmiany stanu wód w cyklu rocznym. Zanotowano drastyczne obniżenie się poziomu wód gruntowych. Zastosowanie specjalistycznego oprogramowania z zakresu Systemów Informacji Przestrzennej umożliwiły opracowanie następujących modeli parametryzujących środowisko wodne: " Modeli ekstremalnej i typowej fali wezbraniowej; " Modelu poziomu wód okresu suszy; " Modeli ewapotranspiracji.
The general aim of the work is developing a spatial three dimensional (3D) model for water conditions determination in the Upper Basin of the Narew River. The Narew was chosen since it is an example of a natural swampy river valley. The Narew River is a tributary of the Vistula River and drains the NE Polish Lowland. The section of the upper Narew river valley, between Suraz and Rzedziany, is protected as the Narew National Park (NPN). A characteristic feature of the Narew River used to be a flooding, which formerly occurred almost every year. The origin of floods was mostly spring thaw. The frequency and duration of floods are crucial for the development of floodplain fens. Since 1980 the hydrological regime has changed due to alteration upstream and downstream the NNP. Hydrological changes have impact on vegetation, soil and other biotic and a-biotic components. In order to analyze the dynamics of water levels in the valley I used data from 1970-1989 collected on 10 days basis and data from 2000-2002 collected weekly in three crossections. Variation in the groundwater level and floods was estimated over the last 33-year period, and trends of changes in the aquatic environment were determined. Comparison of the situation from the past and present allowed to assess the water regime of the valley and detect the changes in the water conditions of this area. In recent years floods occur less. Over the last three years only one short flood was observed. Already in the 1980s the number of flood events was decreasing against a background of 1970s. Also the annual water regime showed significant changes. The enormous reduction of the groundwater level was noted. Numerical technology of modeling was effected with the use of Spatial Information System (SIS) software. Applications of the above software in cartographic schemes makes it possible to work out: " Models of extreme and typical floods; " Model of groundwater level during a dry period; " Models of evapotranspiration.
Najczęściej i w największych ilościach wykrywane są następujące związki: lindan, nie stosowany od wielu lat DDT, symazyna, atrazyna, chlorofenwinfos i fenitrotion. O obecności pestycydów w wodach powierzchniowych na terenie Żuław Wiślanych wielokrotnie pisała Żelechowska i Makowski. Badania własne potwierdziły obecność herbicydów fenoksyoctowych w wodach powierzchniowych Podlasia. Niniejszy referat prezentuje stężenia herbicydów fenoksyoctowych w rzece Supraśli i Narwi. Okres badawczy obejmował rok, tj. od marca do grudnia 2000 roku. Oznaczenia analityczne wykonywane były techniką chromatograficzną cieczową HPLC oraz cienkowarstwową TLC.
Soil contamination with pesticide is a serious problem. The following compounds are detected most often and in largest quantities: lindan, DDT, which has not been used for many years now, Simazine, Atrazine, Chlorfenvinphos and Fenitrothion. The presence of pesticides in surficial waters in the Zuławy Wiślane region has been described many times by Żelechowska and Makowski. Additionally, my own reserch confirmed the presence of pesticides in superficial waters in the Podlasie. This paper presents the results of determination of concentrations of phenoxyacetic herbicides in Supraśl and Narew rivers. The samples were collected over a period of one year, from March to December 2000. The analysis was carried out by reverse phase HPLC and TLC chromatography.
Podczas najazdu bolszewickiego na Polskę latem 1920 r. ziemie Mazowsza Północno-Wschodniego odegrały istotną rolę. Stały się miejscem odwrotu głównych sił polskich oddziałów, wchodzących w skład frontu północnowschodniego, zaciekle atakowanych przez wojska frontu zachodniego Michaiła Tuchaczewskiego. Głównym celem ofensywy Armii Czerwonej było zajęcie Polski, jej sowietyzacja i przeniesienie ideałów rewolucji bolszewickiej na zachód Europy. Wszystkie warstwy społeczeństwa Mazowsza Północno-Wschodniego, poza komunistami, a zwłaszcza duchowieństwo, ziemiaństwo, młodzież szkolna, ludność wiejska, udzieliły wsparcia Radzie Obrony Państwa. Powodzenie planu rozstrzygającej bitwy, zwanej później Bitwą Warszawską, w dużym stopniu zależało od jak najdłuższego powstrzymywania sowieckiej ofensywy pod Łomżą, Ostrołęką, Różanem i Pułtuskiem, z wykorzystaniem naturalnej linii obronnej, jaką stanowiła rzeka Narew. Dzięki zaciętej obronie powyższych miast udało się opóźnić pochód wojsk bolszewickich ku Wiśle. Na ich szlaku zaczęto tworzyć zręby władzy sowieckiej, ich symbolem były tzw. rewkomy. Po przełomie w Bitwie Warszawskiej mieszkańcy Mazowsza Północno-Wschodniego, a zwłaszcza chłopi, przystąpili do walki z wycofującymi się na wschód oddziałami Armii Czerwonej.
