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Omówiono opracowaną przez C. Zangemeistera metodę wielokryterialnej analizy rozwiązań organizacyjnych, opartą na punktowej ocenie przewidywanych korzyści - Nutzen-Wertanalyse. Istota tej metody polega na punktowej ocenie różnych wariantów rozwiązań i hierarchicznym ich uporządkowaniu prowadzącym do określenia na tej podstawie najkorzystniejszego spośród nich.
In the paper the author presented the assumptions and an outline of the method. The author worked out a procedure of the valuation of the adopted organizational solutions and selected supporting techniques that are recommended in particular stages. The major research issues were illustrated with examples. The author characterized mutations of the method and in this context carried out its evaluation. (original abstract)
The implementation of most multi-criteria decision aid methods requires fixing of certain parameters in order to model the decision-maker's preferences. The fixing of these parameter values must be naturally done with the decision-maker's collaboration. The parameter determination constitutes an important task, which is generally quite delicate and difficult to accomplish, for the decision-maker. In fact, the information provided at this level is inevitably subjective and partial. In this paper, we intend to determine the values of the indifference thresholds associated to usual and quasi criterion in PROMETHEE, by exploiting the information provided by the decision-maker and by using mathematical programming. (original abstract)
Content available remote Zastosowanie metody analizy hierarchicznej problemu
Metoda analizy hierarchicznej problemu (the Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) jest metodą wielokryterialnych analiz decyzyjnych, która ma zastosowanie do rozwiązywania problemów decyzyjnych, zawierających więcej niż jedno kryterium decyzyjne. Łączy ona w sobie pewne koncepcje z dziedziny matematyki i psychologii; umożliwia uporządkowanie problemu decyzyjnego poprzez jego przedstawienie w formie struktury hierarchicznej oraz przyporządkowanie poszczególnych kryteriów określonych wag. (fragment tekstu)
This article describes AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), the method for multi-criterion decision analysis. The text discusses the stages of AHP. Also it presents wide area of a implementation of AHP method for a solutions to a decision-making problems with more than one criterion. (original abstract)
Celem niniejszej pracy jest prezentacja interaktywnej procedury wspomagania wyboru wariantu inwestycyjnego. Zagadnienie wyboru wariantu inwestycyjnego przedstawiono jako dyskretny problem wielokryterialnego podejmowania decyzji. (...) Część pierwszą pracy poświęcono omówieniu podstawowych zagadnień związanych z analizą projektów inwestycyjnych oraz sformułowaniu problemu wyboru wariantu inwestycyjnego jako problemu wielokryterialnego podejmowania decyzji, w drugiej części przedstawiono reguły dominacji stochastycznej zarówno w wersji umożliwiającej porównanie zmiennych o charakterze ilościowym, jak i w wariancie odpowiednim dla porównania rozkładów ocen wyrażonych jakościowo. Kolejny rozdział poświęcony jest prezentacji proponowanej procedury interaktywnej, Przykład obliczeniowy zamieszczono w części czwartej. (fragment tekstu)
In this paper the problem of selecting the most appropriate multi-criteria decision aiding method for a particular application is considered. It is illustrated by a real-life example concerning applications for project co-financing by the European Union. Making a proper decision on which method to choose is difficult because of the great diversity of MCDA techniques proposed so far within the literature. Thus, the systematic analysis of their assumptions and properties is required. The paper presents the main strengths and weaknesses of particular decision aiding tools applicable to the problem of ordering European projects as well as chosen procedures aiming at facilitating the process of selecting an appropriate one. Moreover, an extension of EXPROM II by stochastic dominance rules is proposed.. (original abstract)
In the Aggregate Production Planning (APP) the manager considers simultaneously conflicting objectives such as total cost, inventories level, workforce fluctuation, and utilization level of the physical facility and equipment. The goals associated with these objectives may be uncertain in nature. The aim of this paper is to develop a Goal Programming (GP) model where the goals and the right-hand sides of constraints are random and normally distributed. The concept of satisfaction functions will be used for modeling the uncertainty as well as to explicitly integrate the manager preferences. The proposed model is applied to APP problem to generate the most satisfying aggregate plan.(original abstract)
A new methodology for project portfolio scheduling problem has been presented in this paper. This methodology delivers information about project portfolio schedule, which is important for project portfolio managers. The methodology consists of three steps: multiple-criteria mathematical model building, finding non-dominated solutions and choosing one solution from the Pareto set as the final solution. In the first step a multiple-criteria mathematical model for project portfolio scheduling problem is built. Three criteria are considered in the model: the penalty for projects delays minimization, the penalty for resources overusage minimization and NPV maximization. Disadvantage of proposed mathematical model is a big amount of variables, which is J×T×P. In cases when we will have larger projects or larger planning horizon the number of variables will be huge. That is why activities aggregation was proposed. It reduces a number of variables in given model. It also delivers a general information about project portfolio schedule, which is more important for project portfolio managers. In the second step a set of non-dominated solutions is identified by using an elitist evolutionary algorithm. As research shows using an external set with the best solutions in each generation increases an algorithm efficiency. In the third step the LBS procedure is used to identify the final solution. The LBS procedure proposes is a way of learning-oriented interactive search for the best compromise solution for the decision maker. This procedure makes the comparison of non-dominated solution in the decision phase relatively easy. So this step will not burden the decision maker too much. For the future work, the procedure presented in this paper will be applied to the problem described in the section two, and given results will be compared with the current situation in the company.
