The paper presents a synthesis of multiple topics and issues of problems of multiculturalism under conditions of globalization and European integration. The carrier of the term 'multiculturalism' is shortly reminded here, with its way from the vocabulary of political correctness to a theoretical term and a special key of interpreting changes in culture of Western world. There are two main contexts of using the notion 'multiculturalism': first, making the Other equal, Western culture tends to deprivation of itself; and second, it makes a therapy of itself in this way, reminding fundaments of the whole Western culture.
For the last decade there are characteristic two processes, which are mutually supplemented but directed on a miscellaneous: globalization process and the process of division, individualization. These processes play an important role not only in global economy, but also in everyday life. We collide with increasing amount of opinions, values, and methods of activity organizations. In a context of two complementary processes - globalization and division, the problems of cultures variety and identity are considered. The problem of mutual understanding and dialogue between the cultures becomes acuteness in modern conditions of development. In the society, where the problem of cultures variety is not just the academic problem, but requires decision in everyday life, becomes ripe a question: is that possible to consider non-European cultures equal to European? What are the criterions of an estimation of culture equivalence, by what parameters is it possible to estimate? Certainly the parameter of tolerance to the differences belongs to the strongest parameters, and we consider our culture mature, because it tolerantly concerns differences, but those representatives of our culture, that don't do that we consider as barbarians. The world is doomed for cultures variety which is a great gift for all of us. This term has a lot of measurements and forms of contacts between cultures, that that conducts to creation of absolutely new culture. Variety cultures pawn the tolerance first of all for variety-ethnic societies, so the possibility of dialogue, necessity of mutual trust creation, as a basis of global society creation. Only the joint activity makes some chances for the global problems resolving, and it is possible in borders of historical integration of Europe, including liquidation of division on "two Europe" - western and eastern.
Religious relations on the Polish-German borderland began to take shape together with the seizure of these lands by Soviet and Polish army in 1945. Most of the abandoned Pro- testant churches were taken over by Catholics, and later by the Orthodox. Apart from these religions, Protestants and Greek Catholics began pastoral work in this area. Ter- ritorial changes of Poland fundamentally influenced its religious structure. The country became almost religiously homogeneous, as Roman Catholics constituted over 90% of the population. The new authorities realized the influence of the Church and its authority among the faithful. Hence, throughout the post-war period, they led religious politics, adapted and modified depending on the changing socio-political situation. It was rightly assumed that the Church may play an essential role in the process of social integration on the former German lands. In this regard, specific religious politics was led towards other churches and religious communities. At present, Catholicism is the predominant religion on the Polish-German borderline. Then there are the faithful of the Orthodox Church, the Greek Catholic Church and Protestant Churches. Together they shape a diversified religious landscape, which is an essential part of multiculturalism of the region.
Stosunki wyznaniowe na pograniczu polsko-niemieckim zaczęły się kształtować wraz z zajmowaniem tych ziem przez wojska radzieckie i polskie w 1945 roku. W większości opuszczone kościoły protestanckie zostały przejęte przez katolików, a następnie przez prawosławnych. Poza tymi grupami wiernych na tym obszarze rozpoczęli działalność duszpasterska protestanci oraz grekokatolicy. Zmiany terytorialne Polski wpłynęły w sposób zasadniczy na jej strukturę wyznaniową. Stała się ona krajem prawie jednolitym wyznaniowo, w którym wyznawcy Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego stanowili ponad 90% społeczeństwa. Nowe władze zdawały sobie sprawę w wpływów Kościoła i jego autorytetu wśród wiernych. Dlatego też w całym powojennym okresie prowadziły politykę wyznaniową, dostosowaną i modyfikowana w zależności od zmieniającej się sytuacji społeczno-politycznej. Słusznie zakładano, że Kościół może odegrać zasadnicza rolę w procesie integracji społecznej na ziemiach poniemieckich. W tym aspekcie prowadzono również specyficzna politykę wyznaniową wobec pozostałych Kościołów i związków wyznaniowych. Współcześnie na pograniczu polsko-niemieckim dominującym wyznaniem jest katolicyzm. Następną grupę tworzą wierni Kościoła prawosławnego i greckokatolickiego oraz Kościołów protestanckich. Razem kształtują zróżnicowany krajobraz religijny, który jest istotna cechą wielokulturowości regionu.
In his interdisciplinary work Ideology (1998), Teun A. van Dijk proposes to study ideology as a cognitive, social and linguistic enterprise. Such an integrative approach is assumed to model interfaces between social structure and cognition through discourse. The notion of ideology it presupposes may be described as shared social representations (group self-schemata), which become a group's defining attributes, and govern its ideological expression in discourse. It seems that this approach can be productively applied to a study of ideological relations in the discourses of multicultural societies, such as Britain.In the wake of the London bombings in July 2005, the British rightwing quality weekly the Spectator published a series of articles raising alarming questions about the misguided ideological priorities of modern Britain, and envisioning a deepening crisis of national identity. According to the magazine, the heritage and values of mainstream British society are being endangered by the political promotion of multiculturalism. This in turn has instigated terrorist threats from Islamic extremists, who have been nurtured by the British welfare state and emboldened by its permissive policies. Thus the increasing ideological split between the militancy of the non-integrated Muslim minority in Britain and the decadence of national culture has become the subject of a number of articles. As a result, one of the pervasive discursive mechanisms emerging in the publication has been an ideological confrontation between "us" and "them"The aim of the present study is to survey the pragmatic and rhetorical devices used to construct the image of British society tied in a discursive struggle to define its modern identity-oscillating between the ideals of multiculturalism and the ideology of nationalism. The material for the study is taken from over fifteen articles that come from three subsequent issues of the Spectator published on 16, 23, and 30 July 2005. The methodological framework of the study draws on the research procedures of Critical Discourse Analysis accommodated to the analysis of ideological discourse in the press.
