The purpose of the paper is to present the issues of law enforcement by state institutions in corporate reporting. It also shows the risks of generating turnover from unfair practices to avoid negative consequences associated with initiating the activities of an entity subject to commercial register reporting obligations
Growing urban agglomeration in almost all the metropolitan cities of the world has been a cause of many socio-economic and developmental problems surfacing in the respective metropolitan cities. Some of these problems have been in the nature of countryside-metropolitan labor migration, traffic congestion, tremendous pressure on resources leading to rapid price rise in essential services (water, domestic gas, electricity and transport), realty sector and other commodities, accentuating divide between the haves and have-nots, imbalanced regional growth and the like. This paper aims to study how effective planning of a transportation infrastructure can create favorable situation to solve all the above problems. The scenario was observed to be similar in different parts of the globe whether it was New York City, USA ; Taiwan, Hong Kong, China; Manchester, UK; New Delhi, India; Tokyo, Japan. In many of these metropolitan cities, the development of an efficient Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) has been one of the ways by which the municipal corporation or the city’s governing body has tried to address the problems mentioned above and has been successful to quite an extent. This paper concludes that if in Phase I and II expansion of Delhi Metro Rail network from NCT to NCR region would have been taken then significant reduction in congestion, growing prices, urban agglomeration would have taken place and the development of region peripheral to the NCT would also be possible.
Rosnąca aglomeracja miejsca w prawie wszystkich metropoliach na świecie, powoduje wiele problemów rozwojowych i socjo-ekonomicznych, w poszczególnych metropoliach. Niektóre z tych problemów występowały w zjawisku migracji za pracą ze wsi do miast, takie jak korki, wykorzystywanie zasobów, prowadzących do gwałtownego wzrostu cen niektórych zasobów (woda, gaz, elektryczność, transport), nieruchomości i innych dóbr, podkreślając przepaść między bogatymi i biednymi czy niezrównoważonego wzrostu regionalnego. Celem tego artykułu jest badania jak efektywnie planowanie infrastruktury transportu może przyczynić się do powstania sytuacji w której można by rozwiązać wszystkie te problemy. Podobny scenariusz zaobserwowano w różnych częściach globu: w Nowym Jorku (USA), Tajwanie, Hong Kongu (Chiny), Manchesterze (UK), New Delhi (Indie), Tokio (Japonia). W wielu z tych metropolii, wdrożono efektywny system MRTS - Massive Rapid Transport System, który jest jednym ze sposobów, za pomocą których władze komunalne miasta lub organy zarządzające miastem, starają się rozwiązać problemy przedstawione powyżej. Niniejszy artykuł stwierdza że w przypadku, gdy w Delhi, rozbudowano by sieć kolejową od regionu NCT do KRS to zmniejszyłoby to stopień zatłoczenia, rosnące ceny a aglomeracja zyskałaby więcej miejsca wraz z możliwym rozwojem peryferiów.
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The main goal of present study is to test the functionality of an earthquake early warning (EEW) system (a life-saving tool), in India using synthesized data and recorded earthquake data from Taiwan. In recent time, India set up an EEW system in the central seismic gap along the Himalayan Belt, consisting of about 100 low-cost P-Alert instruments. The area, where these instruments are installed, is highly sensitive to the seismic risk with the potential of strong, major and great earthquakes. In the absence of recorded data from the Himalayas required for analysis of such system, we take advantage of recorded waveforms from Taiwan, to test the EEW system. We selected Taiwanese stations in good accordance with the Indian sensor network, to have a best fit in terms of inter station spacing. Finally, the recorded waveforms are passed through Earthworm software using tankplayer module. The system performs very well in terms of earthquake detection, P-wave picking, earthquake magnitude and location (using previously estimated regressions). Pd algorithm has been tested where the peak amplitude of vertical displacement is used for estimating magnitudes using previously regressed empirical relationship data. For the earthquakes located between Main Boundary Thrust and Main Central Thrust along with a matching instrumentation window, a good estimate of location, as well as magnitude is observed. The approach based on Pd for estimating magnitude works perfectly as compared to _ c approach, which is more sensitive to signal-to-noise ratio. To make it more region specific, we generated synthetic seismograms from the epicenters of historical Chamoli (1999) and Uttarkashi (1991) earthquakes at EEW stations in India and checked the functionality of EEW. While placing these earthquakes within the instrumentation window, a good approximation of earthquake location and magnitude is obtained by passing these generated waveforms. The parameters used to judge the performance of EEW system included the time taken by the system in issuing warning after the confirmation of the occurrence of damaging earthquake and the lead time (time interval between the issuing of warning and arrival of damaging earthquake ground motion at a particular location). High lead times have been obtained for the plainer regions including thickly populated regions of Gangetic plains, such as Delhi National Capital Region according to the distance from the epicenter, which are the main target of EEW system.
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