Content available Robust Ordinal Regression Applied to TOPSIS
This paper proposes a new method for ranking a nite set of alternatives evaluated on multiple criteria. The presented method combines the robust ordinal regression (ROR) approach and the ranking score based on the aggregate distance measure function coming from the TOPSIS method. In our method, the preference model is a set of ad- ditive value functions compatible with a non-complete set of pairwise comparisons of some reference alternatives given by the decision maker (DM). Based on this set of compatible value functions, we dene an ag- gregate function representing relative closeness to the reference point (ideal solution) in the value space. The ranking score determined by this distance measure is then used to rank all alternatives. Calculating the distance in the value space permits to avoid normalization used in TOPSIS to transform original evaluations on different criteria scales into a common scale. This normalization is perceived as a weakness of TOPSIS and other methods based on a distance measure, because the ranking of alternatives depends on the normalization technique and the distance measure. Thus, ROR applied to TOPSIS does not only facilitate the preference elicitation but also solves the problem of non-meaningfulness of TOPSIS. Finally, an instructive example is given to illustrate the proposed method.
The approach described in article is based on the Linear Partial Information (LPI) by E. Kofler. The robust multicriteria ranking is based on the robust dominance relations, which holds under all admissible combinations of criteria weights. In the article the robust dominance relation is defined and the robust ranking method based on the PROMETHEE outranking relations is proposed.
W niniejszej pracy zdefiniowano wielokryterialny problem decyzyjny w warunkach ryzyka. Wprowadzono pojęcia decyzji dopuszczalnych, ocen dopuszczalnych, wektorowej funkcji celu, dominacji w przestrzeni ocen i preferencji w przestrzeni decyzji. W szczególności wprowadzono pojęcia: s-dominacji w przestrzeni profilów oceny oraz s-preferencji w przestrzeni decyzji oraz E-dominacji w przestrzeni profilów ryzyka oraz E-preferencji w przestrzeni decyzji. Pojęcia te pozwalają zdefiniować wielokryterialny problem decyzyjny w warunkach ryzyka oraz uzasadnić i skonstruować algorytm do przeszukiwania zbioru rozwiązań sprawnych wykorzystujący procedurę dwureferencyjną. (fragment z tekstu)
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono założenia metodyczne i wyniki badań empirycznych na temat zakresu zastosowania analizy wielokryterialnej realizowanej metodą oceny ważonej w procesach podejmowania decyzji kierowniczych w przedsiębiorstwach województwa pomorskiego. Zaobserwowano, że ponad połowa badanych menedżerów stosowała analizę wielokryterialną z uwzględnieniem wag kryteriów decyzyjnych. Wskazano także rodzaje problemów decyzyjnych, które menedżerowie najczęściej rozwiązywali metodą oceny ważonej. Wnioski z badań potwierdziły hipotetyczne założenia o wysokiej użyteczności tej metody w podejmowaniu decyzji kierowniczych w praktyce. Umożliwiły także określenie metod i kierunków dalszych prac badawczych w przedmiotowym obszarze. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Methodological assumptions and empirical research results on the scope of application of multi-criteria analysis implemented by weighted evaluation method in managerial decision-making, in enterprises of Pomorskie Province, there were presented in this paper. It was observed that more than half of managers was applied the multi-criteria analysis including the weight of decisionmaking criteria's. Types of decision-making problems which were most often solved by managers with using a weighted evaluation method, there was indicated also. Conclusions from the study confirmed hypothetical assumptions which concerned high usefulness of this method in managerial decision-making in practice. It has enabled also to determine of methods and directions for further work in this area. (original abstract)
Analiza logarytmiczno-liniowa jest metodą przeznaczoną do badania zależności pomiędzy zmiennymi niemetrycznymi w tablicy kontyngencji. Zmienne o rozkładzie Poissona traktowane są jako zmienne objaśniane. Metoda ta pozwala na analizę dowolnej liczby zmiennych, a także na uwzględnienie interakcji zachodzących pomiędzy nimi. W analizie logarytmiczno-liniowej modelowane są liczebności w poszczególnych komórkach tablicy, przy czym liczebności oczekiwane są funkcją parametrów reprezentujących zmienne dyskretne oraz relacje między nimi. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja i porównanie kryteriów wyboru modelu w analizie logarytmiczno-liniowej. Podstawowymi kryteriami wyboru modelu są statystyka chi-kwadrat oraz iloraz wiarygodności oraz kryteria informacyjne AIC i BIC. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowana zostanie także metoda Aitkina, która przeznaczona jest do porównywania jakości dopasowania modeli o dużej liczbie zmiennych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The main objective of the study is to examine model selection methods in log-linear analysis. Log-linear analysis is a tool for independence analysis of qualitative data. Cell counts are Poisson distributed and all variables are treated as response. This method allows to analyze any number of variables in a multi-way contingency table. In log-linear analysis we model cell counts, where expected cell frequencies are functions of parameters representing characteristics of the categorical variables and their relationships with each other (interaction). The purpose of this paper is the presentation and comparison of model election criteria. The most popular statistics are chi-square test, likelihood ratio test and information criteria (AIC [Akaike 1973] and BIC [Raftery 1986]) but also Aitkin [Aitkin 1978] method for high dimensional tables. (original abstract)
