Milla biflora Cav, is one of six species of this genus reported to be present in Mexico. To determine the present and potential seed production of this plant, the following characteristics were studied: the number of flowers per scape, the frequencies of scape with defined number of flower per scape, the conversion of flowers into capsules, the capsule size, seed numbers, average seed size per capsule. Samplings were taken from the natural stands and evaluation of the respective attributes was done in plants growing in germplasm collection belonging to the University UPAEP. The number of flowers ranged from 1 to 10 per scape, with 90.6% of scapes giving from 1 to 6 flowers. The capsules were formed from flowers in the following proportions: in scapes with one flower - 13.64%, in scapes with 3 flowers - 48.21%, in scapes with four or more flowers - 60%; 67.80 of capsules gave from 60 to 140 seeds; 45% of seeds had the average size from 1.81 to 2.20 mg. The mean weight of 1000 seeds was 1937.2 mg. The seeds germinated during 7 days in water, in 88 to 100%. The plant emergence from soil sown seeds ranged from 41.4 to 1OO %. The seeds have not lost the germination ability after 2 years of storage at room conditions.Milla biflora Cav, is one of six species of this genus reported to be present in Mexico. To determine the present and potential seed production of this plant, the following characteristics were studied: the number of flowers per scape, the frequencies of scape with defined number of flower per scape, the conversion of flowers into capsules, the capsule size, seed numbers, average seed size per capsule. Samplings were taken from the natural stands and evaluation of the respective attributes was done in plants growing in germplasm collection belonging to the University UPAEP. The number of flowers ranged from 1 to 10 per scape, with 90.6% of scapes giving from 1 to 6 flowers. The capsules were formed from flowers in the following proportions: in scapes with one flower - 13.64%, in scapes with 3 flowers - 48.21%, in scapes with four or more flowers - 60%; 67.80 of capsules gave from 60 to 140 seeds; 45% of seeds had the average size from 1.81 to 2.20 mg. The mean weight of 1000 seeds was 1937.2 mg. The seeds germinated during 7 days in water, in 88 to 100%. The plant emergence from soil sown seeds ranged from 41.4 to 1OO %. The seeds have not lost the germination ability after 2 years of storage at room conditions.
Milla biflora Cav. jest jednym z sześciu gatunków z tego rodzaju występujących w Meksyku. W celu określenia aktualnej i potencjalnej produkcji nasion przeprowadzono następujace obserwacje: ilość kwiatów na pędzie, częstotliwość występowania pędów z określoną ilością kwiatów, rozwój torebek nasiennych z kwiatów, ilość nasion w torebce i średnia wielkość nasion w torebce nasiennej. Próbki pobierano ze środowiska naturalnego oraz z kolekcji. Przeprowadzono ocenę wszystkich powyższych cech na roślinach znajdujących się w kolekcji germoplazmy roślin bulwiastych. Ilość kwiatów na pędzie wynosiła od 1 do 10; 90.6% pędów tworzyło 1 do 6 kwiatów. Zamiana kwiatów na torebki nasienne wystąpiła u 13.6% pędów z 1 kwiatem, u 48.2% pędów z 3 kwiatami i u 60% pędów z 4 lub więcej kwiatami. 67.8% torebek nasiennych dało po 60 do 140 nasion. Średnia masa 45% nasion wynosiła od 1.81 do 2.2 mg. Średnia masa 1000 nasion wynosiła 1937.2 mg. Nasiona kiełkowały w wodzie w ciągu 7 dni w 88 do 100%. Kiełkowanie nasion wysianych do gleby wynosiło od 41.4 do 100%. Nasiona mogą być przechowywane w warunkach laboratorium 2 lata bez strat w sile kiełkowania.
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