The relationship between Christianity and racism in the United States has a long history. In an age of ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘colour-blind’ ideology, explicit forms of racism have become less conspicuous. Still, disparities arise across the country’s human economy, and explicit statements of egalitarianism are incongruent with practices of discrimination in U.S. Christian churches. This article explores this incongruence and the relationship between Christianity and implicit forms of racism. By discussing theological individualism and the principle of ‘homophily’, the article contributes to discussions about the relationship between the moral and human economy. Through this, a Christian morality of salvific aspiration is translated into a morality of personal economic responsibility and duty.
What happens when people of different cultures, values, religion live together? Sociological studies on immigrative phenomenon often swing between immigration and integration policies. These policies actually reveal the difficulty of the host society to institutionalize new models of social differences accompanying multiculturalism. Immigrants who “arrive” continue their life in a place where they do not passively participate in the passing of time, but become actors. Pressed by the hegemonic culture of the host society to adapt, do not cease to practice their religious and origin cultural expressions, often in conditions of urban spatial and social marginalization, they resist assimilation with ethnic persistence strategies. Considering the impact of religion and origin cultural values on expression of differences, it is important to consider their role in the integration process. And, above all-facilitate or hinder integration? These dynamics have been analyzed in a research study on immigrants’ integration process in Palermo. The main results are presented in this paper. In this case study, the research’s data hypothesizes a theoretical model of integration in which immigrants, free to express their religious and cultural differences, tend to reduce their perception of minority
Wars in Syria and other countries in the Middle East and North Africa created the migration crisis and reinforced the discourse on European identity. Opinions in this subject are very polarized. In Poland - especially after terrorist attacks in Brussels on March 22, 2016 –- many politicians and citizens question at all the possibility of emigrants admission, arguing that such a policy is needed to protect traditional Christian values. This text is a compilation of the Bible quotations and statements of the last three popes on emigration.
Wojny w Syrii oraz innych krajach Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej wywołały kryzys migracyjny i wzmocniły dyskurs na temat tożsamości europejskiej. Opinie w tym temacie są bardzo spolaryzowane. W Polsce - zwłaszcza po atakach terrorystycznych w Brukseli 22 marca 2016 roku - wielu polityków i obywateli w ogóle kwestionuje możliwość przyjmowania emigrantów, argumentując, że taka polityka jest potrzebna dla ochrony tradycyjnych wartości chrześcijańskich. Niniejszy tekst jest kompilacją cytatów biblijnych i wypowiedzi trzech ostatnich papieży na temat emigracji.
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W artykule omówiono ofertę polskich bibliotek publicznych skierowaną do cudzoziemców. Przedstawiono dane statystyczne Urzędu do Spraw Cudzoziemców dotyczące najliczniejszych grup narodowościowych zamieszkujących Polskę czasowo bądź na stałe. Wskazano bariery uniemożliwiające bądź utrudniające cudzoziem-com korzystanie ze zbiorów i usług polskich bibliotek. Na wybranych przykładach zaprezentowano ofertę bibliotek przeznaczoną dla obcokrajowców. Przybliżono naj-ważniejsze działania i projekty bibliotek na rzecz integracji i tolerancji. Omówiono program Erasmus+ Wolontariat Europejski oraz podano przykłady uczestniczących w nim bibliotek.
The article discusses the collections of Polish libraries accessible to for-eigners. On the basis of the data obtained from the Office for Foreigners, regarding the most prominent minority groups living permanently or temporarily on the ter-ritory of Poland, it points to the obstacles which prevent foreigners from accessing the book collections and services offered by Polish libraries. The article discusses, based on selected examples, the offerings of Polish libraries accessible to foreigners. Moreover, it presents the most important initiatives and projects undertaken by librar-ies to promote integration and tolerance, including the Erasmus+ European Voluntary Serviceprogram and the participating libraries.
In this article, I contend that the multicultural view of diversity found in management diver sity literature and diversity training programs diminishes our understanding of diversity. It reduces diversity to differences and assumes that the goal should be including, bridging, accommodating, and managing these supposed differences. Diversity is psychologized, depoli ticized, and biopoliticized. It becomes merely a means to an end. The end being superior organi zational outcomes in terms of utility and functionality. I contend that an ecological perspective makes for a more constructive and expansive view of human diversity. I discuss the contours of this emergent perspective and the many ways in which it expands our understanding of human diversity. Ultimately, I contend looking at diversity from an ecological perspective makes for a richer understanding of the relationship between diversity and the human experience.
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