In this article both of authors present definition and assumption of “Elektroniczne Zarządzanie Dokumentacją” ICT system (Electronic Management of Documentation). First part of the article describes legal definition of EZD as well as tasks, which are anticipated by this ICT system. Second part of the article sets out implementation of EZD to local government administration, including technical, financial and organizational site of the implementation.
In this article was presented the essence of telecom market and its regulation. There was presented legislative history relating to establishment and competence evolution of the regulator of the polish telecom market. There was confirmed the thesis that the regulator activity had an influence on increase of the competition level in individual telecom market segments (fixed network telephony market, mobile telephony market, Internet access). This thesis confirmation as based on described cases of the Office of Electronic Communications activity and analyses of the market concentration indicators, which include Herfindahl-Hirschman's indicator.
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