The article describes Antoni Berezowski’s assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II on 6th June 1867 (Berezowski was a Polish émigré and former insurgent). In Norwid’s writings the event is just an episode, however, it has not been fairly thoroughly discussed: both with respect to the data and facts that here and there appear in commentaries to the poet’s writings, and with respect to the very historical fact that caused commotion in the Polish émigré circles in Paris; but also with respect to the event’s context and its political repercussions in Europe and in Poland. The present text tries – since it is based on authentic materials and documents – to fairly thoroughly describe the whole affair and verify Norwid’s judgments and opinions formulated for the moment, without a proper political and historical analysis. It also shows the figure of Berezowski, an unusual émigré and patriot who paid a terrible price for the unsuccessful attempt.
The article describes Antoni Berezowski’s assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II on 6th June 1867 (Berezowski was a Polish émigré and former insurgent). In Norwid’s writings the event is just an episode, however, it has not been fairly thoroughly discussed: both with respect to the data and facts that here and there appear in commentaries to the poet’s writings, and with respect to the very historical fact that caused commotion in the Polish émigré circles in Paris; but also with respect to the event’s context and its political repercussions in Europe and in Poland. The present text tries – since it is based on authentic materials and documents – to fairly thoroughly describe the whole affair and verify Norwid’s judgments and opinions formulated for the moment, without a proper political and historical analysis. It also shows the figure of Berezowski, an unusual émigré and patriot who paid a terrible price for the unsuccessful attempt.
Urban Revolution of Paris’s Île de la Cité in the 19th Century Urban changes in Paris taking place in the time of the second Empire were generally viewed as positive. First of all, they solved the problem of old, non-hygienic, overpopulated, and dirty districts of the city and enabled the police to control the area in case of revolutionary movements. Moreover, they created the possibility of placing central, most important offices in prestigious locations, which added authority and splendor to them. As a result, the center of Paris became hygienic, utilitarian, safe and representative. However, these positive aspects of urban changes introduced under Napoleon III soon received severe criticism. The location of the Cité and the island on which it was located proved to be a curse for its urban development. Seeking to squeeze as many monumental governmental objects as possible on a small area resulted in almost complete destruction of the mediaeval urban structure of the district. The urban revolution which changed the Cité became a dramatic symbol of the authoritarian power of the Second Empire.
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The book review: Pierre Pinon. 2018. Le mythe Haussmann. Paris: Éditions B2.
Esej recenzyjny książki Pierre’a Pinona, Le mythe Haussmann, która zajmuje się zdekonstruowaniem mitu, powstałego wokół Georgesa-Eugène’a Haussmanna jako wykonawcy wielkiej przebudowy Paryża. Analiza argumentów autora odkrywa złożony charakter prowadzonych w XIX-wiecznym Paryżu prac budowlanych, których planowanie i wcielanie w życie było efektem negocjacji i współpracy, a nie arbitralnych decyzji. Ponadto pozwala na wyciągnięcie wniosków dotyczących przepracowywanego we francuskiej humanistyce przeformułowania historii II Cesarstwa, które jednocześnie rehabilituje reżim polityczny Napoleona III i jego urzędników oraz rozbija ich jednostkową ich sprawczość na rozproszone i trudniejsze do jednoznacznego zdefiniowania podmioty zbiorowe i luźniej powiązane sieci aktorów. Książka staje się więc otwarciem do przepisania historii wielkiej przebudowy, która zamiast skupiać się wyłącznie na postaci prefekta Haussmanna i jego Wspomnieniach, uwzględni szereg postaci i oddolnych działań, dzięki czemu przebudowętę będzie można wpisać w szersze nurty dziewiętnastowiecznych procesów modernizacyjnych, których tytułowa postać była tylko epifenomenem i eponimem, nie zaś sprawcą.
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