Content available remote Metody grupowego podejmowania decyzji Promethee GDSS i AHP - analiza porównawcza
Podjęcie "dobrej" decyzji wymaga rozpatrzenia wielu wariantów decyzyjnych. Warianty i kryteria decyzyjne mogą być inaczej oceniane przez różnych decydentów, więc w żadnym wypadku decyzja wielokryterialna nie może być uznana za całkowicie obiektywną. Jednym ze sposobów pozwalających zobiektywizować taką ocenę, jest wykonanie oceny grupowej. W niniejszej pracy do oceny grupowej wykorzystano metody Promethee GDSS i AHP oraz analizę GAIA, mającą na celu analizę "dobroci" uzyskanego rozwiązania i wskazanie kierunków jego ewentualnej poprawy. (abstrakt oryginalny))
Making a "good" decision requires considering many decisive variants. Different decision makers may evaluate the variants and criteria in different ways, hence a multicriterial decision cannot be recognized as fully detached. One way to make such an evaluation significantly more objective is to take advantage of a group of experts instead of only one expert. In this work, the AHP and Promethee GDSS methods were applied for group evaluation. GAIA analysis was performed to evaluate the "accuracy" of the obtained decision and to point out the ways of its possible improvement. (original abstract)
The preferential information given in the form of ranking or classification examples is more natural than those given in the form of functional parameters or the relational model of the preferences. Nevertheless, processing of these data cause certain difficulties related to a lack of coherence and contradictions in these examples. These contradictions often result from granularity of description language, inaccuracy or uncertainty of the information which makes the decision maker hesitate before the decision making. The model of the preferences will not correct or ignore these contradictions, but rather consider them to release a certain doubtful part of them. Then, exploitation of this model within the framework of decisional problems will lead to unquestionable and possible recommendations. The Rough Set Theory takes into account this postulate making the contradiction analyze possible. This theory was introduced in the early 1980s by Polish researcher Z. Pawlak and developed by S. Greco, B. Matarazzo and R. Slowinski as the Data-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA). In this proposal we will apply the DRSA to hybrid bankruptcy prediction modeling for small businesses. In this modeling the discrimination analysis results are used to explain the decision rules obtained from regional experts.(original abstract)
The objective of the paper is to reveal the optimal organization of industry when firms, facing externalities, compete or cooperate in R&D as well as in the final output market. The model hinges on a two-stage game setting. A ranking of solutions is established for alternative organizations. We focus on welfare issues and allow for public intervention. Subsidizing R&D is used to draw the industry to match the social welfare solution. The paper shows that targeting the optimal level of R&D leaves final output fall short of the welfare solution. Whereas targeting the final output leads to overinvestment in R&D. The ranking of policies reveals that the most efficient industry organization occurs when firms cooperate and fully share R&D results, but remain competitive in the final good market.(original abstract)
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In multiple criteria linear programming (MOLP) any efficient solution can be found by the weighting approach with some positive weights allocated to several criteria. The weights settings represent preferences model thus involving impreciseness and uncertainties. The resulting weighted average performance may be lower than expected. Several approaches have been developed to deal with uncertain or imprecise data. In this paper we focus on robust approaches to the weighted averages of criteria where the weights are varying. Assume that the weights may be affected by perturbations varying within given intervals. Note that the weights are normalized and although varying independently they must total to 1. We are interested in the optimization of the worst case weighted average outcome with respect to the weights perturbation set. For the case of unlimited perturbations the worst case weighted average becomes the worst outcome (max-min solution). For the special case of proportional perturbation limits this becomes the conditional average. In general case, the worst case weighted average is a generalization of the conditional average. Nevertheless, it can be effectively reformulated as an LP expansion of the original problem.(original abstract)
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