The object of analysis is the phenomenon of old age as an existential experience included in the late poetry of Czeslaw Milosz. Late works of Milosz, interpreted as a record of the aging process, create the cultural code of talking about old age and the standard of living it. The most important experience of old age is the decrease of physical forces, the issue of senile carnality and complicated and long process of spiritual transformation that brings man leaning toward-death life span.
The article discusses the issue of freedom in the work of Czesław Milosz. This problem is analyzed in relation to prose, poetry, essay writing, journalism, as well as numerous interviews that Milosz gave throughout his whole life. The author of the article is particularly interested in Milosz’s attitude to the sexual revolution of 1968, which he observed as a professor at Berkley. The poet was not an indifferent witness to this event. He often referred to it, often returned to it, as the author shows, not without ambivalence.
This article discusses Czesław Miłosz as a poet-translator of the poetry of his younger colleagues: Herbert, Różewicz and Szymborska. The comparative analysis focuses on such features largely neglected in translation studies as Polish-English linguistic asymmetries and the poetics of grammar, that is, the functions of definite, indefinite and zero articles, verbs and their aspects, personal pronouns as well as the auxiliary verb jest/is. Whereas some of these items cannot be translated adequately, because they cause an aesthetic loss in any translation, others allow for adequate, sometimes even “optimal,” translation.
Dolina Issy to powieść, w której Czesław Miłosz zawarł szereg tropów wiodących do jego własnej biografii. Fascynujące wydaje się podjęcie kwestii, na ile Tomasz, główny bohater utworu, tożsamy jest Miłoszowi, a na ile zaś stanowi literacką kreację. W Dolinie Issy możemy wyróżnić kilka rodzajów autobiografizmów, które znakomicie obrazują relację pomiędzy autorem – narratorem i bohaterem. Spaja ich swoisty mit sielankowego dzieciństwa, jakie noblista wiódł nad brzegiem Niewiaży – pierwowzoru ziem Doliny Issy. Mit ten ściśle łączy się z problematyką czasu i przestrzeni, nad którymi ostatecznie góruje akt doświadczania. W swoim artykule pragnę udowodnić, iż czytanie Doliny Issy w kontekście autobiograficznym jest nie tylko sensowne, ale wręcz stanowi swoisty klucz do zrozumienia samego Czesława Miłosza.
Dolinna Issy is a novel in which Czesław Miłosz has included series of clues leading to his own biography. It seems interesting to take on the question to what extent Tomasz – the main character of composition – is identical to Miłosz and to what extent he is only a literary creation. In Dolina Issy we may distinguish several types of autobiographisms that perfectly illustrate the relationships between of author, narrator and the character in novel. They are joined by specific myth of idyllic childhood, which The Nobel Prize laureate had at the Niewiaża riverside – the prototype of the lands of Issa Valley. This myth is closely connected with the problem of time and space – dimensions dominated by act of experiencing. In my article I want to prove that reading the Dolina Issy in the autobiographical context is not only sensible but it is also the point to understand the essence of Miłosz.
The article concerns the connection between the work of Czesław Miłosz and the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. The aim is not only to expand the state of knowledge with another point of reference, but to emphasize the impact that reading the writings of a medieval philosopher could have had on the overall shape of Czesław Miłosz's work - e.g. on specific aesthetic choices or views on the condition of the modern world. In Miłosz's poetry and essays, attention is drawn to the recurring presence of the thoughts and figures of Saint Thomas Aquinas. It turns out to be important to indicate the sources of thinking about the connection between the medieval philosopher and the writings of the Nobel Prize winner - to show where Miłosz referred directly to this philosophy and to refer to biographical contexts (which are obviously auxiliary). I mainly present points in Miłosz;’s works which testify to the fact that the writings of Thomas Aquinas were read and commented on by Miłosz over the years of his literary activity.
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