The stilling of the storm on the Sea (Lake) of Galilee is narrated in all three synoptic gospels (Mk 4:35–41; Mt 8:23–27; Luke 8:22–25). The article comments on the singular texts, beginning with the passage of Mark. After the exposition of the texts of Matthew and Luke, special attention is given to the textual tradition in the large synoptic gospels (i.e. Mt and Luke) because of the theory of the so-called "Deuteromark" proposed especially for this story by the Austrian scholar A. Fuchs. The article sees this theory (in which the authors of the gospels of Matthew and Luke are supposed to have used a later and more developed version of Mark) as less than convincing. The so-called minor agreements of Matthew and Luke against Mark in this story can be explained not only by the logical editorial work of the big synoptists but also by the very probable fact that these evangelists had heard the story told (due to its simple plot) already before they acted as writers of the gospels. In all three synoptic gospels, the story serves as the proclamation of the mystery of Jesus Christ, while in Matthew and Luke it is also more centred on the disciples and through them on the Christian believers.
The article deals with preliminary issues related to the topic of miracles in the Gospel of Luke. The first part of the paper deals with apologetic questions related to miraculous events: their historicity and credibility. This part briefly presents the history of contestation of the historicity of miracles in exegesis and the opinions of contemporary researchers who take a different position. The rest of the article contains an analysis of the miracles in Luke and shows how important element of Jesus' ministry was the miraculous activity, even though this topic was and still is neglected in the studies of the Third Gospel.
Artykuł traktuje o kwestiach wstępnych związanych z zagadnieniem cudów w Ewangelii Łukasza. Pierwsza część artykułu dotyczy tematów apologetycznych związanych z cudownymi wydarzeniami: ich historyczności oraz wiarygodności. W tym fragmencie, po krótce jest przedstawiona historia kontestowania historyczności cudów w egzegezie oraz opinie współczesnych badaczy, którzy prezentują odmienne stanowisko. W dalszej części analiza cudów w Ewangelii Łukasza pokazuje, jak ważnym elementem działalności Jezusa były Jego cuda, mimo że były i raczej wciąż pozostają zaniedbanym zagadnieniem w studiach nad Trzecią Ewangelią.
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