During the Bolshevik invasion of Poland in the summer of 1920, Northeastern Mazovia lands played an important role. They became the place of retreat of the main Polish forces that were part of the Northeastern Front, fiercely attacked by the troops of Mikhail Tukhachevsky’s Western Front. The main aim of the Red Army offensive was the occupation of Poland, its sovietization and the transfer of the Bolshevik revolution ideas to the west of Europe. Except for the communists, all the social classes of Northeastern Mazovia, especially the clergy, landowners, schoolchildren, villagers, supported the Council of National Defence. The success of the decisive battle plan, later called the Battle of Warsaw, largely depended on the longest possible containment of the Soviet offensive near Łomża, Ostrołęka, Różan and Pułtusk, using the natural defensive line the Narew river was. Thanks to the fierce defence of the towns mentioned above, it was possible to delay the march of the Bolshevik armies towards the Vistula. On their way, the framework of the Soviet authority began to be established, whose symbol were the so-called “rewkoms” (military revolutionary committees). After the breakthrough in the Battle of Warsaw, the inhabitants of Northeastern Mazovia, especially peasants, started fighting against the Red Army troops retreating east.
The catchment of the upper river Narew (NE Poland) was studied. Investigations were carried out in March, May, August, and October 2006. The study was aimed at evaluating total cadmium, lead, zinc, chromium, nickel, and cobalt content as well as their forms dissolved in bottom sediments of the upper river Narew and its selected tributaries. Also the attempts to recognize the influence of the catchment management on concentration of the elements studied in bottom sediments of the upper river Narew were undertaken by using the neural networks. Metal concentrations were determined by means of AAS technique. Human economic and household activities, along with a surface runoff, are responsible for the metals deposited in sediments of the rivers under analysis, which was confirmed by statistical computations. The sediments were described as not contaminated (I class) with nickel, zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt, and lead, whereas cadmium concentration slightly exceeded that typical of the I geochemical class in about 20% of the samples studied. Contents of other elements under investigation occurred at the level of geochemical background. The highest metal concentrations were recorded in the alluvia of the river Horodnianka that flows through the area situated near municipal waste dump in Hryniewicze. Studies using artificial neural networks gave the opportunity and efficiency to predict the heavy metals contents in bottom sediments of the river Narew and allowed us to assess its efficiency taking into account many parameters at the same time.
Wetness monitoring is very important issue especially on wetlands ecosystems, because they are very vulnerable to changes, particularly those made by human. The upper Narew valley with eminence was analyzed. Described area is in north-eastern Poland and covers the valley from Tykocin to Łazy. This area is unique wetland habitat in Europe. In natural part is an anastomosing river system, whereas second part is covered by agricultural areas (wetlands which were drained in ‘70 of XX century). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate quantitative multitemporal analyses of changes in this environment by using various wetness indices and comparing them. To investigate the amount of changes the images from Landsat were used: from TM and ETM+ scanner (available from They were from two time series: the end of XX century (1989, 1992, 1993 and 1994) and the beginning of XXI century (2006 and 2007). All of the images were from the beginning or the middle of the vegetation season. In addition, meteorological data were used (from www., to detect the precipitation influence on analyzed indices. NDVI was calculated using image from the 2006, then the mask was created to remove all apart from the vegetation (everything under 0,4). After that the Tasseled Cap transformation was made to obtain Wetness band (TCW). Values under -37 on image from 1993 were masked to eliminate cloudy areas. In next step two wetness indices were calculated: Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) and Moisture Stress Index (MSI). TCW is based on visual, near-infrared and-middle infrared electromagnetic radiation, because of that it could depend on atmospheric conditions. NDII and MSI are calculated only from 4th and 5th Landsat bands. Scattering from aerosols in that part of wavelength is weaker and doesn’t have big impact on indices values. Three describing indices are used when atmospheric correction isn’t possible or needed. Values of the three parameters were mapped by dividing into four classes: higher, medium, lower and the lowest wetness. Maps were averaged in the two time series (end of XX and beginning of XXI century). They were reclassified into tree difference maps to show the differences in wetness conditions and between various indices. Three maps showing changes in wetness were classified into five categories: much more wet, more wet, no changes, drier and much drier. These set of data could be compared. The results show that about 55% of analyzing area is stable. Table 3 present that about 2% of all changes were big. About 30% of total amount of transformation are connected with drainage areas. Areas which were more wet cover about 10%. Drained areas are getting extremely wet based on TCW, but opposite tendency can be noted on MSI and NDII maps. Big discrepancy between the maps of changes was discovered. TCW showed that the natural valley is getting drier and eminences are getting wet, but the results are different for the other two analyzed indices. Apart from that, some of the results are different for the parameters. In further research this kind of analysis should be compared with land cover and field measurements.
Content available Ostrołęka over the centuries. Selected issues
Artykuł traktuje o wybranych zagadnieniach z dziejów Ostrołęki w całej jej ponad 600-letniej historii. Szczególnie wyeksponowane są takie problemy jak: periodyzacja, demografia, niektóre sprawy gospodarcze i społeczne oraz rola rzeki Narwi w rozwoju miasta. Na ile to możliwe, wskaźniki ostrołęckie porównywane są ze wskaźnikami innych, sąsiednich miast. Wykorzystane są różnorodne źródła historyczne zarówno archiwalne, jak i drukowane oraz opracowania. Dość ciekawe, być może kontrowersyjne, są rozważania dotyczące czasów najnowszych (od likwidacji województwa ostrołęckiego w 1999 r. do chwili obecnej).
The article deals with certain issues selected from the entire, over 600-year-old, history of Ostrołęka. Particularly highlighted are such problems as: periodization, demography, some economic and social issues as well as the role of the Narew River in the development of the town. As far as it is possible, the indicators of Ostrołęka are compared to the indicators of other nearby towns. Various historical, archival and printed sources are used, as well as publications. Relatively interesting, perhaps controversial, is the discussion on the present times (since the Ostrołęka voivodeship liquidation in 1999 to the present day).
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